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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1858Edrioasteroidea Billings
2002Edrioasteroidea Sepkoski
2022Edrioasteroidea Zamora et al. p. 6

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classEdrioasteroideaBillings 1858
classEdrioasteroideaBillings 1858

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Cl. †Edrioasteroidea Billings 1858
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G. †Aragocystites Zamora 2013
Aragocystites belli Zamora 2013
G. †Camptostroma Ruedemann 1933
Camptostroma roddyi Ruedemann 1933
Invalid names: Camptostroma Ruedemann 1933 [replaced]
Or. †Cyathocystida Bell 1975
Fm. †Cyathocystidae Bather 1899
G. †Cyathocystis Schmidt 1879
Cyathocystis plautinae Schmidt 1879
G. †Cyathotheca Jaekel 1927
Cyathotheca suecica Jaekel 1927
Or. †Edrioasterida Bell 1976
G. †Aepyaster
Subor. †Edrioasterina Bather 1898
Fm. †Edrioasteridae Bather 1898
G. †Edrioaster Billings 1858
Edrioaster bigsbyi Billings 1858
G. †Pseudedriophus Sprinkle and Sumrall 2015
Pseudedriophus guensburgi Sprinkle and Sumrall 2015
Subor. †Edrioblastoidina Fay 1962
Fm. †Astrocystitidae Bassler 1935
G. †Porosublastus Sprinkle and Sumrall 2015
Porosublastus inexpectus Sprinkle and Sumrall 2015
Fm. †Rhenopyrgidae Holloway and Jell 1983
G. †Heropyrgus Briggs et al. 2017
Heropyrgus disterminus Briggs et al. 2017
G. †Rhenopyrgus Dehm 1961
Rhenopyrgus piojoensis Sumrall et al. 2013
G. †Edriophus
G. †Stromatocystites Pompeckj 1896
Invalid names: Stromatocystites balticus Jaekel 1899 [synonym], Stromatocystites flexibilis Parsley and Prokop 2004 [synonym]
Stromatocystites reduncus Smith and Jell 1990
Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert 1919
Fm. †Totiglobidae Bell and Sprinkle 1978
Totiglobus lloydi Sprinkle 1985
Totiglobus spencensis Wen et al. 2019
Or. †Edrioblastoida Fay 1962
G. †Cambroblastus Smith and Jell 1990
Cambroblastus enubilatus Smith and Jell 1990
Cambroblastus guolensis Zhu et al. 2014
Invalid names: Cambroblastus Smith and Jell 1990 [objective synonym]
Or. †Pentacystida Jaeckel 1918
Fm. †Steganoblastidae Bather 1900
G. †Astrocystites Whiteaves 1897
Astrocystites distans Webby 1968
Astrocystites ottawensis Whiteaves 1897
Astrocystites ottowaensis Whiteaves 1897
Fm. †Hemicystitidae Bassler 1936
G. †Anglidiscus Regnéll 1950
G. †Bassleridiscus Fisher 1951
G. †Carneyella Forste 1916
G. †Cincinnatidiscus Bassler 1935
G. †Cystaster Hall 1871
G. †Foerstediscus Bassler 1935
G. †Hemicystites Hall 1852
G. †Lebetodiscus Bather 1908
G. †Lepidoconia Wilson 1946
G. †Timeischytes Ehlers and Kesling 1958
Or. †Isorophida
Fm. †Agelacrinitidae Clarke 1901
G. †Agelacrinites Vanuxem 1842
Subfm. †Agelacrinitinae Chapman 1860
G. †Sumrallia Mueller and Hahn 2017
Sumrallia rseiberti Mueller and Hahn 2017
G. †Bellastrella Müller et al. 2013
Bellastrella eifeliana Müller et al. 2013
G. †Cooperidiscus Bassler 1935
G. †Dinocystis Bather 1898
Subfm. †Discocystinae Sumrall 1996
Bostryclavus sampsoni Sumrall 1996
Clavidiscus laudoni Bassler 1936
G. †Discocystis Gregory 1897
Hypsiclavus guensburgi Sumrall 1996
Hypsiclavus kinsleyi Sumrall 1996
Hypsiclavus priesti Sumrall 1996
G. †Lispidecodus Kesling 1967
Lispidecodus plinthotus Kesling 1967
Spiraclavus nacoensis Sumrall 1992
G. †Hystrichopsydrax Guensburg 1988
Hystrichopsydrax sandersi Guensburg 1988
G. †Krama
G. †Lepidodiscus Meek and Worthen 1868
Lepidodiscus squamosus Meek and Worthen 1868
G. †Neoisorophusella Kammer 1987
Neoisorophusella whitesidei Sumrall et al. 2006
Postibulla westergaardi Sumrall et al. 2006
Subfm. †Postibullinae Sumrall 2000
G. †Parapostibulla Sumrall 2000
Parapostibulla graysoni Sumrall et al. 2006
G. †Pyrgopostibulla Sumrall 2006
Pyrgopostibulla belli Sumrall 2006
G. †Savagella
Savagella illinoisensis Miller and Gurley 1895
Invalid names: Savagella ornatus Savage 1913 [synonym]
G. †Thresherodiscus Foerste 1914
Thresherodiscus ramosus Foerste 1914
G. †Ulrichidiscus Bassler 1935
Ulrichidiscus forbesi Sumrall et al. 2006
G. †Chatsworthia Smith and Jell 1990
Chatsworthia spinosa Smith and Jell 1990
G. †Deltadiscus Guensberg and Sprinkle 1994
G. †Hadrodiscus Smith and Jell 1990
Hadrodiscus parma Smith and Jell 1990
Fm. †Lebetodiscidae Bell 1976
G. †Euhydrodiskos Guensburg 1988
Euhydrodiskos diktyotos Guensburg 1988
G. †Protorophus Zamora and Smith 2010
Protorophus hispanicus Zamora and Smith 2010
Subor. †Isorophina Bell 1976
Fm. †Isorophidae Bell 1976
G. †Euryeschatia Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Euryeschatia reboulorum Sumrall and Zamora 2011
G. †Isorophus Foerste 1916
Isorophus africanus Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Isorophus austini Foerste 1914
G. †Isorophusella Bassler 1935
Isorophusella gutii Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Fm. †Isorophinidae Sumrall and Zamora 2011
G. †Anedriophus Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Anedriophus moroccoensis Sumrall and Zamora 2011
G. †Kailidiscus Zhao et al. 2010
Kailidiscus chinensis Zhao et al. 2010
Fm. †Pyrgocystidae Kesling 1967
G. †Argodiscus Prokop 1965
Argodiscus espilezorum Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Argodiscus hornyi Prokop 1965
Belochthus chauveli Sumrall and Zamora 2011
G. †Epipaston
G. †Moroccopyrgus Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Moroccopyrgus matacarros Sumrall and Zamora 2011
G. †Pyrgocystis Bather 1915
Pyrgocystis cylindrica Aurivillius 1892
Pyrgocystis procera Aurivillius 1892
Pyrgocystis sardesoni Bather 1915
Pyrgocystis sulcata Aurivillius 1892
Pyrgocystis varia Aurivillius 1892
G. †Streptaster Hall 1872
Streptaster nodosus Sumrall and Zamora 2011
Fm. †Stromatocystitidae Bassler 1936
G. †Cambraster Cabibel et al. 1958
Cambraster cannati Miquel 1894
Cambraster tastudorum Jell et al. 1985
Edriodiscus primotica Henderson and Shergold 1971
G. †Stromatocyctites Pompeck 1896
G. †Walcottidiscus Bassler 1935
G. †Xenocystites Bassler 1936
Fm. †Yorkicystitidae Zamora et al. 2022
G. †Yorkicystis Zamora et al. 2022
Yorkicystis haefneri Zamora et al. 2022
Invalid names: Cyathothecidae Jaekel 1927 [empty], Stromatocystitida [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calcitep
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marinep
Locomotion: stationaryc
Attached: yesc
Epibiont: yesc
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: suspension feederc
Vision: limitedc
Dispersal: waterp
Dispersal 2: planktonicp
Created: 2004-02-29 10:42:45
Modified: 2010-02-16 01:51:32
Source: c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan 1992, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Dyeran to the top of the Kungurian or 515.30000 to 272.30000 Ma

Collections (188 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Russian Federation (Siberia) E. plates (174258)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2Morocco Edrioasteroidea indet. (9801)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Pennsylvania) Camptostroma roddyi (192 11110 90645 225188) Edrioasteroidea indet., Camptostroma roddyi (90622)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland (Peary Land) E. thecal plates, E. ambulacral plates (210618)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Newfoundland) Stromatocystites walcotti (199414)
Dyeran - Delamaran515.3 - 506.5USA (Pennsylvania) Camptostroma sp., Yorkicystis haefneri (226183)
Ordian511.2 - 508.0Australia (Queensland) Cyclocystoides primotica, Stromatocystites sp. (193780) Stromatocystites reduncus (201620)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (British Columbia) Walcottidiscus sp. (84426 84428)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Idaho) Totiglobus spencensis (200479)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Morocco Edrioasteroidea indet. (174208 174210 174219 174220 174222 174223 174290 174293 174294)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Eifelian393.3 - 387.7Germany Krama sp., Timeischytes prescheri, Bellastrella eifeliana (188768)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7USA (Ohio) Agelacrinites southworthi (38457)
Late/Upper Devonian382.7 - 358.9USA (Iowa) Agelacrinites sp., Timeischytes sp. (666)
Kinderhookian358.9 - 352.0Canada (Alberta) Lispidecodus plinthotus (64579)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (Illinois) Savagella lindahli (162328)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5Canada (Alberta) Savagella lindahli (62396)
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9USA (Alabama) Discocystis sp. (2710 6754 6757 6759)
Morrowan323.2 - 318.6USA (Oklahoma) Parapostibulla graysoni, Postibulla westergaardi, Ulrichidiscus forbesi, Neoisorophusella whitesidei (68852)
Moscovian315.2 - 307.0USA (Arizona) Agelacrinitidae indet. (90772)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3Russian Federation Neoisorophusella maslennikovi (95021)