- Hathlyacynus linchyi was named by Mercerat (1891).
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Ameghino (1894).
- Agustylus cynoides was named by Ameghino (1887) [title: Enumeracion sistematica de las especies de mamiferos fosiles coleccionados por Carlos Ameghino en los terrenos eocenos de la Pataconia austral y depositados en el Museo La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-78, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with p2 missing anterior edge and anterior root of p3), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Barrancas del Río Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Agustylus primaevus was named by Mercerat (1891) [title: Caracteres diagnosticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-4, a mandible (greater part of right mandibular ramus with c missing tip of crown, p1 complete, p2 missing posterior edge, p3-m1 complete, alveoli of m2, m3-4 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Monte León, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Agustylus bardus by Ameghino (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Agustylus minus was named by Ameghino (1935). Its type specimen is MACN 671 and 672, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with m2-4 (671) and right mandibular ramus with roots of m1, m2-3 complete, m4 broken (672), both one individual), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Hathliacynus lustratus was named by Ameghino (1887) [title: Enumeracion sistematica de las especies de mamiferos fosiles coleccionados por Carlos Ameghino en los terrenos eocenos de la Patagonia austral y depositados en el Museo La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-17, a maxilla (right maxillary fragment with M1-2 (P3 has been lost since the original description)), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Hathliacynus fischeri was named by Mercerat (1891) [title: Caracteres diagnosticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-19, a partial skull (rostrum of skull and attached mandible with nearly complete dentition), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Monte León, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Hathliacynus cultridens was named by Mercerat (1891) [Caracteres diagnosticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-2, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with alveoli of i1-3, base of c, p1-2 complete, alveoli of p3-m1), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis trouessarti by Ameghino (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Hathliacynus rollieri was named by Mercerat (1891) [Caracteres diagnosticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-10, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with posterior root of p3, and m1-4 present), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Agustylus cynoides by Ameghino (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Ictioborus fenestratus was named by Ameghino (1891) [title: Nuevos restos de mamiferos fosiles descubiertos por Carlos Ameghino en el eoceno inferior de la Patagonia austral]. Its type specimen is MACN 664, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with posterior alveolus of p1, p2 complete, base of p3, alveoli of m1, m2 complete, m3 missing protoconid), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Proviverra trouessarti was named by Ameghino (1891) [title: Caracteres diagnosticos de cincuenta especies nuevas de mamiferos fosiles argentinos]. Its type specimen is MACN 2079, a partial skull (greater part of left side of skull with partial dentition but missing basicranium, right zygomatic arch, right maxillary, and all of right dentition), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Karaiken, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was recombined as Cladosictis trouessarti by Ameghino (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Protoproviverra ensidens was named by Ameghino (1891) [title: Nuevos restos de mamiferos fosiles descubiertos por Carlos Ameghino en el eoceno inferior de la Patagonia ]. Its type specimen is MACN 689, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with posterior half of p1 and p2, p3 complete, and anterior root of m1), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was recombined as Amphiproviverra ensidens by Ameghino (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Cladosictis dissimilis was named by Mercerat (1891) [title: Caracteres diagnosticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-86, a maxilla (fragment of right maxillary with alveoli of M1, and M2-4 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Monte León, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis trouessarti by Ameghino (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Cladosictis lateralis was named by Ameghino (1894) [title: Enumeracion synoptique des especes de mammiferes fossiles des formaciones eocenes de Patagonie]. Its type specimen is MACN 5950, a partial skull (rostral portion of skull with roots of left I1-P2, and right I1-P3, and with left P3-M4 and right M1-4 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Puesto Estancia La Costa, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial claystone/sandstone in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Cladosictis petersoni was named by Sinclair (1906). Its type specimen is PU 15702, a partial skeleton (rostral part of skull and associated partial skeleton), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is 10 miles south of Coy Inlet, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Amphithereutes obscurus was named by Ameghino (1935). Its type specimen is MACN 681, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with roots of c-m1), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Cladosictis patagonica by Marshall (1978).