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Anseriformes (waterfowl)
Anseriformes was named by Wagler (1831). It is extant.
It was reranked as the suborder Anseriformes by Zittel (1890) and Jaekel (1911); it was synonymized subjectively with Chenomorphae by Hay (1902); it was reranked as the unranked clade Anseriformes by Mayr (2005) and West et al. (2019).
It was assigned to Carinatae by Zittel (1890); to Carinatae by Gadow (1898); to Pelargomorphae by Jaekel (1911); to Aves by Baird (1992); to Neognathae by Wetmore (1940), Wetmore (1960), Carroll (1988) and Kurochkin (2000); to Neornithes by Hope (2002); to Odontoanserae by Bourdon (2005); to Neognathae by Mayr (2005); to Galloanserimorphae by Livezey (1997) and Livezey and Zusi (2007); to Aves by Howard (1972), Guthrie (1992), Parmalee (1992), Matsuoka et al. (2001) and del Hoyo et al. (2014); to Galloanserae by Clarke et al. (2005), Lindow and Dyke (2006) and West et al. (2019); and to Galloanseres by Slack et al. (2006), Worthy et al. (2017) and Worthy and Nguyen (2020).
It was reranked as the suborder Anseriformes by Zittel (1890) and Jaekel (1911); it was synonymized subjectively with Chenomorphae by Hay (1902); it was reranked as the unranked clade Anseriformes by Mayr (2005) and West et al. (2019).
It was assigned to Carinatae by Zittel (1890); to Carinatae by Gadow (1898); to Pelargomorphae by Jaekel (1911); to Aves by Baird (1992); to Neognathae by Wetmore (1940), Wetmore (1960), Carroll (1988) and Kurochkin (2000); to Neornithes by Hope (2002); to Odontoanserae by Bourdon (2005); to Neognathae by Mayr (2005); to Galloanserimorphae by Livezey (1997) and Livezey and Zusi (2007); to Aves by Howard (1972), Guthrie (1992), Parmalee (1992), Matsuoka et al. (2001) and del Hoyo et al. (2014); to Galloanserae by Clarke et al. (2005), Lindow and Dyke (2006) and West et al. (2019); and to Galloanseres by Slack et al. (2006), Worthy et al. (2017) and Worthy and Nguyen (2020).
Anachronornithidae, Anatalavis, Anatidae, Anhimae, Anseranatidae, Anseres, Brontornis (syn. Rostrornis), Conflicto, Danielsavis, Heterochen, Kustokazanser, Naranbulagornis, Nettapterornis, Paakniwatavis, Palaeopapia (syn. Howardia), Petropluvialis, Presbyornithidae, Romainvillia, Romainvillidae, Telmabatidae, Vegaviidae, Vegavis
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1831 | Anseriformes Wagler |
1890 | Anseriformes Zittel p. 836 |
1898 | Anseriformes Gadow p. 33 |
1911 | Anseriformes Jaekel p. 178 |
1940 | Anseriformes Wetmore p. 19 |
1960 | Anseriformes Wetmore p. 25 |
1972 | Anseriformes Howard p. 9 |
1988 | Anseriformes Carroll |
1992 | Anseriformes Baird p. 24 |
1992 | Anseriformes Guthrie p. 321 |
1992 | Anseriformes Parmalee p. 309 |
1997 | Anseriformes Livezey p. 398 |
2000 | Anseriformes Kurochkin p. 551 |
2001 | Anseriformes Matsuoka et al. p. 1 |
2002 | Anseriformes Hope p. 355 |
2005 | Anseriformes Bourdon p. 587 figs. Fig. 2 |
2005 | Anseriformes Clarke et al. p. 307 |
2005 | Anseriformes Mayr p. 318 |
2006 | Anseriformes Lindow and Dyke p. 485 |
2006 | Anseriformes Slack et al. p. 1150 |
2007 | Anseriformes Livezey and Zusi p. 90 |
2014 | Anseriformes del Hoyo et al. |
2017 | Anseriformes Worthy et al. |
2019 | Anseriformes West et al. p. 4 |
2020 | Anseriformes Worthy and Nguyen p. 74 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. Anseriformes Wagler 1831 [waterfowl]
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Fm. †Anachronornithidae Houde et al. 2023
Fm. Anatidae Vigors 1825
Subfm. Anatinae Vigors 1825 [duck]
G. Aix Boie 1828
Aix galericulata Linnaeus 1758 [mandarin duck]
†Aix praeclara Zelenkov and Kurochkin 2012
Aix sponsa Linnaeus 1758 [wood duck]
Tr. Anatini Vigors 1825 [dabbling duck]
G. Amazonetta Boetticher 1929 [Brazilian teal]
Amazonetta brasiliensis Gmelin 1789 [Brazilian teal]
G. †Anabernicula Ross 1935
†Anabernicula gracilenta Ross 1935
†Anabernicula oregonensis Howard 1964
†Anabernicula robusta Short 1970
G. Anas Linnaeus 1758
Subg. Anas (Nettium) Kaup 1829
Anas acuta Linnaeus 1758 [northern pintail]
†Anas amotape Campbell 1979
†Anas apscheronica Burchak-Abramovich 1958
Anas bahamensis Linnaeus 1758 [white-cheeked pintail]
†Anas basaltica Bayer 1883
Anas bernieri Hartlaub 1860 [Bernier's teal]
†Anas blanchardi Milne-Edwards 1863
Anas castanea Eyton 1838 [chestnut teal]
Invalid names: Anas (Nettium) strenua De Vis 1905 [synonym], Anas gracilipes De Vis 1905 [synonym], Nettapus eyrensis De Vis 1905 [synonym]
†Anas chathamica Oliver 1955 [Chatham duck]
†Anas cheuen Agnolín 2006
Anas chlorotis Gray 1845 [brown teal]
†Anas crassa Milne-Edwards 1871
Anas crecca Linnaeus 1758 [Eurasian teal]
Anas erythrorhyncha Gmelin 1789 [red-billed duck]
Anas flavirostris Vieillot 1816 [yellow-billed teal]
Anas fulvigula Ridgway 1874 [mottled duck]
Anas georgica Gmelin 1789 [Yellow-billed pintail]
Anas gracilis Buller 1869 [gray teal]
†Anas isarensis Lambrecht 1933
†Anas itchtucknee McCoy 1963
†Anas kurochkini Zelenkov and Panteleyev 2015
Anas laysanensis Rothschild 1892 [Laysan duck]
†Anas luederitzensis Lambrecht 1929
†Anas macroptera Milne-Edwards 1871
†Anas marecula Olson and Jouventin 1996
Anas melleri Sclater 1865 [Meller's duck]
†Anas meyeri Milne-Edwards 1868
†Anas pachyscelus Wetmore 1960 [Bermuda flightless duck]
†Anas risgoviensis von Ammon 1918
†Anas robusta Milne-Edwards 1867
Anas rubripes Brewster 1902 [American black duck]
Invalid names: Anas obscura Gmelin 1788 [replaced]
†Anas sanctaehelenae Campbell 1979
†Anas schneideri Emslie 1985
†Anas skalicensis Bayer 1882
†Anas soporata Kurochkin 1976
Anas superciliosa Gmelin 1789 [Pacific black duck]
Invalid names: Nyroca robusta De Vis 1888 [synonym]
†Anas talarae Campbell 1979
†Anas theodori Newton and Gadow 1893 [Mascarene teal]
Anas wyvilliana Sclater 1878 [Hawaiian duck]
Invalid names: Dafila Someguy [synonym], Pachyanas Oliver 1955 [synonym]
G. †Mioquerquedula Zelenkov and Kurochkin 2012
†Mioquerquedula minutissima Zelenkov and Kurochkin 2012
G. Tachyeres Owen 1875 [steamerduck]
Tachyeres leucocephalus Humphrey and Thompson 1981 [White-headed steamerduck]
Tachyeres patachonicus King 1828 [Flying steamerduck]
Tr. Aythyini [pochard]
G. Aythya Boie 1822
Aythya affinis Eyton 1838 [lesser scaup]
Aythya americana Eyton 1838 [redhead]
†Aythya aretina Portis 1889
†Aythya arvernensis Lydekker 1891
Aythya australis Eyton 1838 [hardhead]
Invalid names: Anas elapsa De Vis 1888 [synonym], Nyroca reclusa De Vis 1888 [synonym]
Aythya collaris Donovan 1809 [ring-necked duck]
Aythya ferina Linnaeus 1758 [common pochard]
Aythya fuligula Linnaeus 1758 [tufted duck]
Aythya marila Linnaeus 1761 [greater scaup]
Aythya novaeseelandiae Gmelin 1789 [New Zealand scaup]
Aythya nyroca Güldenstädt 1770 [ferruginous pochard]
†Aythya sepulta Portis 1889
†Aythya shihuibas Hou 1985
†Aythya spatiosa Kurochkin 1976
Aythya valisineria Wilson 1814 [canvasback]
G. Pteronetta Salvadori 1895 [Hartlaub's duck]
Pteronetta hartlaubii Cassin 1859 [Hartlaub's Duck]
G. Chaulelasmus Bonaparte 1838
G. Chenonetta Brandt 1836
†Chenonetta finschi Van Beneden 1875 [Finsch's duck]
Chenonetta jubata Latham 1801 [Maned duck]
Tr. Mergini Bonaparte 1838 [seaduck]
G. Bucephala Baird 1858
Bucephala albeola Linnaeus 1758 [bufflehead]
†Bucephala angustipes Jánossy 1965
Bucephala clangula Linnaeus 1758 [common goldeneye]
Bucephala islandica Gmelin 1789 [Barrow's goldeneye]
†Bucephala ossivallis Brodkorb 1955
Invalid names: Charitonetta Stejneger 1885 [synonym], Glaucionetta Someguy [synonym]
G. Melanitta Boie 1822 [scoter]
Subg. Melanitta (Pelionetta) Kaup 1829
†Melanitta ceruttii Chandler 1990
Melanitta fusca Linnaeus 1758 [velvet scoter]
Melanitta nigra Linnaeus 1758 [common scoter]
Melanitta perspicillata Linnaeus 1758 [surf scoter]
Invalid names: Oidemia Fleming 1822 [synonym]
G. Mergus Linnaeus 1758 [merganser]
†Mergus australis Hombron and Jacquinot 1841 [Auckland Islands merganser]
Mergus merganser Linnaeus 1758 [common merganser]
†Mergus milleneri Williams and Tennyson 2014
†Mergus miscellus Alvarez and Olson 1978
Mergus serrator Linnaeus 1758 [red-breasted merganser]
G. Somateria Leach 1819 [eider]
Somateria fischeri Brandt 1847 [Spectacled eider]
†Somateria gravipes Harrison 1979
Somateria mollissima Linnaeus 1758 [common eider]
Somateria spectabilis Linnaeus 1758 [king eider]
G. Nettion Kaup 1829
†Nettion bunkeri Wetmore 1944
†Nettion eppelsheimense Lambrecht 1933
†Nettion greeni Brodkorb 1964
†Nettion ogallalae Brodkorb 1962
†Nettion velox Milne-Edwards 1867
G. Querquedula Stephens 1826
†Querquedula floridiana Shufeldt 1917
†Querquedula integra Miller 1944
†Querquedula pullulans Brodkorb 1961
Invalid names: Archeoquerquedula Spillman 1942 [synonym]
Tr. Tadornini
G. †Alopochen Stejneger
Subg. †Alopochen (Mascarenachen) Cowles 1994
Alopochen aegyptiaca Linnaeus 1766 [Egyptian goose]
†Alopochen kervazoi Cowles 1994 [Réunion shelduck]
†Alopochen mauritianus Newton and Gadow 1893 [Mauritius shelduck]
†Alopochen sirabensis Andrews 1897 [Malagasy shelduck]
G. Cyanochen Bonaparte 1856
Invalid names: Cairinini del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty], Hymenolaimini del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty], Tadorini [empty]
Subfm. Anserinae Vigors 1825 [goose]
Tr. Anserini Vigors 1825
G. Anser Linnaeus 1758
Anser albifrons Scopoli 1769 [greater white-fronted goose]
Anser anser Linnaeus 1758 [greylag goose]
†Anser arenosus Bickart 1990
†Anser arizonae Bickart 1990
†Anser atavus Fraas 1870
†Anser azerbaidzhanicus Serebrovsky 1940
Anser brachyrhynchus Baillon 1834 [pink-footed goose]
†Anser brumeli Milne-Edwards 1871
Anser caerulescens Linnaeus 1758 [snow goose]
Invalid names: Chen hyperborea Pallas 1769 [synonym]
Anser canagicus Sevastianov 1802 [Emperor goose]
†Anser condoni Shufeldt 1891
†Anser cygniformis Fraas 1870
Anser cygnoid Linnaeus 1758 [Swan goose]
†Anser devjatkini Kurochkin 1971
†Anser djuktaiensis Zelenkov and Kurochkin 2014
Anser erythropus Linnaeus 1758 [lesser white-fronted goose]
Anser fabalis Latham 1787 [taiga bean-goose]
Anser indicus Latham 1790 [Bar-headed goose]
†Anser liskunae Kurochkin 1976
†Anser oeningensis von Meyer 1865
†Anser pressus Wetmore 1933
Anser rossii Cassin 1861 [Ross's goose]
†Anser scaldii Van Beneden 1873
†Anser thraceiensis Burchak-Abramovich and Nikolov 1984
Invalid names: Chen Boie 1822 [synonym]
G. Branta Scopoli 1769
Branta bernicla Linnaeus 1758 [brant]
Branta canadensis Linnaeus 1758 [Canada goose]
†Branta dickeyi Miller 1924
†Branta esmeralda Burt 1929
†Branta howardae Miller 1930
Branta hutchinsii Richardson 1832 [cackling goose]
†Branta hylobadistes Olson and James 1991
†Branta hypsibata Cope 1878
Branta leucopsis Bechstein 1803 [barnacle goose]
†Branta minuscula Wetmore 1924
†Branta propinqua Shufeldt 1891
Branta ruficollis Pallas 1769 [red-breasted goose]
Branta sandvicensis Vigors 1833 [nene]
†Branta woolfendeni Bickart 1990
Tr. Cereopseini del Hoyo et al. 2014
G. Cereopsis Latham 1801 [Cape barren goose]
Cereopsis novaehollandiae Latham 1801 [Cape barren goose]
G. †Chenornis Portis 1884
Subfm. Cygninae [swan]
G. †Cygnanser Kretzoi 1957
G. Cygnus Garsault 1764
Subg. Cygnus (Olor) Wagler 1832
Subg. Cygnus (Sthenelides) Stejneger 1884
Cygnus atratus Latham 1790 [black swan]
Cygnus buccinator Richardson 1832 [trumpeter swan]
Cygnus columbianus Ord 1815 [tundra swan]
†Cygnus csakvarensis Lambrecht 1933
†Cygnus equitum Bate 1916
†Cygnus falconeri Parker 1865
†Cygnus herenthalsi Van Beneden 1873
†Cygnus hibbardi Brodkorb 1958
†Cygnus matthewi Shufeldt 1913
Cygnus melancoryphus Molina 1782 [Black-necked swan]
Cygnus olor Gmelin 1789 [mute swan]
†Cygnus pristinus Kurochkin 1971
†Cygnus sumnerensis Forbes 1889
G. †Megalodytes
Tr. Stictonettini del Hoyo et al. 2014
Invalid names: Malacorhynchini del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty]
G. Biziura Stephens 1824
†Biziura delautouri Forbes 1891 [New Zealand musk duck]
Biziura lobata Shaw 1796 [Musk duck]
Invalid names: Biziura exhumata De Vis 1901 [synonym], Dendrocygna validipinnis DeVis 1888 [synonym]
G. Callonetta Delacour 1936
G. †Chendytes Miller 1925
†Chendytes lawi Miller 1925 [Law's diving-goose]
†Chendytes milleri Howard 1955
G. †Chenoanas Zelenkov 2012
†Chenoanas asiatica Zelenkov et al. 2018
†Chenoanas deserta Zelenkov 2012
†Chenoanas sansaniensis Milne-Edwards 1867
G. Chloephaga Eyton 1838
Chloephaga hybrida Molina 1782 [kelp goose]
Chloephaga picta Gmelin 1789 [upland goose]
Chloephaga poliocephala Sclater 1857 [Ashy-headed goose]
†Chloephaga robusta Tambussi 1998
Chloephaga rubidiceps Sclater 1861 [ruddy-headed goose]
G. †Cnemiornis Latham 1789
†Cnemiornis calcitrans Owen 1865 [South Island goose]
†Cnemiornis gracillis Forbes 1891
†Cnemiornis minor Forbes 1891
†Cnemiornis septentrionalis Oliver 1955
Subfm. Dendrocygninae Reichenbach 1850 [whistling duck]
G. Dendrocygna Swinson 1837
Dendrocygna arborea Linnaeus 1758 [West Indian whistling duck]
Dendrocygna arcuata Horsfield 1824 [Wandering whistling-duck]
Dendrocygna autumnalis Linnaeus 1758 [Black-bellied whistling duck]
Dendrocygna bicolor Vieillot 1816 [Fulvous whistling-duck]
†Dendrocygna eversa Wetmore 1924
Dendrocygna eytoni Eyton 1838 [Plumed whistling-duck]
Dendrocygna guttata Schlegel 1866 [Spotted whistling-duck]
Dendrocygna javanica Horsfield 1821 [Lesser whistling-duck]
Dendrocygna viduata Linnaeus 1766 [White-faced whistling-duck]
Subfm. †Erismaturinae
G. Erismatura Bonaparte 1832
G. †Pinpanetta Worthy 2009
†Pinpanetta fromensis Worthy 2009
†Pinpanetta tedfordi Worthy 2009
†Pinpanetta vickersrichae Worthy 2009
G. †Euryanas Oliver 1930
G. Malacorhynchus Swainson 1831
Malacorhynchus membranaceus Latham 1801 [Pink-eared duck]
†Malacorhynchus scarletti Olson 1977 [Scarlett's duck]
G. Mareca Stephens 1824
Mareca americana Gmelin 1789 [American wigeon]
Mareca penelope Linnaeus 1758 [Eurasian wigeon]
Mareca sibilatrix Poeppig 1829 [Chiloe wigeon]
Mareca strepera Linnaeus 1758 [gadwall]
G. Mergellus Selby 1840
Mergellus albellus Linnaeus 1758 [smew]
†Mergellus mochanovi Zelenkov and Kurochkin 2014
G. Netta Kaup 1829
Netta erythrophthalma zu Wied 1833 [southern pochard]
Netta peposaca Vieillot 1816 [Rosy-billed pochard]
Netta rufina Pallas 1773 [red-crested pochard]
G. Nettapus Brandt 1836
†Nettapus anatoides Depéret 1890
Nettapus auritus Boddaert 1783 [African pygmy-goose]
Nettapus coromandelianus Gmelin 1789 [Cotton pygmy-goose]
Nettapus pulchellus Gould 1842 [Green pygmy-goose]
Subfm. Nyrocinae
G. Nyroca Flemming 1822
Subg. Nyroca (Aristonetta) Baird 1858
Subg. Nyroca (Fulix) Sundeval 1835
Subg. Nyroca (Nyroca) Flemming 1822
G. Olar
G. Oressochen Bannister 1870
†Oressochen debilis Ameghino 1891
Oressochen melanopterus Eyton 1838 [Andean goose]
Invalid names: Neochen Oberholser 1918 [replaced]
G. Oxyura Bonaparte 1828
Oxyura australis Gould 1836 [Blue-billed duck]
†Oxyura bessomi Howard 1963
Oxyura ferruginea Eyton 1838 [Andean duck]
†Oxyura hulberti Emslie 1992
Oxyura leucocephala Scopoli 1769 [White-headed duck]
Oxyura maccoa Eyton 1838 [Maccoa duck]
Oxyura vittata Philippi 1860 [Lake duck]
†Oxyura zapatanima Alvarez 1977
Subfm. Oxyurinae [stiff-tailed duck]
G. †Dendrochen Miller 1944
†Dendrochen oligocaena Tugarinov 1940
†Dendrochen robusta Miller 1944 [duck]
G. †Manuherikia Worthy et al. 2007
†Manuherikia douglasi Worthy et al. 2008
†Manuherikia lacustrina Worthy et al. 2007
†Manuherikia minuta Worthy et al. 2007
G. †Mionetta Livezey and Martin 1988
†Mionetta blanchardi Milne-Edwards 1863
†Mionetta consobrina Milne-Edwards 1867
†Mionetta natator Milne-Edwards 1867
†Mionetta turgaiensis Zelenkov 2024
G. †Paracygnopterus Harrison and Walker 1979
G. †Protomelanitta Zelenkov 2011
†Protomelanitta bakeri Stidham and Zelenkov 2016
†Protomelanitta gracilis Zelenkov 2011
G. Spatula Boie 1822
Spatula clypeata Linnaeus 1758 [northern shoveler]
Spatula cyanoptera Viellot 1816 [cinnamon teal]
Spatula discors Linnaeus 1766 [blue-winged teal]
Spatula platalea Vieillot 1816 [red shoveler]
Spatula querquedula Linnaeus 1758 [garganey]
Spatula rhynchotis Latham 1801 [Australian shoveler]
Subfm. Tadorninae Reichenbach 1849
G. Tadorna Boie 1822 [shelduck]
Tadorna cana Gmelin 1789 [South African shelduck]
Tadorna cristata Kuroda 1917 [Crested shelduck]
Tadorna ferruginea Pallas 1764 [Ruddy shelduck]
†Tadorna radjah Lesson 1828
Tadorna tadorna Linnaeus 1758 [Common shelduck]
Tadorna tadornoides Jardine and Selby 1828 [Australian shelduck]
Tadorna variegata Gmelin 1789 [Paradise shelduck]
Invalid names: Casarca Bonaparte 1838 [synonym], Todarna Reichenbach 1852 [synonym], Todarna wagneri Milkovsky 1995 [nomen dubium]
G. †Thambetochen Olson and Wetmore 1976
†Thambetochen chauliodous Olson and Wetmore 1976
†Thambetochen xanion Olson and James 1991
Invalid names: Cereopsinae [empty], Dendrocheninae Livezey and Martin 1988 [empty], Merganettinae Bonaparte 1853 [empty], Romainvillinae Lambrecht 1933 [empty], Stictonettinae Boetticher 1950 [empty], Thalassorninae Livezey 1986 [empty]
Subor. Anhimae Wetmore and Miller 1926
Fm. Anhimidae Stejneger 1885
G. Chauna Illiger 1811 [crested screamer]
Chauna chavaria Linnaeus 1766 [Northern screamer]
Chauna torquata Oken 1816 [Southern screamer]
Subor. Anseres Linnaeus 1758
Fm. †Paranyrocidae Miller and Compton 1939
G. †Cygnopterus Lambrecht 1931
†Cygnopterus affinis Van Beneden 1883
†Cygnopterus alphonsi Cheneval 1984
†Cygnopterus lambrechti Kurochkin 1968
G. †Ptenornis Seeley 1866
Invalid names: Anatoidea Leach 1820 [empty], Anseranatoidea Sclater 1880 [empty], Presbyornithoidea Wetmore 1926 [empty]
G. †Brontornis Moreno and Mercerat 1891
†Brontornis burmeisteri Moreno and Mercerat 1891
Invalid names: Brontornis platyonyx Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Liornis floweri Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Rostrornis floweri Moreno and Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
Invalid names: Rostrornis Moreno and Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
G. †Palaeopapia Harrison and Walker 1979
†Palaeopapia eous Harrison and Walker 1976
Invalid names: Howardia Harrison and Walker 1976 [replaced]
Fm. †Presbyornithidae Wetmore 1926
G. †Presbyornis Wetmore 1926
†Presbyornis isoni Olson 1994
†Presbyornis mongoliensis Kurochkin and Dyke 2010
†Presbyornis pervetus Wetmore 1926
†Presbyornis recurvirostrus Hardy 1959
Invalid names: Coltonia Hardy 1959 [synonym]
G. †Wilaru Boles et al. 2013
†Wilaru prideauxi De Pietri et al. 2016
†Wilaru tedfordi Boles et al. 2013
Unr. †Vegaviidae Agnolín et al. 2017
Invalid names: Romainvillidae Zelenkov 2024 [empty], Telmabatidae Howard 1955 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: o = order | |||||
References: Marsh 1875, Sedinger 1997 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Maastrichtian to the top of the Holocene or 72.10000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 70.6 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 70.6 Ma
Collections (658 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Late/Upper Campanian | Canada (British Colombia) | Maaqwi cascadensis (191629) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Presbyornithidae indet. (65344) | |
Maastrichtian | Mongolia | Teviornis gobiensis (84444) | |
Maastrichtian | Antarctica | Polarornis gregorii (131860) | |
Maastrichtian - Paleocene | New Zealand (Canterbury) | Aves indet. (189281) | |
Lancian | USA (Wyoming) | Presbyornithidae indet. sp. 4, Presbyornithidae indet. sp. 3, Presbyornithidae indet. sp. 2 (14519) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (New Jersey) | Telmatornis rex (87903) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Chile (Concepcíon) | Neogaeornis wetzeli (13309) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Antarctica | Aves indet. (13106) Presbyornithidae indet. (45325) Vegavis iaai, Polarornis gregorii (233507) Vegavis sp. (204405) | |
Danian | Antarctica (Seymour Island) | Conflicto antarcticus (8019) | |
Tiffanian | USA (North Dakota) | Presbyornis isoni (15000) | |
Selandian - Thanetian | New Zealand | Australornis lovei (68822) | |
Selandian - Thanetian | New Zealand (South Island) | Phaethontiformes indet. (175680) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | USA (Maryland) | Presbyornis isoni (84046) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Kazakhstan (Chimkent) | Zhylgaia aestiflua (48888) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Naranbulagornis khun (199895 199896) Presbyornithidae indet., Presbyornis mongoliensis (37008) | |
Clarkforkian | USA (Wyoming) | Anseriformes indet., Anachronornis anhimops (231027) | |
Casamayoran | Argentina (Chubut) | Telmabates antiquus, Telmabates howardae (39295) | |
Ypresian | Australia (Queensland) | Anseriformes indet., Murgonornis archeri (59088) | |
Ypresian | United Kingdom | Anatalavis oxfordi (85229) |