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Branchiopoda (branchiopod)


Synonymy list
YearName and author
1817Branchiopoda Latreille
2001Branchiopoda Martin and Davis p. 58
2002Branchiopoda Sepkoski
2013Branchiopoda Oakley et al.
2019Branchiopoda Lozano-Fernandez et al.
2020Branchiopoda Hegna et al. p. 24

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
AltocrustaceaRegier et al. 2010
classBranchiopodaLatreille 1817
classBranchiopodaLatreille 1817

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Cl. Branchiopoda Latreille 1817 [branchiopod]
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Or. Anostraca Sars 1867
Fm. Branchinectidae Daday de Deés 1910
G. Branchinecta Verrill 1869
Branchinecta barstowensis Belk and Schram 2001
G. Branchinella Sayce 1903
Branchinella budjiti Timms 2001 [fairy shrimp]
Branchinella campbelli Timms 2001 [fairy shrimp]
G. †Lepidocaris Scourfield 1926
Lepidocaris rhyniensis Scourfield 1926
Invalid names: Branchipodidae Simon 1886 [empty]
Fm. †Ketmeniidae Novozhilov 1957
G. †Iliella Tschernyshev 1940
Subcl. Phyllopoda
Superor. Calmanostraca Tasch 1969
Or. †Kazacharthra Novojilov 1957
G. †Panacanthocaris Novozhilov 1957
Panacanthocaris ketmenica Novojilov 1957
Or. Notostraca Sars 1867 [tadpole shrimp]
G. †Apodites
Apodites phuthingensis Ellenberger 1970
G. †Chenops Hegna and Ren 2010
Chenops oblongus Oleynikov 1968
Chenops yixianensis Hegna and Ren 2010
G. †Jeholops Hegna and Ren 2010
Jeholops hongi Hegna and Ren 2010
Fm. Triopsidae Keilhack 1909 [Tadpole shrimp]
G. Lepidurus Leach 1819
Invalid names: Prolepidurus Tchernyshev 1940 [synonym]
G. †Lynceites Goldenberg 1870
G. Triops Shrank 1803
Invalid names: Apus Schaeffer 1758 [replaced]
Invalid names: Apodidae Burmeister 1846 [synonym]
Infracl. Diplostraca Gerstecker 1866
Or. †Cryptopoda Kotov 2007
Fm. †Leptodorosididae Kotov 2007
G. †Leposida Kotov 2007
G. †Leptodorosida Kotov 2007
Subor. †Estheriellina Shen 2003
Superfm. †Estherielloidea Kobayashi 1954
Fm. †Estheriellidae Kobayashi 1954
G. †Isaura Joly 1841
Isaura laxitexta Jones 1890
Unr. Onychocaudata Olesen and Richter 2013
Unr. Cladoceromorpha Ax 1999
Or. Cladocera Latreille 1829 [water flea]
Invalid names: Cyclestherida Sars 1899 [empty]
Subor. Spinicaudata Linder 1945 [clam shrimp]
Superfm. †Cyzicoidea Stebbing 1910
Superfm. †Eosestherioidea Zhang and Chen 1976
Superfm. †Limnadioidea Baird 1894
Fm. †Lioestheriidae Raymond 1946
Fm. †Shipingiidae Kozur and Weems 2005
Invalid names: Conchostraca Sars 1867 [invalid subgroup], Laevicaudata Linder 1945 [empty]
Invalid names: Pterocaris Barrande 1872 [replaced]
Invalid names: Branchipodiadae M'Coy 1849 [empty]
Invalid names: Sarsostraca Tasch 1969 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: chitinc
Environment: marine, brackish, freshwaterc
Locomotion: slow-movingc
Life habit: nektobenthicc
Diet: suspension feederc
Diet 2: detritivorec
Vision: well-developedc
Comments: ECOSPACE CODE: 121. LIFE HISTORY: pelagic or surficial, fully motile slow, and supension feeding, surface deposit feeding or grazing according to Bambach et al (2007), c
Created: 2009-07-21 10:04:49
Modified: 2010-02-04 14:45:55
Source: c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Atdabanian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 521.00000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 516.0 Ma

Collections (264 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0China (Hubei) Cycloconchoides venustus (201164)
Waucoban538.8 - 509.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Branchiopoda indet. (6850)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Germany (Brandenburg) Diplostraca indet. (24190)
Letna - Harnagian460.9 - 457.2Czech Republic Quasicaris bohemica (3861)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Russian Federation Phyllopoda indet. (26668 26669 26670)
Early/Lower Devonian - Middle Devonian419.2 - 382.7Belgium (territoire d'Estinnes-au-Monts) Estheria sp. (23258 23260)
Pragian410.8 - 407.6United Kingdom (Scotland) Lepidocaris rhyniensis (10721)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Russian Federation (Siberia) Ulugkemia obrutschevi, Ulugkemia barykensis, Pseudestheria plicata (60392)
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7Belgium Notostraca indet., Anostraca indet., Conchostraca indet. (131916)
Kinderhookian358.9 - 352.0USA (Montana) Lioestheria sp. (123117)
Bashkirian323.2 - 315.2Canada (Nova Scotia) Leaia leidyi (216610) Lioestheria striata, Leaia tricarinata, Leaia acutangularis, Leaia leidyi, Leaia baentschiana (216606 216609) Lynceites cansoensis (216608)
Westphalian C314.6 - 309.8France Euestheria bourozi (57698)
Westphalian C314.6 - 309.8Germany Estheria tenella, Leaia baentschiana, Leaia herriana (122593)
Westphalian C - Westphalian D314.6 - 307.5Germany Estheria limbata, Estheria rimosa, Leaia baentschiana, Leaia kliveriana (123953) Estheria limbata, Leaia baentschiana (123825)
Stephanian307.5 - 300.4Germany (Saarland) Estheria limbata, Leaia baentschiana (122600) Leaia baentschiana (138356 138363)
Stephanian307.5 - 300.4Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate) Leaia baentschiana (123810)
Stephanian307.5 - 300.4Germany Estheria limbata, Leaia baentschiana, Triops ornatus (138379) Estheria tenella, Leaia baentschiana (138157) Leaia baentschiana (138001 138003 138024 138159 138160 138178 138179 138181 138347 138351 138355)
Stephanian307.5 - 300.4Germany (Rheinlande) Leaia baentschiana (126164)
Kasimovian307.0 - 303.7Germany (Saarland) Estheria limbata (233078) Leaia baentschi (233077)
Kasimovian307.0 - 303.7USA (New Mexico) Pseudestheria limbata (217022)