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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1930Psilophytophyta Zimmermann p. 103
1973Trimerophytophyta Bold p. 459
2001Psilophytophyta Doweld p. iii
2008Trimerophytophyta Taylor et al. p. 1027

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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Ph. †Psilophytophyta Zimmermann 1930
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G. †Acanthophyton Dawson 1862
Acanthophyton spinosum Dawson 1862
G. †Arthrostigma Dawson 1871
Arthrostigma gracile Dawson 1871
G. †Barrandeina Stur 1882
Barrandeina dusliana Krejci 1882
G. †Drepanophycus Göppert 1852
Drepanophycus gaspianus Dawson 1859
Invalid names: Cyclostigma densifolium Dawson 1871 [synonym]
Drepanophycus spinaeformis Goeppert 1852
G. †Eogaspesiea Daber 1960
Eogaspesiea gracilis Daber 1960
G. †Hedeia Cookson 1935
Hedeia corymbosa Cookson 1935
G. †Hicklingia Kidston and Lang 1923
Hicklingia edwardi Kidston and Lang 1923
G. †Himantophyton Matthew 1913
Himantophyton castorense Matthew 1913
G. †Hornea Kidston and Lang 1920
G. †Horneophyton Barghoorn and Darrah 1938
Horneophyton lignieri Kidston and Lang 1920
G. †Hostinella Barrande 1882
Hostinella hostinensis Barrande 1882
Invalid names: Hostimella Obrhel 1961 [objective synonym]
G. †Niayssia Zalessky 1937
Niayssia plumata Zalessky 1937
G. †Polyxylon Read and Campbell 1939
Polyxylon elegans Read and Campbell 1939
G. †Psilodendrion Hoeg 1942
G. †Psilophytites Hoeg 1952
Cl. †Psilophytopsida Kidston and Lang 1917
Or. †Psilophytales Pia 1924
G. †Arachnoxylon Read 1938
Arachnoxylon kopfi Arnold 1938
G. †Barsassia Zalessky 1933
Barsassia ornata Zalessky 1933
G. †Cooksonia Lang 1937
Cooksonia pertoni Lang 1937
G. †Dicranophyton Zalessky 1937
Dicranophyton niayssiense Zalessky 1937
G. †Distichophytum Maegdefrau 1938
Distichophytum mucronatum Maegdefrau 1938
G. †Dutoitia Hoeg 1930
Dutoitia pulchra Hoeg 1931
G. †Gilboaphyton Arnold 1937
Gilboaphyton goldringiae Arnold 1937
G. †Gosslingia Heard 1927
Gosslingia breconensis Heard 1927
G. †Legrandia Stockmans 1968
Legrandia sporangifera Stockmans 1968
G. †Lerichea Stockmans 1968
Lerichea krystofovitchii Stockmans 1968
G. †Loganiella Stolley 1926
Loganiella canadensis Stolley 1925
Invalid names: Logania Stolley 1925 [replaced]
G. †Loganophyton Kraeusel and Weyland 1961
Loganophyton dawsoni Kraeusel and Weyland 1961
G. †Niayssioidea Stockmans 1968
Niayssioidea belgica Stockmans 1968
G. †Orestovia Ergolskaia 1936
Orestovia devonica Ergolskaia 1936
G. †Paulophyton Dolianiti 1954
Paulophyton sommeri Dolianiti 1954
G. †Pseudosporochnus Potonie and Bernard 1903
Pseudosporochnus krejcii Potonie and Bernard 1903
Fm. †Psilophytaceae Hirmer 1927
G. †Psilophyton Dawson 1859
Psilophyton princeps Dawson 1859
G. †Rhynia Kidston and Lang 1917
Rhynia gwynnevaughani Kidston and Lang 1917
G. †Sacheocladus Zalessky 1937
Sacheocladus ambiguus Zalessky 1937
Fm. †Trimerophytaceae Bierhorst 1971
G. †Trimerophyton Hopping 1956
Trimerophyton robustius Dawson 1871
G. †Wattieza Stockmans 1968
Wattieza givetiana Stockmans 1968
Invalid names: Trimerophytales Kasper et al. 1974 [synonym]
Invalid names: Trimerophytopsida Foster and Gifford 1974 [synonym]
G. †Psilotiphyllum Potonie 1891
Psilotiphyllum bifidum Geinitz 1891
G. †Reimannia Arnold 1935
Reimannia aldenense Arnold 1935
G. †Reimanniopsis Hoskins and Cross 1951
Reimanniopsis indianensis Read and Campbell 1939
G. †Serrulacaulis Hueber 1961
Serrulacaulis furcatus Hueber 1961
G. †Stolbergia Fairon 1967
Stolbergia spiralis Fairon 1967
G. †Svalbardia Hoeg 1942
Svalbardia polymorpha Hoeg 1942
G. †Taeniocrada White 1902
Taeniocrada latissima Senkevitsch 1978
Invalid names: Haliserites dechenianus Goeppert 1893 [replaced]
Taeniocrada pilosa Senkevitsch 1978
G. †Tomiphyton Zalessky 1937
Tomiphyton primaevum Zalessky 1937
Invalid names: Trimerophytophyta Bold 1973 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: base of the Homerian to the top of the Middle Miocene or 430.50000 to 11.60800 Ma

Collections (315 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Silurian443.8 - 419.2Czech Republic (Bohemia) Cooksonia sp. (20759) Taeniocrada sp. (20890)
Silurian443.8 - 419.2Norway (Svalbard) Taeniocrada spitsbergensis, Hostinella indet. (20839)
Wenlock - Ludlow433.4 - 423.0USA (New York) Hostinella sp. (53832)
Homerian430.5 - 427.4Ireland Cooksonia sp., Cooksonia cambrensis, Cooksonia pertoni, Cooksonia hemisphaerica (10594)
Gorstian427.4 - 425.6United Kingdom (Wales) Cooksonia sp., Cooksonia cambrensis, Cooksonia pertoni, Hostinella sp. (10661)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0Australia (Victoria) Hedeia gracilis (53660) Hedeia sp. (20754)
Gorstian - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2Bolivia (Tarija dept.) Cooksonia caledonica, Cooksonia sp., Cooksonia pertoni, Cooksonia hemisphaerica, Hostinella sp. (11158)
Gorstian - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2Bolivia (Tarija Dept.) Cooksonia pertoni, Cooksonia hemisphaerica, Hostinella sp. (11172)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2Canada (Nunavut) Distichophytum sp. (10599)
Ludfordian - Pridoli425.6 - 419.2Ukraine Cooksonia pertonii (14147)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Famennian372.2 - 358.9USA (Pennsylvania) Hostimella crispa (14224) Taeniocrada sp. (20814 28174 28291 28310 28329 31182)
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7United Kingdom (England) Hostinella sp. (38422)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2Canada (New Brunswick) Psilophyton elegans (12421)
Visean346.7 - 330.9Bolivia (Titicaca) Paulophyton sommeri (34151)
Visean346.7 - 330.9Brazil Paulophyton sp. 1, Paulophyton sommeri (34159)
Visean346.7 - 330.9Peru Paulophyton sp. (34126)
Pennsylvanian323.2 - 298.9India (Jammu & Kashmir) Taeniocrada sp. (229231)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9Canada (New Brunswick) Psilophyton elegans, Psilophyton glabrum (122728)
Desmoinesian312.8 - 306.0USA (Kansas) Trimerophytopsida indet. (10781)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Czech Republic Hornea frondiculata (178892 178894)