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Littorinimorpha was named by Golikov and Starobogtov (1975) [m. kosnik taxon no: 7675]. It is extant.

It was reranked as the suborder Littorinimorpha by Bouchet et al. (2005).

It was assigned to Hypsogastropoda by Bouchet et al. (2005); and to Hypsogastropoda by Beesley (1998) and Harzhauser (2007).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1975Littorinimorpha Golikov and Starobogtov
1998Littorinimorpha Beesley p. 607
2005Littorinimorpha Bouchet et al. p. 249
2007Littorinimorpha Harzhauser p. 98

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)
Sorbeoconcha(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
Hypsogastropoda(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
infraorderLittorinimorphaGolikov and Starobogtov 1975
infraorderLittorinimorphaGolikov and Starobogtov 1975

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Infraor. Littorinimorpha Golikov and Starobogtov 1975
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Superfm. Cingulopsoidea Fretter 1958
Fm. Cingulopsidae Fretter 1958
G. Coriandria Tomlin 1917
G. †Eatonina Thiele 1912
Subg. Eatonina (Otatara) Ponder 1965
G. Pseudopisinna Ponder 1980
G. Rufodardanula Ponder 1965
G. Skenella von Martens and Pfeffer 1886
Invalid names: Eatoniopsis Thiele 1912 [synonym]
G. Tubbreva Ponder 1965
Tubbreva chattica Lozouet 1998
Fm. Eatoniellidae Ponder 1965
G. Crassitoniella Ponder 1965
Crassitoniella europaea Lozouet 1998
G. Eatoniella Dall 1876
Subg. Eatoniella (Dardanula) Iredale 1915
G. Pellax Finlay 1927
G. Pupatonia Ponder 1965
Fm. †Rastodentidae Ponder 1966
G. Rastodens Ponder 1966
Unr. †Discopoda Fischer 1884
Invalid names: Eulimoidea Philippi 1853 [empty]
Superfm. Pterotracheoidea Rafinesque 1814
Fm. †Bellerophinidae Destombes 1984
G. †Bellerophina d'Orbigny 1843
Bellerophina minuta Sowerby 1814
Bellerophina vibrayei d'Orbigny 1843
Fm. Carinariidae Blainville 1818
G. †Brunonia Müller 1898
G. Cardiapodia d'Orbigny 1835
G. Carinaria Lamarck 1801
Carinaria lamarcki Péron and Lesueur 1810
Carinaria paretoi Mayer 1868
Carinaria peloritana Seguenza 1867
Subfm. Carinariinae Blainville 1818
Invalid names: Pterosomatinae Rang 1829 [synonym]
Invalid names: Brunoniinae Dieni 1990 [empty]
Fm. Pterotracheidae Rafinesque 1814
G. †Pterotrachea Forskal 1775
Pterotrachea ceratophagus Quenstedt 1858
Invalid names: Pterotrachea liassica Bandel and Hemleben 1987 [synonym]
Invalid names: Firola Bruguière 1791 [synonym]
Invalid names: Firolidae Rafinesque 1815 [synonym]
Invalid names: Carinarioidea Blainville 1818 [objective synonym], Heteropoda Lamarck 1812 [replaced]
Superfm. Velutinoidea Gray 1840
Invalid names: Lamellarioidea d'Orbigny 1841 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available