Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Panbrachiopoda was named by Carlson and Cohen (2020).
It was assigned to Lophophorata by Carlson and Cohen (2020).
It was assigned to Lophophorata by Carlson and Cohen (2020).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2020 | Panbrachiopoda Carlson and Cohen |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. †Panbrachiopoda Carlson and Cohen 2020
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Ph. Brachiopoda Cuvier 1805 [lamp shell]
Subph. Craniiformea Popov et al. 1993
Cl. Craniata Williams et al. 1996
Or. Craniida Waagen 1885
Superfm. †Cranioidea Menke 1828
Invalid names: Craniacea Menke 1828 [empty]
Or. Craniopsida Gorjansky and Popov 1985
Superfm. †Craniopsioidea Williams 1963
Invalid names: Craniopsoidea Williams 1963 [empty]
G. †Melbournopterus Caster and Kjellesvig-Waering 1953
†Melbournopterus crossotus Caster and Kjellesvig-Waering 1953
Invalid names: Patella ottomana Kittl 1903 [nomen dubium]
G. †Ernogia
Subph. Linguliformea Williams et al. 1996
Cl. Lingulata Gorjansky and Popov 1985
Or. †Acrotretida Kuhn 1949
Fm. †Biernatidae Holmer 1989
G. †Eleutherocrania von Huene 1899
G. †Ferralstreta Gonzalez-Gomez 2005
G. †Maruia Percival et al. 2014
G. †Orbiculopora Batrukova 1969
G. †Pseudometoptoma Huene 1899
Invalid names: Acrotretidina Kuhn 1949 [empty], Neotremata Beecher 1891 [replaced]
Or. Lingulida Waagen 1885
Superfm. †Acrotheloidea Walcott 1908
Superfm. †Discinoidea Gray 1840
G. †Shouxianella Liu 1983
Invalid names: Craniidina Waagen 1885 [empty], Trimerellacea Davidson and King 1872 [empty]
Or. †Siphonotretida Gorjansky 1960
Superfm. †Siphonotretoidea Kutorga 1848
Invalid names: Siphonotretacea Kutorga 1948 [empty]
G. †Micrina Laurie 1986
†Micrina etheridgei Tate 1892
†Micrina pusilla Gravestock et al. 2001
†Micrina ridicula Barskova 1988
†Micrina xiaofanensis Li and Xiao 2004
Invalid names: Mirabella Barskova 1988 [synonym]
Cl. †Paterinata Williams et al 1996
Or. †Paterinida Rowell 1965
Superfm. †Paterinoidea Schuchert 1893
Invalid names: Paterinacea Schuchert 1893 [empty]
Fm. †Mickwitziidae Gorjansky 1969
G. †Mickwitzia Schmidt 1888
†Mickwitzia lochmanae McMenamin 1992
†Mickwitzia monilifera Linnarsson 1869
†Mickwitzia multipunctata McMenamin 1992
†Mickwitzia muralensis Walcott 1913
†Mickwitzia occidens Walcott 1908
†Mickwitzia pretiosa Walcott 1908
G. †Plectorhynchella Cooper and Muir-Wood 1951
Subph. †Rhynchonelliformea Williams et al. 1996
Cl. †Chileata Williams et al. 1996
Or. †Chileida Popov and Tikhonov 1990
Superfm. †Matutelloidea Andreeva 1962
Fm. †Trifissuridae Holmer et al. 2014
Cl. †Kutorginata
Or. †Kutorginida Kühn 1949
Superfm. †Kutorginacea Schuchert 1893
Superfm. †Kutorginoidea Schuchert 1893
Superfm. †Nisusioidea Walcott and Schuchert 1908
Cl. †Obolellata
Or. †Naukatida Popov and Tikhonov 1990
Superfm. †Naukatoidea Popov and Tikhonov 1990
Fm. †Tomteluvidae Streng et al. 2016
Or. †Obolellida Rowell 1965
G. †Cingulella
G. †Monoconvexa Pel'man 1977
G. †Nochoroiella Pel'man 1983
Superfm. †Obolelloidea Walcott and Schuchert 1908
Invalid names: Obolellacea Walcott and Schuchert 1908 [replaced]
Cl. Rhynchonellata Williams et al. 1996
Or. †Athyridida Boucot et al. 1964
Superfm. †Anoplothecoidea Schuchert 1894
Superfm. †Dayioidea Waagen 1883
Subor. †Koninckinidina Harper 1993
Subor. †Retziidina Boucot et al. 1964
Superfm. †Uncitoidea d'Orbigny 1847
Or. †Atrypida Rzhonsnitskaya 1960
Subor. †Anazygidina Copper 1996
G. †Antelocoelia Isaacson 1977
Subor. †Atrypidina Moore 1952
Subor. †Davidsoniidina Copper 1996
Subor. †Lissatrypidina Copper 1996
Subfm. †Protatrypinae Baarli et al. 2022
G. †Undithyrella Havlicek 1971
G. †Wutubulakia
G. †Dentatrypa Breivel 1959
Or. †Orthida Schuchert and Cooper 1932
G. †Bethia Sutton et al. 2005
Subor. †Dalmanellidina Moore 1952
G. †Fehamya Mergl 1983
G. †Glypterina Boucot 1970
G. †Kundatella Aksarina 1978
Subor. †Orthidina Schuchert and Cooper 1932
G. †Sphenorthis Grubbs 1939
Invalid names: Orthina Schuchert and Cooper 1932 [empty], Rhipidomellida Schuchert 1913 [replaced]
Or. †Pentamerida Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Subor. †Pentameridina Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Shordolella
Subor. †Syntrophiidina Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Or. †Protorthida Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Superfm. †Protorthoidea Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Superfm. †Skenidioidea Kozlowski 1929
Or. Rhynchonellida Kuhn 1949
Superfm. †Ancistrorhynchoidea Cooper 1956
G. †Antistrixia
Fm. †Apodosiidae Smirnova and MacKinnon 1995
G. †Barzellinia Gregorio 1930
Superfm. †Camarotoechioidea Schuchert 1929
Fm. †Cyclothyridae Makridin 1964
Superfm. Dimerelloidea Buckman 1918
G. †Dorsisinus Easton et al. 1958
Superfm. Hemithiridoidea Rzhonsnitskaya 1956
G. †Isjuminelina
Fm. †Jacoburbirostridae Sartenaer 2014
Superfm. †Lambdarinoidea Brunton and Champion 1974
G. †Laosia Mansuy 1913
G. †Latirhynchia Fu 1982
Superfm. Norelloidea Ager 1959
G. †Omolonorhynchia
G. †Pseudonudirostra
Superfm. Pugnacoidea Rzhonsnitskaia 1956
Superfm. †Rhynchonelloidea Gray 1848
Superfm. †Rhynchoporoidea Muir-Wood 1955
Superfm. †Rhynchotetradoidea Licharew 1956
Superfm. †Rhynchotrematoidea Schuchert 1913
G. †Sacothyropsis Chen and Rao 1986
Subor. †Stenoscismatidina Waterhouse 1981
G. †Tatjamoa
Superfm. †Uncinuloidea Rzonsnitskaya 1956
Superfm. †Wellerelloidea Licharew 1956
G. †Yunshanella
Invalid names: Areella Erlang 1992 [nomen dubium], Asiarhynchia Su 1980 [nomen dubium], Atlanticocoelia Koch 1996 [nomen dubium], Basilioloidea Cooper 1959 [empty], Beichuanrhynchus [nomen dubium], Borealirhynchia Su 1976 [nomen dubium], Camarotoechioides Rzhonsnitskaia 1978 [nomen dubium], Cardinirhynchiidae Makridin 1964 [empty], Corrugatimediorostrum [nomen dubium], Donella [nomen dubium], Hypoleiorhynchus [nomen dubium], Langkawia [nomen dubium], Leiorhynchoides [nomen dubium], Linxiangxiella [nomen dubium], Miaohuangrhynchus [nomen dubium], Mongolirhynchia [nomen dubium], Neimongolella [nomen dubium], Paratetratomia [nomen dubium], Paryphorhynchopora [nomen dubium], Payuella [nomen dubium], Perakia [nomen dubium], Platyglossariorhynchus [nomen dubium], Plekonina Waterhouse 1986 [nomen dubium], Praecyclothyrididae Makridin 1964 [empty], Protorhyncha Hall and Clarke 1893 [nomen dubium], Pseudopugnax Licharew 1956 [nomen dubium], Rhynchonella guadalupae Shumard 1858 [nomen vanum], Rhynchonella mundula Simpson 1855 [nomen dubium], Rhynchotretaoides [nomen dubium], Rhynchotretina [nomen dubium], Salairotoechia [nomen dubium], Sichuanrhynchus Tong 1978 [nomen dubium], Straelenia [nomen dubium], Tanerhynchia [nomen dubium], Togaella [nomen dubium], Uralotoechia [nomen dubium], Wulungguia [nomen dubium], Yanbianella [nomen dubium], Yarirhynchia [nomen dubium]
Or. †Spiriferida Waagen 1883
G. †Artospirifer
G. †Boucotia Gill 1969
G. †Callicalyptella Boucot and Johnson 1972
G. †Colongina
G. †Costanoplia Xu 1977
G. †Cratospirifer Tong 1986
G. †Crinisaria
Subor. †Delthyridina Ivanova 1972
G. †Donispirifer Poletaev 2000
G. †Hollardiella Drot 1967
G. †Kalitvella
G. †Kimatothyris
G. †Luofuia Xu 1977
Subor. †Martiniidina Waterhouse 2010
G. †Notanoplia Gill 1950
G. †Notoparmella Johnson 1973
G. †Ornothyrella Havlicek 1971
G. †Paracomposita Ding and Yao 1985
G. †Paracostanoplia Xu 1977
G. †Paraplicanoplia Xu 1977
G. †Parunicinella Waterhouse and Gupta 1978
G. †Plicambocoelia Wongwanich et al. 2004
G. †Plicanoplites Havlicek 1974
G. †Plicatosyrinx Minato 1952
G. †Pustulatia Cooper 1956
G. †Rariella Zhang 1981
G. †Septaparmella Su 1976
G. †Serrulatrypa Havlicek 1977
G. †Sikasella Nalivkin 1979
Subor. †Spiriferidina Waagen 1883
G. †Tangxiangia Xu 1977
G. †Tegulispirifer Poletaev 2000
Subor. †Thecideidina Elliot 1958
G. †Turganiella
G. †Weibeia Fu 1982
G. †Xenospirifer Hou and Xian 1975
Invalid names: Fimbrispiriferidae Pitrat 1965 [empty]
Or. †Spiriferinida Ivanova 1972
Subor. †Cyrtinidina Carter and Johnson 1994
Subor. †Spiriferinidina Ivanova 1972
Or. †Terebratulida Waagen 1883
G. †Aerithyris
G. †Asiacranaena Kaplun 1991
G. †Bullothyris
Subor. †Centronellidina Stehli 1965
G. †Ense Struve 1992
Subor. Gwyniidina Halamski and Bitner 2015
G. †Loenthyris
G. †Minithyris Radulovic 1991
Fm. †Obolorugidae Zhang 1983
G. †Parasulcatinella Xu and Liu 1983
G. †Rugosothyris Zhang 1987
G. †Selenella Hall and Clarke 1894
G. †Struvethyris Radulovic 1991
G. †Subsinucephalus Strave 1992
Subor. †Terebratellidina Muir-Wood 1955
Subor. Terebratulidina Waagen 1883
G. †Triseptothyris Xu 1978
G. †Yekerpene Struve 1992
Invalid names: Clathrithyridoidea Smirnova 1994 [empty], Eudesites [invalid subgroup]
Fm. †Salanygolinidae Holmer et al. 2009
Cl. †Strophomenata Williams et al 1996
Or. †Billingsellida Schuchert 1893
Subor. †Billingsellidina Schuchert 1893
Subor. †Clitambonitidina Opik 1934
Or. †Orthotetida Waagen 1884
Subor. †Orthotetidina Waagen 1884
Superfm. †Orthotetoidea Waagen 1884
Subor. †Triplesiidina Moore 1952
Or. †Productida Sarycheva and Sokolskaya 1959
Subor. †Lyttoniidina Williams et al. 2000
G. †Pectenoproductus Licharev 1930
G. †Ploughsharella Liang 1982
Subor. †Productidina Waagen 1883
Subor. †Strophalosiidina Schuchert 1913
Invalid names: Chaoina Jin 1974 [nomen nudum], Choanoproductus Termier and Termier 1970 [nomen nudum], Chonopectella Sarycheva 1966 [nomen nudum], Producta brachythaerus Sowerby 1844 [nomen vanum], Uraloproductus Ustritsky 1971 [nomen nudum]
Or. †Strophomenida Opik 1934
G. †Colletostracia Farrell 1992
Superfm. †Fardenioidea Williams 1965
G. †Gorystrophia
G. †Lapasnia
G. †Protogamginifera
G. †Prototeguliferina Licharew 1960
G. †Reticulatochonetes Bublichenko 1956
Superfm. †Stropheodontoidea Caster 1939
G. †Subtransmena Strave 1981
Invalid names: Davidsoniacea King 1850 [empty], Lamcispinifera Sepkoski 2002 [nomen nudum], Martiniacea Waagen 1883 [empty], Pholidostrophidae Stainbrook 1943 [empty], Strophomenidina Opik 1934 [empty]
G. †Surindia
G. †Thecidium Defrance 1822
†Thecidium arenosum Bittner 1890
Thecidium australe Tate 1880
†Thecidium concentricum Münster 1841
†Thecidium lachesis Laube 1865
Or. †Tommotiida Missarzhevsky 1970
Fm. †Kelanellidae Missarzhevsky and Grigorieva 1981
G. †Kelanella Missarzhevsky 1966
†Kelanella altaica Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
Invalid names: Bengtsonia hastata Missarzhevsky and Grigoryeva 1981 [synonym], Sonella jinshaensis Yuan and Zhang 1983 [synonym], Sonella rostriformis Missarzhevsky and Grigoryeva 1981 [synonym], Tessella concavomarginatus Qian 1989 [synonym], Tessella deplanata Missarzhevsky and Grigoryeva 1981 [synonym], Tessella navicularia Missarzhevsky and Grigoryeva 1981 [synonym]
Invalid names: Sonella Missarzhevsky and Grigorieva 1981 [synonym], Tessella Missarzhevskiy and Grigoryeva 1981 [synonym]
G. †Lugoviella Grigorieva 1983
†Lugoviella ojmuranica Grigorieva 1983
Invalid names: Lugoviella chizhovi Esakova and Zhegallo 1996 [synonym]
Fm. †Kennardiidae Laurie 1986
G. †Dailyatia Bischoff 1976
†Dailyatia ajax Bischoff 1976
†Dailyatia braddocki Evans and Rowell 1990
†Dailyatia icari Claybourn et al. 2021
†Dailyatia odyssei Evans and Rowell 1990
G. †Kulparina Conway Morris and Bengtson 1990
†Kulparina rostrata Conway Morris and Bengtson 1990
Invalid names: Eccentrotheca guano Bengtson et al. 1990 [synonym], Eccentrotheca helenia Skovsted et al. 2011 [synonym]
Fm. †Lapworthellidae Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
G. †Lapworthella Cobbold 1921
†Lapworthella ablorta Duan 1984
†Lapworthella annulata Qian and Yin 1984
†Lapworthella cornu Wiman 1903
†Lapworthella dentata Missarzhevsky 1969
†Lapworthella fasciculata Bengtson et al. 1990
†Lapworthella gezhongwuensis Qian and Yin 1984
†Lapworthella hubeiensis Qian and Zhang 1983
†Lapworthella hubeinensis Qian and Zhang 1983
†Lapworthella nigra Cobbold 1921
†Lapworthella puttapensis Bengtson et al. 1990
†Lapworthella rostriptutea Qian 1978
†Lapworthella schodakensis Lochman 1956
†Lapworthella sinensis Duan 1984
†Lapworthella subrectangulata Duan 1984
Invalid names: Stenothecopsis Cobbold 1935 [synonym]
G. †Ninella Missarzhevsky and Mambetov 1981
†Ninella serebrjannikovae Missarzhevsky and Mambetov 1981
†Ninella tarimensis Qian and Xiao 1984
G. †Porcauricula Qian and Bengston 1989
Fm. †Tannuolinidae Fonin and Smirnova 1967
G. †Tannuolina Fonin and Smirnova 1967
†Tannuolina fonini Esakova and Zhegallo 1996
†Tannuolina maroccana Skovsted et al. 2014
†Tannuolina pavlovi Kouchinsky et al. 2010
†Tannuolina zhangwentangi Qian and Bengtson 1989
Fm. †Tommotiidae Missarzhevsky 1970
G. †Camenella Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
†Camenella admiranda Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
†Camenella baltica Bengtson 1970
†Camenella garbowskae Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
†Camenella korolevi Missarzhevsky and Mambetov 1981
†Camenella kozlowskii Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
†Camenella parilobata Bengtson 1986
†Camenella reticulosa Bengtson et al. 1990
Invalid names: Tommotia Missarzhevsky 1970 [synonym]
Invalid names: Mitrosagophora Bengtson 1970 [empty]
Invalid names: Ancylopoda Gray 1848 [invalid subgroup], Arthropomata Owen 1858 [invalid subgroup], Articulata Huxley 1869 [invalid subgroup], Clitambonoidea Opik 1934 [empty], Ecardines Bronn 1862 [invalid subgroup], Helictopoda Gray 1848 [invalid subgroup], Inarticulata Huxley 1869 [invalid subgroup], Lyopomata Owen 1858 [invalid subgroup], Pygocaulia Thomson 1927 [empty], Rictia Doescher 1981 [nomen nudum], Testicardines Bronn 1862 [invalid subgroup]
Cl. †Stenothecoida Yochelson 1969
Or. †Cambridioida Horný 1957
Superfm. †Cambridiacea Horný 1957
Fm. †Cambridiidae Horný 1957
G. †Bagenovia Horný 1957
G. †Cambridium Horný 1957
G. †Stenothecoides Resser 1938
G. †Xianfengoconcha Zhang 1980
†Xianfengoconcha elliptica Zhang 1980
†Xianfengoconcha minuta Zhang 1980
†Xianfengoconcha rotunda Zhang 1980
Invalid names: Cambridiida Knight and Yochelson 1958 [empty], Cambridioidea Horný 1957 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: uc = unranked clade | |||||
Reference: Nesnidal et al. 2013 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Meishucunian to the top of the Holocene or 530.70000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 525.5 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 525.5 Ma
Collections (46444 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Nemakit-Daldynian | Russian Federation (Khabarovsk Krai) | Aldanotreta sp. (50367) | |
Nemakit-Daldynian | China (Hubei) | Lapworthella sp. (97556) | |
Nemakit-Daldynian - Tommotian | Russian Federation (Sakha) | Tommotia koslowzkii (99229) | |
Terreneuvian | Estonia | Brachiopoda indet. (236570) | |
Placentian | USA (Massachusetts) | Eccentrotheca kanesia (56827 56829 56833) Lapworthella ludvigseni, Eccentrotheca kanesia (56832) Sunnaginia imbricata (56853) Sunnaginia imbricata, Eccentrotheca kanesia (56828 56834 56841 56851) Sunnaginia imbricata, Eccentrotheca kanesia, Camenella baltica (56836) | |
Placentian | Canada (Nova Scotia) | Eccentrotheca kanesia (86744) Lapworthella ludvigseni, Eccentrotheca kanesia (86745) | |
Caerfai | Canada (Nunavut) | Acrothele sp. (184) | |
Caerfai | Canada (Northwest Territories) | Inarticulata indet. (49080) | |
Caerfai | Jordan | Obolinae indet., Trematosia radifer (86711) Trematobolus palaestinensis (86712) Trematosia radifer (86713) Trematosia radifer, Psiloria alata (86710) Trematosia radifer, Psiloria dayi (86709) Trematosia radifer, Trematobolus palaestinensis, Psiloria dayi, Psiloria alta, Brachiopoda indet. (7823) | |
Caerfai | USA (New York) | Obolella sp. (181) | |
Caerfai | USA (Nevada) | Paterina sp., Eothele sp., Hadrotreta sp. (190) | |
Caerfai | India (Jammu and Kashmir) | Neobolus sp., Botsfordia granulata (46443) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | Antarctica | Dailyatia braddocki, Dailyatia odyssei (154033) Kennardia sp. A, Kennardia sp. B, Dailyatia odyssei (154034) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | Norway (Troms) | Obolus favosus (190925 190926) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | Australia (South Australia) | Paterimitra pyramidalis (215324 215339 215340 215341 215343 215351 215352 215353 215354 215355 215369 215374 215375 215377 215443 215444 215445 215446 215447 215448 215449 215450 215451 215452 215454 215455 215456 215457 215458 215459 215460 215461 215462 215464 215465 215466 215467 215468 215469 215470) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | USA (Washington) | Micromitra sp., Kutorgina cingulata, Rustella edsoni, Kutorgina sp. (191233) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | USA (California) | Kutorgina sp. (226262) Trematobolus excelsis (226619) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | China (Hubei) | Xianfengoconcha elliptica, Hubeinella formosa (201164) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | Spain (Aragon) | Redlichella bohemica, Trematobolus simplex (120552) | |
Early/Lower Cambrian | China (Shaanxi) | Eoobolus incipiens (223399) |