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Echinoidea - Spatangoida - Brissidae

Brissus was named by Gray (1825) [Sepkoski's age data: T Eo-m-l R Sepkoski's reference number: 343]. It is extant. Its type is Brissus fragilis.

It was assigned to Spatangidae by Grant and Hertlein (1938); to Brissidae by Fischer (1966), Henderson (1975) and Kier (1984); and to Spatangoida by Sepkoski (2002).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1825Brissus Gray
1938Brissus Grant and Hertlein p. 128
1966Brissus Fischer p. U582
1975Brissus Henderson p. 34
1984Brissus Kier p. 81
2002Brissus Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassEuechinoideaBronn 1860
genusBrissusGray 1825

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. Brissus Gray 1825
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Brissus cabrerai Sanchez Roig 1953
Brissus camagueyensis Weisbord 1934
Brissus caobaense Sanchez-Roig 1953
Brissus durhami Sanchez Roig 1952
Brissus eximius Zittel 1864
Brissus expansus Forbes 1846
Brissus fragilis Düben and Koyen 1844
Brissus glenni Cooke 1959
Brissus inaequalis Forbes 1846
Brissus kewi Grant and Hertlein 1938
Brissus latecarinatus Leske 1778
Brissus minutus Sanchez Roig 1949
Brissus rana Forbes 1846
Brissus sagrae Lambert 1924
Brissus spatiosus Ravenel 1848
Brissus unicolor Leske 1778
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calciteo
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: slow-movingo
Life habit: shallow infaunalo
Diet: deposit feedero
Diet 2: detritivoreo
Vision: limitedc
Dispersal: watero
Dispersal 2: planktonico
Created: 2004-02-28 12:18:10
Modified: 2009-10-08 16:32:56
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan 1992, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Middle Eocene to the top of the Early/Lower Pleistocene or 47.80000 to 0.78100 Ma

Collections (27 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71Cuba B. caobaense (155852)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4USA (Georgia) B. sp. (90567)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4USA (Florida) B. sp. (35013)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03New Zealand (South Otago) B. carwfordi (45653)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (Texas) B. exiguus (69932)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Australia (South Australia) B. fosteri (72222)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97USA (California) B. kewi, B. latecarinatus (203414)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Australia (South Australia) B. sp. (88322)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Australia (Victoria) B. fosteri (72197)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Ukraine B. unicolor (66971)
Badenian13.65 - 12.7Moldova B. bastiae (78661 78663) B. jacquementi (78643)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Indonesia B. declivis (70099)
Late/Upper Miocene - Pliocene11.608 - 2.588Netherlands Antilles B. glenni (209183)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Malta B. sp. (131977)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Algeria B. unicolor (70863 70882)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6Egypt B. carinatus (96758)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Fiji B. latecarinatus (68181 68182)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Cuba B. sagrae (91153)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588Egypt B. carinatus (96759)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588Japan (Okinawa) B. latecarinatus (96696)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781USA (South Carolina) B. spatiosus (92411)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Taiwan B. latecarinatus (204438)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Palau B. latecarinatus (204376)