Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Hoplocarida was named by Calman (1904). It is extant.
It was reranked as the superorder Hoplocarida by Schram (1969); it was reranked as the infraclass Hoplocarida by Moore (1969) and Schwentner et al. (2018).
It was assigned to Malacostraca by Schram (1979), Hof (1998) and Martin and Davis (2001); and to Eumalacostraca by Scott (1938), Moore (1969), Schram (1969) and Schwentner et al. (2018).
It was reranked as the superorder Hoplocarida by Schram (1969); it was reranked as the infraclass Hoplocarida by Moore (1969) and Schwentner et al. (2018).
It was assigned to Malacostraca by Schram (1979), Hof (1998) and Martin and Davis (2001); and to Eumalacostraca by Scott (1938), Moore (1969), Schram (1969) and Schwentner et al. (2018).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1904 | Hoplocarida Calman |
1908 | Perimecturus pattoni Peach p. 41 figs. Pl 6, fig 9 |
1938 | Hopolocarida Scott p. 508 |
1969 | Hoplocarida Moore p. R533 |
1969 | Hoplocarida Schram |
1979 | Hoplocarida Schram |
1998 | Hoplocarida Hof p. 257 |
2001 | Hoplocarida Martin and Davis p. 65 |
2018 | Hoplocarida Schwentner et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Infracl. Hoplocarida Calman 1904
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Or. †Aeschronectida Schram 1969
Fm. †Aratidecthidae Schram 1979
G. †Crangopsis Salter 1863
†Crangopsis eskdalensis Peach 1882
Invalid names: Palaeocrangon Salter 1861 [replaced]
Fm. †Kallidecthidae Schram 1969
G. †Kallidecthes Schram 1969
†Kallidecthes eagari Schram 1979
†Kallidecthes richardson Schram 1969
Or. †Palaeostomatopoda Brooks 1962
Fm. †Archaeocarididae Schram 2008
Fm. †Perimecturidae Peach 1908
G. †Perimecturus Peach 1908
†Perimecturus parki Peach 1882
Invalid names: Perimecturus communis Peach 1908 [synonym], Perimecturus stocki Peach 1908 [synonym]
†Perimecturus rapax Schram and Horner 1978
Invalid names: Anthracomysis van Straelen 1922 [objective synonym]
Or. Stomatopoda Latreille [mantis shrimp]
Subor. †Archaeostomatopodea Schram 1969
Fm. †Tyrannophontidae Schram 1969
G. †Tyrannophontes Schram 1969
†Tyrannophontes acanthocercus Jenner et al. 1998
†Tyrannophontes theridion Schram 1969
Fm. †Chloridellidae Rathbun
G. Chloridella Miers 1880
†Chloridella angolia Berry 1939
†Chloridella empusa Say 1818
†Chloridella sonomana Rathbun 1926
Subor. †Unipeltata Latreille 1825
Superfm. Bathysquilloidea Manning 1967
Superfm. Erythrosquilloidea Manning and Bruce 1984
Superfm. †Gonodactyloidea Giesbrecht 1910
Fm. Gonodactylidae Giesbrecht 1910
G. Gonodactylaceus Manning 1995
G. Gonodactylellus Manning 1995
G. Gonodactyloideus Manning 1984
G. Gonodactylolus Manning 1970
G. Gonodactylopsis Manning 1969
G. Gonodactylus Berthold 1827
G. Hoplosquilla Holthuis 1964
G. Hoplosquilloides Manning 1978
G. Neogonodactylus Manning 1995
G. †Paleosquilla Schram 1968
Fm. Protosquillidae Manning 1980
G. Chorisquilla Manning 1969
G. Echinosquilla Manning 1969
G. Haptosquilla Manning 1969
G. Protosquilla Brooks 1886
G. Rayellus Ahyong 2010
G. Siamosquilla Naiyanetr 1989
Fm. Pseudosquillidae Manning 1977
G. Pseudosquilla Dana 1852
G. Pseudosquillana Cappola and Manning 1995
G. Pseudosquillisma Cappola and Manning 1995
G. Raoulserenea Manning 1995
Fm. Takuidae Manning 1995
G. Mesacturoides Manning 1978
G. Mesacturus Miers 1880
G. Taku Manning 1995
Superfm. Lysiosquilloidea Giesbrecht 1910
Fm. Coronididae Manning 1980
G. Acoridon Adkinson et al. 1983
G. Coronida Brooks 1886
G. Mortensenenus Manning 1990
G. Neocoronida Manning 1976
G. Paracoridon Moosa 1991
Fm. Lysiosquillidae Giesbrecht 1910
G. Lysiosquilla Dana 1852
G. Lysiosquillina Manning 1995
G. Lysiosquilloides Manning 1977
Fm. Nannosquillidae Manning 1980
G. Acanthosquilla Manning 1963
G. Alachosquilla Schotte and Manning 1993
G. Austrosquilla Manning 1966
G. Bigelowina Schotte and Manning 1993
G. Coronis Desmarest 1823
G. Hadrosquilla Manning 1966
G. Keppelius Manning 1978
G. Mexisquilla Manning and Camp 1981
G. Nannosquilla Manning 1963
G. Nannosquilloides Manning 1977
G. Platysquilla Manning 1967
G. Platysquilloides Manning and Camp 1981
G. Pullosquilla Manning 1978
G. Victoriasquilla Ahyong 2009
Fm. Tetrasquillidae Manning and Camp 1993
G. Acaenosquilla Manning 1991
G. Allosquilla Manning 1977
G. Heterosquilla Manning 1963
G. Heterosquilloides Manning 1966
G. Heterosquillopsis Moosa 1991
G. Kasim Manning 1995
G. Tectasquilla Adkinson and Hopkins 1984
G. Tetrasquilla Manning and Chace 1990
Fm. †Sculdidae Dames 1886
G. †Spinosculda Haug et al. 2009
Superfm. †Squilloidea Latreille 1802
Fm. †Eurysquillidae Manning 1977
G. †Coronidopsis hansen 1926
G. Eurysquilla Manning 1963
G. Eurysquilloides Manning 1963
G. Manningia Serene 1962
G. Raysquilla Ahyong 2000
G. Sinosquilla Liu and Wang 1978
Fm. Parasquillidae Manning 1995
G. Faughnia Serene 1962
G. Parasquilla Manning 1961
G. Pseudosquillopsis Serene 1962
Fm. Squillidae Latreille 1802
G. Alima Leach 1817
G. Alimopsis Manning 1977
G. Alimopsoides Moosa 1991
G. Anchisquilla Manning 1968
G. Anchisquilloides Manning 1977
G. Anchisquillopsis Moosa 1986
G. †Angelosquilla Hof and Schram 1998
G. Areosquilla Manning 1976
G. Belosquilla Ahyong 2001
G. Busquilla Manning 1978
G. Carinosquilla Manning 1968
G. Clorida Eydoux and Souleyet 1842
G. Cloridina Manning 1995
G. Cloridopsis Manning 1968
G. Crenatosquilla Manning 1984
G. Dictyosquilla Manning 1968
G. Distosquilla Manning 1977
G. Erugosquilla Manning 1995
G. Fallosquilla Manning 1995
G. Fennerosquilla Manning and Camp 1983
G. Gibbesia Manning and Heard 1997
G. Harpiosquilla Holthuis 1964
G. Humesosquilla Manning and Camp 2001
G. Kaisquilla Ahyong 2002
G. Kempella Ahyong 2010
G. Leesquilla Yun 1985
G. Lenisquilla Manning 1977
G. Leptosquilla Miers 1880
G. Levisquilla Manning 1977
G. Lophosquilla Manning 1968
G. Meiosquilla Manning 1968
G. Miyakea Manning 1995
G. Natosquilla Manning 1978
G. Neclorida Manning 1995
G. Neoanchisquilla Moosa 1991
G. Oratosquilla Manning 1968
G. Oratosquillina Manning 1995
G. Paralimopsis Moosa 1991
G. Parvisquilla Manning 1973
G. †Pohsquilla Yun 1985
G. Pontiosquilla Manning 1995
G. Pterygosquilla Hilgendorf 1890
G. Quollastria Ahyong 2001
G. Rissoides Manning and Lewinsohn 1982
G. Schmittius Manning 1972
G. †Shako Karasawa 1996
G. Squilla Fabricius 1787
G. †Squillites Scott 1938
G. Squilloides Manning 1968
G. †Topangasquilla Hof and Schram 1998
G. Visaya Ahyong 2004
Invalid names: Verunipeltata Haug et al. 2010 [empty]
Invalid names: Opisterostomatopodea Schram 1969 [empty], Palaeostomatopoda Brooks 1962 [empty]
Invalid names: Perimecturus pattoni Peach 1908 [nomen dubium]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class | |||||
Reference: Aberhan 1992 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Chesterian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 335.50000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 330.9 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 330.9 Ma
Collections (54 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Visean | United Kingdom (Scotland) | Bairdops sp. (220874) | |
Chesterian | USA (Montana) | Squillites spinosus (91049) Tyrannophontes acanthocercus (157238) | |
Pendleian | United Kingdom (Scotland) | Crangopsis sp. (134654) | |
Serpukhovian | United Kingdom (Scotland) | Crangopsis sp. (235485) Tyrannophontes sp. (235483) | |
Moscovian | USA (Indiana) | Aratidecthes johnsoni (230307) | |
Moscovian | USA (Illinois) | Kallidecthes richardsoni, Tyrannophontes theridion (230306) | |
Kasimovian | USA (New Mexico) | Aenigmacaris minima (49663) Aenigmacaris sp. (217023 217025) | |
Missourian | USA (Nebraska) | Aeschronectida indet., Gorgonophontes peleron (50933 51008) Gorgonophontes peleron (50934 51013) | |
Missourian | USA (Iowa) | Gorgonophontes peleron (51016) | |
Virgilian | USA (Nebraska) | Gorgonophontes peleron (50932) | |
Spathian | USA (Idaho) | Triassosculda ahyongi (202145) | |
Bucklandi | Italy | Stomatopoda indet. (90673) | |
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian | Germany (Baden-Württemberg) | Sculda spinosa (154138) | |
Early/Lower Tithonian | Germany (Bavaria) | Buria rugosa (152880) | |
Early/Lower Cretaceous | United Kingdom (England) | Squilla sp. (140148) | |
Cretaceous | Angola | Chloridella angolia (235620) | |
Albian | USA (Kansas) | Squilla kiowana (2027 2038 2043 2057) | |
Cenomanian | United Kingdom (England) | Squilla sp. (140151) | |
Late/Upper Cenomanian | Lebanon | Pseudosculda laevis, Sculda syriaca (117999) Squilla lewesii (216596) | |
Early/Lower Turonian | Colombia (Cundinamarca) | Sculda sp. (235698) | |
Early/Lower Turonian - Middle Turonian | Mexico (Coahuila) | Pseudosculdidae indet. (133857) | |
Middle Turonian | USA (Arizona) | Squilla sp. (56077) | |
Late/Upper Santonian - Early/Lower Campanian | Sweden | Manningia sp. (52455) | |
Early/Lower Campanian - Middle Campanian | Israel | Ursquilla yehoachi (230299 230300) | |
Early/Lower Campanian - Middle Campanian | Jordan | Ursquilla yehoachi (230301) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Germany | Squilla cretacea (221711) | |
Ypresian | Italy (Vicenze) | Pseudosquilla lessinea (127545) | |
Ypresian | United Kingdom | Squilla wetherelli (216794) | |
Lutetian | Italy | Odontodactylus italicus, Coronidopsis albanellensis (207553) | |
Uintan | USA (California) | Unipeltata indet. (200665) | |
Aquitanian | USA (Oregon) | Squilla erini (59056) | |
Burdigalian | Japan (Gifu) | Shako tomidai (207142) | |
Burdigalian - Langhian | USA (California) | Stomatopoda indet. (156541) Topangasquilla gravesi (156540) | |
Langhian | Japan (Shiga) | Shako tomidai (127685) | |
Middle Miocene | USA (California) | Pseudosquilla adelaidensis (140567) | |
Serravallian | USA (California) | Squilla laingae (156539) Squilla laingae, Angelosquilla altamirensis (156537) | |
Pliocene - Holocene | USA (California) | Chloridella sonomana (138983) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Maryland) | Chloridella empusa (66721) Squilla empusa (48886 66720) |