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Lithistida was named by Schmidt (1870). It is extant.
It was reranked as the subclass Lithistida by Finks et al. (2004) and Senowbari-Daryan and Rigby (2015).
It was assigned to Demospongia by Pestana (1960) and Sepkoski (2002); to Demospongea by Rigby and Desrochers (1995) and Finks et al. (2004); and to Demospongiae by Senowbari-Daryan and Rigby (2015).
It was reranked as the subclass Lithistida by Finks et al. (2004) and Senowbari-Daryan and Rigby (2015).
It was assigned to Demospongia by Pestana (1960) and Sepkoski (2002); to Demospongea by Rigby and Desrochers (1995) and Finks et al. (2004); and to Demospongiae by Senowbari-Daryan and Rigby (2015).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1870 | Lithistida Schmidt |
1960 | Lithistida Pestana p. 864 |
1995 | Lithistida Rigby and Desrochers |
2002 | Lithistida Sepkoski |
2004 | Lithistida Finks et al. p. 4 |
2015 | Lithistida Senowbari-Daryan and Rigby p. 391 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Subcl. Lithistida Schmidt 1870
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G. †Achrochordonia
G. †Bothoteca
G. Callipelta Sollas 1888
G. †Cupulina
G. †Gillettia Lagneau-Herenger 1962
G. †Hippalimus
G. Homophymia Vacelet and Vasseur 1971
†Lithistida wiedeyi Loel and Corey 1932
Or. Megalithistida Finks and Rigby 2004
Subor. †Helomorina Schrammen 1924
Fm. Carterellidae Schrammen 1901
Subfm. †Carterellinae Schrammen 1901
G. †Carterella Zittel 1878
G. †Inodia Moret 1925
G. †Nematinion Hinde
Subfm. †Isoraphiniinae Schrammen 1924
G. Costifer Wilson 1925
G. †Heloraphinia Schrammen 1937
G. †Pachycothon Schrammen 1901
Subor. Megamorina Zittel 1878
Fm. †Nexospongiidae Carrera 1996
Fm. Pleromatidae Sollas 1888
Subfm. †Heterostiniinae Schrammen 1924
G. †Amphilectella Schrammen 1901
G. †Anomorphites Kolb 1910
G. †Gigantodesma Schrammen 1924
G. †Holodictyon
G. Lyidium
G. †Megalithista Zittel 1878
G. †Placonella Hinde 1884
Subfm. Pleromatinae Sollas 1888
G. †Homalodoriana Schrammen 1910
G. †Pachypoterion Hinde 1884
G. Pleroma Sollas 1888
G. †Propleroma Moret 1925
G. †Schizorhabdus Zittel 1877
G. †Trachycinclis Pomel 1872
Fm. †Saccospongiidae Rigby and Dixon 1979
G. †Haplistionella Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Haplistionella garnieri Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Haplistionella minitraba Rigby and Dixon 1979
G. †Saccospongia Ulrich 1889
Or. Monalithistida Lagneau-Hérenger 1955
Subor. Sphaerocladina Schrammen 1924
Fm. †Vetulinidae Lendenfeld 1904
Subfm. †Vetulininae von Lendenfeld 1904
G. †Cladodia
G. †Cryptodesma Schrammen 1924
G. †Exodictydia
G. †Jumarella Mehl and Fürsich 1997
G. †Mastosia
G. †Multipocula
G. †Rhytidoderma
G. †Tetraspongia Termier and Termier 1989
G. Vetulina
Subor. †Orchocladina Rauff 1895
Fm. †Anthaspidellidae Miller 1889
G. †Amplaspongia Rigby and Webby 1988
†Amplaspongia bulba Rigby and Webby 1988
†Amplaspongia magnipora Rigby and Webby 1988
G. †Anthaspidella Ulrich and Everett 1889
†Anthaspidella alveola Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Anthaspidella amplia Rigby and Desrochers 1995
†Anthaspidella annulata Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Anthaspidella clintoni Bassler 1927
†Anthaspidella inornata Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Anthaspidella inyoensis Pestana 1960
†Anthaspidella lamellata Bingli et al. 1997
†Anthaspidella mammulata Ulrich and Everett 1890
†Anthaspidella multiostia Rigby 1986
†Anthaspidella traini Bassler 1927
G. †Archaeocyphia Hinde 1889
G. †Archaeoscyphia Hinde 1889
†Archaeoscyphia alternata de Freitas 1989
†Archaeoscyphia annulata Cullison 1944
†Archaeoscyphia annulata Rigby 1973
†Archaeoscyphia attenuata de Freitas 1989
†Archaeoscyphia bassleri Johns 1994
†Archaeoscyphia boltoni Rigby and Nitecki 1973
†Archaeoscyphia eganensis Johns 1994
†Archaeoscyphia gislei de Freitas 1989
†Archaeoscyphia mazourkaensis Greife and Langenheim, Jr. 1963
†Archaeoscyphia minganensis Billings 1859
†Archaeoscyphia nana Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Archaeoscyphia pannosa Johns 1994
†Archaeoscyphia pulchra Bassler 1927
†Archaeoscyphia rectilinearis de Freitas 1989
†Archaeoscyphia rossi Johns 1994
†Archaeoscyphia scalaria de Freitas 1989
†Archaeoscyphia tenuis Carrera 1994
†Archaeoscyphia undulata Rigby and Desrochers 1995
G. †Aulacospongia
G. †Aulocopina Billings 1875
G. †Australospongia Howell 1952
G. †Brianispongia
G. †Calycocoelia Bassler 1927
†Calycocoelia micropora Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Calycocoelia murella Johns 1994
†Calycocoelia perforata Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Calycocoelia typicalis Bassler 1927
Invalid names: Calycocoelia inyoensis Greife and Langenheim, Jr. 1963 [synonym]
G. †Canningella Rigby 1986
†Canningella expansa Rigby 1986
†Canningella interrupta Rigby 1986
†Canningella magnipora Rigby 1986
†Canningella obconica Rigby 1986
G. †Capsospongia Rigby 1986
†Capsospongia undulata Walcott 1920
Invalid names: Corralia Walcott 1920 [synonym]
G. †Climacospongia Hinde 1884
†Climacospongia snowblindella de Freitas 1991
†Climacospongia undulata de Freitas 1991
G. Diotricheum van Kempen 1989
G. †Dunhillia Rigby and Webby 1988
†Dunhillia apertura Rigby and Webby 1988
†Dunhillia cribrata Rigby and Webby 1988
†Dunhillia fistulosa Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Dunhillia megaporata Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Dunhillia multiporata Rigby and Webby 1988
†Dunhillia pluraliporosa Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Dunhillia tubula Rigby and Webby 1988
G. †Exochopora
G. Fibrocoelia van Kempen 1978
G. †Incrassospongia Rigby 1977
†Incrassospongia ramis Carrera 1996
†Incrassospongia rhipidos Rigby 1977
G. †Isispongia
G. †Jereina Finks 1960
†Jereina cylindrica Finks 1960
†Jereina ramosa Finks 1960
†Jereina robusta Rigby 1984
G. †Jianghania
G. †Mastophyma
G. †Okulitchina
G. †Palaeojerea Gerth 1927
G. †Palaeophyma
G. †Patellispongia Bassler 1927
†Patellispongia alternata Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Patellispongia argentina Carrera 1994
†Patellispongia attenuata Rigby and Chatterton 1999
†Patellispongia australis Rigby and Webby 1988
†Patellispongia brosiusae Johns 1994
†Patellispongia clintoni Bassler 1927
†Patellispongia mackenziensis Rigby and Chatterton 1999
†Patellispongia minutipora Bassler 1927
†Patellispongia oculata Bassler 1927
†Patellispongia robusta Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Patellispongia rugosa Rigby and Chatterton 1999
G. †Playfordiella Rigby 1986
†Playfordiella capitanea Rigby 1986
†Playfordiella cylindrata Rigby 1986
G. †Psarodictyum Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Psarodictyum attenuatum Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Psarodictyum crassum Rigby and Webby 1988
†Psarodictyum magna Beresi and Rigby 1993
†Psarodictyum magnificum Raymond and Okulitch 1940
G. †Pycnospongia
G. †Rankenella Kruse 1983
†Rankenella hamdii Kruse and Zhuravlev 2008
†Rankenella mors Gatehouse 1968
†Rankenella zhangxianensis Lee et al. 2016
Invalid names: Arborella Gatehouse 1968 [replaced]
G. †Rhopalocoelia Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Rhopalocoelia bachuensis Liu et al. 2003
†Rhopalocoelia clarkii Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Rhopalocoelia kalpinensis Liu et al. 2003
†Rhopalocoelia rama Beresi and Rigby 1993
G. †Schismospongia Rhebergen and von Hacht 2000
G. †Somersetella Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Somersetella amplia Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Somersetella conicula Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Somersetella digitata Rigby and Dixon 1979
G. †Steliella
G. †Striataspongia Howell 1957
G. †Stromatomorpha Frech 1890
†Stromatomorpha califormica Smith 1927
†Stromatomorpha californica Smith 1927
†Stromatomorpha stylifera Frech 1890
G. †Strotospongia Ulrich and Everett 1889
G. †Syringelasma Ulrich 1890
G. †Syringophyllum Ulrich and Miller 1889
G. †Trachyum Billings 1865
G. †Trochospongia Roemer 1887
G. †Tschernyschevostuckenbergia Zhuravleva 1962
Invalid names: Stuckenbergia Tscherbyschev 1898 [replaced]
G. †Vankempenia von Hacht 1994
G. †Velellospongia
G. †Zittelella Ulrich and Everett 1889
†Zittelella grossa Rigby and Desrochers 1995
†Zittelella pannosa Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Zittelella typicalis Ulrich and Everett 1890
†Zittelella varians Billings 1861
†Zittelella xinjiangensis Liu et al. 2003
Fm. †Anthracosyconidae Finks 1960
G. †Anthracosycon Girty 1909
†Anthracosycon auriforme Finks 1960
†Anthracosycon ficus Girty 1909
†Anthracosycon ficus capitanense Girty 1909
†Anthracosycon regulare King 1943
G. †Collatipora Finks 1960
†Collatipora delicata Finks 1960
†Collatipora discreta Finks 1960
†Collatipora pyriformis Finks 1960
G. †Dactylites Finks 1960
†Dactylites magna Rigby and Bell 2006
†Dactylites micropora Finks 1960
†Dactylites obconica Rigby and Bell 2006
†Dactylites subdigitatus Finks 1960
G. †Devonospongia
G. †Laubenfelsia King 1943
Fm. †Astylospongiidae Zittel 1877
G. †Astyloscyphia Rigby et al. 2001
†Astyloscyphia irregularia Rigby et al. 2001
†Astyloscyphia turbinata Rigby et al. 2001
G. †Astylospongia Roemer 1860
†Astylospongia lutera Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Astylospongia praemorsa Goldfuss 1826
G. †Attungaia Pickett 1969
G. †Caliculospongia
G. †Carpospongia Rauff 1894
†Carpospongia castanea Roemer 1861
†Carpospongia globosa Eichwald 1830
G. †Caryoconus Rhebergen and van Kempen 2002
G. †Caryospongia Rauff 1894
†Caryospongia tuberosa de Freitas 1991
Invalid names: Caryomanon [synonym]
G. †Devonoscyphia Rietschel 1968
†Devonoscyphia regulara Rigby et al. 2001
†Devonoscyphia sanctacrucensis Hurcewicz 1985
†Devonoscyphia sandbergeri Rietschel 1968
G. †Garraspongia
G. †Inglispongia Pickett 1969
G. †Malinowskiella
G. †Palaeomanon Roemer 1860
†Palaeomanon cratera Roemer 1848
†Palaeomanon roemeri Walcott 1884
Invalid names: Astylomanon [synonym]
G. †Raanespongia Rigby and Terrell 1973
†Raanespongia iranica Senowbari-Daryan et al. 2007
†Raanespongia monilis Rigby and Terrell 1973
G. †Shuqraiopsis Jansa et al. 1982
Fm. †Chiastoclonellidae Rauff 1895
G. †Actinocoelia Finks 1960
†Actinocoelia maeandrina Finks 1960
†Actinocoelia ossa Deng 1981
†Actinocoelia verrucosa Finks 1960
G. †Defordia King 1943
†Defordia defuncta King 1943
†Defordia densa Finks 1960
†Defordia digitata Rigby 1984
†Defordia foliata Rigby 1984
†Defordia lobata Finks 1960
†Defordia verrucula Rigby 1984
G. †Syltispongia
Fm. †Streptosolenidae Johns 1994
G. †Allosaccus
G. †Aulocopella Rauff 1895
†Aulocopella dactylos Rigby and Bayer 1971
†Aulocopella probolos Rigby and Bayer 1971
†Aulocopella scelidos Rigby and Bayer 1971
†Aulocopella winnipegensis Rauff 1895
G. †Aulocopium Oswald 1847
†Aulocopium aurantium Oswald 1847
†Aulocopium nana Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Aulocopium sanjuanensis Beresi and Rigby 1993
G. †Aulocopoides Howell 1952
G. †Dendroclonella
G. †Hudsonospongia Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia cyclostoma Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia duplicata Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia fistulosa Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia irregularis Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia minganensis Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia nodosa Rigby and Desrochers 1995
†Hudsonospongia porosa Raymond and Okulitch 1940
†Hudsonospongia talacastensis Beresi and Rigby 1993
G. †Orlinocyathus
G. †Ozarkocoelia
G. †Perissocoelia Rigby and Webby 1988
†Perissocoelia gelasinina Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Perissocoelia habra Rigby and Webby 1988
†Perissocoelia spinosa Rigby and Chatterton 1989
G. †Streptosolen Ulrich and Everett 1889
†Streptosolen mccafferyi Johns 1994
†Streptosolen nodosus Johns 1994
†Streptosolen occidentalis Bassler 1927
G. †Wilbernicyathus Wilson 1950
G. †Psarodictyon Raymond and Okulitch 1940
G. †Pyrogochonia Zittel 1878
Or. Spirosclerophorida Reid 1963
G. †Bothrochlaenia
G. †Cladolithosia
G. †Diacyparia
G. †Discodermites
G. †Elasmalimus
G. †Hypothyra
G. †Ischadia Pomel 1872
G. †Macandrewites
G. †Ocellaria Ramond de Carbonniere 1801
G. †Orosphecion Pomel 1872
G. †Pachypsechia
G. †Physocalpia
G. †Placojerea
G. †Platispongia
G. †Plethosiphonia
G. †Podapsis
G. †Polythyra
G. †Pterocalpia
Subor. †Rhizomorina Zittel 1895
Superfm. Azoricoidea Sollas 1888
Fm. Azoricidae Sollas 1888
Subfm. †Astroboliinae De Laubenfels 1955
Subfm. †Aulosominae Schrammen 1924
Subfm. †Azoricinae Sollas 1888
Subfm. †Cytoraciinae Schrammen 1924
Subfm. †Leiochoniinae Schrammen 1924
G. Leiodermatium Schmidt 1870
Subfm. †Siphonidiinae Lendenfeld 1904
Fm. †Cnemidiastridae Schrammen 1924
G. †Cnemidiastrum Zittel 1878
Invalid names: Lithostrobilis [synonym], Lithostrobilus Schrammen 1937 [objective synonym]
G. †Cnemopeltia Pomel 1872
G. †Corallidium
G. †Cucumaltina Brimaud and Vachard 1986
Fm. †Haplistiidae de Laubenfels 1955
G. †Chaunactis Finks 1960
†Chaunactis foliata Finks 1960
†Chaunactis kaera Hurcewicz 1982
†Chaunactis malkowskii Hurcewicz 1982
G. †Crawneya Pickett 1969
G. †Haplistion Young and Young 1877
†Haplistion aeluroglossa Finks 1960
†Haplistion apletum Rigby et al. 1970
†Haplistion arcticum Dunikowski 1884
†Haplistion armstrongi Young and Young 1877
†Haplistion artiense Tshernyshev 1899
†Haplistion creswelli Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Haplistion cylindricum Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Haplistion diactinum Rigby and Terrell 1973
†Haplistion elongatum Siedlecka 1970
†Haplistion festningensis Siedlecka 1970
†Haplistion frustrum Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Haplistion hadrum Hurcewicz 1982
†Haplistion latituba Dunikowski 1884
†Haplistion macroporum Dunikowski 1884
†Haplistion megalochetus Finks 1960
†Haplistion minutum Rigby and Dixon 1979
†Haplistion orientale Tshernyshev 1899
†Haplistion regularis Rigby and Webby 1988
†Haplistion skinneri King 1943
†Haplistion sphaericum Finks 1960
G. †Kazania
G. †Lewinia Rigby and Webby 1988
†Lewinia cavernosa Rigby and Webby 1988
†Lewinia complanata Rigby and Webby 1988
G. †Monarchopemmatites de Laubenfels 1947
G. †Mortieria
G. †Oremo Pickett 1969
G. †Pemmatites Dunikowski 1884
G. †Radiatospongia Wolfenden 1959
G. †Rhaphidhistia Carter 1878
G. †Varneycoelia
G. †Warrigalia Rigby and Webby 1988
†Warrigalia elliptica Rigby and Webby 1988
†Warrigalia robusta Rigby and Webby 1988
G. †Laosciadia Pomel 1872
Fm. Platychoniidae Schrammen 1924
G. †Bothrolemma Schrammen 1924
G. †Chonellopsis Schrammen 1937
†Chonellopsis folium Schrammen 1937
†Chonellopsis striata Schrammen 1937
G. †Hyaloderma
Superfm. †Platychoniodea Schrammen 1924
Fm. †Discostromatidae Schrammen 1924
Subfm. †Discostromatinae Schrammen 1924
Subfm. †Pyrgochoniinae Schrammen 1924
Superfm. Scleritodermatoidea Sollas 1888
Fm. Jereicidae Schrammen 1924
G. †Jereica Zittel 1878
G. †Jereopsis Pomel 1872
G. †Pomelia Zittel 1878
G. †Stichophyma Pomel 1872
G. †Orecyta
G. †Perimera
G. †Plococonia
G. †Pocillospongia
Fm. Scleritodermatidae Sollas 1888
Subfm. †Amphithelioninae Schrammen 1924
Subfm. Leiodorellinae Schrammen 1924
G. †Pleurophymia
Fm. Seliscothonidae Schrammen 1924
G. †Histiodia Pomel 1872
G. †Kaliapsis Bowerbank 1869
G. †Pachyselis Schrammen 1924
G. †Phlyctia Pomel 1872
G. †Rhabdotum Schrammen 1924
G. †Seliscothon Zittel 1878
G. †Trachydictya Pomel 1872
G. †Rhizostele
G. †Siphonocoelia
Or. Tetralithistida Lagneau-Hérenger 1962
Subor. †Dicranocladina Schrammen 1924
Fm. †Corallistidae Sollas 1888
Subfm. †Corallistinae Sollas 1888
G. Corallistes
G. †Dicranoclonella Schrammen 1937
G. †Kyphoclonella Kolb 1910
G. †Leiocarenus Schrammen 1937
G. †Leiohyphe Schrammen 1924
Subfm. †Gignouxiinae De Laubenfels
G. †Gignouxia
G. †Gilletia Lagneau-Herenger 1962
G. †Phrissospongia Moret 1926
G. †Procorallistes Schrammen 1901
G. †Pycnoclonella Lagneau-Herenger 1962
G. †Schrammeniella Breistroffer 1949
Invalid names: Iouea de Laubenfels 1955 [synonym], Phalangium Schrammen 1910 [synonym]
G. †Spinocladia Lagneau-Herenger 1962
Subfm. †Pachinioninae Schrammen 1924
Fm. †Pseudoverruculinidae Laubenfels 1955
Subor. Didymmorina Rauff 1893
Fm. †Cylindrophymatidae Schrammen 1936
G. †Chonophyma Oppliger 1921
G. †Cylindrophyma Zittel 1878
†Cylindrophyma milleporata Goldfuss 1826
Invalid names: Didymosphaera Linck 1883 [synonym]
Subor. Pseudorhizomorina Schrammen 1901
Subor. Tetracladina Zittel 1878
Fm. †Astrocladiidae Schrammen 1901
G. †Astrocladia Zittel 1878
†Astrocladia subramosa Roemer 1864
Invalid names: Asterospongia Roemer 1864 [synonym]
Fm. †Chenendoporidae Roemer 1864
G. †Chenendopora Lamouroux 1821
†Chenendopora fungiformis Lamouroux 1821
†Chenendopora marsili Stoppani 1865
G. †Tragalimus
Fm. †Phymaraphiniidae Schrammen 1910
G. †Compsapsis Sollas 1880
G. †Lopadophorus Schrammen 1910
†Lopadophorus fusiformis Lagneau-Herenger 1962
†Lopadophorus globosus Lagneau-Herenger 1962
†Lopadophorus lacunosus Schrammen 1910
G. †Pholidocladia Hinde 1884
Subg. †Pholidocladia (Pholidocladia) Reid 2004
Subg. †Pholidocladia (Stelidium) Schrammen 1924
G. †Phymaraphinia Schrammen 1901
†Phymaraphinia infundibuliformis Schrammen 1901
†Phymaraphinia plana Lagneau-Herenger 1962
Invalid names: Phymoraphinia Schrammen [objective synonym]
G. †Prokaliapsis Schrammen 1901
†Prokaliapsis clavata Hinde 1884
†Prokaliapsis cretacea Schrammen 1901
†Prokaliapsis danubica Wagner 1963
†Prokaliapsis gemina Schrammen 1924
†Prokaliapsis schrammeni Wagner 1963
†Prokaliapsis subglobosa Schrammen 1924
Fm. †Plinthosellidae Schrammen 1910
G. †Ingentilotus Laubenfels 1955
†Ingentilotus micropelta Schrammen 1910
†Ingentilotus ostreiformis Lagneau-Herenger 1962
Invalid names: Dactylotus Schrammen 1910 [synonym]
G. †Plinthosella Zittel 1878
†Plinthosella acanthodes Defretin-Lefranc 1960
†Plinthosella elegans Hurcewicz 1966
†Plinthosella punctata Lagneau-Herenger 1962
†Plinthosella squamosa Zittel 1878
Fm. †Radiocelliidae Senowbari-Daryan and Wurm 1994
Fm. Siphoniidae d'Orbigny 1851
Subfm. †Phymatellinae Schrammen 1910
G. †Asterocalyx Moret 1926
G. †Astrolemma Schrammen 1924
G. †Bolojerea
G. †Bolospongia
G. †Calymmatina Zittel 1878
G. †Craterella Schrammen 1901
G. †Kalpinella Hinde 1884
G. †Kozlowskispongia Hurcewicz 1966
G. †Marginospongia
G. †Paraspelaeum Schrammen 1924
G. †Trachysycon Zittel 1878
G. †Tretotoechus Opplinger 1915
Subfm. Siphoniinae d'Orbigny 1851
G. †Actinosiphonia Sintzova 1878
G. †Aulaxinia Zittel 1878
G. †Bathotheca
G. †Callopegma Zittel 1878
G. †Hallirhoa Lamouroux 1821
G. †Jerea Lamouroux 1821
G. †Nelumbia
G. †Polyierea Fromentel 1860
G. †Siphonia Goldfuss 1826
G. †Turonia Michelin 1847
G. Sulcastrella
Fm. Theonellidae Lendenfeld 1904
Subfm. †Acrochordoniinae Schrammen 1910
G. †Achrochordiella Rigby 1981
G. †Acrochordonia Schrammen 1901
G. †Eustrobilus Schrammen 1910
G. †Phyllodermia Schrammen 1924
G. †Pliegatella Brimaud and Vachard 1986
G. †Pseudojerea Moret 1926
G. †Ragadinia Zittel 1878
G. †Pachycorynea
G. †Rhopalospongia
Subfm. †Theonellinae von Lendenfeld 1904
G. †Colossolacis Schrammen 1910
G. Discodermia du Bocage 1869
G. †Leiophyllum Schrammen 1924
G. Racodiscula
G. †Rhoptrum Schrammen 1910
G. †Stellettites
G. Theonella
G. †Verrucodesma Lagneau-Herenger 1962
†Verrucodesma cylindrata Lagneau-Herenger 1962
†Verrucodesma subconica Lagneau-Herenger 1962
G. †Zitteleus
G. †Vermiculissimum
Invalid names: Phymatellidae Schrammen 1910 [empty], Scleritodermidae Sollas 1888 [empty]
No diagnoses are available