Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Reticulosa was named by Reid (1958) [One genus (Sclerothamnus) listed as extant in Treatise, but this genus usually assigned to Hexactinosida by biologists].
It was assigned to Hexactinellida by Sepkoski (2002); and to Amphidiscophora by Finks and Rigby (2004).
It was assigned to Hexactinellida by Sepkoski (2002); and to Amphidiscophora by Finks and Rigby (2004).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1958 | Reticulosa Reid |
2002 | Reticulosa Sepkoski |
2004 | Reticulosa Finks and Rigby p. 344 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. †Reticulosa Reid 1958
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G. †Arystidictya Hall and Clark 1899
Fm. †Asthenospongiidae Botting 2004
G. †Asthenospongia Rigby et al. 1981
†Asthenospongia acantha Rigby et al. 1981
†Asthenospongia cambria Botting 2004
Superfm. †Dictyospongioidea Hall and Clarke 1899
Fm. †Dictyospongiidae Hall and Clarke 1899
Subfm. †Calathospongiinae Hall and Clarke 1899
G. †Cryptodictya
G. †Ectenodictya
G. †Griphodictya
G. †Hallodictya
G. †Lyrodictya
G. †Diagonodictya Rigby and von Bitter 2005
Subfm. †Dictyospongiinae Hall and Clarke 1899
G. †Cyathophycella Rigby and Stuart 1988
G. †Dialyscyphia Hurcewicz and Czarniecki 1986
G. †Lobospongia Hurcewicz 1985
G. †Mastodictya
G. †Ozospongia
G. †Phormosella
G. †Polonoscyphia Hurcewicz 1985
G. †Porsguenospongia Pickett and Plusquellec 1998
†Porsguenospongia lejalnicolae Pickett and Plusquellec 1998
G. †Ramulospongia Hurcewicz 1985
G. †Repospongia Hurcewicz and Czarniecki 1986
G. †Retifungus Rietschel 1970
Subfm. †Hydnoceratinae Finks et al. 2004
G. †Botryodictya
G. †Ceratodictya
G. †Cleodictya
G. †Clepsydrospongia
G. †Hydnoceras
G. †Hydnocerina Clarke 1918
G. †Rhabdosispongia
G. †Tylodictya Hall and Clark 1899
G. †Microstaurella Rigby et al. 2007
†Microstaurella minima Rigby et al. 2007
†Microstaurella parva Rigby et al. 2007
Subfm. †Physospongiinae Hall and Clark 1899
G. †Gongylospongia
G. †Physospongia
G. †Roemerispongia
G. †Uphantenia Vanuxem 1842
Subfm. †Prismodictyinae de Laubenfels 1955
G. †Dictyophytra Rauff 1894
G. †Helicodictya
G. †Prismodictya
G. †Tiddalickia Rigby and Webby 1988
†Tiddalickia manitobensis Rigby and Leith 1989
†Tiddalickia quadrata Rigby and Webby 1988
G. †Ursaspongia Rigby 1986
Subfm. †Thysanodictyinae Hall and Clarke 1899
G. †Acloeodictya Hall and Clark 1899
G. †Arystidictya Hall and Clark 1899
G. †Clathrospongia
G. †Lebedictya
G. †Thamnodictya
G. †Thysanodictya
Fm. †Docodermatidae Finks 1960
G. †Corticulospongia Rigby and Chatterton 1989
†Corticulospongia floccosa Rigby and Chatterton 1989
Fm. †Stereodictyidae Finks 1960
G. †Glossospongia Wu 1989
†Glossospongia angustoscula Wu 1989
†Glossospongia regularis Rigby et al. 1998
G. †Stereodictyum Finks 1960
†Stereodictyum orthoplectum Finks 1960
†Stereodictyum proteron Rigby 1972
Superfm. Dierespongioidea Rigby and Gutschick 1976
Fm. †Aglithodictyidae Hall and Clarke 1899
G. †Aglithodictya Hall and Clark 1899
G. †Asociatella Hurcewicz 1985
G. †Czarnockiella Hurcewicz and Czarniecki 1986
G. †Paleostauronema Hurcewicz 1985
G. †Poriferella Hurcewicz 1985
G. †Protremadictyon Hurcewicz 1985
Fm. †Dierespongiidae Rigby and Gutschick 1976
G. †Dierespongia
G. †Polyplectella Ruedemann 1925
G. †Stephanella
G. †Sycodictya
Fm. †Titusvillidae Caster 1943
G. †Armstrongia
G. †Iowaspongia
G. †Protoarmstrongia
G. †Sclerothamnus Marshall 1875
Superfm. †Hintzespongioidea Finks 1983
Fm. †Hintzespongiidae Finks 1983
G. †Cyathophycus Walcott 1879
†Cyathophycus akiensis Rigby et al. 1998
†Cyathophycus extendis Carrera and Ortega 2009
†Cyathophycus loydelli Botting 2004
†Cyathophycus mackenziensis Rigby and Chatterton 1994
†Cyathophycus pseudoreticulatus Rigby 1995
†Cyathophycus reticulatus Walcott 1879
Invalid names: Cyathodictya [nomen vanum], Cyathospongia Dawson and Hinde 1889 [nomen vanum]
G. †Cyathophyscus
G. †Hintzespongia Rigby and Gutschick 1976
†Hintzespongia bilamina Rigby and Gutschick 1976
Invalid names: Hintzesnonaia [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Ratcliffespongia [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Teganiidae de Laubenfels 1955
G. †Rhombodictyon
G. †Rufuspongia Rigby and Mehl 1994
G. †Taleolaspongia Rigby and Mehl 1994
G. †Teganiella Rigby 1986
Superfm. †Protospongioidea Hinde 1887
Fm. †Protospongiidae Hinde 1887
G. †Acanthodictya
G. †Actinodictya
G. †Brooksella Bassler 1941
†Brooksella alternata Walcott 1896
Invalid names: Brooksella confusa Walcott 1896 [objective synonym], Laotira cambria Walcott 1896 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Laotira Walcott 1896 [objective synonym]
G. †Diagoniella Rauff 1894
†Diagoniella cyathiformis Dawson and Hinde 1889
†Diagoniella hindei Walcott 1920
†Diagoniella magna Rigby et al. 2010
†Diagoniella mica Rigby 1986
†Diagoniella robisoni Rigby 1978
†Diagoniella tubulara Rigby and Harris 1979
G. †Gabelia Rigby and Murphy 1983
†Gabelia intermedia Rigby and Maher 1995
†Gabelia pedunculus Rigby and Murphy 1983
G. †Heminectere Botting 2004
†Heminectere minima Botting 2004
†Heminectere rushtoni Botting and Muir 2011
G. †Hexatractiella Mehl 1996
†Hexatractiella nevadensis Rigby and Stuart 1988
†Hexatractiella pseudonevadensis Rigby et al. 1998
G. †Iberospongia Garcia-Bellido and Rigby 2004
†Iberospongia globulara Garcia-Bellido and Rigby 2004
G. †Megastylia
G. †Palaeosaccus
G. †Protospongia Salter 1864
†Protospongia columbiana Rigby et al. 1998
†Protospongia conica Rigby and Harris 1979
†Protospongia fenestrata Salter 1864
†Protospongia gracilis Xiao et al. 2005
†Protospongia hicksi Hinde 1887
†Protospongia spina Mehl et al. 1993
G. †Quadrolaminiella Chen et al. 1990
†Quadrolaminiella crassa Chen et al. 1990
†Quadrolaminiella diagonalis Chen et al. 1990
G. †Testiispongia Rigby 1983
Fm. †Triactinellidae Botting 2005
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: o = order, c = class | |||||
References: Kiessling 2004, Bambach et al. 2007 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Ediacaran to the top of the Carnian or 635.00000 to 228.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 541.0 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 541.0 Ma
Collections (237 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Ediacaran | Namibia | Brooksella sp. (7910) | |
Nemakit-Daldynian | China (Hunan) | Hunanospongia delicata (97714) | |
Nemakit-Daldynian | Russian Federation (Irkutsk) | Protospongia sp. (99188 99190) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | China (Yunnan) | Valospongia gigantis, Protospongia sp., Triticispongia diagonata, Hyalosinica sp., Saetaspongia densa, Quadrolaminiella diagonalis, Quadrolaminiella crassa (156226) | |
Cambrian | USA (Georgia) | Brooksella alternata (164675) | |
Meishucunian | China (Anhui) | Gabelia sp., Protospongia sp., Protospongia gracilis, Diagoniella cyathiformis, Protospongia conica, Triticispongia diagonata, Lantianospongia palifera, Sanshapentella dapingi, Hyalosinica archaica (96370) | |
Tommotian | Russian Federation (Siberia) | Protospongia sp. (50319 50321) | |
Tommotian | Russian Federation (Yakutiya) | Protospongia sp. (90088) Protospongiidae indet. (80794 80796 80800 80802 80804 80807 80808 80809 80810 80811 80812 80813) | |
Tommotian | China (Guizhou) | Phragmodictya jinshaensis (157542) | |
Atdabanian | China (Anhui) | Protospongia sp. (96658) | |
Atdabanian | China (Guizhou) | Hyalosinica archaica (86849) Protospongia sp. (96653) | |
Atdabanian | China (Hunan) | Triticispongia diagonata, Sanshapentella dapingi, Hyalosinica archaica, Saetaspongia densa, Sanshadictya microreticulata (86850) | |
Atdabanian | China (Yunnan) | Protospongia sp. (90165 90166) Quadrolaminiella diagonalis, Quadrolaminiella crassa (96403 96412) Quadrolaminiella sp. (86933) Saetaspongia densa (68083 86846 90138 96402) Saetaspongia sp. (86929) Triticispongia diagonata (96405) Triticispongia diagonata, Saetaspongia densa (90150 90163) | |
Nangaoian | China (Hubai) | Saetaspongia sp. (219687) | |
Nangaoian | China (Yunnan) | Saetaspongia densa (132327 132329 132330 194141 194143 194150 194155 194160 194162 194163) | |
Nangaoian | China (Guizhou) | Protospongia sp. (107056) Saetaspongia densa (128419) | |
Botomian | China (Anhui) | Hexatractiella dongzhiensis, Ratcliffespongia multiforamina, Metaxyspongia skelidata (96614) | |
Botomian | Mexico | Kiwetinokia sp. (62868) | |
Botomian | Russian Federation (Yakutia) | Diagoniella sp. (90438) | |
Dyeran | USA (Vermont) | Protospongia hicksi (121235) |