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Synapsida (synapsid)
Synapsida was named by Osborn (1903). It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Waldman and Savage (1972) and Laurin and Reisz (1995).
It was reranked as the infraclass Synapsida by Olson (1947), Olson and Beerbower (1953), Olson (1962) and Benton (1985); it was synonymized subjectively with Theromorpha by Kuhn (1966); it was reranked as the unranked clade Synapsida by Gauthier et al. (1988), Gauthier et al. (1989) and Laurin and Reisz (1995).
It was assigned to Eureptilia by Olson (1947), Olson and Beerbower (1953), Olson (1962) and Benton (1985); to Reptilia by Osborn (1903), Osborn (1903), Osborn (1904), Williston (1917), Roxo (1937), Haughton and Brink (1954), Lewis and Vaughn (1965), Olson (1966), Haubold (1971), Waldman and Savage (1972), Daly (1973), Haubold (1974), Olson (1974), Currie (1977), Langston and Reisz (1981) and Carroll (1988); and to Amniota by Gauthier et al. (1988), Gauthier et al. (1989), Laurin and Reisz (1995), McKenna and Bell (1997) and Meyer and Zardoya (2003).
It was reranked as the infraclass Synapsida by Olson (1947), Olson and Beerbower (1953), Olson (1962) and Benton (1985); it was synonymized subjectively with Theromorpha by Kuhn (1966); it was reranked as the unranked clade Synapsida by Gauthier et al. (1988), Gauthier et al. (1989) and Laurin and Reisz (1995).
It was assigned to Eureptilia by Olson (1947), Olson and Beerbower (1953), Olson (1962) and Benton (1985); to Reptilia by Osborn (1903), Osborn (1903), Osborn (1904), Williston (1917), Roxo (1937), Haughton and Brink (1954), Lewis and Vaughn (1965), Olson (1966), Haubold (1971), Waldman and Savage (1972), Daly (1973), Haubold (1974), Olson (1974), Currie (1977), Langston and Reisz (1981) and Carroll (1988); and to Amniota by Gauthier et al. (1988), Gauthier et al. (1989), Laurin and Reisz (1995), McKenna and Bell (1997) and Meyer and Zardoya (2003).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1902 | Protherosauria Osborn |
1903 | Synapsida Osborn p. 276 |
1904 | Synapsida Osborn p. 99 |
1917 | Synapsida Williston p. 415 |
1937 | Synapsida Roxo p. 43 |
1947 | Synapsida Olson pp. 44, 45 |
1953 | Synapsida Olson and Beerbower p. 399 |
1954 | Synapsida Haughton and Brink p. 5 |
1962 | Synapsida Olson p. 95 |
1965 | Synapsida Lewis and Vaughn pp. C12, C26 |
1966 | Synapsida Olson p. 301 |
1971 | Synapsida Haubold p. 32 |
1972 | Synapsida Waldman and Savage |
1973 | Synapsida Daly p. 587 |
1974 | Synapsida Haubold p. 34 |
1974 | Synapsida Olson p. 28 |
1977 | Synapsida Currie p. 929 |
1981 | Synapsida Langston and Reisz p. 74 |
1985 | Synapsida Benton p. 153 |
1988 | Synapsida Carroll |
1988 | Synapsida Gauthier et al. p. 139 fig. 4.4 |
1989 | Synapsida Gauthier et al. p. 340 |
1995 | Synapsida Laurin and Reisz p. 179 fig. 2 |
1997 | Synapsida McKenna and Bell |
2003 | Synapsida Meyer and Zardoya |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Subcl. Synapsida Osborn 1903 [synapsid]
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G. †Asaphestera Steen 1934
†Asaphestera platyris Steen 1934
Invalid names: Asaphestera intermedia Dawson 1894 [nomen dubium]
Unr. †Caseasauria Williston 1912
Fm. †Caseidae Williston 1911
G. †Angelosaurus Olson and Beerbower 1953
†Angelosaurus dolani Olson and Beerbower 1953
†Angelosaurus greeni Olson 1962
†Angelosaurus romeri Olson and Barghusen 1962
G. †Casea Williston 1910
†Casea broilii Williston 1910
†Casea halselli Olson 1954
†Casea membranacea Newberry 1853
†Casea nicholsi Olson 1954
G. †Chelichnus Jardine 1850
†Chelichnus ambiguum Jardine 1853
†Chelichnus bucklandi Jardine 1850
Invalid names: Herpetichnus sauroplesius Jardine 1850 [synonym]
†Chelichnus duncani Owen 1842
†Chelichnus gigas Jardine 1850
†Chelichnus hicklingi Nopsca 1923
†Chelichnus ingens Binney 1856
†Chelichnus megacheirus Huxley 1859
†Chelichnus obliquus Harkness 1851
†Chelichnus plancus Harkness 1851
†Chelichnus pricei Delair 1966
†Chelichnus titan Jardine 1853
†Chelichnus tripodizon Schmidt 1959
†Chelichnus wymanianus Lea 1856
Invalid names: Herpetichnus Jardine 1850 [synonym]
G. †Cotylorhynchus Stovall 1937
†Cotylorhynchus bransoni Olson and Barghusen 1962
†Cotylorhynchus hancocki Olson and Beerbower 1953
†Cotylorhynchus romeri Stovall 1937
G. †Trichasaurus Williston 1913
†Trichasaurus texensis Williston 1910
Invalid names: Trispondylus Williston 1910 [replaced]
Fm. †Eothyrididae Romer and Price 1940
Fm. †Chelichnopodidae Lockley 2011
Subor. †Eupelycosauria Kemp 1982
Fm. †Edaphosauridae Cope 1882
G. †Edaphosaurus Cope 1882
†Edaphosaurus boanerges Romer and Price 1940
†Edaphosaurus claviger Cope 1886
†Edaphosaurus colohistion Berman 1979
†Edaphosaurus credneri Jaekel 1910
†Edaphosaurus cruciger Cope 1878
†Edaphosaurus microdus Cope 1884
†Edaphosaurus novomexicanus Williston and Case 1913
†Edaphosaurus pogonias Cope 1882
Invalid names: Naosaurus Cope 1886 [synonym]
Invalid names: Naosauridae Case 1907 [synonym], Naosaurus raymondi Case 1908 [nomen vanum]
Unr. †Haptodontiformes Spindler 2015
G. †Eohaptodus Spindler 2015
G. †Haptodus Gaudry 1886
†Haptodus baylei Gaudry 1886
Invalid names: Palaeohatteria longicaudata Credner 1888 [synonym], Pantelosaurus saxonicus v. Huene 1925 [synonym]
†Haptodus garnettensis Currie 1977
Fm. †Ophiacodontidae Nopsca 1923 [ophiacodont]
G. †Baldwinonus Romer and Price 1940
†Baldwinonus dunkardensis Romer 1952
†Baldwinonus trux Romer and Price 1940
G. †Clepsydrops Cope 1875
†Clepsydrops collettii Cope 1875
Invalid names: Archaeobelus vellicatus Cope 1877 [synonym], Clepsydrops pedunculatus Cope 1877 [synonym]
†Clepsydrops magnus Romer 1961
†Clepsydrops vinslovii Cope 1877
Invalid names: Captorhinus illinoisensis Williston 1911 [synonym]
Invalid names: Archaeobelus Cope 1877 [synonym]
G. †Diopeus Cope 1892
G. †Ophiacodon Marsh 1878
†Ophiacodon hilli Romer 1925
†Ophiacodon major Romer and Price 1940
†Ophiacodon mirus Marsh 1878
†Ophiacodon navajovicus Case 1907
†Ophiacodon retroversus Cope 1878
Invalid names: Clepsydrops leptocephalus Cope 1884 [synonym], Theropleura triangulata Cope 1878 [synonym], Therosaurus watsoni von Huene 1925 [synonym]
†Ophiacodon uniformis Cope 1878
Invalid names: Poliosaurus Case 1907 [synonym], Theropleura Cope 1878 [synonym], Winfieldia Romer 1925 [synonym]
G. †Varanosaurus Broili 1904
†Varanosaurus acutirostris Broili 1904
Invalid names: Poecilospondylus francisi Case 1910 [synonym]
†Varanosaurus wichitaensis Romer 1937
Invalid names: Poecilospondylus Case 1910 [synonym]
Invalid names: Clepsydropidae Cope 1878 [synonym], Poliosauridae Case 1907 [synonym]
Unr. †Sphenacomorpha Ivakhnenko 2003
Subor. †Sphenacodontia Romer and Price 1940
G. †Palaeohatteria Credner 1888
G. †Pantelosaurus v. Huene 1925
Unr. †Sphenacodontoidea
Fm. †Sphenacodontidae Marsh 1878
Invalid names: Palaeohatteriidae Baur 1889 [synonym], Pantelosauridae Huene 1925 [synonym]
Invalid names: Anningiidae Broom 1927 [empty], Haptodontinae Romer and Price 1940 [empty]
Fm. †Varanopidae Romer and Price 1940
Unr. †Neovaranopsia Spindler et al. 2018
Subfm. †Mesenosaurinae Spindler et al. 2018
Unr. †Afrothyra Spindler et al. 2018
G. †Cabarzia Spindler et al. 2019
G. †Mesenosaurus Efremov 1938
Subfm. †Varanodontinae Modesto et al. 2001
G. †Aerosaurus Romer 1937
G. †Mycterosaurus Williston 1915
Invalid names: Basicranodon Vaughn 1958 [synonym], Eumatthevia Broom 1930 [synonym]
G. †Ruthiromia Eberth and Brinkman 1983
G. †Tambacarnifex Berman et al. 2014
G. †Varanodon Olson 1965
G. †Varanops Williston 1914
G. †Watongia Olson 1974
Invalid names: Elliotsmithidae Broom 1937 [synonym], Mycterosaurinae Modesto et al. 2001 [empty], Thrausmosaurus Fox 1962 [invalid subgroup], Thrausmosaurus serratidens Fox 1962 [nomen dubium]
Or. †Pelycosauria Cope 1878 [pelycosaur]
Subor. †Edaphosauria Cope 1882
Invalid names: Glaucosauridae Huene 1925 [empty], Lupeosauridae Romer and Price 1940 [empty], Nitosauridae Romer and Price 1940 [empty]
Subor. †Ophiacodontia Romer and Price 1940
Invalid names: Tetraceratopsidae Kuhn 1964 [empty], Varanopoidea Romer and Price 1940 [empty]
Invalid names: Caseamorpha Kemp 1982 [empty]
Unr. Therapsida Broom 1905 [therapsid]
Or. †Anomodontia Owen 1859
Unr. †Anomocephaloidea Cisneros et al. 2011
G. †Bainia Broom 1921
Unr. †Chainosauria Nopcsa 1923
Fm. †Cryptodontidae Owen 1859
Unr. †Geikiidae Nopcsa 1923
G. †Bulbasaurus Kammerer and Smith 2017
Unr. †Geikiinae Nopcsa 1923
G. †Idelesaurus Kurkin 2006
G. †Odontocyclops Keyser and Cruickshank 1979
Invalid names: Aulacocephalodontinae Toerien 1953 [empty]
Unr. †Oudenodontidae Cope 1871
G. †Australobarbarus Kurkin 2000
G. †Cteniosaurus Broom 1935
G. †Tropidostoma Seeley 1889
G. †Pelanomodon Broom 1938
†Pelanomodon moschops Broom 1913
Invalid names: Dicynodon sidneyi Broom 1940 [synonym], Dicynodon tylorhinus Broom 1913 [synonym], Pelanomodon halli Broom 1950 [synonym], Pelanomodon rubidgei Broom 1938 [synonym], Propelanomodon devilliersi Toerien 1955 [synonym]
Invalid names: Propelanomodon Toerien 1955 [synonym]
Unr. †Rhachiocephalidae Maisch 2000
G. †Kitchinganomodon Maisch 2002
G. †Rhachiocephalus Seeley 1898
Invalid names: Dicynodon tealei Haughton 1932 [nomen dubium]
G. †Diaelurodon Broom 1911
Subor. †Dicynodontia Owen 1859 [dicynodont]
Or. †Dicynodontia Owen 1859 [dicynodont]
Unr. †Bidentalia Owen 1876
G. †Rastodon Boos et al. 2016
Invalid names: Dicynodon rectidens Owen 1876 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Dicynodontidae Owen 1859
Subfm. †Aulacephalodontinae Cluver and King 1983
Subfm. †Cryptodontinae Owen 1859
Subfm. †Dicynodontinae Owen 1859
G. †Elph Kurkin 1999
G. †Interpresosaurus Kurkin 2001
Subfm. †Kannemeyeriinae Huene 1948
G. †Sagecephalus Jaekel 1911
G. †Striodon Sun 1978
Invalid names: Orophicephalinae Van Hoepen 1934 [empty], Pelorocyclopinae Van Hoepen 1934 [empty]
Unr. †Dicynodontoidea Cluver and King 1983
G. †Basilodon Kammerer et al. 2011
G. †Counillonia Olivier et al. 2019
G. †Daptocephalus van Hoepen 1934
G. †Delectosaurus Kurkin 2001
G. †Dinanomodon Broom 1938
G. †Gordonia Newton 1893
G. †Jimusaria Sun 1963
G. †Kannemeyeria Seeley 1908
G. †Kunpania Sun 1978
Fm. †Lystrosauridae Broom 1903
G. †Peramodon Kammerer et al. 2011
G. †Sintocephalus Van Hoepen 1934
G. †Syops Kammerer et al. 2011
G. †Taoheodon Liu 2020
G. †Turfanodon Sun 1973
G. †Vivaxosaurus Kalandadze and Kurkin 2000
Invalid names: Dicynodon incisivum Repelin 1923 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon ingens Broom 1907 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon luckhoffi Broom 1937 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon testudiceps Owen 1845 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon venteri Broom 1935 [nomen dubium], Platypodosaurus Owen 1880 [nomen dubium]
G. †Dolichuranus Keyser 1973
†Dolichuranus latirostris Crozier 1970
Invalid names: Rhopalorhinus Keyser 1973 [synonym]
G. †Dolomitipes Marchetti et al. 2019
†Dolomitipes accordii Ceoloni et al. 1988
†Dolomitipes icelsi de Klerk 2002
Superfm. †Emydopoidea van Hoepen 1934
G. †Compsodon Van Hoepen 1934
G. †Digalodon Broom and Robinson 1948
Unr. †Emydopidae Cluver and King 1983
Subfm. †Emydopinae Cluver and King 1983
G. †Emydops Broom 1912
Invalid names: Emydopsis Broom 1921 [synonym], Storthyggnathus Janensch 1952 [synonym]
Unr. †Kingoriidae King 1988
Unr. †Kistecephalia Seeley 1894
G. †Myosaurus Haughton 1917
Invalid names: Cistecephalinae Broom 1903 [empty]
G. †Emydorhinus Broom 1935
Unr. †Endothiodontia Owen 1876
G. †Abajudon Angielczyk et al. 2014
G. †Cryptocynodon Seeley 1894
G. †Lanthanostegus Modesto et al. 2003
Invalid names: Lanthanocephalus Modesto et al. 2002 [replaced]
G. †Pristerodon Huxley 1868
Invalid names: Brachyuraniscus Broili and Schroeder 1935 [synonym], Cerataelurus Broom 1931 [synonym], Eumantellia Broom 1935 [synonym], Hueneus Toerien 1953 [synonym], Newtonella Broom 1937 [synonym], Opisthoctenodon Broom 1904 [synonym], Parringtoniella Toerien 1953 [synonym]
Fm. †Endothiodontidae Owen 1876
Invalid names: Endothiodontinae Haughton and Brink 1954 [empty], Eumantellinae Haughton and Brink 1954 [empty], Parringtoniellinae Haughton and Brink 1954 [empty]
G. †Eocyclops Broom 1913
G. †Eodicynodon Barry 1974
†Eodicynodon oelofseni Rubidge 1990
†Eodicynodon oosthuizeni Barry 1974
G. †Heuneus Toerien 1953
G. †Hyorhynchus Seeley 1889
Fm. †Kannemeyeriidae Huene 1948
G. †Acratophorus Kammerer and Ordoñez 2021
G. †Barysoma Cox 1965
G. †Chanaria Cox 1968
G. †Jacheleria Bonaparte 1971
G. †Parakannemeyeria Sun 1960
G. †Rechnisaurus Chowdhury 1970
G. †Shaanbeikannemeyeria Cheng 1980
Subfm. †Shansiodontinae Cox 1965
G. †Sinokannemeyeria Young 1937
Subfm. †Sinokannemeyeriinae King 1988
G. †Wadiasaurus Chowdhury 1970
G. †Xiyukannemeyeria Liu and Li 2003
Or. †Kannemeyeriiformes Huene 1948
G. †Angonisaurus Cox and Li 1983
G. †Elephantosaurus Vjuschkov 1969
G. †Repelinosaurus Olivier et al. 2019
G. †Woznikella Szczygielski and Sulej 2023
Invalid names: Brachybrachium Williston 1904 [nomen dubium], Brachybrachium brevipes Williston 1904 [nomen dubium], Calleonasus furvus Kalandadze 1985 [nomen dubium], Cristonasus koltaeviensis Surkov 1999 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon tener Huene 1935 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon turpior Huene 1935 [nomen dubium], Elatosaurus facetus Kalandadze 1985 [nomen dubium], Nasoplanites danilovi Surkov 1999 [nomen dubium], Parvobestiola bashkiriensis Surkov 1999 [nomen dubium]
G. †Pentasauropus Ellenberger 1970
†Pentasauropus argentinae Lagnaoui et al. 2019
†Pentasauropus incredibilis Ellenberger 1970
Invalid names: Pentasauropus erectus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Pentasauropus maphutsengi Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Pentasauropus morobongensis Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Pentasauropus motlejoi Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Tetrasauropus gigas Ellenberger 1970 [synonym]
G. †Ptychognathus Owen 1860
Unr. †Pylaecephalidae Van Hoepen 1934
G. †Eosimops Broom 1921
G. †Prosictodon Angielczyk and Rubidge 2010
G. †Pylaecephalus Van Hoepen 1934
Fm. †Stahleckeriidae Cox 1965
Subfm. †Dinodontosaurinae Kalandadze 1973
G. †Dinodontosaurus Romer 1943
Subfm. †Placeriinae King 1988
Subfm. †Stahleckeriinae Huene 1935
G. †Sungeodon Maisch and Matzke 2014
G. †Ufudocyclops Kammerer et al. 2019
Invalid names: Stahleckeriidae Cox 1965 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Chelyoposaurus Broom 1904 [nomen nudum], Chelyoposaurus williamsi Broom 1904 [nomen nudum], Dicranozygoma Seeley 1900 [nomen dubium], Dicranozygoma leptoscelus Seeley 1900 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon leptorhinus Owen 1876 [nomen dubium], Dicynodontida Ivakhnenko 2003 [empty], Diictodontia [empty], Diictodontidae Kemp 1982 [empty], Dromasauroidea Broom 1907 [empty], Endothiodontoidea Owen 1976 [empty], Eodicynodontia [empty], Eodicynodontidae Barry 1974 [empty], Eodicynodontoidea Cluver and King 1983 [empty], Eumantelliidae Broom 1935 [empty], Eurycarpus oweni Seeley 1889 [nomen dubium], Fukangolepis barbaros Yang 1978 [nomen dubium], Haughtoniana Boonstra 1938 [nomen dubium], Haughtoniana magna Boonstra 1938 [nomen dubium], Kannemeyeroidea Huene 1948 [empty], Kingoridae Kemp 1982 [empty], Kingorioidea Cluver and King 1983 [empty], Koupia Boonstra 1948 [nomen dubium], Koupia koupensis Boonstra 1948 [nomen dubium], Oudenodon strigiceps Owen 1845 [nomen dubium], Taognathus Broom 1911 [nomen nudum], Taognathus megalodon Broom 1911 [nomen nudum], Therochelonia Seeley 1895 [empty], Venjukoviamorpha [empty]
G. †Emydochampsa Broom 1912
G. †Neomegacyclops Boonstra 1953
G. †Prodicynodon Broom 1904
†Prodicynodon beaufortensis Broom 1912
†Prodicynodon pearstonensis Broom 1904
Infraor. †Venyukovioidea Watson and Romer 1956
G. †Venyukovia Amalitzky 1922
†Venyukovia prima Amalitzky 1922
Invalid names: Myctosuchus Efremov 1937 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dromasauridae [empty], Venjukoviidae Efremov 1940 [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Biseridensidae Li and Cheng 1997 [invalid subgroup], Dicynodontiformes Hay 1930 [empty], Otsheriidae Tcshudinov 1960 [empty], Therosuchia Seeley 1895 [empty], Venyukovioidea Watson and Romer 1956 [empty]
Infraor. †Biarmosuchia Sigogneau-Russell 1989
G. †Biarmosuchus Chudinov 1960
†Biarmosuchus tchudinovi Ivakhnenko 1999
†Biarmosuchus tener Chudinov 1960
Invalid names: Biarmosaurus antecessor Chudinov 1960 [synonym], Biarmosuchus antecessor Tchudinov 1960 [synonym], Ivantosaurus ensifer Chudinov 1983 [synonym], Ivantosaurus signifer Tatarinov 1974 [synonym]
Invalid names: Biarmosaurus Chudinov 1960 [synonym], Eotitanosuchus Tchudinov 1960 [synonym], Ivantosaurus Chudinov 1983 [synonym]
Unr. †Burnetiamorpha Broom 1923
G. †Bondoceras Sidor 2023
Fm. †Burnetiidae Broom 1923
Subfm. †Burnetiinae Broom 1923
G. †Leucocephalus Day et al. 2018
Subfm. †Proburnetiinae Kammerer 2016
G. †Pembecephalus Sidor 2023
Invalid names: Biarmosuchidae Olson 1962 [empty], Hipposauridae Watson and Romer 1956 [empty], Rubidgina Broom 1942 [nomen dubium], Rubidgina angusticeps Broom 1942 [nomen dubium]
G. †Brontopus Heyler and Lessertisseur 1963
†Brontopus antecursor Ellenberger 1983
Invalid names: Eocynodontipus sibleyrasi Ellenberger 1983 [synonym], Planipes brachydactylus Gand et al. 2000 [synonym], Planipes caudatus Demathieu and Gand 1995 [synonym], Pseudopithecopus recurvidigitus Ellenberger 1983 [synonym]
†Brontopus giganteus Heyler and Lessertisseur 1963
Invalid names: Brontopus circagiganteus Gand et al. 2000 [synonym], Moschopus enormis Ellenberger 1983 [synonym]
Invalid names: Eocynodontipus Ellenberger 1983 [synonym], Moschopus Ellenberger 1983 [synonym], Pseudopithecopus Ellenberger 1983 [synonym]
Infraor. Cynodontia Owen 1861 [cynodont]
Fm. †Charassognathidae Kammerer 2016
Fm. †Chronoperatidae Fox et al. 1992
Fm. †Dviniidae Tatarinov 1968
Unr. Epicynodontia Hopson and Kitching 2001
Infraor. †Cynognathia Tatarinov 2008
G. †Cynognathus Seeley 1895
Invalid names: Cynidiognathus Haughton 1922 [synonym], Karoomys Broom 1903 [synonym]
Unr. †Gomphodontia Seeley 1895
Invalid names: Gomphognathoidea Broom 1903 [empty]
Infraor. Eucynodontia Kemp 1982
G. †Candelariodon de Oliveira et al. 2011
Fm. †Cistecynodontidae Abdala 1996
Fm. †Dromatheriidae Gill 1872
Fm. †Ecteniniidae Martinez et al. 2013
G. †Kataigidodon Kligman et al. 2020
G. †Microconodon Osborn 1886
Unr. Probainognathia Hopson 1990
G. †Trucidocynodon Oliveira et al. 2010
Invalid names: Chiniquodontoidea [empty]
Fm. †Galesauridae Lydekker 1890
G. †Cynosaurus Schmidt 1927
Invalid names: Baurocynodon Brink 1951 [synonym], Cynosuchoides Broom 1931 [synonym], Cynosuchus Owen 1876 [replaced], Mygalesuchus Broom 1942 [synonym]
G. †Nanictosaurus Broom 1936
G. †Progalesaurus Sidor and Smith 2004
G. †Sysphinctostoma Broili and Schröder 1936
Invalid names: Cynosauridae Haughton and Brink 1954 [synonym], Cynosuchidae Broom 1915 [synonym], Nythosauridae Watson 1917 [synonym]
G. †Gaumia Hahn et al. 1987
†Gaumia incisa Hahn et al. 1987
†Gaumia longiradicata Hahn et al. 1987
Fm. †Madysauridae Tatarinov 2005
Unr. Mammaliamorpha Rowe 1988 [mammaliamorph]
Unr. Mammaliaformes Rowe 1988 [mammaliaform]
G. †Adelobasileus Lucas and Hunt 1990
Unr. †Amphilestheria Gaetano and Rougier 2012
G. †Bocaconodon Montellano et al. 2008
Or. †Docodonta Kretzoi 1946 [dodocont]
G. †Hadrocodium Luo et al. 2001
Unr. †Haramiyida Hahn 1989
Fm. †Kuehneotheriidae Kermack et al. 1968
Cl. Mammalia Linnaeus 1758 [mammal]
Or. †Morganucodonta Kermack 1973
G. †Sinoconodon Patterson and Olson 1961
Fm. †Tritheledontidae Broom 1912
Unr. †Chalimininae Martinelli and Rougier 2007
G. †Diarthrognathus Crompton 1958
G. †Elliotherium Sidor and Hancox 2006
G. †Irajatherium Martinelli et al. 2005
G. †Pachygenelus Watson 1913
G. †Pattsia Lees and Mills 1983
G. †Riograndia Bonaparte et al. 2001
G. †Tritheledon Broom 1930
Invalid names: Pachygenelus milleri Chatterjee 1983 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Procynosuchidae Broom 1937
G. †Procynosuchus Broom 1937
†Procynosuchus delaharpeae Broom 1937
Invalid names: Aelurodraco microps Broom and Robinson 1948 [synonym], Cyrbasiodon boycei Broom 1931 [synonym], Galecranium liorhynchus Broom 1948 [synonym], Galeophrys kitchingi Broom 1948 [synonym], Leavachia duvenhagei Broom 1948 [synonym], Leavachia gracilis Brink and Kitching 1951 [synonym], Mygalesaurus platyceps Broom 1942 [synonym], Nanictosuchus melinodon Broom 1940 [synonym], Paracynosuchus rubidgei Broom 1940 [synonym], Parathrinaxodon proops Parrington 1936 [synonym], Procynosuchus rubidgei Broom 1938 [synonym], Protocynodon pricei Broom 1949 [synonym], Scalopocynodon gracilis Brink 1961 [synonym], Silphedestes polyodon Broom 1949 [synonym], Silphedocynodon gymnotemporalis Brink 1951 [synonym]
†Procynosuchus vladimirense Tatarinov 2004
Invalid names: Aelurodraco Broom and Robinson 1948 [synonym], Cyrbasiodon Broom 1931 [synonym], Galecranium Broom 1948 [synonym], Galeophrys Broom 1948 [synonym], Leavachia Broom 1948 [synonym], Mygalesaurus Broom 1942 [synonym], Nanictosuchus Broom 1940 [synonym], Paracynosuchus Broom 1940 [synonym], Parathrinaxodon Parrington 1936 [synonym], Protocynodon Broom 1949 [synonym], Scalopocynodon Brink 1961 [synonym], Silphedestes Broom 1949 [synonym], Silphedocynodon Brink 1951 [synonym]
Invalid names: Silphedestidae Haughton and Brink 1954 [synonym]
Fm. †Therioherpetidae Battail 1991
G. †Meurthodon Sigogneau-Russell and Hahn 1994
†Meurthodon gallicus Sigogneau-Russell and Hahn 1994
Invalid names: Therioherpetodontidae Bonaparte and Barberena 1975 [synonym]
Fm. †Tritylodontidae Cope 1884
G. †Bienotherium Young 1940
†Bienotherium magnum Chow 1962
†Bienotherium minor Young 1947
†Bienotherium yunnanense Young 1940
Invalid names: Bienotherium elegans Young 1940 [synonym], Oligokyphus sinensis Young 1974 [synonym]
G. †Bienotheroides Young 1982
†Bienotheroides shartegensis Watabe et al. 2007
†Bienotheroides ultimus Maisch et al. 2004
†Bienotheroides wansienensis Young 1982
†Bienotheroides zigongensis Sun 1986
G. †Oligokyphus Hennig 1922
†Oligokyphus biserialis Hennig 1922
†Oligokyphus lufengensis Luo and Sun 1993
†Oligokyphus major Kühne 1956
†Oligokyphus minor Kühne 1956
†Oligokyphus triserialis Hennig 1922
G. †Stereognathus Charlesworth 1854
†Stereognathus ooliticus Charlesworth 1854
Invalid names: Stereognathus hebridicus Waldman and Savage 1972 [synonym]
Invalid names: Xenocretosuchus Tatarinov and Matchenko 1999 [synonym]
G. †Tritylodon Owen 1884
†Tritylodon longaevus Owen 1884
Invalid names: Tritylodon fraasi Lydekker 1887 [nomen vanum]
G. †Yunnanodon Cui 1986
†Yunnanodon brevirostre Cui 1976
Invalid names: Yunnania Cui 1976 [replaced]
Invalid names: Cynognathidae [empty], Cynognathoidea Brink 1963 [empty], Gomphodontidae [empty], Masitisitherium Ellenberger 1970 [nomen nudum], Riograndidae Bonaparte et al. 2001 [empty]
G. †Dicynodontipus Rühle von Lilienstern 1944
†Dicynodontipus bellambiensis Retallack 1996
†Dicynodontipus geinitzi Hornstein 1876
†Dicynodontipus hildburghausensis Rühle von Lilienstern 1944
†Dicynodontipus penugnu da Silva et al. 2012
Invalid names: Calibarichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Gallegosichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Palaciosichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Rogerbaletichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Stipanicichnus Casamiquela 1975 [synonym]
Unr. Eutherapsida
Subor. †Dinocephalia Seeley 1894
Superfm. †Anteosauria Boonstra 1962
Fm. †Anteosauridae Boonstra 1954
Invalid names: Admetophoneus Efremov 1954 [nomen dubium], Admetophoneus kargalensis Efremov 1954 [nomen dubium], Archaeosuchus Broom 1905 [nomen dubium], Archaeosuchus cairncrossi Broom 1905 [nomen dubium], Eccasaurus Broom 1909 [nomen dubium], Eccasaurus priscus Broom 1909 [nomen dubium]
Infraor. †Eodeinocephalia Olson 1962
Fm. †Driveriidae Olson 1962
Fm. †Mastersoniidae Olson 1962
Invalid names: Brithopodidae Efremov 1954 [empty]
Infraor. †Eotitanosuchida Ivakhnenko 2003
Superfm. †Eotitanosuchoidea Tchudinov 1960
Superfm. †Microuranioidea Ivakhnenko 1995
G. †Phreatosuchus Efremov 1954
Infraor. †Tapinocephalia
Superfm. †Niaftasuchoidea Ivakhnenko 1990
Fm. †Tapinocephalidae Owen 1876
Superfm. †Tapinocephaloidea Owen 1876
Invalid names: Brithopus Kutorga 1838 [nomen dubium], Brithopus priscus Kutorga 1838 [nomen dubium], Orthopus Kutorga 1838 [nomen dubium], Orthopus primaevus Kutorga 1838 [nomen dubium]
Infraor. †Titanosuchida
Superfm. †Deuterosauroidea Seeley 1894
G. †Planipes Demathieu and Gand 1995
Superfm. †Titanosuchoidea Broom 1903
Invalid names: Brithopia Kemp 1982 [empty], Brithopus bashkyricus Efremov 1954 [nomen dubium], Brithopus ponderus Efremov 1954 [nomen dubium], Estemmenosuchia Kemp 1982 [empty], Estemmenosuchoidea Tchudinov 1960 [empty], Mormosauridae Boonstra 1936 [empty], Moschopidae Boonstra 1936 [empty], Moschosauridae Boonstra 1936 [empty], Stenocybusidae Cheng and Li 1997 [empty]
Unr. Neotherapsida Hopson 1999
Or. Theriodontia Owen 1876
Infraor. †Rubidginoidea Haughton and Brink 1954
G. †Walteria Brink and Kitching 1951
Invalid names: Eutheriodontia [empty], Lycosauria [empty], Lycosuchus mackayi Broom 1903 [nomen dubium], Scaloposauria Brink 1963 [empty], Sesamodontidae Broom 1905 [empty]
Subor. †Gorgonopsia Seeley 1894
G. †Cyniscops Broom 1937
G. †Dixeya Haughton 1926
G. †Eriphostoma Broom 1911
†Eriphostoma microdon Broom 1911
Invalid names: Eoarctops vanderbyli Haughton 1929 [synonym], Galesuchus gracilis Haughton 1915 [synonym], Scylacognathus parvus Broom 1913 [synonym]
Invalid names: Eoarctops Haughton 1929 [synonym], Galesuchus Haughton 1915 [synonym], Scylacognathus Broom 1913 [synonym]
Infraor. †Estemmenosuchida Ivakhnenko 2003
Superfm. †Rhopalodontoidea Seeley 1894
Fm. †Estemmenosuchidae Tchudinov 1960
Fm. †Rhopalodontidae Seeley 1894
Invalid names: Burnetioidea Broom 1923 [empty]
Infraor. †Gorgonopida Ivakhnenko 2003
Superfm. †Rubidgeoidea Broom 1938
Fm. †Inostranceviidae Huene 1948
Fm. †Phthinosuchidae Efremov 1954
Invalid names: Rubidgeidae Broom 1938 [empty]
Invalid names: Gorgonopioidea Lydekker 1890 [empty]
Fm. †Gorgonopidae Lydekker 1890
Subfm. †Gorgonopsinae Sigogneau-Russell 1970
G. †Aelurosaurus Owen 1881
Invalid names: Aelurosauroides Boonstra 1934 [synonym], Scylacocephalus Broom 1940 [synonym]
G. †Aloposaurus Broom 1910
Invalid names: Aloposauroides Brink and Kitching 1953 [synonym], Cynarioides Broom 1925 [synonym]
G. †Arctops Watson 1914
G. †Cerdorhinus Broom 1936
G. †Cyonosaurus Olson 1937
Invalid names: Alopecorhynchus Brink and Kitching 1953 [synonym], Nanogorgon Broom and Robinson 1948 [synonym]
G. †Gorgonops Owen 1876
Invalid names: Chiwetasaurus Haughton 1926 [synonym], Leptotracheliscops Kuhn 1965 [synonym], Leptotrachelus Watson 1921 [synonym], Pachyrhinos Broili and Schroder 1934 [synonym], Scymnognathus Broom 1912 [synonym]
G. †Paragalerhinus Sigogneau 1970
G. †Pravoslavlevia Vjushkov 1953
G. †Pravoslavleria
Subfm. †Rubidgeinae Broom 1938
G. †Aelurognathus Haughton 1924
Invalid names: Gorgonorhinus Broom 1937 [synonym], Leontocephalus Broom 1940 [synonym], Prorubidgea Broom 1940 [synonym], Tigricephalus Broom 1948 [synonym]
G. †Leogorgon Ivakhnenko 2003
Tr. †Rubidgeini Broom 1938
G. †Ruhuhucerberus Maisch 2002
G. †Sycosaurus Haughton 1924
Invalid names: Cephalicustriodus Parrington 1974 [synonym], Tetraodon Broili and Schröder 1936 [synonym], Tetraodontonius Kuhn 1961 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aelurognathus nyasaensis Haughton 1926 [nomen dubium], Broomicephalinae Tatarinov 1974 [synonym], Sycosaurinae Tatarinov 1974 [synonym]
Subfm. †Scylacopinae Watson and Romer 1956
G. †Sauroctonus Bystrow 1955
G. †Suchogorgon Tatarinov 2000
Invalid names: Arctognathus whaitsi Haughton 1924 [nomen dubium], Arctosuchus Broom 1911 [nomen dubium], Asthenognathus Broom 1915 [nomen dubium], Delphaciognathus Broom 1932 [nomen dubium], Delphaciognathus paucidens Broom 1915 [nomen dubium], Genovum Huene 1950 [nomen dubium], Genovum broilii Huene 1950 [nomen dubium], Inostranceviinae Sigogneau-Russell 1989 [empty], Lycosaurus tigrinus Owen 1876 [nomen dubium], Rubidginae Sigogneau 1970 [empty], Scymnognathus parvus Broom 1915 [nomen dubium]
Infraor. †Ictidorhinida Ivakhnenko 2003
Fm. †Ictidorhinidae Broom 1932
G. †Biarmosuchoides Tverdokhlebova and Ivakhnenko 1994
G. †Pseudhipposaurus Boonstra 1952
G. †Ustia Ivakhnenko 2003
Infraor. †Nikkasaurida Ivakhnenko 2008
Invalid names: Broomisaurus planiceps Broom 1913 [nomen dubium], Cynarioides gracilis Broom 1930 [nomen dubium], Cyniscodon Broom 1905 [nomen dubium], Cyniscodon lydekkeri Broom 1905 [nomen dubium], Cynodraco Owen 1876 [nomen dubium], Cynodraco major Owen 1876 [nomen dubium], Cynodraco serridens Owen [nomen dubium], Galesuchidae Watson and Romer 1956 [empty], Hipposaurus kitchingi Broom 1948 [nomen dubium], Scylacognathus major Broom 1935 [nomen dubium], Watongiidae Sigogneau-Russell 1989 [empty]
G. †Stathmodon Hennig 1922
Or. †Therocephalia Broom 1903
Fm. †Alopecodontidae Broom 1932
G. †Alopecodon Broom 1908
†Alopecodon goeriachensis Toula 1884
†Alopecodon priscus Broom
Invalid names: Alopecodon minor Broom 1925 [synonym], Alopecodon rugosus Broom [synonym]
Subor. †Bauriida Broom 1911
Unr. †Eutherocephalia Hopson and Barghusen 1986
Fm. †Akidnognathidae Nopcsa 1923
G. †Cerdosuchoides Broom 1936
G. †Cerdosuchus Broom 1936
G. †Jiufengia Liu and Abdala 2019
G. †Notaelurodon Broom 1936
G. †Promoschorhynchus Brink 1954
G. †Shiguaignathus Liu and Abdala 2017
Superfm. †Baurioidea Broom 1911
Unr. †Bauriamorpha Watson
Fm. †Ictidosuchidae Broom 1903
Fm. †Karenitidae Tatarinov 1997
Fm. †Lycideopidae Broom 1931
G. †Regisaurus Mendrez 1972
G. †Scaloposuchus Broom 1940
G. †Silphoictidoides Huene 1950
G. †Urumchia Young 1952
Invalid names: Ictidosuchopsidae Hopson and Barghausen 1986 [empty], Pedaeosaurus Colbert and Kitching 1981 [nomen dubium], Rhigosaurus Colbert and Kitching 1981 [nomen dubium], Silphedosuchidae Battail 1991 [empty]
Fm. †Chthonosauridae Tatarinov 1974
G. †Chthonosaurus Vjushkov 1955
G. †Ichibengops Huttenlocker et al. 2015
Subor. †Scaloposaurida Haughton 1924
Superfm. †Lycideopoidea Broom 1931
Superfm. †Moschorhinoidea Brink 1954
Superfm. †Nanictidopoidea Watson and Romer 1956
Invalid names: Ictidosuchoidea Brink 1965 [empty], Nothogomphodontoidea Tatarinov 1974 [empty], Scalopognathoidea Tatarinov 1974 [empty], Scaloposauroidea Haughton 1924 [empty]
Superfm. †Whaitsioidea Haughton 1918
G. †Hofmeyria Broom 1935
G. †Ictidostoma Broom 1931
G. †Ophidostoma Huttenlocker and Smith 2017
Fm. †Whaitsiidae Haughton 1918
G. †Gorynychus Kammerer and Masyutin 2018
†Gorynychus masyutinae Kammerer and Masyutin 2018
†Gorynychus sundyrensis Suchkova and Golubev 2019
G. †Ictidognathus Broom 1911
†Ictidognathus hemburyi Broom 1912
†Ictidognathus parvidens Broom 1911
Subor. †Lycosuchida Ivakhnenko 2011
Superfm. †Lycosuchoidea Nopcsa 1923
Fm. †Kotelcephalonidae Ivakhnenko 2011
Fm. †Lycosuchidae Haughton and Brink 1954
Fm. †Pristerognathidae Broom 1908
G. †Alopecognathus Broom 1915
†Alopecognathus angusticeps Broom 1915
†Alopecognathus megalops Broom 1937
Subfm. †Pristerognathinae Boonstra 1969
G. †Alepognathus Boonstra 1931
G. †Cynariognathus Broom 1931
G. †Lycedops Broom 1936
G. †Pristerognathus Seeley 1895
G. †Therioides Boonstra 1953
Invalid names: Hyorhynchus platyceps Seeley 1889 [nomen dubium], Pristerognathus baini Broom 1904 [nomen dubium], Pristerognathus polyodon Broom [nomen dubium]
Subfm. †Scymnosaurinae Boonstra 1968
G. †Pristerosaurus Boonstra 1954
G. †Ptomalestes Boonstra 1954
G. †Scymnosaurus Broom 1903
G. †Zinnosaurus Boonstra 1964
Subor. †Scylacosaurida Ivakhnenko 2011
Fm. †Scylacosauridae Broom 1903
G. †Glanosuchus Broom 1904
G. †Ictidosaurus Broom 1903
G. †Julognathus Suchkova and Golubev 2019
Invalid names: Scylacosaurinae Broom 1903 [empty]
Invalid names: Alopecopsidae Haughton 1924 [empty], Arnognathus Broom 1907 [invalid subgroup], Arnognathus parvidens Broom 1907 [invalid subgroup], Euchambersiidae Boonstra 1934 [empty], Pristerosauria Hopson and Barghausen 1986 [empty], Regisauridae Hopson and Barghausen 1986 [empty], Simorhinellidae Mendrez 1975 [empty]
G. †Tricuspes von Huene 1933
†Tricuspes sigogneauae Hahn 1994
†Tricuspes tapeinodon Godefroit and Battail 1997
†Tricuspes tuebingensis Huene 1933
Subor. †Tritylodontia Olson 1966
Invalid names: Mucrotherium Huene 1933 [nomen dubium], Uniserium Huene 1933 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Novocynodon kutorgai Ivakhnenko 2012 [nomen dubium], Rubidginia Huene 1954 [empty]
Invalid names: Ophiacomorpha Ivakhnenko 2008 [empty], Protherosauria Osborn 1902 [replaced]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: s = species, c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade | |||||
References: Uhen and Gingerich 1995, Carroll 1988, Hopson 1973, Hendy et al. 2009, Vizcaíno et al. 2010, Johnson and Madden 1997, Hu et al. 2005 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Westphalian A to the top of the Holocene or 318.70000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 316.9 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 316.9 Ma
Collections (24462 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Westphalian A | Canada (Nova Scotia) | Asaphestera intermedia (86946) Protoclepsydrops haplous (28069) | |
Moscovian | Canada (Nova Scotia) | Dendromaia unamakiensis (207132) | |
Westphalian C - Westphalian D | Canada (Nova Scotia) | Echinerpeton intermedium, Clepsydrops sp., Archaeothyris florensis (80111) | |
Westphalian D | Czech Republic (Pilsen) | Archaeothyris sp. (84835) | |
Westphalian D | USA (Ohio) | Pelycosauria indet., Archaeothyris sp., Melanedaphodon hovaneci (85292) | |
Stephanian | France (Bourgogne) | Stereorhachis dominans (80716) | |
Stephanian - Virgilian | USA (Illinois) | Milosaurus mccordi (81114) | |
Kasimovian | USA (Illinois) | Sphenacodontidae indet. (224241) | |
Kasimovian - Kungurian | USA (Utah) | Ophiacodon navajovicus, Shashajaia bermani, Sphenacodon sp., Edaphosaurus sp. (218159) | |
Missourian | USA (Pennsylvania) | Edaphosaurus raymondi (80775 180937) | |
Missourian | USA (Illinois) | Clepsydrops sp., Clepsydrops collettii, Clepsydrops pedunculatus, Archaeobelus vellicatus, Clepsydrops vinslovii, Captorhinus illinoisensis (80714) | |
Missourian | USA (Colorado) | Ianthasaurus sp. (180938) | |
Missourian | USA (Kansas) | Edaphosaurus ecordi, Xyrospondylus ecordi, Kenomagnathus scotti, Tenuacaptor reiszi, Haptodus garnettensis, Ianthodon schultzei, Ianthasaurus hardestii (80784) | |
Missourian - Virgilian | USA (Pennsylvania) | Clepsydrops magnus (173987) | |
Virgilian | USA (West Virginia) | Edaphosaurus colohistion (13049 177058) | |
Virgilian | USA (Kansas) | Eocasea martini, Archaeovenator hamiltonensis (68427) Ophiacodon sp. (215555) | |
Virgilian | USA (New Mexico) | Nitosaurus jacksonorum, Baldwinonus trux, Dimetrodon navajovicus, Ophiacodon navajovicus, Elcabrosaurus baldwini, Sphenacodon ferox, Edaphosaurus novomexicanus, Ruthiromia elcobriensis, Aerosaurus greenlorum, Aerosaurus greenleeorum (34761) | |
Virgilian | USA (Oklahoma) | Ophiacodon mirus, Sphenacodontia indet. (13947) | |
Gzhelian - Asselian | Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate) | Cryptovenator hirschbergeri, Remigiomontanus robustus (109702) | |
Gzhelian - Sakmarian | USA (New Mexico) | Ophiacodon sp., Sphenacodon sp. (180989) |