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Reptilia - Testudines - Kinosternoidea

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1870Baptemys Leidy pp. 4-5
1872Notomorpha Cope p. 3
1872Notomorpha gravis Cope p. 5
1872Notomorpha Cope p. 474
1872Notomorpha gravis Cope p. 476
1873Emys gravis Cope
1873Baptemys Leidy p. 341
1884Notomorpha gravis Cope
1902Baptemys Hay p. 445
1902Notomorpha Hay p. 448
1902Notomorpha gravis Hay p. 448
1908Notomorpha Hay p. 269
1908Notomorpha gravis Hay p. 269 figs. Figs 335-336
1908Baptemys Hay p. 270
1930Baptemys Hay p. 92
1930Notomorpha Hay p. 92
1930Notomorpha gravis Hay p. 92
1988Baptemys Carroll
1992Baptemys Hutchison
2001Baptemys Holroyd et al.
2004Baptemys Joyce et al.
2011Baptemys Knauss et al.
2015Baptemys Bourque et al.
2015Gomphochelys Bourque et al.
2015Notomorpha Bourque et al.
2015Gomphochelys Bourque et al. p. 7
2015Baptemys Lichtig and Lucas
2016Baptemys Joyce and Bourque

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Testudinata(Oppel 1811)
orderTestudinesBatsch 1788
superfamilyTrionychoideaFitzinger 1826
PandermatemysJoyce et al. 2004

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Baptemys Leidy 1870
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Baptemys garmanii Cope 1872
Invalid names: Baptemys tricarinata Hay 1908 [synonym], Dermatemys costilata Cope 1875 [synonym]
Baptemys nanus Bourque et al. 2015
Invalid names: Gomphochelys Bourque et al. 2015 [synonym], Notomorpha Cope 1872 [synonym], Notomorpha gravis Cope 1872 [nomen dubium]
J. R. Bourque et al. 2015Carapace unicarinate; xiphiplastra
curved convexly at outer margins; plastral forelobe broad; plastral
hindlobe lobate and lacking caudal notch; entoplastron wider
than long, with gular–humeral sulcus positioned halfway or on
posterior two-thirds of element.
J. R. Bourque et al. 2015 (Gomphochelys)Gomphochelys nanus differs from other dermatemydids
by the following: relatively small adult size for the family
Dermatemydidae (carapace »32 cm long for UF 225761); bones
of the shell robust with thickened peripherals and pygal (shared
with Agomphus pectoralis); pygal lacks keel or crest (shared with
Agomphus and Dermatemys mawii); posterior peripherals relatively
straight and shortened (shared with A. pectoralis); marginal
scutes short in dorsal aspect with narrow underlap ventrally
(shared with A. pectoralis); plastral forelobes and hindlobes
reduced; entoplastron reduced, about as wide as long or only
slightly wider than long (shared with A. pectoralis); and gular–
humeral sulcus positioned either along, just anterior to, or just
posterior to the ento–hyoplastral suture. The following are synapomorphies
of G. nanus and other dermatemydids: costiform
processes extend across P1 and terminate in the anterior third of
P2 (shared with some Notomorpha garmanii, Staurotypus, Claudius,
and Hoplochelys); three pronounced longitudinal carinae
on the dorsum of the carapace (shared with N. garmanii, Hoplochelys,
and Agomphus alabamensis) composed of a set of
rounded lateral carinae that extend from the posterior half of C1
to posterior-most C7, as well as a pronounced dorsally flattened
medial keel that extends from the posterior N1 (at the intervertebral
sulcus for V1–2), is interrupted at the V4–5 sulcus on N8,
and terminates on the suprapygals (terminates on N8 in referred
specimen UF 249085); pygal wider than long (it is longer than
wide in most N. garmanii and in all Baptemys wyomingensis and
Dermatemys examined); and xiphiplastron pointed and lacks
caudal notch (shared with A. pectoralis, Hoplochelys, and N.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 100 to < 1000g
Environment: freshwaterg
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: aquaticg
Diet: herbivoreg
Diet 2: omnivoreg
Reproduction: oviparoussuperf
Comments: placed in "herbivorous or omnivorous" category length is about 460 mm based on text figureg
Created: 2006-04-19 15:02:22
Modified: 2006-04-19 17:02:22
Source: g = genus, superf = superfamily, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Carroll 1988, Holroyd et al. 2001, Hendy et al. 2009, Uetz 2005

Age range: base of the Wasatchian to the top of the Duchesnean or 55.80000 to 37.00000 Ma

Collections (17 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (Colorado) B. sp. (176835 176836 176837)
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (North Dakota) B. tricarinata (15895)
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (New Mexico) B. garmanii (176875 176893)
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (Wyoming) B. sp. (15566 59894) Notomorpha gravis, Notomorpha garmanii (131859)
Early/Lower Eocene55.8 - 48.6USA (Wyoming) B. tricarinata (131862 131863) Gomphochelys nanus (176522)
Wasatchian - Bridgerian55.8 - 46.2USA (New Mexico) B. sp. (25762 25763)
Late/Upper Uintan46.2 - 39.7USA (Texas) B. sp. (16542)
Duchesnean39.7 - 37.0USA (Utah) B. sp. (16877)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9USA (Arkansas) B. sp. (16549)