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Trilobita - Olenida - Aphelaspidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1935Aphelaspis Resser p. 11
1936Proaulacopleura Kobayashi
1938Clevelandella Resser
1954Asphelaspis Allen and Lester
1954Labiostria Palmer p. 750
2002Aphelaspis Jell and Adrain p. 343
2002Aphelaspis Sepkoski
2002Labiostria Sepkoski
2002Proaulacopleura Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
familyAphelaspidae(Palmer 1960)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Aphelaspis Resser 1935
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Aphelaspis australis Henderson 1976
Aphelaspis brachyphasis Palmer 1962
Aphelaspis buttsi Kobayashi 1936
Aphelaspis constricta Palmer 1954
Aphelaspis longifrons Palmer 1954
Aphelaspis longispina Palmer 1965
Aphelaspis spinosa Palmer 1954
Aphelaspis subditus Palmer 1962
Aphelaspis walcotti Resser 1938
Invalid names: Aphelaspis hamblenensis Resser 1938 [synonym]
Invalid names: Clevelandella Resser 1938 [synonym], Labiostria Palmer 1954 [synonym], Proaulacopleura Kobayashi 1936 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingc
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedf
Comments: BODY SIZE: Data from Williams et al. (2002).g
Created: 2009-06-02 14:42:25
Modified: 2009-06-02 16:42:25
Source: g = genus, f = family, c = class
References: Hendy 2009, Whittington et al. 1997, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Taoyuanian to the top of the Maentwrogian or 498.50000 to 496.80000 Ma

Collections (114 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4USA (Georgia) Asphelaspis hamblensis (164675)
Marjumian504.5 - 497.0USA (Alabama) A. buttsi (75643) A. sp. (75642)
Guzhangian500.5 - 497.0Spain A. rara (197252)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4China (Hunan) A. granulata (126658)
Maentwrogian497.0 - 496.8Australia (Tasmania) A. cantori (8086)
Idamean497.0 - 494.0Australia (Queensland) A. australis (235266 235267)
Paibian497.0 - 494.0USA (Nevada) Labiostria westropi (139707)
Paibian497.0 - 494.0China (Hunan) A. buttsi (126651) A. granulata (124978)
Paibian497.0 - 494.0USA (Texas) A. constricta, A. longifrons (208743) A. spinosa (208688 208702 208745) A. walcotti (208614 208615 208617 208650 208651 208652 208653 208654 208655 208656 208657 208687 208691 208697 208698 208700 208701 208703 208722 208724 208725 208741 208742 208744 208746 208747 208748 208830 208840 208841 208842 208990) A. walcotti, A. constricta, A. longifrons (208690) A. walcotti, A. constricta, A. longifrons, Labiostria conveximarginata (208982) A. walcotti, A. spinosa (208983) A. walcotti, Labiostria conveximarginata (208613 208616 208689 208699 208980 208981) Labiostria conveximarginata (208692 208739 208829) Labiostria sigmoidalis (208736 208826)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Virginia) A. quadrata (6960)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Texas) A. sp. (237) A. walcotti (208992)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (South Dakota) A. haguei (7293 7376 7378 7397 7398 7399 7401 7685 8022)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Montana) Labiostria sp. (8662)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5Canada (British Columbia) Labiostria gibbae (219685) Labiostria westropi (54074)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Tennessee) A. sp. (64609)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Nevada) A. haguei (114592 114593) A. sp. (64493) A. subditus (75737 75738 110440 111321)
Sakian497.0 - 492.8Russian Federation (Altai (Region)) A. sp. (10061 10063)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Montana) A. sp., Labiostria sp. (236)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Tennessee) A. hamblenensis (156379)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4Canada (Yukon) A. brachyphasis, Labiostria conveximarginata (55278) A. haguei (55280 55282) A. haguei, A. brachyphasis (55223) A. ludvigsensis (55225 55234) A. stenygrogenae (55277) A. stenygrogenae, Labiostria conveximarginata (55231)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (South Dakota ) A. sp. (235)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Wyoming) A. walcotti (56145 56146)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Nevada) A. brachyphasis (75741 75742) A. subditus (75428)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (South Dakota) A. haguei (7185 7194 7195)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4Canada (British Columbia) Labiostria sp. (50595)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4USA (Utah) A. haguei (156409 156410) A. sp. (156441 156442 156458 156477 156478)
Steptoean - Dolgellian497.0 - 485.4USA (Nevada) A. buttsi, A. brachyphasis (10506)