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Insecta - Orthoptera

Tettigoniidea was named as an infraorder. It is extant.

It was reranked as the superfamily Tettigoniidea by Sharov (1968); it was reranked as the suborder Tettigoniodea by Martins-Neto (1991).

It was assigned to Ensifera by Martins-Neto (1991); and to Ensifera by Sharov (1968), Gorochov (1995), Gorochov (2005), Gorochov et al. (2006), Gorochov (2012), Song et al. (2015) and Song et al. (2020).

  • Locustariae was named by Handlirsch (1926). It is extant.

    It was synonymized subjectively with Tettigoniidea by Sharov (1968).
Synonymy list
YearName and author
1926Locustariae Handlirsch
1968Tettigoniidea Sharov
1991Tettigoniodea Martins-Neto p. 108
1995Tettigoniidea Gorochov p. 106
2005Tettigoniidea Gorochov p. 181
2006Tettigoniidea Gorochov et al. p. 646
2012Tettigoniidea Gorochov p. 366
2015Tettigoniidea Song et al.
2020Tettigoniidea Song et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
NeopterygotaCrampton 1924
infraclassNeopteraMartynov 1923
PolyneopteraMartynov 1938
suborderEnsiferaChopard 1920

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Infraor. Tettigoniidea
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G. †Aenigmaraphidophora Azar et al. 2022
Aenigmaraphidophora mouniri Azar et al. 2022
Superfm. Hagloidea Handlirsch 1906
G. †Eospilopteron Cockerell 1915
Eospilopteron ornatum Cockerell 1915
Fm. †Haglidae Handlirsch 1906 [hump-winged cricket]
G. †Afrohagla Gorochov 1990
Afrohagla contorta Riek 1974
G. †Ahagla Gorochov 2005
Ahagla mira Gorochov 2005
Subfm. †Angarohaglinae Gorochov 1995
G. †Angarohagla Zherikhin 1985
Angarohagla variegata Zherikhin 1985
G. †Microvoliopus Gorochov 1990
Microvoliopus bacharicus Gorochov 1990
Subfm. †Archaboilinae Gu et al. 2024
G. †Archaboilus Martynov 1937
Archaboilus kisylkiensis Martynov 1937
Archaboilus martynovi Gorochov 1988
Archaboilus musicus Gu et al. 2012
Archaboilus ornatus Gu et al. 2024
Archaboilus polyneurus Gu et al. 2021
Archaboilus shurabicus Martynov 1937
Archaboilus similis Zherikhin 1985
G. †Pararchaboilus Gu et al. 2024
Pararchaboilus cretaceus Gorochov et al. 2006
G. †Tasgorosailus Gorochov 1990
Tasgorosailus orlovskajae Gorochov 1990
G. †Vitimoilus Gorochov 1996
Vitimoilus captiosus Gorochov 1996
Vitimoilus gigantus Gu et al. 2024
Vitimoilus ovatus Gu et al. 2017
G. †Archaeohagla Lin 1965
G. †Archihagla Sharov 1968
Archihagla tenuis Gorochov 1986
Archihagla zeuneri Sharov 1968
Subfm. †Bachariinae Gorochov 1988
G. †Bacharia Gorochov 1988
Bacharia zherichini Gorochov 1988
G. †Paratshorkuphlebia Sharov 1968
G. †Pseudotshorkuphlebia Gorochov 1988
G. †Sharovophlebia Gorochov 1988
Sharovophlebia angusta Gorochov 1988
G. †Sogutophlebia Gorochov 1988
Sogutophlebia issykulensis Gorochov 1988
G. †Cantohagla Gorochov 1986
Cantohagla gracilis Gorochov 1986
Subfm. †Cyrtophyllitinae Zeuner 1935
G. †Cyrtophyllites Oppenheim 1888
Cyrtophyllites rogeri Oppenheim 1888
Invalid names: Cyrtophyllites musicus Handlirsch 1906 [synonym]
G. †Protohagla Zeuner 1962
Protohagla langi Zeuner 1962
G. †Dinohagla Gorochov 1986
Dinohagla corrugata Gorochov 1986
G. †Dolichohagla Gorochov 1986
Dolichohagla longa Gorochov 1986
G. †Dulcihagla Gorochov 1986
Dulcihagla beybienkoi Gorochov 1986
Dulcihagla mistshenkoi Gorochov 1986
G. †Euhagla Gorochov 1986
Euhagla saurensis Gorochov 1986
G. †Euspilopteron Cockerell 1915
G. †Hagla Giebel 1856
Hagla gracilis Giebel 1856
Invalid names: Hagla anglica Handlirsch 1906 [synonym], Hagla deleta Giebel 1856 [synonym], Hagla similis Giebel 1856 [synonym]
Invalid names: Haglodes Handlirsch 1906 [synonym]
G. †Haglomorpha Gorochov 1986
Haglomorpha martynovi Gorochov 1986
Subfm. †Haglopterinae Gorochov 1986
G. †Hagloptera Gorochov 1986
Hagloptera intermedia Gorochov 1986
Subfm. †Isfaropterinae Martynov 1937
G. †Isfaroptera Martynov 1937
Isfaroptera grylliformis Martynov 1937
G. †Laiyangohagla Wang and Liu 1996
Laiyangohagla beipoziensis Wang and Liu 1996
G. †Lyrohagla Gorochov 1986
Lyrohagla decipiens Gorochov 1986
Lyrohagla pravdini Gorochov 1986
Lyrohagla uvarovi Gorochov 1986
G. †Mesohagla Zhang 1996
G. †Microhagla Gorochov 1986
Microhagla minuta Gorochov 1986
G. †Modihagla Gorochov 1986
Modihagla ovalis Gorochov 1986
G. †Mongolohagla Zherikhin 1985
Mongolohagla unicolor Zherikhin 1985
G. †Notopamphagopsis Cabrera 1928
Notopamphagopsis bolivari Cabrera 1928
G. †Parahaglopsis Lin 1992
G. †Permohagla Gorochov 2021
Permohagla tomica Gorochov 2021
G. †Prohagla Riek 1954
Prohagla imperfecta Riek 1955
Prohagla superba Riek 1954
G. †Proisfaroptera Sharov 1968
Proisfaroptera martynovi Sharov 1968
G. †Protshorkuphlebia Sharov 1968
Protshorkuphlebia kirgizica Gorochov 1986
Protshorkuphlebia similis Gorochov 1986
G. †Sharovohagla Gorochov 1986
Sharovohagla plana Gorochov 1986
G. †Sinohagla Lin 1965
Sinohagla anthoides Lin 1965
G. †Sonohagla Gorochov 1986
Sonohagla chopardi Gorochov 1986
Sonohagla curta Gorochov 1986
Sonohagla saussurei Gorochov 1986
G. †Tinnihagla Gorochov 1986
Tinnihagla handlirschi Gorochov 1986
Tinnihagla zeuneri Gorochov 1986
Subfm. †Triassaginae Gorochov and Maehr 2008
G. †Triassaga Gorochov and Maehr 2008
Triassaga angusta Gorochov 1986
Invalid names: Maraga Gorochov 1986 [replaced]
Invalid names: Maraginae Gorochov 1986 [replaced]
G. †Tshorkuphlebia Martynov 1937
Tshorkuphlebia compressa Martynov 1937
Tshorkuphlebia shurabica Sharov 1968
G. †Vocohagla Gorochov 1986
Vocohagla clara Gorochov 1986
Vocohagla tarbinskyi Gorochov 1986
Subfm. †Voliopinae Gorochov 1986
G. †Asiovoliopus Gorochov 1988
Asiovoliopus kirgizicus Gorochov 1988
G. †Bacharovoliopus Gorochov 1988
G. †Bajanchongoria Gorochov 1988
Bajanchongoria modesta Gorochov 1988
G. †Euvoliopus Gorochov 1986
Euvoliopus giganteus Gorochov 1986
G. †Juravoliopus Gorochov 1988
Juravoliopus sinuatus Martynov 1937
G. †Macrovoliopus Gorochov 1986
Macrovoliopus declivis Gorochov 1986
G. †Melovoliopus Gorochov 1986
Melovoliopus fasciatus Gorochov 1986
G. †Mongolovoliopus Gorochov 1988
Mongolovoliopus sonorus Gorochov 1988
G. †Paravoliopus Gorochov 1986
Paravoliopus dorsalis Gorochov 1986
G. †Phonovoliopus Gorochov 1986
Phonovoliopus musicus Gorochov 1986
G. †Phyllovoliopus Gorochov 1986
Phyllovoliopus insufficiens Gorochov 1986
G. †Platyvoliopus Gorochov 1986
Platyvoliopus maximus Gorochov 1986
G. †Stenovoliopus Gorochov 1986
Stenovoliopus elongatus Gorochov 1986
G. †Turkestania Sharov 1968
Turkestania deviata Sharov 1968
G. †Voliopellus Gorochov 1986
Voliopellus latus Gorochov 1986
G. †Voliopus Gorochov 1986
Voliopus ancestralis Gorochov 1986
Voliopus margueritae Wappler 2001
G. †Zavoliopus Gorochov 1986
Zavoliopus densus Gorochov 1986
G. †Zeunerophlebia Sharov 1968
Zeunerophlebia gigas Sharov 1968
Invalid names: Aboilidae Martynov 1925 [synonym], Chifenginae Hong 1982 [empty], Prohaglinae Riek 1954 [synonym], Tshorkuphlebiidae Martynov 1937 [synonym]
Fm. †Hagloedischiidae Gorochov 1986
G. †Hagloedischia Gorochov 1986
Hagloedischia primitiva Gorochov 1986
G. †Voltziahagla Marchal-Papier et al. 2000
Voltziahagla pseudoveinosa Marchal-Papier et al. 2000
G. †Haglopsis Handlirsch 1906
Haglopsis brodiei Cockerell 1915
Haglopsis parallela Giebel 1856
G. †Jurassobatea Zeuner 1937
G. †Kevania Martins-Neto 1991
Kevania araripensis Martins-Neto 1991
G. †Mesoprophalangopsis Hong 1986
G. †Neohagla Riek 1955
Neohagla sinuata Riek 1955
Fm. †Prezottophlebiidae Martins-Neto 2007
G. †Prezotophlebia Martins-Neto 2007
Prezotophlebia helbae Martins-Neto 2007
Fm. Prophalangopsidae Kirby 1906 [hump-winged cricket]
Subfm. †Aboilinae Martynov 1925
G. †Aboilus Martynov 1925
Aboilus abbreviatus Gorochov 1996
Aboilus amplus Gorochov 1996
Aboilus aulietus Sharov 1968
Aboilus besobrasovae Cockerell 1928
Aboilus cellulosus Martynov 1937
Aboilus columnatus Martynov 1934
Aboilus cornutus Li et al. 2007
Aboilus dilutus Gorochov 1996
Aboilus faciatus Hong 1982
Aboilus fasciatus Martynov 1925
Aboilus femineus Gorochov 1996
Aboilus jiyuanensis Lin and Huang 2006
Aboilus khasurty Gorochov 2020
Aboilus krassilovi Zherikhin 1985
Aboilus lamina Lin 1982
Aboilus longitudinalis Gorochov 1996
Aboilus perbellus Wang et al. 2015
Aboilus pullus Gorochov 1996
Aboilus stratosus Li et al. 2007
Aboilus tigris Gorochov 1996
Aboilus transversalis Gorochov 1996
Aboilus tuzigouensis Lin and Huang 2006
Aboilus zebra Gorochov 1996
Invalid names: Alloma Hong 1982 [synonym], Parahagla Lin 1982 [synonym]
G. †Allaboilus Ren and Meng 2006
Allaboilus dicrus Ren and Meng 2006
Allaboilus gigantus Ren and Meng 2006
Invalid names: Flexaboilus retinervius Li et al. 2007 [synonym], Furcaboilus excelsus Li et al. 2007 [synonym]
Allaboilus hani Gu et al. 2010
Allaboilus robustus Gu et al. 2010
Invalid names: Flexaboilus Li et al. 2007 [synonym], Furcaboilus Li et al. 2007 [synonym]
G. †Angustaboilus Li et al. 2007
Angustaboilus fangianus Li et al. 2007
G. †Apsataboilus Gorochov 1990
Apsataboilus sibiricus Gorochov 1990
G. †Ashangopsis Lin et al. 2008
Ashangopsis daohugouensis Lin et al. 2008
G. †Bacharaboilus Gorochov 1988
Bacharaboilus curvus Gu et al. 2022
Bacharaboilus jurassicus Li et al. 2007
Bacharaboilus lii Gu et al. 2011
Bacharaboilus mongolicus Gorochov 1988
G. †Baissaboilus Gorochov 1996
Baissaboilus paradoxus Gorochov 1996
G. †Brunneus Hong 1983
G. †Circulaboilus Li et al. 2007
Circulaboilus aureus Li et al. 2007
Invalid names: Circulaboilus amoenus Li et al. 2007 [synonym]
Circulaboilus priscus Gu et al. 2010
G. †Huabeius Hong 1982
Huabeius suni Hong 1982
G. †Karatailus Gorochov 1996
Karatailus micropterus Gorochov 1996
G. †Nipponohagla Fujiyama 1978
Nipponohagla kaga Fujiyama 1978
G. †Notohagla Johns 1996
Notohagla mauii Johns 1996
G. †Novaboilus Li et al. 2007
Novaboilus multifurcatus Li et al. 2007
Novaboilus ovatus Gu et al. 2022
G. †Pamphagopsis Martynov 1925
Pamphagopsis maculata Martynov 1925
Pamphagopsis modesta Martynov 1925
G. †Procyrtophyllites Zeuner 1935
G. †Prophalangopseides Sharov 1968
G. †Pseudohagla Sharov 1962
Pseudohagla pospelovi Martynova 1949
Pseudohagla shihi Li et al. 2007
G. †Pycnophlebia Deichmüller 1886
Pycnophlebia minor Handlirsch 1906
Pycnophlebia obesa Wang 1987
Pycnophlebia robusta Zeuner 1939
Pycnophlebia speciosa Germar 1839
G. †Scalpellaboilus Gu et al. 2010
Scalpellaboilus angustus Gu et al. 2010
G. †Shangxiania Zhang 1993
G. †Shanxius Hong 1984
Shanxius reticulatus Hong 1984
G. †Sigmaboilus Fang et al. 2007
Sigmaboilus calophlebius Wang et al. 2018
Sigmaboilus fuscus Gu et al. 2009
Sigmaboilus gorochovi Fang et al. 2007
Sigmaboilus longus Fang et al. 2007
Sigmaboilus peregrinus Gu et al. 2009
Sigmaboilus sinensis Fang et al. 2007
G. †Sinoprophalangopsis Hong 1983
G. †Tettaboilus Gorochov 1988
Tettaboilus distinctus Gorochov 1996
Tettaboilus pulcher Gorochov 1988
G. †Utanaboilus Gorochov 1990
Utanaboilus bellus Gorochov 1996
Utanaboilus pulchellus Gorochov 1990
Subfm. †Chifengiinae Hong 1982
G. †Aenigmoilus Gorochov et al. 2006
Aenigmoilus minutus Gorochov et al. 2006
G. †Aethehagla Meng and Ren 2006
Aethehagla hongi Meng and Ren 2006
G. †Ashanga Zherikhin 1985
Ashanga borealis Fang et al. 2013
Ashanga clara Zherikhin 1985
Ashanga hongi Meng and Ren 2006
Ashanga jiuquanensis Wang et al. 2017
Invalid names: Athehagla Meng and Ren 2006 [synonym]
G. †Chifengia Hong 1982
Chifengia mosaica Hong 1982
G. †Parahagla Sharov 1968
Parahagla cheni Xu et al. 2023
Parahagla sibirica Sharov 1968
Invalid names: Chifengia amans Meng and Ren 2006 [synonym], Chifengia angustata Meng et al. 2006 [synonym], Chifengia lata Meng et al. 2006 [synonym], Grammohagla latibasis Meng et al. 2006 [synonym], Grammohagla striata Meng and Ren 2006 [synonym], Habrohagla curtivenata Ren 1995 [synonym], Hebeihagla songyingziensis Hong 1982 [synonym], Trachohagla jeholia Meng et al. 2006 [synonym]
Invalid names: Grammohagla Meng and Ren 2006 [synonym], Habrohagla Ren 1995 [synonym], Hebeihagla Hong 1982 [synonym], Trachohagla Meng et al. 2006 [synonym]
G. †Zhemengia Hong 1982
Zhemengia sinica Hong 1982
G. †Cratohaglopsis Martins-Neto 1991
Cratohaglopsis santanaensis Martins-Neto 1991
Subfm. Cyphoderrinae Gorochov 1988
G. Cyphoderris Uhler 1864
G. †Hylophalangopsis Lin and Huang 2006
Hylophalangopsis chinensis Lin and Huang 2006
Subfm. Prophalangopsinae Kirby 1906
G. Prophalangopsis Walker 1871
Subfm. †Protaboilinae Gorochov 1995
G. †Protaboilus Gorochov 1988
Protaboilus amblus Ren and Meng 2006
Protaboilus lini Ren and Meng 2006
Protaboilus praedictus Gorochov 1988
Protaboilus rudis Ren and Meng 2006
G. †Sinuijus Fang and So 2020
Sinuijus baektoensis Fang and So 2020
Subfm. †Termitidiinae Zeuner 1939
G. †Agrionidium Westwood 1854
Agrionidium aetna Westwood 1854
Agrionidium obscurum Gorochov et al. 2006
G. †Mesogryllus Handlirsch 1906
Mesogryllus achelous Westwood 1854
G. †Pseudaboilus Gorochov et al. 2006
Pseudaboilus ningchengensis Wang et al. 2018
Pseudaboilus purbeckensis Gorochov et al. 2006
Pseudaboilus wealdensis Gorochov et al. 2006
G. †Termitidium Westwood 1854
Termitidium ignotum Westwood 1854
G. †Tettigoilus Gorochov et al. 2006
Tettigoilus sonorus Gorochov et al. 2006
G. †Zalmona Giebel 1856
Zalmona brodiei Giebel 1856
Subfm. †Tettohaglinae Gorochov 2011
G. †Tettohagla Gorochov 1996
Tettohagla problematica Gorochov 1996
Invalid names: Pamphagopsidae Martynov 1925 [synonym]
G. †Pseudogryllacris Handlirsch 1906
Pseudogryllacris propinqua Deichmüller 1886
G. †Pseudohumbertiella Handlirsch 1906
Pseudohumbertiella grandis Brauer et al. 1889
Fm. †Tuphellidae Gorochov 1988
G. †Liassophyllum Zeuner 1935
Liassophyllum caii Gu and Ren 2012
Subfm. †Paracyrtophyllitinae Gorochov 1988
G. †Paracyrtophyllites Sharov 1968
Paracyrtophyllites popovi Gorochov 1992
Subfm. †Tuphellinae Gorochov 1988
G. †Neotuphella Gorochov 1986
Neotuphella minor Gorochov 1986
G. †Triassoparacyrtophyllites Marchal-Papier et al. 2000
Triassoparacyrtophyllites bifurcatus Marchal-Papier et al. 2000
G. †Tuphella Gorochov 1986
Tuphella rasnitzyni Gorochov 1986
Tuphella rohdendorfi Gorochov 1986
Tuphella sharovi Gorochov 1986
G. †Tzetzenulia Gorochov 1990
Tzetzenulia dilutemaculata Gorochov 1990
G. †Yenshania Hong 1982
Yenshania hebeiensis Hong 1982
G. †Zalmonites Handlirsch 1906
Zalmonites geinitzi Handlirsch 1906
Invalid names: Eospilopteronidae Cockerell 1915 [invalid subgroup]
Superfm. Rhaphidophoroidea Kirby 1906
Fm. Raphidophoridae Kirby 1906
Subfm. †Protroglophilinae Gorochov 1989
G. †Prorhaphidophora Chopard 1936
Prorhaphidophora antiqua Chopard 1936
G. †Protroglophilus Gorochov 1989
Protroglophilus sukatshevae Gorochov 1989
Protroglophilus zeuneri Chopard 1936
Subfm. Troglophilinae Karny 1929
G. Troglophilus Krauss 1879
Superfm. Schizodactyloidea Blanchard 1845
Fm. Schizodactylidae Blanchard 1845 [splay-footed cricket]
G. Schizodactylus Brullé 1835
Schizodactylus groeningae Martins-Neto 2007
Invalid names: Brauckmannia Martins-Neto 2007 [synonym]
Invalid names: Brauckmanniidae Martins-Neto 2007 [synonym]
Superfm. Stenopelmatoidea Burmeister 1838
Fm. Gryllacrididae Blanchard 1845
Subfm. Gryllacridinae Blanchard 1845 [leaf-rolling cricket]
G. Gryllacris Serville 1831
Gryllacris brevipennis Charpentier 1843
G. †Plesiolarnaca Gorochov 2010
Plesiolarnaca prior Gorochov 2010
Invalid names: Gryllacridini Blanchard 1845 [empty]
Invalid names: Gryllacris mutilata Cockerell 1909 [nomen dubium], Locustites maculata Heer 1849 [nomen dubium]
Fm. Mimnermidae Brunner von Wattenwyl 1888
Subfm. †Euclydesinae Martins-Neto 2007
G. †Euclydes Martins-Neto 2007
Euclydes ramosfernandesi Martins-Neto 2007
Fm. Stenopelmatidae Burmeister 1838 [jerusalem cricket]
Subfm. Siinae Gorochov 1988
G. †Electrosia Gorochov 2010
Electrosia baltica Gorochov 2010
Subfm. Stenopelmatinae Burmeister 1838
G. †Macrelcana Karny 1932
Macrelcana ungeri Heer 1849
Invalid names: Gryllacris charpentieri Heer 1849 [synonym]
Invalid names: Gryllacridoidea Stal 1874 [synonym]
Superfm. Tettigonioidea Krauss 1902
Fm. †Haglotettigoniidae Gorochov 1988
G. †Haglotettigonia Gorochov 1988
Haglotettigonia aenigmatosa Gorochov 2010
Haglotettigonia egregia Gorochov 1988
Fm. Tettigoniidae Krauss 1902 [katydid]
G. †Brachypoda Zhang 1989
Brachypoda stagna Zhang 1989
Subfm. Conocephalinae Burmeister 1838
Tr. Agraeciini Redtenbacher 1891
G. Agraecia Serville 1831
G. †Senexefigia Chamorro-Rengifo and Lopes-Andrade 2015
Tr. Conocephalini Burmeister 1838
G. Conocephalus Thunberg 1815 [lesser meadow katydid]
G. Orchelimum Serville 1838
G. †Eodecticus Pongrácz 1928
Eodecticus maculatus Pongrácz 1928
Subfm. Hexacentrinae Karny 1925
Tr. Hexacentrini Karny 1925
G. Hexacentrus Serville 1831
Subfm. Lipotactinae Ingrisch 1995
G. †Eomortoniellus Zeuner 1936
G. Lipotactes Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898
Lipotactes bispinatus Weidner 1956
Lipotactes martynovi Zeuner 1936
G. †Lithymnetoides Kevan and Wighton 1983
Lithymnetoides laurenti Theobald 1937
G. †Locustites Heer 1849
G. †Locustopsites Theobald 1937
Tr. Meconematini Burmeister 1838
G. †Archixizicus Gorochov 2010
Archixizicus occidentalis Gorochov 2010
G. †Eogrigoriora Gorochov 2010
Eogrigoriora gracilis Gorochov 2010
Subfm. Mecopodinae Walker 1871
G. †Protosegestes Pierce 1944
Protosegestes lloydi Pierce 1944
Subfm. Phaneropterinae Burmeister 1838
Tr. Barbitistini Jacobson 1905
G. Barbitistes Charpentier 1825
G. Isophya Brunner von Wattenwyl 1878
G. Polysarcus Fieber 1853
Invalid names: Orphania Fischer 1853 [synonym]
Tr. Insarini Rehn and Hebard 1914
G. Arethaea Stål 1876
G. Phaneroptera Serville 1831
Invalid names: Phaneropterini Burmeister 1838 [invalid subgroup]
Tr. Phlugidini Eichler 1938
G. †Miophlugis Gorochov 2010
Miophlugis rostratus Gorochov 2010
G. †Prophasgonura Piton 1940
G. †Protempusa Piton 1940
Protempusa incerta Piton 1940
Subfm. Pseudophyllinae Burmeister 1838
G. †Archepseudophylla Nel et al. 2008
Archepseudophylla fossilis Nel et al. 2008
Archepseudophylla nanzhaoica Nel et al. 2020
Archepseudophylla wenshanensis Nel et al. 2020
Unr. Pseudophylliti Burmeister 1838
Tr. Cymatomerini Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895
Subfm. †Pseudotettigoniinae Sharov 1962
G. †Arctolocusta Zeuner 1937
G. †Pseudotettigonia Zeuner 1937
Pseudotettigonia amoena Henriksen 1929
Pseudotettigonia leona Greenwalt and Rust 2014
Invalid names: Pseudotettigoniinae Kevan and Wighton 1981 [objective synonym]
Subfm. †Rammeinae Zeuner 1931
G. †Rammea Zeuner 1931
Rammea laticeps Zeuner 1931
Subfm. †Tettigoidinae Riek 1952
G. †Tettigoides Riek 1952
Tettigoides pectinata Riek 1952
Subfm. Tettigoniinae Krauss 1902
G. Anabrus Haldeman 1852 [mormon cricket]
Anabrus caudelli Cockerell 1908
G. Capnobotes Scudder 1897
Tr. Decticini Herman 1874
G. Decticus Serville 1831
Tr. Drymadusini Uvarov 1924
G. Drymadusa Stein 1860
G. Platycleis Fieber 1853
Platycleis pongraczi Zeuner 1929
Platycleis speciosa Heer 1864
G. Tettigonia Linnaeus 1758 [katydid]
Tettigonia bricei Greenwalt and Rust 2014
Tettigonia viridissima Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Decticinae Herman 1874 [synonym], Platycleidini Brunner von Wattenwyl 1893 [invalid subgroup], Tettigoniini Krauss 1902 [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Amblycorypha perdita Cockerell 1915 [nomen dubium], Conocephalus martyi Piton 1940 [nomen dubium], Decticus umbraceus Frič 1869 [nomen dubium], Gryllacris cineris Scudder 1890 [nomen dubium], Locusta exstincta Germar 1837 [nomen dubium], Locusta silens Scudder 1890 [nomen dubium], Locustariae Latreille 1802 [replaced], Meconematinae Burmeister 1838 [invalid subgroup], Meconeminae Burmeister 1838 [empty], Phaneroptera vetusta Heer 1849 [nomen dubium], Tympanophorinae Brunner von Wattenwyl 1893 [empty]
G. †Tettoraptor Gorochov 2012
Tettoraptor maculatus Gorochov 2012
Invalid names: Locustariae Handlirsch 1926 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: chitinsubo
Ontogeny: moltingsubo
Grouping: gregarioussubo
Environment: terrestrialsubo
Locomotion: fast-movingsubo
Life habit: ground dwellingsubo
Diet: herbivoresubo
Vision: well-developedsubo
Reproduction: oviparoussubo
Dispersal: direct/internalsubo
Dispersal 2: mobilesubo
Created: 2011-07-02 09:58:43
Modified: 2011-07-01 18:58:43
Source: subo = suborder
Reference: Tillyard 1921

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Griesbachian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 251.90200 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 250.5 Ma

Collections (226 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5Russian Federation (Kemerovo) Permohagla tomica (104713)
Aegean247.2 - 242.0France Triassoparacyrtophyllites bifurcatus (107682) Voltziahagla pseudoveinosa (107683)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Australia (New South Wales) Prohagla superba (106483)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Kyrgyzstan (Osh) Hagloedischia primitiva, Haglomorpha martynovi, Modihagla ovalis, Dulcihagla mistshenkoi, Lyrohagla uvarovi, Sonohagla curta, Tinnihagla zeuneri, Dolichohagla longa, Voliopus ancestralis, Euvoliopus giganteus, Macrovoliopus declivis, Paravoliopus dorsalis, Voliopellus latus, Maraga angusta, Zamaraga reticulata (105007) Neotuphella minor (113406) Proisfaroptera martynovi, Protshorkuphlebia triassica, Cantohagla gracilis, Tinnihagla handlirschi, Maragella reducta (106090) Turkestania deviata, Proisfaroptera martynovi, Protshorkuphlebia triassica, Voliopinae indet., Hagloptera intermedia, Protshorkuphlebia similis, Archihagla tenuis, Dulcihagla beybienkoi, Lyrohagla pravdini, Lyrohagla decipiens, Sonohagla saussurei, Sonohagla chopardi, Microhagla minuta, Dinohagla corrugata, Platyvoliopus maximus, Stenovoliopus elongatus, Zavoliopus densus, Maraga tshorkuphlebioides, Eumaraga madygenica, Tuphella rohdendorfi, Tuphella sharovi (106088) Zeunerophlebia gigas, Turkestania deviata, Protshorkuphlebia triassica, Archihagla zeuneri, Voliopinae indet., Ahagla mira, Tuphella rasnitzyni, Protshorkuphlebia kirgizica, Sharovohagla plana, Vocohagla clara, Vocohagla tarbinskyi, Phonovoliopus musicus, Melovoliopus fasciatus, Phyllovoliopus insufficiens (110763)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Argentina (La Rioja) Notopamphagopsis sp. 2, Notopamphagopsis sp. 3, Hagla sp. (122987)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Argentina Notopamphagopsis bolivari (160458) Notopamphagopsis sp. 1 (123009)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Lesotho Hagla contorta (23075)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Kazakhstan Paramaraga fusca (113405)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0South Africa (Eastern Cape) Hagla contorta, Afrohagla contorta (23142) Hagla sp. 1 (23259) Hagla sp. 2 (23133) Haglidae indet. (23263) Voliopus margueritae, Hagla contorta (23131)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Australia (Queensland) Prohagla sp., Prohagla imperfecta, Neohagla sinuata (106484)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Kazakhstan Euhagla saurensis (105055)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3United Kingdom (England) Chauliodes sp. 10, Chauliodes sp. 6 (115223) Hagla gracilis, Chauliodes sp. 2 (113961)
Rhaetian - Early/Lower Hettangian208.5 - 196.5United Kingdom (England) Eospilopteron ornatum, Haglopsis parallela, Chauliodes sp. 8, Insecta indet. (124688)
Early/Lower Jurassic201.4 - 174.7China (Shanxi) Shanxius reticulatus (155159)
Early/Lower Jurassic201.4 - 174.7China (Nei Mongol) Archaeohagla sinensis (156316) Sinohagla anthoides (156315) Zhemengia sinica (156987)
Early/Lower Hettangian201.3 - 196.5United Kingdom (England) Hagla gracilis (123983) Hagla gracilis, Haglopsis brodiei (114682) Liassophyllum abbreviatum (123986)
Planorbis201.3 - 196.5United Kingdom (England) Hagla gracilis (123982)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8China (Xinjiang) Aboilus tuzigouensis, Mesohagla xinjiangensis (103480) Parahagla cheni (233822)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Kyrgyzstan (Tonskiy) Archaboilus martynovi (105084) Archaboilus sinuatus, Asiovoliopus kirgizicus (105087) Paratshorkuphlebia multivenosa (105086)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Kyrgyzstan (Tonskiy) Paratshorkuphlebia multivenosa (113412) Sogutophlebia issykulensis (122951)