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Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1883Terebratulida Waagen
1974Terebratulida Brunton and Champion p. 837
1979Terebratulida Perry and Chatterton p. 315
1984Terebratulida Squires p. 15
1995Terebratulida Sandy et al. p. 841
1997Terebratulida Jin and Chatterton
2002Terebratulida Feldman p. 37
2002Eudesites Sepkoski
2002Terebratulida Sepkoski
2010Terebratulida Kaim et al. p. 76
2013Terebratulida Emig et al. p. 76

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classRhynchonellataWilliams et al. 1996

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Terebratulida Waagen 1883
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G. †Asiacranaena Kaplun 1991
Subor. †Centronellidina Stehli 1965
G. †Microbilobata Jin and Chatterton 1996
Microbilobata avalanchensis Jin and Chatterton 1996
G. †Ense Struve 1992
Subor. Gwyniidina Halamski and Bitner 2015
Superfm. Gwynioidea Williams et al. 2006
Fm. †Dispheniidae Grant 1988
Subfm. †Albasphinae Halamski and Bitner 2015
G. †Albasphe Halamski et al. 2015
G. †Zellania Moore 1855
G. †Disphenia Grant 1988
Disphenia myiodes Grant 1988
G. Gwynia King 1859
Gwynia capsula Jeffreys 1859
Invalid names: Gwyniidae Williams et al. 2006 [empty]
G. †Minithyris Radulovic 1991
Fm. †Obolorugidae Zhang 1983
G. †Parasulcatinella Xu and Liu 1983
Parasulcatinella obesus Xu and Liu 1983
G. †Rugosothyris Zhang 1987
G. †Selenella Hall and Clarke 1894
G. †Struvethyris Radulovic 1991
G. †Subsinucephalus Strave 1992
Subor. †Terebratellidina Muir-Wood 1955
G. †Antigoniarcula Elliott 1959
Antigoniarcula perrieri Eudes-Deslongchamps 1853
Superfm. Bouchardioidea Allan 1940
Fm. Bouchardiidae Allan 1940
G. †Australiarcula Elliott 1960
Australiarcula artesiana Elliott 1960
G. Bouchardia Davidson 1850
Bouchardia antarctica Buckman 1910
Invalid names: Bouchardia angusta Buckman 1910 [synonym], Bouchardia elliptica Buckman 1910 [synonym], Bouchardia ovalis Buckman 1910 [synonym]
Bouchardia rosea Mawe 1823
Bouchardia zitteli Ihering 1897
Bouchardiella cretacea Etheridge 1913
G. †Malleia
Malleia portlandica Chapman 1913
Neobouchardia minima Thomson 1918
G. †Eogryphus Hertlein and Grant IV 1944
Eogryphus tolmani Hertlein and Grant IV 1944
Eogryphus tolmani ynezensis Hertlein and Grant IV 1944
G. †Gwyniella Johanson 1987
G. Hercothyris Cooper 1979
Hercothyris borroi Cooper 1979
Hercothyris semiradiata Cooper 1979
Superfm. Kingenoidea Elliott 1948
Fm. †Arzonellinidae Sandy et al. 2022
G. †Arzonellina Sulser 2005
Arzonellina exotica Sulser 2004
Arzonellina stachei Bittner 1895
Invalid names: Arzonella Sulser 2004 [replaced]
Fm. Aulacothyropsidae Dagys 1972
Subfm. Aulacothyropsinae Dagys 1972
G. †Pseudorugitela Dagys 1959
Subfm. Babukellinae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Babukella
G. Fallax Atkins 1960
Fallax antarcticus Foster 1974
Fallax septatus Philippi 1844
Fm. Kingenidae Elliott 1948
Subfm. Ecnomiosinae Cooper 1977
G. †Dzirulina
G. †Vaniella
Subfm. †Kingeninae Elliott 1948
G. †Kingena Davidson 1852
G. †Paraldingia Richardson 1973
G. †Tulipina
G. †Zeuschneria Smirnova 1975
G. †Zittelina Rollier 1919
Trigonellina interlaevigata Quenstedt 1871
Trigonellina pectunculus Schlotheim 1820
Trigonellina trimedia Rollier 1919
Superfm. Kraussinoidea Dall 1870
Fm. Kraussinidae Dall 1870
G. Kraussina Davidson 1859
Kraussina cognata Sowerby 1847
Kraussina cuneata Brunton and Hiller 1990
Kraussina laevicostata Brunton and Hiller 1990
Kraussina lata Haughton 1932
Kraussina mercatori Helmcke 1939
Kraussina rotundata Brunton and Hiller 1990
Kraussina rubra Pallas 1766
Subfm. Megerliinae Hiller et al. 2008
G. Megerlia King 1850
Invalid names: Megerlea Davidson 1856 [synonym], Muhlfeldtia Batle 1880 [synonym], Pantellaria Dall 1919 [synonym]
G. Megerlina Deslongchamps 1884
Megerlina capensis Adams and Reeve 1850
Invalid names: Megerlina striata Jackson 1952 [synonym]
Megerlina dorothyae Craig 1999
Megerlina irenae Craig 1999
Megerlina lamarckiana Davidson 1852
Megerlina miracula Hiller 2008
Megerlina pisum Lamarck 1819
G. †Kurakithyris Hatai 1946
Kurakithyris nipponensis Yokoyama 1910
Superfm. Laqueoidea Thomson 1927
Fm. Frenulinidae Hatai 1938
G. Frenulina Dall 1894
Frenulina cruenta Cooper 1973
Subfm. Frenulininae Hatai 1938
Invalid names: Kamoica Hatai 1936 [synonym]
Subfm. Pictothyridinae Yabe and Hatai 1941
G. Pictothyris Thomson 1927
Fm. Laqueidae Thomson 1927
Subfm. †Dalligadinae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Dalligas
Subfm. Laqueinae Thomson 1927
G. †Laquethiris Bitner 1996
Subfm. †Parakingeninae Sun 1981
G. †Colinella
Invalid names: Nekvasilovela Calzada Badia 1987 [synonym]
G. †Parakingena Sun 1981
G. †Rossithyris Owen 1980
G. †Waconella
Subfm. †Terebrataliopsinae Smirnova 1990
G. †Eodallina Elliott 1959
G. †Hamptonina Rollier 1919
G. †Lusitanina Andrade 2006
G. †Psilothyris Cooper 1955
Invalid names: Tamarella Owen 1965 [synonym]
G. †Maastrichtiella Simon 2005
Fm. Terebrataliidae Richardson 1975
Subfm. †Gemmarculinae Elliott 1947
G. †Arenaciarcula Elliott 1959
Invalid names: Trifidarcula Elliott 1959 [synonym]
G. †Ismenia King 1850
G. †Oblongarcula Elliott 1959
Subfm. Terebrataliinae Richardson 1975
G. Coptothyris Jackson 1918
Invalid names: Pseudesia Dall 1920 [synonym], Thomsonia Jackson 1916 [replaced]
G. Terebratalia Beecher 1893
G. †Xenothyris Jin et al. 1976
Subfm. †Trigonoseminae Elliott 1965
G. †Dereta Elliott 1959
G. †Leptothyrellopsis Bitner and Pisera 1979
Leptothyrellopsis polonicus Bitner and Pisera 1979
G. †Lutetiarcula Elliott 1954
Lutetiarcula perplexa Elliott 1954
G. †Magas Sowerby 1816
Magas chitoniformis Schlotheim 1813
Superfm. Megathyridoidea Dall 1870
Fm. Megathyrididae Dall 1870
G. Argyrotheca Dall 1900
Argyrotheca aequicostata Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca ageriana Taddei Ruggiero 1993
Argyrotheca alavensis Pajaud 1972
Argyrotheca altavillensis de Morgan 1883
Argyrotheca andina Feruglio 1936
Argyrotheca anomala Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca arguta Grant 1983
Argyrotheca australis Blochmann 1910
Argyrotheca barrettiana Davidson 1866
Argyrotheca batalleri Abrard 1927
Argyrotheca beecheri Clark 1895
Argyrotheca bermudezi Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca bitnerae Dulai 2011
Argyrotheca bronnii Roemer 1841
Argyrotheca cistellula Searles-Wood 1841
Argyrotheca clevei Davidson 1874
Argyrotheca collardi Baudon 1855
Argyrotheca coniuncta Steinich 1965
Argyrotheca costulata Seguenza 1866
Argyrotheca crassa Cooper 1977
Argyrotheca dalli Aldrich 1911
Argyrotheca hewatti Cooper 1977
Argyrotheca hirundo Hagenow 1842
Argyrotheca inconstans Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca intercalata Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca kupei Hiller 2008
Argyrotheca lacunosa Stenich 1965
Argyrotheca laevis Cooper 1988
Argyrotheca londinensis Elliott 1954
Argyrotheca lowei Hertlein and Grant IV 1944
Argyrotheca lunula von Koenen 1894
Argyrotheca macneili Cooper 1988
Argyrotheca magnicostata Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca mayi Blochmann 1914
Argyrotheca megalocephala Sandberger 1862
Argyrotheca megapora Zelinskaya 1975
Argyrotheca michelottina Davidson 1870
Invalid names: Argyrotheca vidali Mallada 1878 [synonym]
Argyrotheca microscopica von Schlotheim 1813
Argyrotheca peculiaris Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca piperipyxis Elliott 1954
Argyrotheca plana Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca plicata de Morgan 1915
Argyrotheca popielae Simon 1992
Argyrotheca quadrata Cooper 1988
Argyrotheca ramshehensis Bitner et al. 2023
Argyrotheca retrorsa Crickmay 1933
Argyrotheca sabandensis Pajaud 1972
Argyrotheca sabaratensis Pajaud 1970
Argyrotheca schrammi Crosse and Fischer 1866
Argyrotheca semicostata Cooper 1988
Argyrotheca semicostata Baudon 1855
Argyrotheca serrata Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca squamata Eichwald 1830
Argyrotheca stevensis Nielsen 1928
Argyrotheca subcordata Boettger 1901
Argyrotheca sublamellosa Cooper 1979
Argyrotheca tokodensis Bitner and Dulai 2008
Argyrotheca zenobiae Elliott 1960
Invalid names: Cistellarcula Elliott 1954 [synonym]
G. †Borellithyris Dulai 2019
Borellithyris gaetanii Dulai 2019
Bronnothyris danaperensis Bitner and Müller 2017
Bronnothyris rugosa Schreiber 1871
Bronnothyris subradiata Sandberger 1862
G. Joania Alvarez et al. 2008
Joania cordata Risso 1826
Invalid names: Argyrotheca subcuneata Boettger 1901 [synonym], Cistella laevigata deMorgan 1915 [synonym], Cistella marie deMorgan 1915 [synonym], Cistella zboroviensis Friedberg 1921 [synonym]
Joania crenata Sandberger 1862
Joania dertomutinensis Sacco 1902
Joania falunica de Morgan 1915
Joania peyrerensis Bitner et al. 2013
Joania ukrainica Bitner and Müller 2017
G. Megathiris d'Orbigny 1847
Megathiris bidiscoidea Simon 1992
Invalid names: Argiope multicostata Bosquet 1864 [synonym], Megathiris decollata Chemnitz 1785 [replaced]
Megathyris barroisi Shulgin 1884
Megathyris capensis Jackson 1952
Invalid names: Argiope Eudes-Deslongchamps 1842 [replaced]
G. †Phragmothyris Cooper 1955
Phragmothyris costellata Cooper 1955
Phragmothyris cubensis Cooper 1955
Phragmothyris palmeri Cooper 1955
Phragmothyris rotunda Cooper 1955
Phragmothyris subplana Cooper 1955
Fm. †Praeargyrothecidae MacKinnon and Smirnova 1995
G. †Evargyrotheca MacKinnon and Smirnova 1995
Evargyrotheca alta Smirnova 1972
G. †Krimargyrotheca MacKinnon and Smirnova 1995
Krimargyrotheca balkii MacKinnon and Smirnova 1995
Krimargyrotheca concinna Smirnova 1972
Praeargyrotheca hexaplicata Smirnova 1972
Praeargyrotheca megatrema Sowerby 1836
Praeargyrotheca quadricostata Nekvasilova 1985
Invalid names: Smirnovaena [synonym]
Fm. Thaumatosiidae Cooper 1973
G. Thaumatosia Cooper 1973
Thaumatosia anomala Cooper 1973
G. †Miogryphus Hertlein and Grant IV 1944
Miogryphus willetti Hertlein and Grant IV 1944
Fm. †Mosaethyrididae Simon 2005
Kingenella popielae Simon 2004
G. †Mosaethyris Simon 2005
Mosaethyris felderi Simon 2005
Superfm. Platidioidea Thomson 1927
Fm. Platidiidae Thomson 1927
Platidiidae davidsoni Deslongchamps 1855
Subfm. Platidiinae Thomson 1927
G. †Aemula
G. †Germanoplatidia Dulai and von der Hocht 2020
G. Platidia Costa 1852
G. †Scumulus
G. †Praeneothyris Kats 1962
Praeneothyris grandis Kats 1962
G. †Rhynchora Dalman 1828
G. †Rhynchorina Oehlert 1887
Superfm. Terebratelloidea King 1850
Fm. Dallinidae Beecher 1893
Subfm. Dallininae Beecher 1893
G. Dallina Beecher 1893
G. †Kafirnigania Kats 1962
G. †Landonella MacKinnon 1993
Landonella laqueiformis MacKinnon 1993
Subfm. Nipponithyridinae Hatai 1938
G. Campages Hedley 1905
Invalid names: Japanithyris Thomson 1927 [synonym]
G. Nipponithyris Yabe and Hatai 1934
Invalid names: Dicrosia Cooper 1978 [synonym], Isumithyris Hatai 1948 [synonym], Miyakothyris [synonym]
Fm. Terebratellidae King 1850
Subfm. †Adnatidinae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Adnatida
Subfm. Anakineticinae Richardson 1991
G. Anakinetica Richardson 1987
G. Calloria Cooper and Lee 1993
Calloria inconspicua Sowerby 1846
G. †Erihadrosia Hiller and MacKinnon 2000
Erihadrosia epsilon Allan 1940
Subfm. †Magadinae Davidson 1886
G. †Praemagadina MacKinnon 1993
G. Magadinella Thomson 1915
Magadinella mineuri Richardson 1987
Magadinella woodsiana Tate 1880
G. Magasella Dall 1870
Magasella australis Buckman 1910
Magasella neozelandica Ihering 1903
Subfm. Magellaniinae Beecher 1893
G. Magellania Bayle 1880
Subfm. †Stethothyridinae MacKinnon et al. 1993
G. †Elderra
G. †Epacrothyris Hiller and MacKinnon 2000
G. †Pilkena
G. Stethothyris Thomson 1918
G. †Tioriorithyris Hiller and MacKinnon 2000
G. †Tanakura
Tanakura tanakura Hatai 1936
Subfm. Terebratellinae King 1850
G. †Gmelinmagas Mariñelarena 1964
G. Gyrothyris Thomson 1918
G. †Iheringithyris Levy 1961
G. Magadina Thomson 1915
G. †Magella
G. Neothyris Douville 1879
G. Terebratella d'Orbigny 1847
Invalid names: Waltonia [synonym]
G. †Waiparia
Invalid names: Neothyridinae Allan 1940 [empty]
G. †Tiaretithyris Tchoumatchenco 1986
G. †Timacella Radulovic and Radulovic 2002
Timacella timacensis Antula 1903
G. †Xinjiangthyris Xinjiang 1984
G. †Yabeithyris Hatai 1948
Yabeithyris notoensis Hatai 1948
G. †Yuezhuella Ching and Ye 1979
Yuezhuella minor Jin and Ye 1979
Superfm. Zeillerioidea Allan 1940
Fm. †Eudesiidae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Eudesia King 1850
Subg. †Eudesia (Eudesia) King 1850
Eudesia jurana Roche 1939
G. †Flabellothyris Deslongchamps 1884
Flabellothyris dichotoma Kitchin 1900
Invalid names: Apothyris aberrans Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Flabellothyris oranensis Flamand 1911
Invalid names: Apothyris Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Sphriganaria Cooper 1989
Invalid names: Sphriganaria angulocostata Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria bramkampi Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria intercalata Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Sphriganaria perovalis Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria rara Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Sphriganaria elliptica Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria eximia Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria lirata Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria obesa Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria varicostata Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Sphriganaria anyamiae Feldman et al. 2023
Sphriganaria bicostata Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria capax Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria concentrica Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria costata Cooper 1989
Invalid names: Sphriganaria angustata Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria arguta Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria distans Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria distincta Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria magnicostata Cooper 1989 [synonym], Sphriganaria parva Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Sphriganaria costellata Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria curtirostra Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria expansa Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria irregularis Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria modesta Cooper 1989
Sphriganaria nasuta Cooper 1989
G. †Xenorina Cooper 1989
Xenorina ovata Cooper 1989
Fm. †Gusarellidae Ovtsharenko 1976
G. †Gusarella Prozorovskaja 1962
Gusarella gusarensis Moisseiev 1944
Gusarella nucleola Jin et al. 1979
Invalid names: Eousella [synonym], Micella [synonym], Montanella [synonym]
G. †Protogusarella Perry and Chatterton 1979
Protogusarella smithi Perry and Chatterton 1979
Fm. Zeilleriidae Allan 1940
Subfm. †Aulacothyrinae Babanova 1964
G. †Aulacothyris Douville 1880
G. †Bakonyithyris Voros 1983
Invalid names: Rhomboidella [synonym]
G. †Qilianoconcha Jin et al. 1979
Invalid names: Eoantiptychia Xu and Liu 1983 [synonym]
G. †Bakonithyris Voros 1983
Subfm. Macandreviinae Cooper 1973
Invalid names: Frenula [synonym]
G. †Misunithyris Baeza-Carratalá et al. 2018
Misunithyris goyi Baeza-Carratalá et al. 2018
G. †Neozeilleria Andrade 2006
Neozeilleria anglica Oppel 1856
Neozeilleria duartei Andrade 2006
Neozeilleria nuskae Andrade 2006
Neozeilleria sharpei Choffat 1947
G. †Polyplectella Feldman et al. 2001
Polyplectella debriani Feldman et al. 2001
Subfm. †Securininae Baeza-Carratalá and García Joral 2014
G. †Securina
Subfm. †Vectellinae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Advenina Sandy 1986
G. †Aulacothyroides Dagys 1965
G. †Carpatothyris Smirnova 1975
G. †Enodithyris Smirnova and Konovalov 1986
G. †Epicyrta
G. †Fletcherithyroides Dagys 1977
G. †Kedrovothyris Smirnova 1990
G. †Modestella Owen 1961
Invalid names: Microthyridina Schuchert and LeVene 1929 [synonym]
G. †Parantiptychia Xu and Liu 1983
G. †Tetjuchithyris Smirnova and Konovalov 1986
G. †Vectella Owen 1965
G. †Zeillerina Kjansep 1959
Subfm. †Zeilleriinae Allan 1940
G. †Calpella Owen and Rose 1997
G. †Cincta
Invalid names: Cinctopsis [synonym]
G. †Digonella
Invalid names: Spinulothyris [synonym]
G. †Kolymithyris Dagys 1965
G. †Lazella
G. †Menathyris Feldman 2013
G. †Mycerosia Cooper 1989
G. †Parathyridina Schuchert and LeVene 1929
Invalid names: Parathyris Douvillé 1916 [replaced]
G. †Periallus Hoover 1979
G. †Pirotella
G. †Rugitela
Invalid names: Russiella Makridin 1964 [synonym]
G. †Sacothyris Jin et al. 1977
G. †Selongthyris Wang and Chen 2022
G. †Somalitela Muir-Wood 1935
G. †Zeilleria Bayle 1878
Invalid names: Columellithyris [synonym], Sinusella [synonym]
Invalid names: Zeilleriacea Allan 1940 [replaced]
G. †Zhidothyris Jin et al. 1979
Zhidothyris carinata Jin et al. 1979
Invalid names: Dallinoidea Beecher 1893 [empty]
Subor. Terebratulidina Waagen 1883
Superfm. Cancellothyridoidea Thomson 1926
Fm. Cancellothyrididae Thomson 1926
Subfm. †Alithyridinae Sun 1981
G. †Alithyris Sun 1981
Subfm. Cancellothyridinae Thomson 1926
G. †Ortholina
G. †Rhynchonellopsis Bose 1894
G. Terebratulina d'Orbigny 1847
G. †Cooperithyris Tchorszhevsky 1988
Cooperithyris tenuicostata Tchorszhevsky 1988
Subfm. †Cricosiinae Cooper 1973
G. †Bisulcina
G. †Cricosia Cooper 1973
G. †Cruralina Smirnova 1966
G. †Gyrosoria Cooper 1973
Fm. Chlidonophoridae Muir-Wood 1959
Subfm. Agulhasiinae Muir-Wood 1965
Subfm. Chlidonophorinae Muir-Wood 1959
G. Chlidonophora Dall 1903
G. †Deslongchampsithyris Lee and Tchorszhevsky 2006
Invalid names: Deslongchampsia Tchorszhevsky 1988 [replaced]
G. †Disculina
G. †Gisilina Steinich 1963
G. †Meonia
G. †Prochlidonophora Thomson and Owen 1979
G. †Rugia Steinich 1963
Subfm. †Draciinae Steinich 1967
G. †Dracius
Subfm. Eucalathinae Muir-Wood 1965
G. Eucalathis Fischer and Oehlert 1890
G. Notozyga Cooper 1977
Subfm. †Orthothyridinae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Orthothyris Cooper 1955
Fm. Cnismatocentridae Cooper 1973
Subfm. †Arcuatothyridinae Katz 1974
G. †Nucleatina Kats 1962
Fm. †Inopinatarculidae Muir-Wood 1965
Inopinatarcula acanthodes Etheridge 1913
Superfm. †Compositelasmatoidea Smirnova 2006
Fm. †Compositelasmatidae Smirnova 2006
G. †Compositelasma Smirnova 2006
Compositelasma evolutum Smirnova 2006
Superfm. †Cryptonelloidea Thomson 1926
Fm. †Cimicinellidae Stehli 1965
Fm. †Cranaenidae Cloud 1942
Subfm. †Afilasmatinae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Afilasma Stehli 1961
Subfm. †Cranaeninae Thomson 1926
G. †Anomalesia Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Cranaena Hall and Clarke 1893
Invalid names: Eunella Hall and Clarke 1894 [synonym]
G. †Hamburgia
G. †Planothyris Glushenko 1975
G. †Pontielasma Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
Subfm. †Girtyellinae Stehli 1965
G. †Eremithyris Brügge 1973
G. †Girtyella Weller 1911
G. †Harttella
Fm. †Cryptonellidae Thomson 1926
Subfm. †Cryptonellinae Thomson 1926
G. †Booralia
G. †Gacina Stehli 1961
G. †Heterelasma Girty 1909
G. †Texarina Cooper and Grant 1970
Invalid names: Texasia Cooper and Grant 1969 [replaced]
Fm. †Labaiidae Licharew 1960
G. †Labaia Licharew 1956
Labaia aplata Liang 1990
Labaia muirwoodae Licharew 1956
Fm. †Notothyrididae Licharew 1960
G. †Alwynia
G. †Chondronia Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia bella Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia hiroshimensis Yanagida and Nishikawa 1984
Chondronia ningula Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia obesa Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia ovalis Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia parva Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia rectimarginata Cooper and Grant 1976
Subfm. †Cryptacanthiinae Stehli 1965
G. †Anadyrella Dagys 1974
G. †Anaptychius Hoover 1981
G. †Cryptacanthia White and St John 1867
G. †Obnixia Hoover 1979
G. †Enallosia Cooper and Grant 1976
Enallosia elongata Sun 1991
Enallosia rotundovata Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Gefonia Licharew 1936
Gefonia bifrons Reed 1944
Gefonia carinata Jin and Ye 1979
Gefonia cubanica Licharew 1936
Gefonia emerita Reed 1931
Gefonia improvisa Koczyrkevicz 1983
Gefonia levis Licharew 1936
Gefonia licharewi Smirnova 2007
Gefonia mimicusa Liang 1990
Invalid names: Gefonia nola Liang 1990 [synonym]
Gefonia plicata Licharew 1936
Gefonia sinuata Zhang 1983
Gefonia warthiformis Grabau 1934
G. †Levinotothyris Smirnova 2007
Levinotothyris rotunda Smirnova 2007
Levinotothyris salomonense Gemmellaro 1899
G. †Notothyrina Licharew 1936
Notothyrina pontica Licharew 1936
G. †Notothyris Waagen 1882
Notothyris acuta Reed 1944
Notothyris berkeyi Grabau 1931
Notothyris bifoldes Xu and Grant 1994
Notothyris buriensis Reed 1944
Notothyris crassa Reed 1944
Notothyris daudensis Reed 1944
Notothyris depressus Liao 1987
Notothyris djoulfensis Abich 1878
Notothyris duplicata Reed 1944
Notothyris gillilandensis Cooper and Grant 1976
Notothyris gojraensis Reed 1944
Notothyris hexeris Waterhouse 1981
Notothyris inflata Waagen 1882
Notothyris irregularis Grabau 1931
Notothyris jalaidensis Lee and Su 1980
Notothyris lenticularis Waagen 1882
Notothyris liangshuikouensis Zhao and Tan 1984
Notothyris lochardi Mansuy 1916
Notothyris lucida Reed 1944
Notothyris minuta Waagen 1882
Notothyris multiplicata Waagen 1882
Notothyris nucleolus Kutorga 1842
Notothyris orthosinus Liang 1990
Notothyris planiplicata Cooper and Grant 1976
Notothyris polaris Tschernyschew and Stepanow 1916
Notothyris praelecta Reed 1944
Notothyris revocata Reed 1944
Notothyris riparia Reed 1944
Notothyris sakagami Yanagida and Nakornsri 1999
Notothyris sarinensis Reed 1944
Notothyris simplex Waagen 1882
Notothyris subnucleolus Zhang and Jin 1961
Notothyris subpentagona Grabau 1934
Notothyris subvesicularis Davidson 1862
Notothyris triplax Grant 1976
Notothyris triplicata Diener 1897
Notothyris uralica Tschernyschew 1902
Notothyris venusta Cooper and Grant 1976
Notothyris waageni Schréter 1963
Notothyris walkeri Diener 1903
Notothyris warthi Waagen 1882
G. †Pseudorostranteris Glushenko 1975
G. †Rostranteris Gemmellaro 1899
Notothyris ovalis Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris adrianense Gemmellaro 1894
Rostranteris bachmutiensis Glushenko 1975
Rostranteris charymdarensis Smirnova and Grunt 2002
Rostranteris exile Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris gemmellaroi Smirnova and Grunt 2002
Rostranteris gibbosum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris guttula Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris inflatum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris jakovlevi Glushenko 1975
Rostranteris mediterraneum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris merriami Cooper 1957
Rostranteris ovaleformis Smirnova 2001
Rostranteris ptychiventria Xu and Grant 1994
Rostranteris pulchrum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris sinuatum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris sulcatum Cooper 1957
Rostranteris trispinus Glushenko 1975
G. †Timorina Stehli 1961
Timorina attenuata Cooper and Grant 1976
Timorina broili Stehli 1961
Timorina ovata Girty 1909
Invalid names: Xenocryptonella [synonym]
Superfm. †Dielasmatoidea Schuchert 1913
G. †Adygellopsis Sun and Shi 1985
Adygellopsis pentagonalis Sun and Shi 1985
Fm. †Angustothyrididae Dagys 1972
G. †Angustothyris Dagys 1972
Angustothyris concava Jin et al. 1979
Angustothyris dagysi Guo et al. 2019
Angustothyris ladina Bittner 1890
Angustothyris qingyanensis Guo et al. 2019
Angustothyris raxana Bittner 1892
G. †Caucasothyris Dagys 1974
Cubanothyris elegans Dagys 1959
Cubanothyris primarius Dagys 1974
Cubanothyris ventricosa Jin et al. 1979
G. †Cystothyris Sun 1981
G. †Paradoxothyris Xu 1978
Paradoxothyris flatus Wu et al. 2023
Invalid names: Arcosarina Jin et al. 1979 [synonym]
G. †Praeangustothyris Koczyrkevicz 1984
Praeangustothyris faticana Koczyrkevicz 1984
G. †Praecubanothyris Dagys 1974
Praecubanothyris sulcifera Schauroth 1855
G. †Rhaetina Waagen 1882
Rhaetina beskessensis Dagys 1963
Rhaetina caucasica Dagys 1963
Rhaetina columnaris Jin et al. 1979
Rhaetina elliptica Dagys 1963
Rhaetina gregaria Suess 1854
Invalid names: Rhaetina pamirensis Moisseiev 1938 [synonym], Rhaetina robinsoni Moisseiev 1947 [synonym], Terebratula dipla Schafhautl 1863 [synonym], Terebratula humboldtensis Gabb 1864 [synonym], Terebratula paueri Winkler 1859 [synonym], Terebratula turcica Bittner 1891 [synonym]
Rhaetina incurvirostra Hoover 1979
Rhaetina jomdaensis Sun 1981
Rhaetina ovalis Pearson 1977
Rhaetina parva Jin et al. 1979
Rhaetina pyriformis Suess 1854
Invalid names: Rhaetina skirdaensis Moisseiev 1947 [synonym], Terebratula horia Suess 1854 [synonym]
Rhaetina rainei MacFarlan 2023
Rhaetina subcircularis Yang and Xu 1966
Rhaetina taurica Moisseiev 1932
Rhaetina tirolensis Siblik 1999
Rhaetina triangularis Detre 1970
Invalid names: Rhaetinopsis Yang and Xu 1966 [synonym], Sanqiaothyris Yang and Xu 1966 [synonym]
Fm. †Antzeilleridae Xu and Liu 1983
G. †Antezeilleria Xu and Liu 1983
Antezeilleria subrotata Xu and Liu 1983
G. †Emeithyris Xu 1978
G. †Epithyroides Xu 1978
G. †Athyrorhynchia Xu and Liu 1983
Athyrorhynchia athyroformis Xu and Liu 1983
Fm. †Beecheriidae Smirnova 2004
G. †Beecheria Hall and Clarke 1893
Beecheria angusta Netschajew 1894
Beecheria bovidens Morton 1836
Beecheria chouteauensis Weller 1914
Beecheria curva Smirnova 2009
Beecheria elliptica Cooper and Grant 1976
Beecheria expansa Cooper and Grant 1976
Beecheria fernglenensis Weller 1909
Beecheria kargaliensis Smirnova 2007
Beecheria lidarensis Diener 1915
Beecheria magna Jin and Ye 1979
Beecheria netschajewi Grigor'yeva 1967
Beecheria samarica Smirnova 2007
G. †Calycelasma Smirnova 2007
Calycelasma kalaschnikovi Smirnova 2007
G. †Hoskingia Campbell 1965
Hoskingia dieneri Waterhouse 1978
Hoskingia grandis Campbell 1965
Hoskingia hochstetteri Toula 1869
Hoskingia kennediensis Campbell 1965
Hoskingia latouchei Diener 1903
Hoskingia nobilis Etheridge Jr. 1907
Hoskingia prolonga Waterhouse 1983
Hoskingia qomolangmaensis Shen et al. 2003
Hoskingia skwarkoi Archbold 1997
Hoskingia trigonopsis Hosking 1933
Hoskingia wandageensis Campbell 1965
G. †Sokelasma Smirnova 2004
Sokelasma chuvaschensis Smirnova 2007
Sokelasma esaulovae Smirnova 2004
Sokelasma guttiformis Smirnova 2004
Sokelasma tatarstanica Smirnova 2007
G. †Tapetulasma Smirnova 2007
Tapetulasma boltaevae Smirnova 2007
Fm. †Dielasmatidae Schuchert 1913
G. †Campbellelasma Smirnova 2004
Campbellelasma variiforme Smirnova 2004
Campbellelasma vulgaris Smirnova 2004
Subfm. †Centronelloideinae Stehli 1965
Subfm. †Dielasmatinae Schuchert 1913
G. †Adygella Dagys 1959
G. †Amygdalocosta Waterhouse 1967
G. †Bittnerithyris Popov 2017
G. †Coenothyris Douvillé 1879
G. †Cruratula
G. †Dareithyris Siblík 1991
G. †Dielasma Beede and Rogers 1900
G. †Dielasmina Waagen 1882
G. †Ectoposia Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Elasmata Waterhouse 1982
G. †Fletcherithyris Campbell 1965
Invalid names: Fletcherina Stehli 1961 [replaced]
G. †Pirithyris Sun and Ye 1982
G. †Plectelasma Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Praerhaetina Urosevic 1980
G. †Sulcatinella Dagys 1974
G. †Tibetothyris Jin and Sun 1976
G. †Tosuhuthyris Sun and Ye 1982
G. †Whitspakia Stehli 1964
Invalid names: Pakistania Stehli 1961 [replaced]
G. †Yochelsonia Stehli 1961
G. †Grigorjevaelasma Smirnova 2004
Grigorjevaelasma rossica Smirnova 2004
G. †Gruntelasma Smirnova 2004
Gruntelasma bajtuganensis Smirnova 2004
Gruntelasma disciformis Smirnova 2007
G. †Lengwuella Liang 1990
Lengwuella prisma Liang 1990
Lengwuella spaedformis Liang 1990
Invalid names: Lengwuella medulla Liang 1990 [synonym], Lengwuella obesa Liang 1990 [synonym], Phyllolasma lamina Liang 1990 [synonym]
Invalid names: Phyllolasma Liang 1990 [synonym]
Subfm. †Nucleatulinae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Arctothyris Dagys 1965
G. †Dinarella
G. †Propygope Bittner 1890
G. †Sulcatothyris Dagys 1974
Invalid names: Ninglangothyris Jin and Fang 1977 [synonym]
G. †Ustritskia Chen and Shi 2006
Ustritskia minima Merla 1934
Ustritskia pseudotimanicum Ustritsky 1960
Fm. †Gillediidae Campbell 1965
Subfm. †Gillediinae Campbell 1965
G. †Aneuthelasma Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Bisolcatelasma Crippa and Angiolini 2012
G. †Camarelasma Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Gilledia Stehli 1961
G. †Lowenstamia Stehli 1961
G. †Maorielasma Waterhouse 1964
G. †Omanilasma Angiolini and Zarbo 2006
G. †Paragilledia Waterhouse 2020
G. †Pyandzhelasma Smirnova and Grunt 2002
G. †Tacinia Glushenko 1975
Subfm. †Hemiptychininae Campbell 1965
G. †Hemiptychina Waagen 1882
Invalid names: Jisuina Grabau 1931 [synonym], Morrisina Grabau 1931 [synonym]
G. †Latiflexa Koczyrkevicz 1984
G. †Pseudojisuina Liang 1990
G. †Sichuanothyris Shen et al. 1992
G. †Mongolina Grabau 1931
Mongolina subdieneri Grabau 1931
Fm. †Heterelasminidae Licharew 1956
G. †Amurothyris Koczyrkevicz 1976
Amurothyris costulata Koczyrkevicz 1976
G. †Chuanyanella Zeng et al. 1986
G. †Gundarolasmina Smirnova and Grunt 2003
Gundarolasmina gundarensis Smirnova and Grunt 2003
Gundarolasmina ordinata Smirnova and Grunt 2003
Gundarolasmina schucherti Licharew 1956
G. †Heterelasmina Licharew 1939
Heterelasmina costata Smirnova 2007
Heterelasmina cuboides Licharew 2001
Heterelasmina dieneri Gemmellaro 1899
Heterelasmina elegantula Grabau 1931
Heterelasmina genuflexa Gemmellaro 1899
Heterelasmina latesinuata Licharew 2002
Heterelasmina planoventris Licharew 2002
Heterelasmina pygmaea Grunt 1973
Heterelasmina regularis Smirnova and Grunt 2003
G. †Mimaria Cooper and Grant 1976
Mimaria lepton Gemmellaro 1899
G. †Permicola Koczyrkevicz 1976
Permicola plicatus Koczyrkevicz 1976
G. †Pseudolabaia Jin and Ye 1979
Pseudolabaia curvatum Yang 1962
Pseudolabaia gigantea Zeng 1993
Pseudolabaia minor Zeng et al. 1995
Pseudolabaia tumita Liao and Meng 1986
G. †Qinglongia Liao 1980
Qinglongia costalliformis Shen et al. 1992
Qinglongia difforma Shen et al. 1992
Qinglongia exilis Shen et al. 1992
Qinglongia ovalis Shen et al. 1992
Qinglongia praepinguis Shen et al. 1992
Invalid names: Heterelasma cunhoulingensis Liang 1990 [synonym]
Invalid names: Zhongliangshania Shen et al. 1992 [synonym]
Fm. †Juvavellidae Bittner 1896
G. †Juvavella
Juvavella suessi Bittner 1888
Invalid names: Juvavellina [synonym]
G. †Wittenburgella Dagys 1959
Wittenburgella minuta Dagys 1959
G. †Proanadyrella Xu and Liu 1983
Proanadyrella circularia Xu and Liu 1983
Proanadyrella delinghaensis Xu and Liu 1983
Proanadyrella hongshanensis Xu and Liu 1983
Proanadyrella ovata Xu and Liu 1983
Fm. †Pseudodielasmatidae Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Fredericksolasma Smirnova 2001
Fredericksolasma darvasica Tschernyschew 1914
Fredericksolasma lata Licharew 1939
Fredericksolasma rhomboidalis Smirnova and Grunt 2003
G. †Levenolasma Smirnova and Grunt 2003
Levenolasma concava Smirnova and Grunt 2003
Levenolasma leveni Smirnova and Grunt 2003
Levenolasma mongolica Grabau 1931
Levenolasma nikitini Gemmellaro 1899
Levenolasma sinuosa Smirnova 2007
G. †Marinurnula Waterhouse 1964
Marinurnula bajkurica Chernyak 1963
Marinurnula chivatschense Zavodowsky 1968
Invalid names: Dielasma chivatschensis Zavodovsky 1959 [replaced]
Marinurnula mantuanensis Campbell 1965
Marinurnula prima Waterhouse 1987
Marinurnula rugulata Waterhouse 1964
Marinurnula timanicum Tschernyschew 1902
G. †Oligothyrina Cooper 1956
Oligothyrina alleni Cooper 1956
G. †Pleurelasma Cooper and Grant 1976
Pleurelasma costatum Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Pseudodielasma Brill 1940
Pseudodielasma brilli Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma gibberum Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma globulum Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma lobatum Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma magnum Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma minor King 1931
Pseudodielasma ovatum Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma pingue Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma pinyonense Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma plicatum Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma subcirculare Cooper and Grant 1976
Pseudodielasma sulcatum Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Pseudolowenstamia Sun 1991
G. †Pseudoharttina Likharev 1934
Pseudoharttina kayi Stehli 1962
Pseudoharttina ovalis Likharev 1934
G. †Pseudopygoides Xu 1978
G. †Thyratryaria Xu and Liu 1983
Thyratryaria depressa Xu and Liu 1983
Thyratryaria pertumida Xu and Liu 1983
Thyratryaria pinguis Xu and Liu 1983
Fm. †Zugmayeriidae Dagys 1963
Adygelloides labensis Dagys 1959
G. †Portneufia Hoover 1979
Portneufia episulcata Hoover 1979
G. †Zugmayeria Waagen 1882
Zugmayeria pygopoides Di Stefano 1884
Zugmayeria rhaetica Zugmayer 1882
Invalid names: Dielasmatacea Schuchert 1913 [replaced]
Superfm. Dyscolioidea Fischer and Oehlert 1891
Fm. Dyscoliidae Fischer and Oehlert 1891
Subfm. Aenigmathyridinae Cooper 1983
G. †Aenigmathyris Cooper 1971
G. †Ceramisia Cooper 1983
Subfm. Dyscoliinae Fischer and Oehlert 1891
G. †Waisiuthyrina Beets 1942
Subfm. †Eurysoriinae Cooper 1983
G. †Eurysoria Cooper 1983
Fm. †Nucleatidae Schuchert 1929
Buckmanithyris cornicolana Canavari 1881
G. †Linguithyris Buckman 1917
Linguithyris agerorum Mancenido 1993
Linguithyris aspasia Zittel 1869
Invalid names: Linguithyris borszhaviensis Tchorszhevsky 1990 [synonym], Pygope myrto Canavari 1880 [synonym], Terebratula (Waldheimia) nimbata Oppel 1861 [synonym]
Linguithyris bifida Rothpletz 1886
Linguithyris bifrons Oppel 1860
Linguithyris linguata von Buch 1834
Invalid names: Terebratula chrysilla Uhlig 1880 [synonym]
Linguithyris mitrovici Tchorszehvsky and Radulovic 1984
Linguithyris nepos Canavari and Parona 1882
Linguithyris umbonata Buckman 1917
Linguithyris vicaria Szajnocha 1881
G. †Nucleata Quenstedt 1868
Nucleata bouei Zeuschner 1846
Nucleata inguchensis Moisseiev 1934
Nucleata nucleata Schlotheim 1820
Nucleata planulata Zeuschner 1846
Nucleata russiensis Makridin 1964
Nucleata veronica Nekvasilova 1980
Phymatothyris cerasulum Zittel 1869
Phymatothyris rheumatica Canavari 1884
Invalid names: Pallasiella Renz 1932 [replaced]
G. †Papodina
Papodina bittneri Geyer 1889
Papodina laticoxa Oppel 1863
Papodina recuperoi Di Stefano 1884
Fm. †Pygopidae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Dyscoliope Vörös 2022
Dyscoliope guttula Vörös 2022
G. †Glossothyris Douville 1879
Subfm. †Pygopinae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Pygites Haan and Buckman 1906
G. †Pygope Link 1830
Invalid names: Antinomia Catullo 1851 [synonym]
G. †Sphenope Vörös 2013
Sphenope bifida Vörös 2013
Sphenope misilmerensis Gemmellaro 1871
Subfm. †Triangopinae Mancenido 1993
G. †Triangope
G. †Falciferula Tchoumatchenco 1987
G. †Goliathyris Feldman and Owen 1988
Goliathyris lewyi Feldman and Owen 1988
Superfm. †Loboidothyridoidea Makridin 1964
Fm. †Alabushevothyrididae Smirnova 1994
G. †Alabushevothyris Smirnova 1994
Alabushevothyris angusta Smirnova 1994
Fm. †Boreiothyrididae Dagys 1968
G. †Boreiothyris Dagys 1968
Boreiothyris goliensis Moisseiev 1938
Boreiothyris lamutkensis Moisseiev 1938
Boreiothyris zimkini Moisseiev 1938
G. †Omolonothyris Dagys 1968
G. †Siberiothyris Dagys 1968
Siberiothyris crassus Dagys 1968
G. †Taimyrothyris Dagys 1968
Taimyrothyris humilis Dagys 1968
Taimyrothyris kropotkini Moisseiev 1938
Fm. †Cheirothyropsidae Cooper 1983
G. †Cheirothyropsis Makridin 1964
Fm. †Cheniothyrididae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Cheniothyris Buckman 1917
Cheniothyris angusta Buckman 1917
Cheniothyris latifrons Buckman 1917
Cheniothyris morierei Deslongchamps and Davidson 1852
Fm. †Clathrithyrididae Smirnova 1974
Fm. †Dictyothyrididae Makridin 1964
G. †Dictyothyris Douville 1880
Subg. †Dictyothyris (Tegulithyris) Buckman 1918
Dictyothyris badensis Rollier 1918
Dictyothyris coarctata Parkinson 1811
Dictyothyris dorsocurva Etallon 1863
Dictyothyris gzheliensis Gerassimov 1955
Dictyothyris kurri Oppel 1857
Dictyothyris laneolata Buckman 1917
Dictyothyris rollieri Haas 1889
Dictyothyris smithi Oppel 1857
Dictyothyris spinulosa Smirnova 1968
Fm. †Dienopidae Cooper 1983
G. †Dienope Cooper 1983
Dienope trigeri Deslongchamps 1856
G. †Eplenyithyris Vörös 2009
Eplenyithyris cerasulum Zittel 1869
Invalid names: Terebratula undata Canavari 1880 [synonym], Waldheimia sentinensis Canavari 1883 [synonym]
Subfm. †Goniothyridinae Tchorszhevsky 1971
G. †Goniothyris Buckman 1917
Goniothyris craneae Davidson 1877
Goniothyris glendayi Weir 1929
Goniothyris gracilis Seifert 1963
Goniothyris gravida Szajnocha 1881
Goniothyris hungarica Suess and Szajnocha 1881
Goniothyris poleymiensis Alméras 1970
Fm. †Harpotothyrididae Smirnova 1990
G. †Atelithyris Smirnova 1975
Atelithyris crestensis Smirnova 1975
G. †Okathyris Smirnova 1975
Okathyris baranovi Smirnova 1992
Okathyris chevkinensis Smirnova 1975
Okathyris sokolovi Smirnova 1975
Fm. †Hesperithyrididae Cooper 1983
Hesperithyris atlantis Dubar 1942
Hesperithyris costata Dubar 1942
Hesperithyris renierii Catullo 1827
Invalid names: Terebratula fimbriaeformis Schauroth 1865 [synonym]
Hesperithyris sinuosa Dubar 1942
Hesperithyris termieri Dubar 1942
Invalid names: Terebratula dresnayi Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula ifranensis Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula kuntzi Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula ouatensis Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula paucicostata Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula subsuteri Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula subtermieri Colo 1953 [synonym], Terebratula suteri Colo 1953 [synonym]
Subfm. †Heterobrochinae Cooper 1983
G. †Heterobrochus Cooper 1983
Heterobrochus incultus Cooper 1983
Fm. †Lissajousithyrididae Cooper 1983
Subfm. †Lissajousithyridinae Cooper 1983
G. †Apatecosia Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Gyrosina Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Arcelinithyris Alméras 1970
G. †Dorsoplicathyris Alméras 1970
Invalid names: Pentithyris Cooper 1983 [synonym], Stenorina Cooper 1989 [synonym], Tanyothyris Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Eristenosia Cooper 1983
G. †Lissajousithyris Alméras 1970
G. †Monsardithyris Alméras 1970
G. †Rouillieria Makridin 1960
G. †Strongylobrochus Cooper 1983
G. †Stroudithyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Saucrobrochus Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Uralella Makridin 1960
Subfm. †Morrisithyridinae Cooper 1983
G. †Morrisithyris Alméras 1970
Fm. †Loboidothyrididae Makridin 1964
Subfm. †Bothrothyridinae Cooper 1983
G. †Bothrothyris Cooper 1983
Subfm. †Cererithyridinae Cooper 1983
G. †Animonithyris Cooper 1983
G. †Cererithyris Buckman 1917
G. †Mexicaria Cooper 1983
G. †Plectothyris Buckman 1917
G. †Rocheithyris Alméras 1970
Subfm. †Loboidothyridinae Makridin 1964
G. †Arabatia Cooper 1989
Invalid names: Arabicella Cooper 1989 [synonym], Arapsopleurum Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Avonothyris Buckman 1917
G. †Bihenithyris Muir-Wood 1935
G. †Charltonithyris Buckman 1917
G. †Colosia Cooper 1983
G. †Dolichobrochus Cooper 1983
G. †Ectyphoria Cooper 1989
G. †Jordanithyris Feldman et al. 2021
G. †Loboidothyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Dundrythyris Alméras 1970 [synonym]
G. †Pinaxiothyris Dagys 1968
G. †Praesphaeroidothyris Baeza-Carratalá 2011
G. †Pseudoglossothyris Buckman 1901
G. †Ptyctothyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Systenothyris Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Seductorithyris Sandy et al. 2014
G. †Sinaithyris Feldman et al. 2014
Invalid names: Cooperithyris Feldman et al. 2012 [replaced]
G. †Sphaeroidothyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Pachythyris [synonym], Pionopleurum Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Stenogmus Cooper 1983
G. †Stiphrothyris Buckman 1917
G. †Striithyris Muir-Wood 1935
G. †Wattonithyris Muir-Wood 1936
Invalid names: Pseudowattonithyris Alméras 1970 [synonym]
Fm. †Lobothyrididae Makridin 1964
Subfm. †Lobothyridinae Makridin 1964
Invalid names: Pyraeneica [synonym], Senokosica [synonym], Serbiothyris [synonym]
G. †Lobothyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Loboidothyropsis [synonym], Mirisquamea [synonym], Pirotothyris [synonym], Squamiplana [synonym]
G. †Notosia Cooper 1983
Subfm. †Lophrothyridinae Cooper 1983
G. †Aromasithyris Alméras 1970
G. †Lophrothyris Buckman 1917
G. †Tubithyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Pseudotubithyris Alméras 1970 [synonym]
G. †Lobothyroides Xu 1978
Magharithyris triplicata Farag and Gatinaud 1960
Invalid names: Dissoria costata Cooper 1989 [synonym], Dissoria obscura Cooper 1989 [synonym], Dissoria tribulis Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dissoria Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Fm. †Mametothyrididae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Mametothyris Smirnova 1969
Mametothyris konovalovi Smirnova and Konovalov 1986
Mametothyris mametica Smirnova 1969
Penzhinothyris imbricata Thomson and Owen 1979
Penzhinothyris plana Smirnova 1969
Fm. †Muirwoodellidae Tchorzhevsky 1974
Subfm. †Karadagithyridinae Tchorzhevsky 1974
G. †Karadagella Babanova 1965
Invalid names: Karadagithyridini Tchorzhevsky 1974 [empty]
G. †Karadagithyris Tchorzhevsky 1974
Karadagithyris babanovae Tchorzhevsky 1974
Karadagithyris boullierae Halamski and Cherif 2017
Karadagithyris eduardi Vörös 1995
Karadagithyris gerda Oppel 1863
Invalid names: Svaljavithyris [synonym]
Subfm. †Muirwoodellinae Tchorzhevsky 1974
G. †Muirwoodella Tchorzhevsky 1974
Pamirothyris kushlini Dagys 1963
Pamirothyris xinxiangensis Jin et al. 1979
Fm. †Plectoconchidae Dagys 1974
G. †Lychnothyris Voros 1983
Lychnothyris lancisi Baeza-Carratalá 2011
Lychnothyris rotzoana Schauroth 1865
G. †Merophricus Cooper 1983
Merophricus dubari Cooper 1983
Merophricus fotterlei Bockh 1874
Merophricus mediterraneus Canavari 1884
Merophricus moreti Dubar 1942
Merophricus ribeiroi Choffat 1901
Merophricus semiarata Dubar 1942
Plectoconcha delicata Sun et al. 1979
Plectoconcha newbyi Sandy and Stanley, Jr. 1993
Fm. †Postepithyrididae Tchorzhevsky 1974
G. †Arceythyris Rollet 1964
Arceythyris alemanica Rollier 1911
Arceythyris badensis Rollier 1911
Arceythyris diptycha Oppel 1856
Arceythyris lissajousi Alméras 1970
Arceythyris pseudoglobata Muir-Wood 1936
Arceythyris uriniacensis Alméras 1970
G. †Caryona Cooper 1983
Caryona saemani Oppel 1857
G. †Conarothyris Cooper 1983
Conarothyris arabicum Cooper 1989
Conarothyris eudesi Oppel 1858
Conarothyris opima Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Pionothyris Cooper 1983 [synonym], Toxonelasma Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Crispithyris MacFarlan 2016
Crispithyris nauarchus MacFarlan 2016
G. †Epithyris Phillips 1841
Epithyris maxillata Sowerby 1825
Epithyris oxonica Arkell 1931
Epithyris submaxillata Davidson 1873
G. †Euidothyris Buckman 1917
Euidothyris euides Buckman 1886
Euidothyris extensa Buckman 1917
Euidothyris francescalaurae Stauffer 1930
Euidothyris holcophora Buckman 1917
Euidothyris lucerna Crickmay 1933
G. †Ferrythyris Alméras 1970
Ferrythyris deschampsi d'Orbigny 1850
Ferrythyris elianae Almeras and Moulan 1988
Ferrythyris ferryi Deslongchamps 1861
Ferrythyris globosa Alméras 1970
Ferrythyris hollandae Buckman 1882
Ferrythyris millenaria Dumortier 1874
Ferrythyris pouillyensis Alméras 1970
Ferrythyris poullyensis Alméras 1970
Ferrythyris uriniacensis Alméras 1970
Ferrythyris vireti Roche 1939
Galliennithyris galliennei d'Orbigny 1847
Galliennithyris insignis Zeuschner 1857
Galliennithyris modesta Enay et al. 1988
G. †Gigantothyris Seifert 1963
Gigantothyris abscondita Seifert 1963
Gigantothyris blanda Seifert 1963
Gigantothyris deducta Seifert 1963
Gigantothyris gigantea Seifert 1963
Gigantothyris luculenta Seifert 1963
Gigantothyris pulchra Seifert 1963
G. †Glyphisaria Cooper 1983
Glyphisaria divergens Cooper 1989
Glyphisaria uniplicata Cooper 1983
G. †Habrobrochus Cooper 1983
G. †Heimia Haas 1890
Heimia burtonensis Buckman 1910
Heimia incurvirostrum Muir-Wood 1935
Heimia lowensis Buckman 1910
Heimia protracta Buckman 1917
G. †Holcothyris Buckman 1917
Holcothyris acuminata Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Holcothyris pinguis Buckman 1917 [synonym], Holcothyris undulata Buckman 1917 [synonym]
Holcothyris ancile Reed 1927
Holcothyris angulata Buckman 1917
Holcothyris angusta Buckman 1917
Holcothyris breviseptata Jin et al. 1979
Holcothyris campbelli MacFarlan 2016
Holcothyris concava Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Holcothyris excurvata Buckman 1917 [synonym], Holcothyris expansa Buckman 1917 [synonym], Holcothyris sulcata Buckman 1917 [synonym]
Holcothyris cooperi Sahni 1940
Holcothyris curvata Buckman 1917
Holcothyris delta Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Holcothyris obscura Buckman 1917 [synonym]
Holcothyris depressa Sahni 1940
Holcothyris dubia Buckman 1917
Holcothyris elliptica Buckman 1917
Holcothyris excavata Buckman 1917
Holcothyris golmudensis Jin et al. 1979
Holcothyris kaiwaraensis Campbell 1965
Holcothyris laosensis Mansuy 1920
Holcothyris macra Buckman 1917
Holcothyris ovata Sahni 1940
Holcothyris ovoides Sahni 1940
Holcothyris perplicata Sahni 1940
Holcothyris plecta Buckman 1917
Holcothyris raoi Sahni 1940
Holcothyris rostrata Buckman 1917
Holcothyris rotundata Sahni 1940
Holcothyris subangulata Buckman 1917
Holcothyris subcurvata Sahni 1940
Holcothyris subovalis Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Holcothyris flexa Buckman 1917 [synonym]
Holcothyris tanggulaica Jin et al. 1979
Holcothyris tenuis Jin et al. 1979
Holcothyris trigonalis Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Holcothyris transversalis Buckman 1917 [synonym]
Holcothyris trigonaris Buckman 1918
Holcothyris triseptata Jin et al. 1979
G. †Juralina
Juralina bauhini Etallon 1859
Juralina ecruensis Middlemiss 1980
G. †Kutchithyris Buckman 1917
Kutchithyris acutiplicata Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris breviplicata Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris brivesi Roch 1930
Kutchithyris challinori MacFarlan 2016
Kutchithyris dhosaensis Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris egregia Buckman 1917
Kutchithyris euryptycha Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris ferrandii Stefanini 1932
Kutchithyris fulva Buckman 1917
Kutchithyris hendersoni Marwick 1953
Kutchithyris hypsogonia Kitchin 1900
Invalid names: Kutchithyris longicarinata Kitchin 1900 [synonym]
Kutchithyris ingluviosa Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris jooraensis Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris katametopa Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris kennedyi Middlemiss 1980
Kutchithyris lingularis Jin et al. 1979
Kutchithyris marokopaensis MacFarlan 2016
Kutchithyris mitra Mukherjee 2007
Kutchithyris planiconvexa Kitchin 1900
Kutchithyris propinqua Kitchin 1900
Invalid names: Terebratula aurata Kitchin 1900 [synonym]
Kutchithyris pygmae Jin et al. 1979
Kutchithyris pyroidea Kitchin 1900
Invalid names: Kutchithyris landeri Feldman et al. 2001 [synonym]
Kutchithyris tibetica Jin et al. 1979
Invalid names: Eurypthyris [synonym]
G. †Maritimithyris Smirnova and Konovalov 1986
Maritimithyris lautus Smirnova and Konovalov 1986
G. †Millythyris Alméras 1970
Millythyris arvierensis Alméras 1970
Millythyris inflata Roche 1939
Millythyris millyensis Alméras 1970
Millythyris rochei Alméras 1970
G. †Moeschia
Moeschia alata Rollet 1972
Moeschia campanea Boullier 1984
Peculneithyris longiusculus Smirnova 1972
G. †Perrierithyris Alméras 1970
Perrierithyris perrieri Deslongchamps 1856
G. †Petalothyris Cooper 1983
Petalothyris simplex Buckman 1845
G. †Plectoidothyris Buckman 1917
Invalid names: Oligorhytisia Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Postepithyris Makridin 1960
Postepithyris cincta Cotteau 1857
Postepithyris etalloni Rollier 1918
Postepithyris haasi Rollier 1918
Postepithyris smerdovi Makridin 1964
G. †Somalithyris Muir-Wood 1935
Somalithyris bihendulensis Muir-Wood 1935
Somalithyris elliptica Cooper 1989
Somalithyris macfadyeni Muir-Wood 1935
Somalithyris ovata Cooper 1989
Somalithyris parva Cooper 1989
Somalithyris rotundata Cooper 1989
Somalithyris triangulata Cooper 1989
G. †Thadiqithyris Nazer 1987
Thadiqithyris labiatum Cooper 1989
Invalid names: Pleuraloma abruptum Cooper 1989 [synonym], Pleuraloma anomalum Cooper 1989 [synonym], Pleuraloma multicostatum Cooper 1989 [synonym], Pleuraloma subaequicostatum Cooper 1989 [synonym], Pleuraloma varicostatum Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Pleuraloma convexum Cooper 1989 [synonym], Pleuraloma robustum Cooper 1989 [synonym], Pleuraloma triangulatum Cooper 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Pleuraloma Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Xestosina Cooper 1983
Xestosina arguta Cooper 1983
Xestosina portlandica Etallon 1864
Xestosina sera Hantzpergue et al. 2004
Xestosina subsella Leymerie 1846
Xestosina suprajurensis Thurmann 1862
Xestosina thurmanni Voltz 1833
Subfm. †Psebajithyridinae Tchorzhevsky 1974
G. †Lusothyris Andrade 2006
Lusothyris atlantica Andrade 2006
G. †Placothyris Westphal 1970
Placothyris kegeli Harper et al. 2005
G. †Psebajithyris Tchorzhevsky 1974
Psebajithyris rostovtzevi Tchorzhevsky 1974
G. †Rugithyris Buckman 1917
Rugithyris anabarensis Dagys 1968
Rugithyris hasibuani MacFarlan 2019
Rugithyris subomalogaster Buckman 1901
G. †Sogxianthyris Sun 1981
Fm. †Spasskothyrididae Smirnova 1977
G. †Spasskothyris Smirnova 1975
Spasskothyris rjasanensis Smirnova 1975
Fm. †Tchegemithyrididae Tchorszhevsky 1972
Subfm. †Tchegemithyridinae Tchorszhevsky 1972
Subfm. †Turkmenithyridinae Tchorzhevsky 1974
G. †Turkmenithyris Prozorovskaja 1962
Invalid names: Bejrutella [synonym]
Fm. †Tegulithyrididae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Tegulithyris Buckman 1917
Tegulithyris bentleyi Morris 1852
Tegulithyris plencnerae MacFarlan 2019
Fm. †Triadithyrididae Pearson 1977
G. †Inversithyris Dagys 1968
Laevithyris rossochae Dagys 1965
G. †Lenothyris Dagys 1968
Lenothyris ovalis Dagys 1968
Lenothyris perflexus Dagys 1968
G. †Triadithyris Dagys 1963
G. †Viligothyris Dagys 1968
G. †Trichothyris Buckman 1917
Trichothyris compressa Kitchin 1897
Fm. †Trigonithyrididae Radulovic 1986
G. †Trigonithyris Muir-Wood 1935
Trigonithyris eruduwensis Muir-Wood 1935
Viallithyris fylgia Oppel 1863
Viallithyris gozzanensis Parona 1880
Invalid names: Terebratula sismondai Parona 1880 [synonym]
Viallithyris redii Di Stefano 1884
G. †Mayaothyris Sun 1987
Fm. †Orthotomidae Muir-Wood 1936
G. †Orthotoma Quenstedt 1869
Orthotoma apenninica Canavari 1883
Orthotoma globulina Davidson 1851
G. †Pseudorhaetina Sandy 1994
Superfm. †Stringocephaloidea King 1850
Fm. †Centronellidae Waagen 1882
Subfm. †Amphigeniinae Cloud 1942
Subfm. †Centronellinae Waagen 1882
G. †Centronella Billings 1859
G. †Oriskania
Subfm. †Eurythyridinae Cloud 1942
G. †Beachia
G. †Cloudothyris Boucot and Johnson 1968
Subfm. †Rensselaeriinae Raymond 1923
Fm. †Meganterididae Schuchert and LeVene 1929
Subfm. †Adreninae Boucot 1994
G. †Adrenia
G. †Cydimia
G. †Micidus
G. †Sturtella
Subfm. †Antistrixinae Johnson 1972
G. †Antistrix Johnson 1972
Subfm. †Brachyzyginae Cloud 1942
Subfm. †Meganteridinae Schuchert and LeVene 1929
G. †Meganteris Suess 1855
Subfm. †Mutationellinae Cloud 1942
G. †Cloudella
G. †Derbyina
Invalid names: Chapadella [synonym], Paranaia [synonym]
G. †Neopaulinella Özdikmen 2008
Invalid names: Paulinella [replaced]
G. †Podolella
G. †Xana
Fm. †Rhipidiothyrididae Cloud 1942
Subfm. †Globithyridinae Cloud 1942
Subfm. †Rhenorensselaerinae Boucot 1975
G. †Rhenorensselaeria Kegel 1913
Subfm. †Rhipidiothyridinae Cloud 1942
Fm. †Stringocephalidae King 1850
Subfm. †Bornhardtininae Cloud 1942
Invalid names: Rauffia Schulz 1914 [replaced]
Subfm. †Geranocephalinae Johnson 1975
Invalid names: Acrothyris [synonym], Catacephalus [synonym], Conomimus [synonym]
Subfm. †Kaplexinae Sun and Boucot 1999
G. †Kaplex
Subfm. †Leioseptathyridinae Sun and Boucot 1999
Subfm. †Omoloninae Sun and Boucot 1999
G. †Kumbella Khodalevich 1975
G. †Omolonia
Subfm. †Rensselandiinae Cloud 1942
G. †Elmaria
G. †Newberria
Invalid names: Denckmannella Schuchert and LeVene 1929 [synonym], Rensselandia [synonym]
Subfm. †Stringocephalinae King 1850
Superfm. Terebratuloidea Gray 1840
Fm. †Capillithyrididae Cooper 1983
Subfm. †Aniabrochinae Mancenido 1993
G. †Aniabrochus Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Platythyris Middlemiss 1959 [replaced]
G. †Dyscritothyris Cooper 1979
G. †Iberithyris Kvakhadze 1972
G. †Lunpolaia
G. †Middlemissithyris Smirnova 2001
G. †Sardope Dieni et al. 1973
Subfm. †Capillithyridinae Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Capillarina Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Liramia Cooper 1983
G. †Eichwaldithyris Smirnova 2001
Fm. †Gibbithyrididae Muir-Wood 1965
Subfm. †Carneithyridinae Muir-Wood 1965
Invalid names: Chatwinothyris [synonym], Ellipsothyris Sahni 1925 [synonym], Magnithyris Sahni 1925 [synonym], Ogmusia Cooper 1983 [synonym], Ornithothyris [synonym], Piarothyris Sahni 1925 [synonym], Pulchrithyris Sahni 1925 [synonym]
Subfm. †Gibbithyridinae Muir-Wood 1965
Invalid names: Kestonithyris Sahni 1925 [synonym]
G. †Hesperosia Cooper 1983
G. †Meznericsia Bitner et al. 2011
G. †Ornatothyris Sahni 1929
G. †Sahnithyris Radulovic and Ramamoorthy 1995
Subfm. †Rhombariinae Cooper 1983
G. †Rhombaria Cooper 1983
G. †Ilyinella Jassjukevitch 1973
Ilyinella mangyschlakensis Jassjukevitch 1973
Longithyris longa Katz 1974
Najdinothyris becksi Roemer 1841
Oleneothyris harlani Morton 1829
Fm. †Sellithyrididae Muir - Wood 1965
Subfm. †Nerthebrochinae Cooper 1983
G. †Dilophosina Cooper 1983
G. †Hadrosia Cooper 1983
G. †Harmatosia Cooper 1983
G. †Nerthebrochus Cooper 1983
Subfm. †Rectithyridinae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Cyrtothyris Middlemiss 1959
Invalid names: Atactosia Cooper 1983 [synonym], Biplicatoria Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Praelongithyris Middlemiss 1959
Invalid names: Cyranoia Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Rhombothyris Middlemiss 1959
G. †Tropeothyris Smirnova 1972
Subfm. †Sellithyridinae Muir-Wood 1965
G. †Boubeithyris Cox and Middlemiss 1978
G. †Glosseudesia Lobacheva 1974
Invalid names: Costithyris Middlemiss 1981 [objective synonym]
G. †Loriolithyris Middlemiss 1968
G. †Musculina Schuchert and LeVene 1929
Invalid names: Musculus Quenstedt 1869 [replaced]
G. †Ovatathyris Owen 1988
G. †Paraboubeithyris Middlemiss 1980
G. †Phaseolina Gaspard 1988
Invalid names: Aphragmus Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Sellithyris Middlemiss 1959
G. †Walkerithyris Cox and Middlemiss 1978
Fm. Terebratulidae Gray 1840
G. †Arapsothyris Cooper 1989
Arapsothyris magna Cooper 1989
Invalid names: Arapsothyris angustata Cooper 1989 [synonym]
G. †Blandfordithyris Radulović and Ramamoorthy 2000
Invalid names: Terebratula (Neoliothyrina) arriyalurica Sahni 1960 [synonym], Terebratula (Neoliothyrina) mulurensis Sahni 1960 [synonym]
Subfm. Dallithyridinae Katz and Popov 1974
G. Stenosarina Cooper 1977
Subfm. Gryphinae Sahni 1929
G. Gryphus Megerle von Mühlfeld 1811
G. †Indothyris Radulović and Ramamoorthy 2000
Invalid names: Terebratula (Neoliothyrina) elongata Sahni 1960 [synonym], Terebratula (Neoliothyrina) gracilis Sahni 1960 [synonym]
G. Liothyrina Oehlert 1887
Liothyrina peruviana Olsson 1928
Subfm. †Loboidothyrinae Makridin 1964
G. †Moisseevia Makridin 1964
Subfm. †Plicatoriinae Cooper 1983
G. †Plicatoria Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Embolosia Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Tanyoscapha Cooper 1983
G. †Pseudogibbithyris Owen 1995
Subfm. †Seymourinae Bitner 1996
G. †Seymourella Bitner 1996
G. †Stoliczkathyris Radulović and Ramamoorthy 2000
Subfm. Terebratulinae Gray 1840
G. Acrobrochus Cooper 1983
G. †Giraliathyris Craig 2000
G. †Gurlarnella Bitner and Schneider 2009
G. Liothyrella Thomson 1916
Invalid names: Dolichosina Cooper 1983 [synonym], Mimorina Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Maltaia Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Apletosia Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. †Pycnobrochus Cooper 1983
G. †Rhytisoria Cooper 1983
G. Terebratula Müller 1776
Subfm. Tichosininae Cooper 1983
G. Dolichozygus Cooper 1983
G. Tichosina Cooper 1977
Invalid names: Eurysina Cooper 1983 [synonym]
G. Zygonaria Cooper 1983
Invalid names: Cheirothyrinae Makridin 1964 [empty], Dictyothyrinae Makridin 1964 [empty], Kossmatithyris Radulović and Ramamoorthy 2000 [nomen nudum], Lobothyrinae Makridin 1964 [empty]
Fm. †Weberithyrididae Smirnova 1990
G. †Weberithyris Smirnova 1969
Weberithyris moisseevi Weber 1949
Weberithyris moravica Glocker 1845
G. †Vex Hoover 1979
Vex semisimplex White 1879
G. †Zenobiathyris Craig 1999
Invalid names: Zenobiathyridae Craig 1999 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Triseptothyris Xu 1978
G. †Yekerpene Struve 1992
Invalid names: Clathrithyridoidea Smirnova 1994 [empty], Eudesites [invalid subgroup]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: low-level epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:14:12
Modified: 2018-11-10 17:47:38
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Nesnidal et al. 2013

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Wenlock to the top of the Holocene or 433.40000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 427.4 Ma

Collections (9562 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4Canada (Northwest Territories) Microbilobata avalanchensis (26059)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2China (Gansu) Mutationella podolica (27757)
Pridoli - Lochkovian423.0 - 410.8USA (Oklahoma) Rensselaerina haraganana (26826)
Pridoli - Helderbergian423.0 - 393.3Spain (Guadalajara) Mutationella SP., Podolella rensselaeroides (13929)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8France Mutationella barroisi (26121) Mutationella sarrobi (25973) Mutationella sp., Lievinella sp. (26117 26118)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Belarus Mutationella podolica (23671 23692)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Spain (Palencia) Cryptonella minor (40347) Podolella rensselaeroides (40346)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Spain Mutationella barroisi (13923) Podolella rensselaeroides (13922)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8USA (Oklahoma) Rensselaerina haraganana (164273 164274 164275 164276 164277 164278 164279 164280)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8USA (New York) Nanothyris sp. (24813) Podolella sp., Nanothyris sp. (24811)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Canada (New Brunswick) Rensselaeria sp. (593)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Spain (Asturias) Terebratulida indet. (25332 25334 25335)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Australia (New South Wales) Sturtella mandageriensis (24900)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Czech Republic Mutationella plicata (14119)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Canada (Nova Scotia) Mutationella sp., Podolella sp. (24857)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Algeria Mutationella podolica (27166)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Poland Mutationella barroisi (13878)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Ukraine Brachyzyga pentameroides, Podolella rensselaeroides (14152) Brachyzyga sp., Mutationella sp. (26978) Mutationella podolica (14151 14153 14154 14155) Podolella rensselaeroides (13876 23444)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Russian Federation Podolella rensselaeroides (24738 24741)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Morocco Cimicinella sp., Meganteris sp. (13938)