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Trilobita - Trinucleida

Trinucleina was named by Swinnerton (1915). It is not extant.

It was reranked as the order Trinucleida by Bignon et al. (2020).

It was assigned to Ptychopariida by Harrington and Leanza (1957); and to Libristoma by Bignon et al. (2020).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1915Trinucleina Swinnerton
1957Trinucleina Harrington and Leanza
2020Trinucleida Bignon et al. p. 1072

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderTrinucleida(Swinnerton 1915)
orderTrinucleida(Swinnerton 1915)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Trinucleida Swinnerton 1915
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Fm. †Alsataspididae Turner 1940
G. †Araiopleura Harrington and Leanza 1957
Araiopleura reticulata Harrington and Leanza 1957
Araiopleura stephani Rushton 1982
G. †Clavatellus Poletaeva 1955
G. †Falanaspis Tjernvik 1956
Falanaspis aliena Tjernvik 1956
Falanaspis extensa Fortey 1975
G. †Gaoloupingia Yuan and Yin 1998
Gaoloupingia gaoloupingensis Yuan and Yin 1998
Gaoloupingia triangularis Yuan and Yin 1998
G. †Jegorovaia Lu 1964
Jegorovaia convexa Lu and Chien 1974
Jegorovaia expansa Lu 1964
G. †Joshuaspis Choi et al. 2008
Joshuaspis parvus Choi et al. 2008
G. †Macharia Choi et al. 2008
Macharia pengi Choi et al. 2008
G. †Orometopus Broegger 1898
Orometopus notatifrons Harrington and Leanza 1957
G. †Pagometopus Henningsmoen 1959
G. †Palquiella Suárez-Soruco 1975
G. †Rhadinopleura Harrington and Leanza 1957
Rhadinopleura eurycephala Harrington and Leanza 1957
G. †Seleneceme Clark 1924
Invalid names: Alsataspis Turner 1940 [synonym]
G. †Skljarella Petrunina 1973
Skljarella cracens Fortey and Owens 1991
Skljarella expansa Bao and Jago 2000
Skljarella hunanensis Peng 1984
Skljarella sulcifera Peng 1992
G. †Spirantyx Whittard 1961
G. †Torifera Wolfart 1974
Torifera abrupta Peng et al. 2004
Torifera jelli Peng et al. 2009
Torifera paraconvexa Yang 1978
Torifera taoyuanensis Peng 1987
Torifera tuma Yang 1977
Invalid names: Xiangia Peng 1987 [synonym]
G. †Yumenaspis Chang 1960
G. †Zacompsus Raymond 1924
Zacompsus levisensis Rasetti 1944
Invalid names: Hapalopleuridae Harrington and Leanza 1957 [invalid subgroup], Jegorovaiidae [invalid subgroup], Orometopidae Hupe 1955 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. †Dionididae Gürich 1907
G. †Aethedionide Zhou and Ju 1983
G. †Digrypos Kobayashi 1940
G. †Dionide Barrande 1847
Dionide formosa Barrande 1846
Dionide holdeni Raymond 1925
Invalid names: Dionide contrita Raymond 1920 [synonym]
Dionide jubata Raymond 1925
Dionide magnifica Owen and Bruton 1980
Dionide mareki Henry and Romano 1978
Dionide prima Kloucek 1917
Dionide semicircula Owen 1981
Invalid names: Dionidepyga Snajdr 1981 [synonym]
G. †Dionidella Prantl and Pribyl 1950
Subg. †Dionidella (Huangnigangia) Han and Ju 1983
Dionidella incisa Prantl and Přibyl 1949
Invalid names: Dionidella (Huangnigangia) subquadrata Han and Ju 1983 [synonym]
Dionidella venusta Zhou et al. 2014
G. †Tongxinaspis Zhou 1981
G. †Trinucleoides Raymond 1917
Fm. †Raphiophoridae Angelin 1854
G. †Ampyxina Ullrich 1922
Ampyxina bellatula Savage 1917
Ampyxina lanceola Whittington 1959
Ampyxina powelli Raymond 1920
Invalid names: Ampyxina scarabeus Butts 1941 [synonym]
G. †Ellsaspis Rasetti 1945
Subfm. †Endymioniinae Raymond 1920
G. †Anisonotella Whittington 1965
Anisonotella glacialis Billings 1865
Invalid names: Anisonotus Raymond 1920 [replaced]
G. †Carinocranium Dean 1989
G. †Endymionia Billings 1865
Endymionia canningi Legg 1976
Endymionia clavaria Fortey 1975
Endymionia meeki Billings 1862
Endymionia raymondi Whittington 1965
Endymionia schucherti Raymond 1920
Endymionia semielliptica Chang and Fan 1960
Invalid names: Endymionia circularis Zhang 1981 [synonym], Endymionia nodosa Zhang 1981 [synonym], Endymionia ordosensis Lu in Lu et al 1976 [synonym]
Invalid names: Endymion Billings 1862 [replaced]
G. †Lehnertia Vaccari et al. 2006
Lehnertia nawisapa Vaccari et al. 2006
G. †Pytine Fortey 1975
Pytine brevicauda Wiman 1905
Pytine graia Fortey 1975
G. †Salteria Thomson 1864
Salteria primaeva Wyville Thomson 1864
Invalid names: Salteria americana Cooper 1953 [synonym]
Invalid names: Erinnys Salter 1865 [replaced]
G. †Kanlingia Zhang 1981
Kanlingia kalpinensis Zhang 1981
G. †Lonchodomas Angelin 1854
Subg. †Lonchodomas (Foliopyge) Perfiliev and Levitsky 1963
Lonchodomas carinatus Cooper 1953
Lonchodomas clavulus Whittington 1965
Lonchodomas depressus Brogger 1887
Lonchodomas halli Billings 1861
Lonchodomas normalis Billings 1865
Lonchodomas pennatus Latouche 1884
Lonchodomas politus Raymond 1925
Lonchodomas portlocki Barrande 1846
Lonchodomas punctatus Cooper 1953
Lonchodomas retrolatus Ross and Barnes 1967
Lonchodomas rostratus Sars 1835
Lonchodomas sublaevis Raymond 1925
Lonchodomas suriensis Harrington and Leanza 1957
Lonchodomas tenuis Nielsen 1995
Lonchodomas tumidus Forbes 1849
Lonchodomas volborthi Schmidt 1894
Lonchodomas yohi Sun 1931
G. †Malinaspis Andreeva 1985
G. †Malongullia Webby and Moors 1970
Malongullia oepiki Webby et al. 1970
Malongullia sinensis Wei et al. 2023
Malongullia zhenxiongensis Wei et al. 2023
Invalid names: Ampyxinops Zhang 1979 [synonym]
G. †Nambeetella Legg 1976
Nambeetella embolion Fortey and Shergold 1984
G. †Nanshanaspis Zhang and Fan 1960
Nanshanaspis levis Chang and Fan 1960
Nanshanaspis rotundata Zhang 1988
Invalid names: Caganaspis Kolobova 1968 [synonym], Kongqiaoheia Zhang 1988 [synonym]
G. †Pseudampyxina Ju 1983
G. †Raphioampyx Baldis and Baldis 1995
Subfm. †Raphiophorinae Angelin 1854
G. †Ampyx Dalman 1827
Subg. †Ampyx (Parampyx) Zhang 1981
Ampyx abnormalis Yi 1957
Ampyx americanus Safford and Vogdes 1889
Ampyx binodulosus Reed 1896
Ampyx camurus Raymond 1925
Ampyx cetsarum Fortey and Owens 1978
Ampyx compactus Ross and Barnes 1967
Ampyx delicatulus Fortey 1975
Ampyx foveolatus Angelin 1854
Ampyx laeviusculus Billings 1865
Ampyx lobatus Cooper 1953
Ampyx nasutus Dalman 1827
Ampyx porcus Fortey 1975
Ampyx priscus Thoral 1935
Ampyx punctolineatus Zhou and Fortey 1986
Ampyx spongiosus Fortey 1975
Ampyx toxotis Fortey 1975
Ampyx virginiensis Cooper 1953
Ampyx walcotti Kobayashi 1955
Invalid names: Brachyampyx Forbes 1849 [objective synonym]
G. †Ampyxella Dean 1960
Ampyxella aculeata Angelin 1854
G. †Ampyxinella Korleva 1959
Ampyxinella rotundata Zhang 1979
Invalid names: Ampyxinella circulare Zhang 1981 [synonym], Ampyxinella ovata Zhang 1979 [synonym]
G. †Ampyxoides Whittington 1965
Ampyxoides inermis Fortey 1975
Ampyxoides semicostatus Billings 1865
G. †Bulbaspis Chugaeva 1956
G. †Cnemidopyge Whittard 1955
Cnemidopyge bisecta Elles 1940
Cnemidopyge costata Boeck 1838
Cnemidopyge nuda Murchison 1839
Cnemidopyge nuda granulata Whittard 1955
Invalid names: Ampyx latus M'Coy 1851 [synonym]
Cnemidopyge parva Hughes 1969
Cnemidopyge tenuis Kennedy 1988
G. †Damghanampyx Ghobadi Pour et al. 2007
Damghanampyx ginteri Ghobadi Pour et al. 2007
G. †Edmundsonia Cooper 1953
Edmundsonia typa Cooper 1953
G. †Globampyx Fortey 1975
Globampyx popovkiensis Balashova 1966
Globampyx sexsegmentatus Fortey et al. 2024
Globampyx sinalae Norford and Ross 1978
Globampyx trinucleoides Fortey 1975
G. †Mendolaspis Rusconi 1951
Mendolaspis doidyx Fortey 1975
Mendolaspis paradoidyx Zhang 1981
Mendolaspis salagastensis Rusconi 1951
G. †Miaopopsis Lu 1965
G. †Raphiophorus Angelin 1854
Raphiophorus lamasi Harrington and Leanza 1957
G. †Rhombampyx Fortey 1975
Rhombampyx chinensis Weller 1913
Rhombampyx glaber Poulsen 1965
Rhombampyx rhombos Fortey 1975
Rhombampyx tragula Fortey 1975
Rhombampyx yii Lu 1965
G. †Raymondella Reed 1935
Raymondella elegans Cooper 1953
Raymondella macconochiei Nicholson and Etheridge 1879
Raymondella nevadensis Ross and Shaw 1972
Invalid names: Reedaspis Prantl and Pribyl 1949 [objective synonym]
G. †Sinampyxina Sheng 1974
G. †Taklamakania Zhang 1980
Taklamakania paucisegmentatus Wei et al. 2023
Invalid names: Ampyx (Parampyx) nanjiangensis Zhang 1981 [synonym]
Invalid names: Xinjiangia Zhang 1981 [synonym]
Fm. †Trinucleidae Hawle and Corda 1847
G. †Anebolithus Huges and Wright 1970
G. †Auritolithus Holloway et al. 2022
G. †Bergamia Whittard 1955
Invalid names: Bohemaspis Horbringer 1986 [synonym], Brandysops Horbringer 1986 [synonym], Cochliorrhoe Whittard 1966 [synonym]
G. †Bettonolithus Morris 1988
Invalid names: Bettonia Whittard 1956 [replaced]
G. †Botrioides Stetson 1927
G. †Costonia Whittard 1956
Subfm. †Cryptolithinae Angelin 1854
G. †Broeggerolithus Lamont 1935
Broeggerolithus broeggeri Bancroft 1929
Broeggerolithus discors Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Ulricholithus Bancroft 1949 [synonym]
G. †Cryptolithoides Whittington 1941
Cryptolithoides reticulatus Ross and Shaw 1972
Cryptolithoides ulrichi Whittington 1941
G. †Cryptolithus Green 1832
Cryptolithus recurvus Ulrich 1919
Invalid names: Cryptolithus lorettensis Foerste 1924 [synonym], Trinucleus bellulus Ulrich 1879 [synonym]
G. †Deanaspis Hughes et al. 1975
Deanaspis goldfussii Barrande 1846
Deanaspis goldfussii senftenbergii Hawle and Corda 1847
Deanaspis seftenbergii Hawle and Corda 1847
G. †Decordinaspis Harper and Romano 1967
G. †Eirelithus Lamont 1941
G. †Famatinolithus Harrington and Leanza 1957
Famatinolithus noticus Harrington and Leanza 1957
G. †Furcalithus Fortey and Owens 1987
G. †Guandacolithus Harrington and Leanza 1957
Guandacolithus furquei Harrington and Leanza 1957
G. †Gymnostomix Fortey and Owens 1987
G. †Hanchungolithus Lu 1956
Invalid names: Ichangolithus Lu 1963 [synonym]
G. †Incaia Whittard 1955
G. †Jianxilithus Zhang and Zhou 1876
G. †Lloydolithus Bancroft 1933
G. †Lordshillia Whittard 1966
G. †Marekolithus Shaw 1995
G. †Marrolithoides Williams 1948
G. †Marrolithus Bancroft 1929
G. †Myinda Stubblefield and Bulman 1927
G. †Myindella Hutchison and Ingham 1962
G. †Myttonia Whittard 1955
G. †Nankinolithus Lu 1957
Nankinolithus granulatus Wahlenberg 1818
G. †Ningkianolithus Lu 1954
Invalid names: Ceratolithus Lu 1959 [synonym]
G. †Novaspis Whittington 1941
G. †Onnia Bancroft 1933
Onnia goldfussi Barrande 1846
G. †Paratretaspis Dean 1973
G. †Paratrinucleus Whittington 1941
G. †Parkesolithus Campbell and Durham 1970
G. †Protolloydolithus Williams 1948
G. †Reedolithus Bancroft 1929
G. †Reuscholithus Bancroft 1929
G. †Salterolithus Bancroft 1929
Invalid names: Smeathenia Dean 1960 [synonym]
G. †Stapeleyella Whittard 1955
Stapeleyella inconstans Whittard 1955
G. †Telaeomarrolithus Williams 1948
Invalid names: Fimbriomarrolithus Williams 1948 [objective synonym]
Subfm. †Trinucleinae Hawle and Corda 1847
G. †Iputaspis McCobb and Popov 2017
Iputaspis stepnyakensis McCobb and Popov 2017
G. †Kimakaspis Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
Kimakaspis kovalevskyi Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
G. †Tretaspis M'Coy 1849
Tretaspis anderssoni Stormer 1945
Tretaspis askerensis Owen 1980
Tretaspis ceriodes Angelin 1854
Tretaspis hisingeri Owen 1980
Tretaspis kiaeri Stormer 1930
Tretaspis latilimba Linnarsson 1869
Tretaspis reticulata Ruedemann 1901
Tretaspis sagenosus Whittington 1959
Tretaspis seticornis Hisinger 1840
Tretaspis sortita Reed 1935
G. †Trinucleus Murchison 1839
Trinucleus acervulosus Raymond 1920
Invalid names: Trinucleus acervulosus Raymond 1925 [synonym]
Trinucleus conollyi Fortey 2006
Trinucleus seticornis Hisinger 1840
Invalid names: Edgellia Shaw 1950 [objective synonym]
G. †Whittardolithus Hughes and Addison 1975
G. †Xiushuilithus Zhou 1976
G. †Yinpanolithus Lu and Chang 1974
Invalid names: Hanchungolithinae Lu 1963 [empty], Marrolithinae Hughes 1971 [empty], Microdiscus [nomen vanum], Tretaspidinae Whittington 1941 [empty]
A. Bignon et al. 2020Usually small ovoid-globular (commutavi) protaspides. Short eyes, when present, con- nected to glabella by eyeridge without palpebral lobe. A long (sag.) glabella compared to its maximal width (tr.). Three or fewer short glabellar furrows. Tubercle on gla- bella or occipital ring. Free cheeks anteriorly fused. Facial sutures are marginal or dorsal. Perforated fringe present in more derived forms. Genal spines long and narrow at base. Distal extremities of thoracic segments pointed. Pygidium triangular or semi-circular, smaller than cephalon, wider (tr.) than long (sag.), with a curved anterior border. Pygidial axis narrow, may extend onto posterior border.