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Belemnitina (belemnite)

Cephalopoda - Belemnitida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1895Belemnitina Zittel
1966Belemnitina Jeletzky p. 139
1994Belemnitina Doyle et al. p. 6
2014Belemnitina Iba et al. p. 2
2014Belemnitina Pinard et al. p. 161

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
subclassColeoideaBather 1888
superfamilyBelemnoideaHyatt 1884
orderBelemnitidaZittel 1895
suborderBelemnitinaZittel 1895
suborderBelemnitinaZittel 1895

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. †Belemnitina Zittel 1895 [belemnite]
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Fm. †Belemnitidae d'Orbigny 1845
G. †Acroteuthis Stolley 1911
Acroteuthis aboriginalis Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis barrana Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis divergens Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis impressa Gabb 1864
Acroteuthis kernensis Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis kewana Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis macarthyensis Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis mitchelli Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis onoensis Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis shastensis Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis subquadratus Roemer 1836
Acroteuthis watsonensis Anderson 1945
Acroteuthis wilcoxi Anderson 1938
Acroteuthis winslowensis Anderson 1938
G. †Actinoconites Steinmann 1910
Subfm. †Belemnitinae d'Orbigny 1845
G. †Belemnites Lamarck 1799
Subg. †Belemnites (Belemnopsis) Bayle 1878
Belemnites cenomanus von der Marck 1858
Belemnites pacificus Gabb 1864
Belemnites paxillosa Lamarck 1801
Belemnites puzosi d'Orbigny 1843
G. †Nannobelus Pavlow 1913
Nannobelus acutus Miller 1826
Invalid names: Prototeuthis Lemoine 1915 [objective synonym]
Subfm. †Cylindroteuthinae Naef 1922
Cylindroteuthis clavicula Anderson 1945
Cylindroteuthis cuspidata Sachs and Nalnjaeva 1964
Cylindroteuthis gelida de Lagausie 2018
Cylindroteuthis glennensis Anderson 1945
Cylindroteuthis jacutica Sachs and Nalnjaeva 1964
Invalid names: Cylindroteuthis klamathonae Anderson 1945 [synonym]
Cylindroteuthis oweni Pratt and Owen 1844
Invalid names: Belemnites tornatilis Phillips 1835 [synonym]
Cylindroteuthis porrecta Phillips 1870
Cylindroteuthis puzosi d'Orbigny 1843
Cylindroteuthis venusta Dzyuba 2012
Fm. †Cylindroteuthididae Stolley 1919 [belemnite]
G. †Boreioteuthis Saks and Nalnyaeva 1966
Subfm. †Lagonibelinae Gustomesov 1977
G. †Holcobeloides Gustomesov 1958
Holcobeloides sulcatus Miller 1823
Invalid names: Holcobeloides altdorfensis Blainville 1827 [synonym], Holcobeloides beaumontianus d'Orbigny 1843 [synonym]
G. †Eocylindroteuthis Riegraf 1980
Eocylindroteuthis yokoyamai Iba et al. 2014
Fm. †Hastitidae Naef 1922 [belemnite]
G. †Bairstowius Jeletzky 1994
Bairstowius junceus Phillips 1867
Invalid names: Hastites junceus Phillips 1927 [synonym], Pseudohastites arundineus Lang 1928 [synonym]
G. †Hastites Meyer-Eymar 1883
Hastites fustiformis Lang 1928
Hastites microstylus Phillips 1867
Hastites spadixari Simpson 1855
Invalid names: Rhopalobelus Pavlov 1914 [synonym]
G. †Hungarosepia Doyle et al. 1994
Hungarosepia hungarica Lèrenthey 1898
Hungarosepia naefi Szôrényi 1934
Invalid names: Archaeosepia [replaced]
Pleurobelus compressus Stahl 1824
Invalid names: Belemnites fournelianus d'Orbigny 1843 [synonym]
Pleurobelus lagenaeformis Hartmann 1832
Pleurobelus subirregularis Lissajous 1927
Rhabdobelus avena Dumortier 1866
Invalid names: Dicoelites avena Mayer 1920 [synonym], Pseudobelus avena Dumortier 1925 [synonym], Rhabdobelus exilis Orbigny 1971 [synonym], Rhabdobelus serpulatus Quenstedt 1971 [synonym]
Rhabdobelus donovani Riegraf 1998
G. †Subhastites Gustomesov 1977
Subhastites pseudoclavatus Gustomesov 1977
Invalid names: Belemnites clavatus Schlotheim 1820 [synonym]
Fm. †Megateuthididae Sachs and Nalnjaeva 1967
Subg. †Acrocoelites (Acrocoelites) Lissajous 1915
Acrocoelites bobeti Lissajous 1927
Acrocoelites brevisulcatus Quenstedt 1848
Acrocoelites conoideus Oppel 1856
Acrocoelites ilminstrensis Phillips 1867
Acrocoelites levidensis Simpson 1855
Acrocoelites oxyconus Hehl 1831
Acrocoelites pyramidalis Munster 1831
Acrocoelites riegrafi Doyle 1992
Invalid names: Belemnites longiconus Schwegler 1969 [replaced]
Acrocoelites rostriformis Theodori 1837
Acrocoelites subtenuis Simpson 1855
Acrocoelites tripartitus von Schlotheim 1820
Invalid names: Mesoteuthis banzensis Kolb 1942 [synonym]
Acrocoelites vulgaris Young and Bird 1822
G. †Chuvashiteuthis Ippolitov et al. 2017
Chuvashiteuthis aenigmatica Ippolitov et al. 2017
G. †Cuspiteuthis Abel 1916
Cuspiteuthis acuaria von Schlotheim 1820
Invalid names: Youngibelus ohmdenensis Schlegelmilch 1998 [synonym]
Cuspiteuthis tubularis Young and Bird 1822
Dactyloteuthis digitalis Blainville 1827
Dactyloteuthis incurvata Zieten 1831
Dactyloteuthis irregularis von Schlotheim 1813
Dactyloteuthis semistriata Muenster 1830
Dactyloteuthis similis von Seebach 1864
Dactyloteuthis wrighti Oppel 1856
G. †Megateuthis Bayle 1878
Megateuthis suevica Klein 1773
Invalid names: Megateuthis giganteus Schlotheim 1820 [synonym], Megateuthis paxillosus Schlotheim 1820 [synonym]
G. †Paramegateuthis Gustomesov 1960
Paramegateuthis nescia Nalnjaeva 1988
Paramegateuthis ovata de Lagausie and Dzyuba 2018
Paramegateuthis subishmensis Stoyanova-Vergilova 1983
Fm. †Nipponoteuthidae Iba et al. 2014
G. †Nipponoteuthis Iba et al. 2014
Nipponoteuthis katana Iba et al. 2014
Fm. †Passaloteuthididae Naef 1922 [belemnite]
G. †Angeloteuthis Lang 1928
Angeloteuthis gabriel Lang 1928
Angeloteuthis michael Lang 1928
Angeloteuthis raphael Lang 1928
Angeloteuthis uriel Lang 1928
G. †Clastoteuthis Lang 1928
Clastoteuthis abrupta Lang 1928
Parapassaloteuthis polita Simpson 1866
Parapassaloteuthis zieteni Mayer-Eymar 1884
G. †Schwegleria Riegraf 1980
Schwegleria feifeli Schwegler 1939
Schwegleria praecox Schwegler 1939
Schwegleria psilonoti Schwegler 1939
Fm. †Salpingoteuthididae Doyle 1992 [belemnite]
Salpingoteuthis tessoniana d'Orbigny 1843
Salpingoteuthis trisulcata de Blainville 1827
Invalid names: Belemnoteuthidae Zittel 1885 [empty], Oxyteuthididae Stolley 1919 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calciteo
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingc
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-01-28 02:38:11
Modified: 2005-10-06 16:04:16
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2003, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Paleozoic to the top of the Priabonian or 538.80000 to 33.90000 Ma

Collections (449 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Paleozoic538.8 - 251.902USA (Alaska) Belemnites sp. (112515)
Tuvalian232.0 - 221.5Mexico (Sonora) Actinoconites sp. (32836)
Early/Lower Jurassic201.4 - 174.7Mexico (Sonora) Belemnites sp. (39132)
Early/Lower Jurassic201.4 - 174.7United Kingdom (Somerset) Belemnites acutus (198904)
Jurassic - Hauterivian201.4 - 129.4Chile (Coquimbo) Belemnites sp. (221573)
Jurassic - Early/Lower Cretaceous201.4 - 100.5USA (Alaska) Belemnites sp. (112306)
Jurassic - Cretaceous201.4 - 66.0USA (Alaska) Belemnites sp. (112471)
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3Greenland Megateuthis quenstedti, Megateuthis sp. (162108) Megateuthis rhenana (162102)
Liasicus201.3 - 196.5Germany (Baden-Württemberg) Nannobelus feifeli, Nannobelus praecox, Holcoteuthis psilonoti (139793)
Liasicus201.3 - 196.5Belgium (Luxembourg) Schwegleria sp., Schwegleria feifeli, Schwegleria psilonoti (40087)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Barremian129.4 - 125.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Acroteuthis pseudopanderi (55860 55861 55863) Acroteuthis sp. (55839 55843 55844 55862) Acroteuthis subquadratus (55841)
Barremian129.4 - 125.0Canada (Yukon) Acroteuthis pseudopanderi, Acroteuthis conoides (87408) Acroteuthis subquadratus (87416)
Barremian129.4 - 125.0Canada (British Columbia) Acroteuthis impressa (88116) Acroteuthis sp. (88112)
Aptian125.0 - 113.0Svalbard and Jan Mayen Belemnites sp. (212045)
Late/Upper Aptian122.46 - 113.0USA (California) Acroteuthis onoensis (216309 216310 216312 216316)
Early/Lower Albian112.03 - 109.0Mexico (Coahuila de Zaragoza) Belemnites sp. (88253)
Early/Lower Albian112.03 - 109.0Mexico (Chihuahua) Belemnites sp. (88250)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3Canada (Northwest Territories) Belemnites sp. (87436)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (New Jersey) Belemnites sp. (189419)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Italy Archaeosepia monticulimajoris (81043)