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Cambrorhytium was named by Conway Morris and Robison (1988) [Sepkoski's age data: Cm mMid-l Cm uMid-m Sepkoski's reference number: 809]. Its type is Cambrorhytium major.

It was assigned to Medusae by Sepkoski (2002); to Metazoa by Zhang and Hua (2005); and to Cnidaria by Bambach et al. (2007) and Chang et al. (2018).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1988Cambrorhytium Conway Morris and Robison p. 18 figs. 12-15
2002Cambrorhytium Sepkoski
2005Cambrorhytium Zhang and Hua p. 3
2007Cambrorhytium Bambach et al. p. S80
2018Cambrorhytium Chang et al. pp. 151 - 152

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Cambrorhytium Conway Morris and Robison 1988
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Cambrorhytium fragilis Walcott 1911
Cambrorhytium major Walcott 1908
Invalid names: Selkirkia gracilis Walcott 1911 [objective synonym]
S. Chang et al. 2018Tube elongate or conical, gradually expanding from narrow base to aperture; wall apparently unmineralized and or- ganic in composition, preserved as carbon or with barite coating. Growth by incremental additions producing more or less regular annuli, sometimes the annuli are not preserved. Operculum lacking. With or without attachment disks, attachment disks can be flat, subconical to globular. Preserved as either solitary or clusters, including budding specimens.
No measurements are available
Locomotion: stationaryg
Attached: yesg
Epibiont: yesg
Life habit: epifaunalg
Diet: suspension feederg
Comments: Epifaunal suspension feeder (Caron & Jackson, 2008); attached to brachiopods .g
Created: 2009-03-07 15:12:24
Modified: 2009-04-15 14:02:10
Source: g = genus
Reference: Caron and Jackson 2008

Age range: base of the Atdabanian to the top of the Drumian or 521.00000 to 500.50000 Ma

Collections (27 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0China (Hubei) C. major (68086)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0China (Yunnan) C. elongatum (68083 90135 90136 90137 90138 90151 90163 90164 90165)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0China (Guizhou) C. elongatum (86849)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Russian Federation (Yakutia) C. sp. (90438)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) C. fragilis (192036)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (British Columbia) C. fragilis (84421 84424 84425) C. major (121959) C. major, C. fragilis (84426 84427 84428 84429 84430 84431 84433 84434)
Drumian504.5 - 500.5USA (Utah) C. major (230679)
Menevian504.5 - 499.5USA (Utah) C. major, C. fragilis (230681)