Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Solenata was named by Dall (1889). It is extant.
It was assigned to Cardiidia by Carter et al. (2011).
It was assigned to Cardiidia by Carter et al. (2011).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1889 | Solenata Dall |
2011 | Solenata Carter et al. p. 18 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Solenata Dall 1889
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Or. Hiatellida Carter 2011
Superfm. Hiatelloidea Gray 1824
Fm. Hiatellidae Gray 1824
G. Cyrtodaria Reuss 1801
†Cyrtodaria angusta Nyst and Westendorp 1839
†Cyrtodaria katieae Marincovich, Jr. 1993
†Cyrtodaria rutupiensis Morris 1852
Cyrtodaria siliqua Spengler 1793
G. Glycymeris Da Costa 1778
†Glycimeris altoumbonata Nagao 1928
†Glycimeris andersoni Dickerson 1917
†Glycimeris chehalisensis Weaver 1916
†Glycimeris dalli White 1889
†Glycimeris halli Pritchard 1903
†Glycimeris hannibali Dickerson 1916
G. Hiatella Daudin 1801
Subg. Hiatella (Hiatella) Daudin 1801
Hiatella arctica Linnaeus 1767
Invalid names: Hiatella rugosa Linnaeus 1767 [synonym], Mytilus pholadis Linnaeus 1771 [synonym]
†Hiatella arenicola Terquem 1855
†Hiatella australis Lamarck 1818
†Hiatella curta Chen 1982
†Hiatella fabacea Terquem 1855
†Hiatella rotundata Terquem 1855
†Hiatella sinemuriensis Martin 1895
Hiatella solida Sowerby 1834
†Hiatella tenella Stoliczka 1870
†Hiatella tenuis Wilckens 1911
†Hiatella tumulensis Kurushin 1992
Invalid names: Clotho Faujas-Saint-Fond 1808 [nomen dubium], Saxicava de Bellevue 1802 [synonym]
G. Panomya Gray 1857
Panomya ampla Dall 1898
Panomya beringianus Dall 1916
Panomya norvegica Spengler 1793
Invalid names: Panomya turgida Dall 1916 [synonym], Panopea arctica Lamarck 1818 [synonym]
†Panomya priapus Tilesius 1822
†Panomya simotomensis Otuka 1934
G. Panopea Menard 1807
†Panopaea concentrica Gabb 1864
†Panopaea depressa Martin 1859
†Panopaea elongata Conrad 1835
†Panopaea hauthali Wilckens 1907
†Panopaea inferior Wilckens 1907
†Panopaea mackrothi Geinitz 1857
†Panopaea montignyana Martin 1859
†Panopaea orientalis Forbes 1846
†Panopaea remondii Gabb 1864
†Panopaea sahariensis Newton 1905
†Panopaea toulai Lundgren 1895
†Panopaea vaudini Deshayes 1857
Subg. †Panope (Panope) Menard de la Groye 1807
†Panope agnewi Tenison Woods 1876
†Panope borealis Warren 1934
†Panope californica Packard 1922
†Panope elongatissima McLearn 1933
†Panope fuegensis Camacho 1957
†Panope gurgitis Brongniart 1822
†Panope mclearni Warren 1934
†Panope murrayensis Warren 1933
†Panope shastacola Anderson 1938
†Panope subaequilateralis Anderson 1938
†Panope taylorensis Mansfield 1940
†Panope tenuis Wiedey 1928
†Panope torreyensis Hanna 1927
†Panope webbi Warren 1933
Subg. †Panopea (Degrangia)
Subg. †Panopea (Myopsis) Agassiz 1840
Subg. †Panopea (Panopea) Menard 1807
†Panopea akerlundi Stilwell and Zinsmeister 1992
Panopea aldrovandi Ménard de la Groye 1807
†Panopea americana Conrad 1838
†Panopea anabarica Kurushin 1992
†Panopea australis Sowerby 1833
†Panopea bagualesia Ihering 1907
†Panopea bitruncata Conrad 1872
†Panopea brasiliensis White 1887
†Panopea chiloensis Philippi 1897
†Panopea clausa Wilckens 1910
†Panopea dockensis Olsson and Petit 1964
†Panopea eightsi Stilwell and Zinsmeister 1992
†Panopea gastaldii Michelotti 1861
Panopea generosa Gould 1850
Panopea glycymeris Gmelin 1792
†Panopea goldfussii Wagner 1839
†Panopea ibari Philippi 1887
†Panopea inaequivalvis d'Orbigny 1843
†Panopea intermedia Sowerby 1814
†Panopea kazakovae Glibert and Van de Poel 1966
†Panopea kissoumi McLearn 1945
†Panopea nucleus Ihering 1899
†Panopea oblongata Conrad 1848
†Panopea parawhitfieldi Gardner 1928
†Panopea porrectoides Aldrich 1886
†Panopea ramonensis Clark 1925
†Panopea rathbuni White 1887
†Panopea smithii Hall and Ambrose 1916
†Panopea snohomishensis Clark 1925
†Panopea thomasi Ihering 1914
†Panopea undatoides Ortmann 1902
†Panopea whitfieldi Dall 1898
†Panopea worthingtoni Hutton 1873
†Panopea zinsmeisteri Chiesa and Camacho 2001
G. †Pseudosaxicava Chavan 1952
†Pseudosaxicava bernardi Chavan 1952
†Pseudosaxicava huananensis Stiller 2006
†Pseudosaxicava palaeosinensis Stiller 2006
G. †Turneria Glibert and Van de Poel 1966
Invalid names: Glycimeridae Bronn 1849 [synonym], Hiatellinae Gray 1824 [empty], Panopeinae Bronn 1862 [empty], Pholeobiidae Leach 1852 [synonym], Saxicavidae Swainson 1835 [synonym]
Fm. Saxicavellidae Scott 1994
Or. Solenida Dall 1889
Superfm. †Orthonotoidea Miller 1877
Fm. †Konduriidae Sanchez 2007
G. †Konduria Sánchez and Benedetto 2007
G. †Palaeosolen Hall 1845
†Palaeosolen amii McLearn 1924
†Palaeosolen antigonishensis McLearn 1924
†Palaeosolen badgeraensis Dickins 1963
†Palaeosolen costatus Sandberger 1854
†Palaeosolen ordovicicus Soot-Ryen 1966
†Palaeosolen permiana Waterhouse 1980
†Palaeosolen siliquoideus Hall and Whitfield 1869
Fm. †Orthonotidae Miller 1877
G. †Sphenosolen Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977
†Sphenosolen draperi Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977
Fm. †Solenomorphidae Cockerell 1915
G. †Solenomorpha Cockerell 1903
†Solenomorpha elegantissima Hayasaka 1925
†Solenomorpha gardneri Elias 1957
†Solenomorpha gladius Laube 1865
†Solenomorpha kogimica Muromtseva 1984
†Solenomorpha lamborni Morningstar 1922
†Solenomorpha nitida Girty 1910
†Solenomorpha parvula Netschajew 1894
†Solenomorpha siliqua Bittner 1895
Invalid names: Solenomorphinae Cockerell 1915 [empty], Solenopsidae Neumayr 1891 [replaced]
Superfm. Solenoidea Lamarck 1809
Fm. Pharidae Adams and A. 1858
Subfm. Cultellinae Davies 1935
G. †Enosolen Guo 1988
G. Ensiculus Adams 1860
G. †Leptosolen Conrad 1865
G. †Ospriasolen
G. Phaxas
G. †Senis Stephenson 1953
G. Cultellus Schumacher 1817
Subg. Cultellus (Cultellus) Schumacher 1817
†Cultellus affinis Sowerby 1812
†Cultellus brevis Nagao 1928
†Cultellus izumoensis Yokoyama 1923
†Cultellus kokolikensis Imlay 1961
†Cultellus leguminoides Nagao 1928
Cultellus tenuis Philippi 1836
G. Ensis Schumacher 1817
Ensis directus Conrad 1844
†Ensis ensiformis Conrad 1843
Ensis minor Dall 1899
Ensis myrae Berry 1953
†Ensis schmidti Olsson 1914
†Ensis tropicalis Hertlein and Strong 1955
G. Siliqua Mühlfeld 1811
†Siliqua kingi Jeffery and Tracey 1997
Siliqua lucida Conrad 1837
†Siliqua oregonia Dall 1900
Siliqua radiata Linnaeus 1758
†Siliqua simondsi Harris 1895
Invalid names: Siliquinae Bronn 1862 [empty]
Fm. Solenidae Lamarck 1809
G. †Psamosolen Risso 1826
†Psamosolen gabbiana Anderson and Martin 1914
†Psamosolen mansfieldi Vokes 1938
G. Solen Linnaeus 1758
Subg. Solen (Ensisolen)
Subg. †Solen (Hypogella) Gray 1854
Subg. †Solen (Solen) Linnaeus 1758
†Solen clallamensis Clark and Arnold 1923
†Solen clarki Weaver and Van Winkle Palmer 1922
†Solen columbianus Weaver and Van Winkle Palmer 1922
†Solen cuneatus Gabb 1869
†Solen curtus Des Moulins 1832
Solen dombeii Lamarck 1818
†Solen domenginicus Vokes 1939
Solen ensis Linnaeus 1767
†Solen fonesi Dunker 1862
†Solen intermedius Nagao 1928
†Solen lincolnensis Weaver 1916
†Solen lisbonensis Aldrich 1886
Solen marginatus Pulteney 1799
†Solen novacularis Anderson and Hanna 1928
Solen sicarius Gould 1850
Solen siliqua Linnaeus 1767
†Solen sordidus Tate 1887
†Solen townsendensis Clark 1925
Solen vagina Linnaeus 1758
†Solen vaginoides Lamarck 1822
G. Solena Mörch 1853
Subg. †Solena (Eosolen) Stewart 1930
Subg. †Solena (Plectosolen) Conrad 1866
Subg. †Solena (Solena) Moore 2003
†Solena dixoni Sowerby 1844
†Solena elytron Philippi 1887
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class | |||||
Reference: Aberhan et al. 2004 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Kunda to the top of the Holocene or 469.20000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 467.3 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 467.3 Ma
Collections (2328 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Dapingian | Argentina (Jujuy) | Konduria coloradoensis (232226) | |
Kunda - Uhaku | Norway (Asker) | Palaeosolen ordovicicus (191263) | |
Darriwilian | Australia (Northern Territory) | Sphenosolen draperi (79241) | |
Late/Upper Llandeilo | Norway | Palaeosolen sp. (3250) | |
Dobrotivian - Berounian | France (Calvados) | Solenomorpha sp. (20851) | |
Costonian - Longvillian | Norway (Oslo) | Palaeosolen ordovicicus (191257) | |
Kukruse | Norway (Asker) | Palaeosolen ordovicicus (191265) | |
Bohdalec | Czech Republic | Orthonota antecedens (3872) | |
Zahorany - Late/Upper Ordovician | Czech Republic | Orthonota antecedens (3865) | |
Haljala - Keila | Norway (Asker) | Palaeosolen ordovicicus (191262) | |
Katian | Russian Federation (Siberia) | Breviorthonota rugosa (9311) | |
Llandovery - Wenlock | China (Jiangxi) | Orthonota perlata (27897) | |
Telychian | Sweden | Orthonota sp. (466) | |
Telychian | United Kingdom (Scotland) | Orthonota sp. (23302) | |
Sheinwoodian | China (Guizhou) | Orthonota antelongata (27792) | |
Wenlock | China (Jiangsu) | Orthonota perlata (27751) Orthonota sp., Orthonota perlata (27752) | |
Homerian | Norway | Orthonota sp. (14317) | |
Gorstian | United Kingdom (England) | Orthonota rigida (480) | |
Ludlow | United Kingdom (Wales) | Orthonota rigida (74670 74805) | |
Ludlow | Lithuania | Orthonota solenoides (207399 207403) Orthonota sp. (207391) Orthonota sp., Orthonota solenoides (207393) |