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Bivalvia (clam)


Synonymy list
YearName and author
1758Bivalvia Linnaeus
1820Pelecypoda Goldfuss
1838Ostrea compta Goldfuss
1847Solen (Solecurtus) ellipticus Dana p. 153
1847Solen (Solecurtus) planulatus Dana p. 153
1847Modiolopsis praerupta Dana p. 159
1849Solecurtus (Psammobia) planulatus Dana p. 686 figs. Pl 2, fig 10
1849Solecurtus ellipticus Dana p. 686 figs. Pl 2, fig 9
1849Cypricardia praerupta Dana p. 703 figs. Pl 8, fig 10
1856Hinnites comtus Giebel
1886Asiphonidae Choffat
1895Pelecypoda Stanton p. 34
1916Pelecypoda Raymond
1919Stutchburia praerupta Etheridge Jr. p. 190
1936Palaeostrea Grabau
1982Spirulinae Allen and Sanders
1984Bivalvia Squires p. 40
1987Bivalvia Squires p. 54
1987Pelecypoda Ward and Blackwelder p. 129
1988Bivalvia Squires p. 17
1989Pelecypoda Shoshani et al. p. 435
1993Bivalvia Kennedy p. 397
1997Bathyspinulinae Coan and Scott
1998Bivalvia Barnes p. 270
2000Bathyspinulinae Coan et al. pp. 82, 91
2001Bivalvia Gravestock et al. p. 200
2002Bivalvia Sepkoski
2002Palaeoentolium Sepkoski
2006Bivalvia Giribet et al. p. 7724
2008Bivalvia Hikuroa and Grant-Mackie

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Cl. Bivalvia Linnaeus 1758 [clam]
show all | hide all
G. †Amosius González and Waterhouse 2004
Amosius harringtoni González 1972
Fm. Arhouriellidae Geyer and Streng 1998
G. †Arhouriella Geyer and Streng 1998
Arhouriella opheodontoides Geyer and Streng 1998
Arhouriella thecoides Matthew 1899
G. †Bakevellia King 1848
G. †Bleta De Gregorio 1930
G. †Bodmania Miller and Faber 1894
G. †Burriera Laseron 1910
Burriera dunii Laseron 1910
G. †Carnidia Bittner 1901
Carnidia pannonica Bittner 1901
Fm. †Cirravidae Chernyshev 1935
G. †Cirravus Chernyshev 1935
G. †Conchodus Stoppani 1865
Conchodus hungaricus Hoernes 1912
G. †Cruciella Koken 1913
G. †Ctenolima Fuersich and Werner 1988
G. †Delia
G. †Edon Miller 1877
Edon oblonga Hall 1856
Invalid names: Cypricardella nucleata Hall 1856 [synonym]
G. †Elliptoidea Tasch 1961
Elliptoidea vulgaris Tasch 1961
G. †Ensia De Gregorio 1930
Unr. Eubivalvia Carter 2011
Subcl. Autobranchia Groblen 1894
Infracl. Heteroconchia Gray 1854
Unr. Cardiomorphi Ferussac 1822
Unr. Cardioni Ferussac 1822
Unr. Carditioni Dall 1889
Unr. Heterodonta Neumayr 1884
Invalid names: Orthonotida Pojeta 1978 [empty], Tanaodontidae Liu 1976 [empty]
Subcl. Heterodonta Neumayr 1884
Or. Myoida Goldfuss 1820
Fm. †Rhaetidiidae Dominici and Danise 2024
Unr. Septibranchia Pelseneer 1888
Invalid names: Anomalodesmata Dall 1889 [empty], Carditoidea Fleming 1820 [empty]
Fm. †Lipanellidae Sánchez 2005
G. †Goniophorina Isberg 1934
Invalid names: Digoniomya Whidborne 1897 [synonym]
G. †Lipanella Sánchez 2005
G. †Paraphtonia Khalfin 1958
Unr. Uniomorphi Gray 1854
Fm. †Thoraliidae Morris 1980
Unr. Unioni Gray 1854
Invalid names: Archiheterodonta Giribet 2008 [empty], Eoastartella Chang 1980 [nomen nudum], Palaeoheterodonta Newell 1965 [empty], Parenia Biakov 2012 [nomen nudum], Paullia Schubert and Bottjer 1995 [nomen nudum]
Infracl. Pteriomorphia Beurlen 1944
Unr. Mytilomorphi Ferussac 1822
Or. †Colpomyida Carter 2011
Or. Mytilida Rafinesque 1815
Unr. Ostreomorphi Ferussac 1822
Unr. Arcioni Gray 1854
Fm. †Matheriidae Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979
Unr. Ostreioni Ferussac 1822
Invalid names: Ischyrodontidae Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979 [empty]
Or. Pterioida Newell 1965
G. †Annulinectes Allasinaz 1972
G. †Arzelella
G. †Barehamia
G. †Canadotis
G. †Cleidochondrella Freneix and Lefevre 1967
G. †Costentolium Freneix 1980
G. †Echinopecten Brasil 1895
G. †Freneixita Stenzel 1971
G. †Fylgia
G. †Grabella
G. †Ignara
G. †Intodesma Popov 1958
G. †Kobayshites Hayami 1959
G. †Lentilla Conti and Monari 1992
G. †Lywcea
G. †Mysidoptera Salomon 1895
G. †Neitheops Stewart 1930
G. †Neoentolium Romanov 1985
G. Notochlamy Cotton 1930
G. †Pacimonotis Grant-Mackie and Silberling 1990
G. †Platygena
Fm. †Prospondylidea Ptchelincev 1960
G. †Protostrea Chen 1976
G. †Pseudovola Lissajous 1923
Subor. †Pteriina Newell 1965
G. †Rhyssomytiloides Hessel 1988
G. †Scythemtolium Allasinaz 1972
G. †Spia
G. †Stappyersella Maillieux 1920
G. †Tarturia
G. †Trematiconcha Newell and Boyd 1970
G. †Unica
G. †Xenium
Invalid names: Bakevellidae King 1850 [empty], Lamellotacea Horvath 1966 [empty], Pinnina Waller 1978 [empty], Pterioidina Newell 1965 [empty]
Invalid names: Prionodonta McNeil 1937 [empty]
Invalid names: Autolamellibranchiata Grobben 1894 [replaced], Cercomyidae Crickmay 1936 [empty]
Subcl. Protobranchia Pelseneer 1889
Fm. †Antactinodiontidae Guo 1980
G. †Antactinodion Guo 1980
Superor. Nuculaniformii Carter et al. 2000
Or. †Afghanodesmatida Carter 2011
Superfm. †Afghanodesmatoidea Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979
Superfm. †Tironuculoidea Babin 1982
Or. Nuculanida Carter et al. 2000
Superfm. Malletioidea Adams and Adams 1857
Superfm. Nuculanoidea Adams and Adams 1858
Invalid names: Nuculanacea Adams and A. 1858 [replaced]
Superor. Nuculiformii Dall 1889
Or. Nuculida Dall 1889
Fm. †Cardiolariidae Cope 1997
G. †Clinopista Meek and Worthen 1870
Superfm. †Ctenodontoidea Wohrmann 1893
Invalid names: Ctenodontacea Wöhrmann 1893 [replaced]
G. †Dysondonta Mansuy 1913
G. †Eonuculoma Klug et al. 2008
G. †Eritropsis Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977
G. †Kasachia Bazhenova 1971
G. †Neiloides
Superfm. Nuculoidea Gray 1824
G. †Paleostraba Liljedahl 1984
G. †Phestioides Pojeta et al. 1986
Superfm. Pristiglomoidea Sanders and Allen 1973
G. †Pseudoleda Sanchez et al. 1995
G. †Pseudonuculana Pojeta et al. 1986
G. †Scyphoconcha Liu and Gu 1988
G. †Zechania Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977
Invalid names: Nuculacea Gray 1824 [empty], Phaseoloidea Scarlato and Starobogatov 1971 [empty]
Or. †Nuculiformes Dall 1889
Invalid names: Radiidentoidei Scarlato and Starobogatov 1975 [empty]
Or. Solemyida Newell 1965
Superfm. Manzanelloidea Chronic 1952
Superfm. Solemyoidea Adams and Adams 1857
Invalid names: Solemyacea Gray 1840 [replaced]
Or. Solemyoida Dall 1889
Superfm. Archaracoidea Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979
Invalid names: Archaracidae Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979 [empty]
Invalid names: Nucinelloidea Vokes 1956 [empty]
Invalid names: Palaeotaxodonta Korobkov 1954 [synonym], Sareptoidea Adams 1860 [empty]
G. †Euburnopecten Conrad 1865
Unr. †Euprotobranchia Nevesskaja 2009
Or. †Fordillida Pojeta 1975
Superfm. †Fordilloidea Pojeta 1975
Fm. †Camyidae Hinz-Schallreuter 2000
G. †Camya Hinz-Schallreuter 1995
Fm. †Fordillidae Pojeta 1975
G. †Fordilla Barrande 1881
G. †Pojetaia Jell 1980
Invalid names: Buluniella Jermak 1986 [synonym], Jellia Li and Zhou 1986 [synonym], Oryzoconcha He and Pei 1985 [synonym]
G. †Fogiella Krumbeck 1913
Fogiella deningeri Krumbeck 1913
G. †Geinitzia Gemmellaro 1896
Geinitzia carinata Gemmellaro 1896
Geinitzia catherinae Gemmellaro 1896
Geinitzia frangiata de Gregorio 1930
G. †Gibboconcha De Gregorio 1930
G. †Gosselettia Conrad
Gosselettia triquetra Hall 1884
G. †Laubeia Bittner 1895
Laubeia strigilata Bittner 1895
Fm. †Laurskiidae Khalfin 1948
G. †Laurskia Khalfin 1948
G. Lux Chemnitz 1782
G. †Manankovia Astafieva-Urbaytis 1983
G. †Paradoxia Krumbeck 1923
Paradoxia timorensis Krumbeck 1923
G. †Phyllonia
Fm. †Praelamellodontidae Zhang 1980
G. †Praelamellodonta Zhang 1980
G. †Productae Tasch 1961
Productae dunbaris Tasch 1961
G. †Psammoconcha Tommasi 1896
G. †Ptychoplasma Fenton and Fenton 1937
G. †Rebusum De Gregorio 1930
G. Reniella Swainson 1840
G. †Rostrotortus Tasch 1961
Fm. †Spirodomidae Miller 1889
G. †Spirodomus Beecher 1886
G. †Stagnestesta Tasch 1961
Stagnestesta solitaria Tasch 1961
G. †Taeniodon Dunker 1848
Taeniodon praecursor Schloenbach 1862
G. †Tatella
Invalid names: Amphikoilinae Novozhilov 1953 [empty], Asiphonidae Choffat 1886 [invalid subgroup], Asthenodonta [empty], Bathyspinulinae Coan and Scott 1997 [invalid subgroup], Cryptodonta Neumayr 1884 [empty], Isofilibranchia Iredale 1939 [empty], Lamellibranchiata Blainville [synonym], Modiolopsis praerupta Dana 1847 [nomen dubium], Neotaxodonta Korobkov 1954 [empty], Ostrea compta Goldfuss 1838 [nomen dubium], Palaeoentolium [nomen nudum], Palaeostrea Grabau 1936 [nomen dubium], Paraviculidae Gugenberger 1935 [empty], Pelecypoda Goldfuss 1820 [synonym], Pteriomorpha Beurlan 1944 [empty], Septocardiidae Kafanov and Starobogatov 1977 [empty], Solen (Solecurtus) ellipticus Dana 1847 [nomen dubium], Solen (Solecurtus) planulatus Dana 1847 [nomen dubium]
No diagnoses are available
shell height211.26.8018.412.68.20
valve height36.093.6016.53.807.39

Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: facultatively mobilec
Life habit: infaunalc
Diet: suspension feederc
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 11:33:36
Modified: 2010-02-12 03:59:35
Source: c = class
Reference: Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Tommotian to the top of the Holocene or 525.50000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 521.0 Ma

Collections (42213 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Caerfai538.8 - 509.0USA (New York) Fordilla sp. (8236)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0China (Hubei) Praelamellodonta elegansa (201164)
Paleozoic538.8 - 251.902USA (Alaska) Bivalvia indet. (112419 112421 112453 112466 112481 112499 112500 112506 112509 112510 112511)
Paleozoic - Triassic538.8 - 201.4Chile (Ovalle) Bivalvia indet., Permophoridae indet., Grammatodon sp. (222433)
Phanerozoic538.8 - 0.0Chile (Región de Tarapacá) Bivalvia indet. (228253 228255) Gryphaeidae indet. (228254) Heterodonta indet. (228252)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0United Kingdom (Warwickshire) Fordilla sp. (10252)
Tommotian - Atdabanian525.5 - 516.0Canada (Nova Scotia) Fordilla troyensis (6897)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Russian Federation (Siberia) Fordilla sibirica (56855)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0China (Anhui) Jellia ovata (157563)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Australia (South Australia) Pojetaia runnegari (49618 96454 96931 97741 97747 97749 97750 199519)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Russian Federation (Chitinskaya oblast) Pojetaia runnegari (49373 49374 49376 49377 49379 49381 49388 49391)
Nangaoian521.0 - 514.0China (Henan) Pojetaia runnegari (96523) Pojetaia runnegari, Oryzoconcha prisca (49532)
Atdabanian - Botomian521.0 - 512.9Greenland Fordilla sp. (121183 121185)
Atdabanian - Lenian521.0 - 510.2Germany (Saxony) Fordilla sibirica (6899)
Montezuman520.0 - 515.3Mexico Pojetaia sp. (203107)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9China (Shaanxi) Pojetaia runnegari (199515 199516 199517 199534)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Antarctica Pojetaia runnegari (199520 199522 199524 199527 199529 199531)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Australia (South Australia) Bivalvia indet. (42285) Pojetaia runnegari (50793 96914 96915 96916 96917 96932 96958 96959 96963 96964 96965 97723 97726 97730 97751 97770 97771 97772 97773 97774 97775 97776 97777 156332 172616 225121)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Russian Federation (Siberia) Fordilla sibirica (174258)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Russian Federation (Chitinskaya oblast) Pojetaia runnegari (49383 49384 49385 49386)