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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1996Strophomenata Williams et al
2000Strophomenata Williams et al. p. 215
2001Strophomenata Carlson p. 1111
2003Strophomenata Benedetto
2003Strophomenata Kiessling
2011Strophomenata Hansen and Holmer
2014Strophomenata Jakobsen et al.
2015Strophomenata Hints and Harper
2017Strophomenata Liljeroth et al.
2019Strophomenata Cocks p. 38

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Cl. †Strophomenata Williams et al 1996
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Or. †Billingsellida Schuchert 1893
Subor. †Billingsellidina Schuchert 1893
Superfm. †Billingselloidea Schuchert 1893
Fm. †Billingsellidae Schuchert 1893
G. †Billingsella Hall and Clarke 1892
G. †Kozhuchinella Severgina 1967
G. †Xenorthis
Invalid names: Eoorthinae Walcott 1908 [empty]
Fm. †Chaniellidae Benedetto 2009
G. †Chaniella Benedetto 2009
Subor. †Clitambonitidina Opik 1934
Superfm. †Clitambonitoidea Winchell and Schuchert 1893
Fm. †Arctohedridae Williams et al. 2000
Fm. †Clitambonitidae Winchell and Schuchert 1893
G. †Apomatella Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Atelelasma Cooper 1956
G. †Clinambon Schuchert and Cooper 1932
G. †Clitambonites Pander 1830
Subfm. †Clitambonitinae Schuchert and Cooper 1932
G. †Fistulogonites Neuman 1971
G. †Hemipronites Pander 1830
G. †Ilmarinia Opik 1934
G. †Lacunarites Opik 1934
G. †Palaeoneumania Hansen and Harper 2005
Invalid names: Neumania Bruton and Harper 1981 [replaced]
G. †Starnikoviella Baranov 2017
G. †Vellamo Opik 1930
Invalid names: Atelelasmatinae Cooper 1956 [empty]
Fm. †Gonambonitidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Atelelasmoidea Zeng 1987
G. †Estlandia Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Gonambonites Pander 1830
G. †Jaanussonites Neuman 1976
G. †Kullervo Opik 1932
G. †Oslogonites Öpik 1939
Subfm. †Progonambonitinae Rubel 1963
Invalid names: Gonambonitinae Schuchert and Cooper 1931 [empty]
Superfm. †Gonambonitacea Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Fm. †Kullervoidae Opik 1934
Invalid names: Kullervoinae Opik 1934 [empty]
Superfm. †Polytoechioidea Opik 1934
Fm. †Polytoechiidae Opik 1934
G. †Antigonambonites Opik 1934
G. †Eremotoechia Cooper 1956
G. †Martellia Wirth 1936
G. †Raunites
Invalid names: Rauna Öpik 1932 [replaced]
G. †Tritoechia Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Fm. †Tritoechiidae Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Korinevskia Popov et al. 2001
G. †Pinatotoechia Benedetto 2001
Subfm. †Tritoechiinae Ulrich and Cooper
Invalid names: Clitambonitacea Winchell and Schuchert 1893 [empty]
Fm. †Liosomeniidae Liang 1990
G. †Liosomena Liang 1990
Liosomena obscura Liang 1990
Or. †Orthotetida Waagen 1884
Subor. †Orthotetidina Waagen 1884
Superfm. †Chilidiopsoidea Boucot 1959
Fm. †Areostrophiidae Manankov 1979
Subfm. †Adectorhynchinae Henry and Gordon 1985
Subfm. †Areostrophiinae Manankov 1979
Fm. †Chilidiopsidae Boucot 1959
Subfm. †Chilidiopsinae Boucot 1959
Invalid names: Fardeniinae Williams 1951 [synonym]
G. †Fardenia Lamont 1935
Subfm. †Gacellinae Williams et al. 2000
G. †Saughina Bancroft 1949
G. †Valdaria Bassett and Cocks 1974
G. †Xystostrophia Havlicek 1965
Invalid names: Apicilirella [synonym]
Fm. †Eocramatiidae Williams 1974
Superfm. †Orthotetoidea Waagen 1884
Fm. †Derbyiidae Stehli 1954
G. †Derbyia Waagen 1884
Derbya bennetti Hall and Clarke 1892
Derbya keokuk Hall 1858
Derbya robusta Hall 1858
Derbyia achengensis Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia acutangula Huang 1933
Invalid names: Derbyia guangdongensis Ni 1977 [synonym], Derbyia mucronata Liao 1980 [synonym]
Derbyia acutiplicata Metz 1936
Derbyia altestriata Waagen 1884
Derbyia arellanoi Cooper 1953
Derbyia arizonensis McKee 1941
Invalid names: Derbyia regularis McKee 1938 [replaced]
Derbyia auriplexa Hoover 1981
Derbyia baroghilensis Reed 1925
Derbyia bella Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia bilobata Jin and Shi 1985
Derbyia buchi d'Orbigny 1842
Invalid names: Productus andii d'Orbigny 1842 [synonym]
Derbyia buriensis Reed 1944
Derbyia carteri Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia cincinnata Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia complicata Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia crassa Meek and Hayden 1858
Invalid names: Orthisina umbraculum Swallow 1858 [synonym]
Derbyia crenulata Girty 1909
Derbyia cymbula Hall and Clarke 1893
Derbyia daliangensis Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia deltauriculata Hoover 1981
Derbyia dirata Grant 1993
Derbyia diversa Reed 1944
Derbyia dorsoplana Diener 1915
Derbyia dorsosulcata Liu and Waterhouse 1985
Derbyia duomaensis Sun 1983
Derbyia dupliciseptata Grabau 1931
Derbyia elevata King 1931
Derbyia elongata Cooper 1953
Derbyia expansa Schellwien 1892
Derbyia exserta Sun 1983
Derbyia filosa Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia gigantea Kalashnikov 1993
Derbyia grandis Waagen 1884
Derbyia guidingensis Shen and He 1994
Derbyia hardmani Thomas 1958
Derbyia haroubi Angiolini 1997
Derbyia hemisphaerica Waagen 1884
Derbyia hooserensis Dunbar and Condra 1932
Derbyia incurva Abich 1878
Derbyia informis Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia laqueata Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia magnus Branson 1930
Derbyia metzi Gauri 1965
Derbyia mongolica Grabau 1931
Derbyia mutabilis Liao 1980
Derbyia nasuta Girty 1909
Derbyia nigpi Chen and Liao 2007
Derbyia nipponica Nakamura 1972
Derbyia otoeis Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia pannucia Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia pannuciella Xu and Grant 1994
Derbyia pararegularis Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia parasitica Kozlowski 1914
Derbyia perplexus Waterhouse 1981
Derbyia plicatella Waagen 1884
Derbyia postplicatella Waterhouse and Gupta 1983
Derbyia profunda Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia regis Grant 1995
Derbyia regularis Waagen 1884
Invalid names: Orthotetes fascicostata Liang 1990 [synonym]
Derbyia rudicula Liang 1990
Derbyia sakamotozawensis Shintani 2011
Derbyia schellwieni Frech 1911
Invalid names: Derbyia disalata Liao 1980 [synonym], Derbyia yangtzeensis Jin and Hu 1978 [synonym]
Derbyia scitula Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia scobina Grant 1976
Derbyia senbaensis Jin and Shi 1985
Derbyia simplicis Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia speciosa Yang 1984
Derbyia striolata Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia strophomenoidea Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia subaurita Reed 1944
Derbyia subsinuata Reed 1944
Derbyia sulca Branson 1930
Derbyia sulcata Walter 1953
Derbyia sultanensis Reed 1944
Derbyia texta Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyia vercherei Waagen 1884
Derbyia waageni Schellwien 1892
Derbyia wabaunseensis Dunbar and Condra 1932
Derbyia yeerqiangensis Chen and Shi 2006
Derbyia yongjiensis Lee and Gu 1980
Derbyia yukisawensis Tazawa and Shintani 2014
Invalid names: Paraderbyia Sun 1983 [synonym], Plicatoderbyia Thomas 1937 [synonym], Pseudoderbyia Likharev 1934 [synonym], Wardakia Termier et al. 1974 [synonym]
G. †Diplanus Stehli 1954
Diplanus apochordus Cooper and Grant 1974
Diplanus catatonus Cooper and Grant 1974
Diplanus dilatus Grant 1995
Diplanus lamellatus King 1931
Diplanus rarus Cooper and Grant 1974
Diplanus redactus Cooper and Grant 1974
Diplanus stanleyi Watkins 1974
Dorsoscyphus johnsoni Watkins 1974
G. †Nothopindax Cooper and Grant 1974
Nothopindax egregius Cooper and Grant 1974
Invalid names: Miniplanus Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970 [synonym]
Fm. †Meekellidae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Meekellinae Stehli 1954
G. †Alatorthotetina He and Zhu 1985
G. †Geyerella Schellwien 1900
Invalid names: Turriculum de Gregorio 1930 [synonym]
G. †Meekella
Invalid names: Asiomeekella Liang 1990 [synonym], Gegenella [synonym], Parameekella He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
G. †Meekellogeyerella Shen and Shi 2007
G. †Niviconia Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Orthothetina Schellwien 1900
Invalid names: Lopingia Zhan 1979 [synonym]
G. †Paraorthotetina He and Zhu 1985
G. †Sicelia Gortani and Merla 1934
Subfm. †Omboniinae Sokolskaya 1960
G. †Ombonia Caneva 1906
Fm. †Orthotetellidae Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Hypopsia Cooper and Grant 1974
Hypopsia versuta Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Orthotetella King 1931
Fm. †Orthotetidae Waagen 1884
Apsocalymma shiellsi McIntosh 1974
Brochocarina trearnensis McIntosh 1974
Brochocarina wexfordensis Brunton 1968
Derbyoides cassidula Liang 1990
Invalid names: Liberella elegans Liang 1990 [synonym]
Derbyoides dunbari Cooper and Grant 1974
Derbyoides lamella Liang 1990
Derbyoides marathonensis Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Hipparionix King
Hipparionyx ereme Talent 1963
Hipparionyx major Gill 1949
Orthotetes abruptus Liang 1990
Orthotetes afanasjevae Manankov 2004
Orthotetes bisulcatus Waterhouse 1966
Orthotetes canadensis Shi and Waterhouse 1996
Orthotetes guppyi Thomas 1958
Orthotetes jugorica Ustritsky 1960
Orthotetes kaskaskiensis McChesney 1860
Orthotetes keokuk Hall 1858
Orthotetes kraffti Diener 1903
Orthotetes picta Fang 1983
Orthotetes plana Ivanov 1926
Orthotetes simensis Tschernyschew 1902
Orthotetes sulcus Branson 1930
Orthotetes sulensis Kalashnikov 1993
Orthotetes trigonalis Lee and Gu 1980
Orthothetes crenistria Phillips 1836
Invalid names: Orthotetoides [synonym], Pseudoorthotetes [synonym]
G. †Tapajotia
Tapajotia tapajotensis Derby 1874
G. †Werriea
Werriea australis Campbell 1957
Invalid names: Permorthotetes Thomas 1958 [synonym]
Fm. †Pulsiidae Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Pulsia
Pulsia linguaeformis Gauri 1965
Pulsia mosquensis Ivanov 1926
Schellwienella alternata Weller 1914
Schellwienella crenistria McIntosh 1974
Schellwienella inflata White and Whitfield 1862
Schellwienella marcidula Amsden 1958
Schellwienella radialis Brunton 1968
Schellwienella regina Grabau 1931
Schellwienella rotunda Thomas 1910
Schellwienella scotica McIntosh 1974
Schellwienella senilis Phillips 1836
Schellwienella umbonata Easton et al. 1958
Fm. †Schuchertellidae Williams 1953
Subfm. †Schuchertellinae Williams 1953
G. †Goniarina Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Schuchertella Girty 1904
G. †Serratocrista Brunton 1968
G. †Teserina Posenato 2011
Subfm. †Streptorhynchinae Stehli 1954
G. †Arcitreta Whitfield
G. †Arctitreta Whitfield 1908
Invalid names: Grumantia Ustritsky 1963 [synonym]
G. †Bothrostegium Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Chelononia Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Kiangsiella Chao 1927
G. †Notostrophia Waterhouse 1973
G. †Pseudostreptorhynchus Shen and Shi 2007
G. †Streptorhynchus King 1850
G. †Taimyropsis Ustritsky 1963
G. †Tropidelasma Cooper and Grant 1969
Invalid names: Erismatina Waterhouse 1983 [synonym], Parageyerella He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
Subor. †Triplesiidina Moore 1952
Superfm. †Triplesioidea Schuchert 1913
Fm. †Triplesiidae Schuchert 1913
G. †Acaretyrricula Jin and Chatterton 1997
G. †Amphiplecia Wright and Jaanusson 1993
G. †Bicuspina Havlicek 1950
G. †Caeroplecia Williams 1974
G. †Cliftonia Foerste 1909
G. †Craigella
Invalid names: Epacroplecia Williams 1962 [synonym], Nucleorhynchia [synonym]
G. †Grammoplecia Wright and Jaanusson 1993
G. †Ogmoplecia Wright and Jaanusson 1993
G. †Onychoplecia Cooper 1956
G. †Onychotreta Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Invalid names: Eilotreta [synonym], Lissotreta [synonym]
G. †Oxoplecia Wilson 1913
G. †Paraonychoplecia Percival 1991
G. †Plectotreta Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Streptis Davidson 1881
G. †Triplesia Hall 1859
Or. †Productida Sarycheva and Sokolskaya 1959
Subor. †Chonetidina Muir-Wood 1955
Invalid names: Chonetida Nalivkin 1979 [replaced]
Subor. †Lyttoniidina Williams et al. 2000
Superfm. †Lyttonioidea Waagen 1883
Fm. †Lyttoniidae Waagen 1883
Subfm. †Linoldhamininae Xu et al. 2005
Subfm. †Lyttoniinae Waagen 1883
Subfm. †Poikilosakinae Williams 1953
Fm. †Rigbyellidae Williams et al. 2000
G. †Rigbyella Stehli 1956
Superfm. †Permianelloidea He and Zhu 1979
Fm. †Permianellidae He and Zhu 1979
G. †Dicystoconcha Termier et al. 1974
Invalid names: Dipunctella Liang 1982 [synonym], Fabulasteges Liang 1990 [synonym], Guangdongina Mou and Liu 1989 [synonym], Guangjiayanella Yang 1984 [synonym]
G. †Laterispina Wang and Jin 1991
Subfm. †Loczyellinae Licharew 1937
G. †Permianella He and Zhu 1979
Superfm. †Richthofenioidea Waagen 1885
Fm. †Cyclacanthariidae Cooper and Grant 1975
Subfm. †Cyclacanthariinae Cooper and Grant 1975
Subfm. †Teguliferininae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Fm. †Gemmellaroiidae Williams 1953
G. †Cyndalia Grant 1993
G. †Gemmellaroia Cossmann 1898
Invalid names: Gemmellaroiella Mabuti 1937 [synonym], Megarhynchus Gemmellaro 1894 [replaced]
G. †Tectarea Licharew 1928
Fm. †Hercosiidae Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Hercosestria Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Hercosia Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Neorichthofenia Shen et al. 1992
G. †Sicularia Grant 1993
G. †Strophorichthofenia Termier et al. 1974
Fm. †Richthofeniidae Waagen 1885
G. †Coscinarina Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
G. †Globosobucina Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
G. †Linnaeocaninella Rivaz Hernández 2020
Invalid names: Caninella Liang 1990 [replaced]
G. †Seseloidia Grant 1993
G. †Striirichthofenia Lu 1982
Invalid names: Caninellidae Liang 1990 [synonym], Richthofeniinae Waagen 1885 [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Crania permiana Shumard 1859 [nomen vanum], Forma Doescher 1981 [nomen nudum], Prorichthofenia King 1931 [nomen dubium], Prorichthofeniinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Pectenoproductus Licharev 1930
Pectenoproductus proprius Licharew 1930
G. †Ploughsharella Liang 1982
Subor. †Productidina Waagen 1883
Superfm. †Echinoconchoidea Stehli 1954
Fm. †Echinoconchidae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Echinoconchinae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Juresaniinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Pustulinae Waterhouse 1981
Invalid names: Parapulchratia Zhan 1979 [nomen nudum]
Fm. †Sentosiidae McKellar 1970
Subfm. †Caucasiproductinae Lazarev 1987
Subfm. †Sentosiinae McKellar 1970
G. †Septiconcha Termier et al. 1974
Septiconcha taeniosa Termier et al. 1974
Superfm. †Linoproductoidea Stehli 1954
Fm. †Linoproductidae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Anidanthinae Waterhouse 1968
Subfm. †Linispininae Lazarev 2006
Subfm. †Linoproductinae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Paucispinauriinae Waterhouse 1986
Invalid names: Grandaurispininae Lazarev 1986 [replaced]
G. †Selloproductus Termier et al. 1974
Subfm. †Siphonosiinae Lazarev 1986
Fm. †Monticuliferidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Auriculispininae Waterhouse 1986
Subfm. †Compressoproductinae Jing and Hu 1978
Subfm. †Devonoproductinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Eoproductellinae Lazarev 1987
Subfm. †Gigantoproductinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Monticuliferinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Striatiferinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
G. †Zhejiangoproductus Liang 1990
Fm. †Schrenkiellidae Lazarev 1986
G. †Coopericus Lazarev 2004
Invalid names: Hypolinoproductus Liang 1982 [synonym]
G. †Permundaria Nakamura et al. 1970
G. †Schrenkiella Barchatova 1973
Invalid names: Achunoproductus Ustritsky 1971 [synonym], Indigia Barchatova 1973 [synonym]
G. †Striatospica Waterhouse 1975
Invalid names: Coopericinae Lazarev 2004 [synonym]
Invalid names: Kansuellidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [empty]
Superfm. †Marginiferoidea Stehli 1954
Tr. †Breileeniini Brunton 1997
G. †Desmoinesia Hoare 1960
G. †Neosandia Özdikmen 2008
Invalid names: Sandia [replaced]
Tr. †Incisiini Grant 1976
G. †Cyrtalosia Termier and Termier 1970
G. †Incisius Grant 1976
G. †Rhytisia Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Scapharina Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Simplicarina Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Liaotarimella Shen 2017
Invalid names: Tarimella Chen 2004 [replaced]
Tr. †Marginiferini Stehli 1954
G. †Entacanthadus Grant 1993
G. †Jipuproductus Sun 1983
G. †Marginifera Waagen 1884
Invalid names: Strigospina Liao 1979 [synonym]
G. †Otariella Waterhouse 1978
G. †Probolionia Cooper 1957
G. †Spinomarginifera Huang 1932
Invalid names: Haydenoides Zhan 1979 [synonym]
Fm. †Paucispiniferidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Paucispiniferinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
G. †Trachomarginifera Fan 1995
Invalid names: Marginiferidae Stehli 1954 [empty]
Superfm. †Productoidea Gray 1840
Fm. †Productellidae Schuchert 1929
Subfm. †Chaoiellinae Lazarev 2011
Subfm. †Overtoniinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Plicatiferinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Productellinae Schuchert 1929
Subfm. †Productinae Gray 1840
Fm. †Productinidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Invalid names: Dongpanoproductus He et al. 2005 [synonym]
Invalid names: Chonopectinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [empty]
Fm. †Productidae Gray 1840
Subfm. †Buxtoniinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Invalid names: Spinifronsinae Waterhouse 1981 [synonym]
Subfm. †Dictyoclostinae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Leioproductinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Yakovleviinae Waterhouse 1975
Invalid names: Buxtoniidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [empty], Labaellidae Kotlyar et al. 2004 [invalid subgroup], Overtoniidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [empty]
Subor. †Strophalosiidina Schuchert 1913
Superfm. †Aulostegoidea Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Fm. †Aulostegidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Agelesiinae Cooper and Grant 1975
Subfm. †Aulosteginae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Chonosteginae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Ctenalosiinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Echinosteginae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Gondolininae Yugan et al. 1998
Subfm. †Institellinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Invalid names: Costellariinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [synonym], Licharewiconchidae Kotlyar et al. 2004 [synonym], Sinuatellidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [synonym]
Subfm. †Rhamnariinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Subfm. †Taeniothaerinae Waterhouse 2002
Invalid names: Edriosteginae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [empty]
Fm. †Cooperinidae Pajaud 1968
Subfm. †Cooperininae Pajaud 1968
Subfm. †Epiceliinae Grant 1972
Fm. †Scacchinellidae Licharew 1928
Subfm. †Scacchinellinae Licharew 1928
Fm. †Tschernyschewiidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
G. †Megatschernyschewia Sremac 1986
G. †Reedosepta Waterhouse 2002
G. †Trigonoproductus Waterhouse 2002
G. †Tschernyschewia Stoyanow 1910
Superfm. †Strophalosioidea Schuchert 1913
Fm. †Araksalosiidae Lazarev 1989
Subfm. †Araksalosiinae Lazarev 1989
Subfm. †Donalosiinae Lazarev 1989
Subfm. †Quadratiinae Lazarev 1989
Subfm. †Rhytialosiinae Lazarev 1989
Fm. †Chonopectidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
G. †Minutomarginifera He and Weldon 2019
Invalid names: Eileenella Wongwanich et al. 2004 [replaced]
G. †Parmephrix Brunton and Mundy 1994
G. †Semenewia
Invalid names: Palmerhytis [synonym]
Fm. †Strophalosiidae Schuchert 1913
Subfm. †Dasyalosiinae Brunton 1966
Subfm. †Echinalosiinae Waterhouse 2001
G. †Melvillosia Waterhouse 2001
Subfm. †Mingenewiinae Archbold 1980
Subfm. †Strophalosiinae Schuchert 1913
Invalid names: Heteralosiinae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 [synonym]
Invalid names: Chaoina Jin 1974 [nomen nudum], Choanoproductus Termier and Termier 1970 [nomen nudum], Chonopectella Sarycheva 1966 [nomen nudum], Producta brachythaerus Sowerby 1844 [nomen vanum], Uraloproductus Ustritsky 1971 [nomen nudum]
Or. †Strophomenida Opik 1934
Superfm. †Chonetoidea Bronn 1862
Fm. †Anopliidae Muir-Wood 1962
Subfm. †Airtoniinae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Airtonia Cope 1934
Subfm. †Anopliinae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Adatsagochonetes Afanasjeva 2004
G. †Anoplia
G. †Anopliella Racheboeuf 1998
Invalid names: Tuberella Vogel et al. 1989 [replaced]
G. †Anopliopsis Girty 1938
G. †Chonetina Krotow 1888
G. †Cyrtoniscus Boucot and Harper 1968
G. †Demonedys Grant 1976
G. †Gatia Archbold 1993
G. †Glabrichonetina Waterhouse 1978
G. †Kaninochonetes Afanasjeva 2004
G. †Tornquistia Paeckelmann 1930
Invalid names: Paeckelmannia [synonym]
G. †Yagonia Isaacson and Dutro 1999
Invalid names: Tornquistiinae Afanasjeva 1984 [synonym]
Subfm. †Caenanopliinae Archbold 1980
G. †Arcuaminetes Bizzarro 1995
G. †Caenanoplia Carter 1968
G. †Chilenochonetes Isaacson and Dutro 1999
G. †Costachonetes Waterhouse 1975
G. †Costachonetina Waterhouse 1981
G. †Devonaria
Invalid names: Plicodevonaria [objective synonym]
G. †Globosochonetes Brunton 1968
G. †Ogorella
G. †Permochonetes Afanasjeva 1977
G. †Pinegochonetes Afanasjeva 2000
G. †Songzichonetes Yang 1984
G. †Subglobosochonetes Afanasjeva 1976
G. †Davoustica Racheboeuf 1976
Davoustica settedabanica Baranov 2007
Subfm. †Holynetinae Racheboeuf 1981
G. †Holynetes
G. †Trichochonetes Roberts 1976
G. †Klocinetes Bizzarro 1995
Klocinetes lepidus Hall 1857
G. †Semicaplinoplia Racheboeuf 1995
Semicaplinoplia beatrixae Racheboeuf 1991
Semicaplinoplia sotoi Garcia-Alcalde and Racheboeuf 1978
Fm. †Chonetidae Bronn 1862
Subfm. †Chonetinae Bronn 1862
Invalid names: Chalimochonetes [objective synonym]
G. †Chonetes Fischer de Waldheim 1830
Subfm. †Dagnachonetinae Racheboeuf 1981
G. †Corbicularia Ljaschenko 1973
Invalid names: Cedulia Racheboeuf 1979 [synonym]
Subfm. †Devonochonetinae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Devonochonetes Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Hallinetes Racheboeuf and Feldman 1990
G. †Huananochonetes Wang et al. 1981
Subfm. †Notiochonetinae Racheboeuf 1992
G. †Allanetes
Invalid names: Gamonetes [objective synonym]
Subfm. †Retichonetinae Muir-Wood 1962
Fm. †Chonostrophiidae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Balikunochonetes Chen and Archibold 2002
Balikunochonetes liaoi Chen and Archibold 2002
G. †Santanghuia Chen and Archibold 2002
Santanghuia santanghuensis Chen and Archibold 2002
G. †Tulcumbella Campbell and Engel 1963
Tulcumbella microstriata Campbell and Engel 1963
Fm. †Daviesiellidae Sokolskaja 1960
Daviesiella comoides Sowerby 1823
Fm. †Eodevonariidae Sokolskaja 1960
G. †Davoustia
G. †Eodevonaria Twenhofel 1914
Eodevonaria arcuata Hall 1857
G. †Renaudia
Fm. †Rugosochonetidae Muir-Wood 1962
Subfm. †Capillomesolobinae Pečar 1986
G. †Capillomesolobus Pečar 1986
G. †Hexigtenichonetes Shen 2017
Invalid names: Hemichonetes Lee and Su 1980 [replaced]
G. †Mesolobus Dunbar and Condra 1932
G. †Tenuichonetes Jin and Hu 1978
G. †Zhexichonetes Liang 1982
Subfm. †Delepineinae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Delepinea
G. †Mongolochonetes Afanasjeva 1991
Subfm. †Lamellosiinae Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Lamellosia Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Parademonedys Yang 1984
Subfm. †Plicochonetinae Sokolskaja 1960
Tr. †Plicochonetini Sokolskaya 1960
G. †Prorugaria Waterhouse 1982
Tr. †Rugariini Waterhouse 2004
Subfm. †Quinquenellinae Archbold 1981
G. †Quinquenella Waterhouse 1975
G. †Sandrella Waterhouse 1985
Subfm. †Rugosochonetinae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Alatochonetes Liang 1990
G. †Arctochonetes Ifanova 1968
G. †Chaohochonetes He and Shi 2014
G. †Chonetinella Ramsbottom 1952
G. †Fusichonetes Liao 1981
Invalid names: Tethyochonetes Chen et al. 2000 [synonym]
G. †Isochonetes Ayzenverg 1985
G. †Jakutochonetes Afanasjeva 1977
G. †Kanokurachonetes Afanasjeva and Tazawa 2010
G. †Komukia Waterhouse 1982
G. †Linshuichonetes Campi and Shi 2002
G. †Nisalarinia Waterhouse 2004
G. †Pygmochonetes Jin and Hu 1978
G. †Rugosochonetes Sokolskaja 1950
Invalid names: Nix Easton 1962 [synonym]
G. †Schistochonetes Roberts 1971
G. †Sokolskya
Subfm. †Striochonetinae Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
G. †Striochonetes Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
Invalid names: Binderochonetes Afanasjeva 2004 [synonym], Ratburia Yanagida 1970 [synonym]
Subfm. †Svalbardiinae Archbold 1982
G. †Brachiosvalbardia Ceccolini and Cianferoni 2023
Invalid names: Svalbardia Barkhatova 1970 [replaced]
G. †Capillonia Waterhouse 1973
G. †Chonetinetes Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Dyoros Stehli 1954
Invalid names: Stauromata Hoover 1981 [synonym]
G. †Eolissochonetes Hoare 1960
G. †Kitakamichonetes Afanasjeva and Tazawa 2007
G. †Komiella Barkhatova 1970
G. †Leurosina Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Lissochonetes Dunbar and Condra 1932
G. †Quadrochonetes Stehli 1954
G. †Sulcataria Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Tivertonia Archbold 1983
Subfm. †Undulellinae Cooper and Grant 1975
G. †Micraphelia Cooper and Grant 1969
G. †Subtilichonetes Afanasjeva 2011
G. †Undulella Cooper and Grant 1969
Invalid names: Chonetinellinae Muir-Wood 1962 [empty], Riosanetinae Martinez Chacon and Winkler Prins 2000 [empty]
Fm. †Strophochonetidae Muir-Wood 1962
Subfm. †Parachonetinae Johnson 1970
Subfm. †Protochonetinae Racheboeuf 2000
G. †Eoplicanoplia Boucot and Harper 1968
G. †Protochonetes Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Shagamella Boucot and Harper 1968
Subfm. †Strophochonetinae Muir-Wood 1962
G. †Amosina
G. †Archaeochonetes Racheboeuf and Copper 1986
G. †Babina
G. †Borealinetes Racheboeuf and Lesperance 1995
Invalid names: Hemichonetes Racheboeuf 1981 [objective synonym], Philippotia [synonym]
G. †Johnsonetes Racheboeuf 1987
Invalid names: Megaspinochonetes [objective synonym], Shiqianella [objective synonym]
G. †Strophochonetes Muir-Wood 1962
Invalid names: Chonetacea Bronn 1862 [replaced]
G. †Colletostracia Farrell 1992
Superfm. †Fardenioidea Williams 1965
Invalid names: Fardeniidae Williams 1965 [empty]
G. †Lapasnia
Superfm. †Plectambonitoidea Jones 1928
Fm. †Aegiromenidae Havlicek 1961
G. †Aegiria Opik 1933
Subg. †Aegiria (Epelidoaegiria) Strusz 1982
Aegiria apta Huang et al. 2019
Aegiria garthensis Jones 1928
Aegiria norvegica Opik 1933
Invalid names: Aegironetes [synonym]
G. †Aegiromena Havlícek 1961
Subg. †Aegiromena (Aegiromenella) Rong et al. 2013
Aegiromena aquila Barrande 1848
Aegiromena descendens Havlicek 1952
Aegiromena durbenensis Nikitin 1980
Aegiromena mariana Chauvel et al. 1969
Aegiromena meneghiniana Vinassa 1927
G. †Chonetoidea Jones 1928
Chonetoidea enbektenensis Popov and Cocks 2014
Chonetoidea homolensis Havlicek 1967
Chonetoidea iduna Opik 1933
Chonetoidea obliqua Jin and Chatterton 1997
Chonetoidea radiatula Barrande 1879
Invalid names: Chonetoidea papillosa Reed 1905 [synonym]
Invalid names: Sentolunia [synonym]
G. †Epelidoaegiria Strusz 1982
Epelidoaegiria minuta Mitchell 1923
G. †Gatosella Benedetto 2012
Gatosella muricata Benedetto 2012
G. †Jonesea Cocks and Rong 1989
Jonesea aknistensis Rybnikova 1967
Jonesea cocksi Zhang 1989
Jonesea grayi Davidson 1849
Invalid names: Plectodonta aknistensis Rybnikova 1967 [synonym]
Jonesea undulata Jin and Chatterton 1997
G. †Mezounia
Multiridgia elegans Zeng 1987
G. †Nabiaoia
G. †Sericoidea Lindström 1953
Sericoidea abdita Whittington and Williams 1955
Sericoidea craigensis Reed 1917
Invalid names: Sericoidea gamma Spjeldnaes 1957 [synonym]
Sericoidea minor Percival 1979
Sericoidea minuta Zhan et al. 2014
Sericoidea restricta Hadding 1913
Sericoidea sejuncta Percival 1979
G. †Tenuimena Nikitina et al. 2006
Tenuimena planissima Nikitina et al. 2006
Fm. †Allwynellidae Hints and Harper 2008
G. †Alwynella Spjeldnaes 1957
Alwynella ildjernensis Spjeldnaes 1957
Alwynella intermedia Spjeldnaes 1957
Alwynella osloensis Spjeldnaes 1957
Fm. †Bimuriidae Cooper 1956
G. †Asperdelia Nikitina et al. 2006
Asperdelia villosa Nikitina et al. 2006
G. †Bimuria Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Subg. †Bimuria (Bimuria) Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Bimuria buttsi Cooper 1956
Bimuria californiensis Potter 1990
Bimuria dyfiensis Lockley 1980
Bimuria immatura Cooper 1956
Bimuria parvula Cooper 1956
Bimuria perrugata Reed 1945
Bimuria popovi Cocks 2005
Bimuria superba Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Bimuria youngiana Davidson 1870
G. †Craspedelia Cooper 1956
Craspedelia gabata Williams 1962
Craspedelia marginata Cooper 1956
Craspedelia potterella Rasmussen et al. 2012
Craspedelia roomusoksi Nikitin and Popov 1996
Fm. †Christianiidae Williams 1953
G. †Christiania Hall and Clarke 1892
Christiania aseptata Rasmussen et al. 2012
Christiania bilobata Reed 1917
Christiania egregia Popov 1985
Christiania elongata Spjeldnaes 1957
Christiania hastata Rukavishnikova 1956
Christiania hollii Davidson 1871
Christiania holtedahli Spjeldnaes 1957
Christiania magna Sheehan 1987
Christiania nilssoni Sheehan 1973
Christiania perrugata Reed 1945
Christiania portlocki Mitchell 1977
Christiania proclivis Popov and Cocks 2006
Christiania skolia Percival 1991
Christiania sulcata Williams 1962
Christiania trentonensis Ruedemann 1909
Invalid names: Christianella [synonym]
G. †Nubialba Neuman 1994
Nubialba forbesi Neuman 1994
Fm. †Grorudiidae Cocks and Rong 1989
G. †Calyptolepta Neuman 1976
Calyptolepta diaphragma Neuman 1976
Invalid names: Yuanbaella [synonym]
G. †Diambonioidea Zeng 1987
Diambonioidea koknaiensis Popov and Cocks 2014
G. †Grorudia Spjeldnaes 1957
Grorudia glabrata Spjeldnaes 1957
Grorudia grorudi Spjeldnaes 1957
Grorudia morrisoni Hints and Harper 2008
G. †Railtonella Laurie 1991
Railtonella scanloni Laurie 1991
Fm. †Hesperomenidae Cooper 1956
G. †Anoptambonites Williams 1962
Anoptambonites convexus Popov et al. 2002
Anoptambonites exedra Percival 1991
Anoptambonites grayae Davidson 1883
Anoptambonites kovalevskii Popov et al. 2000
Anoptambonites monetus Barrande 1879
Anoptambonites pulchra Cooper 1956
Anoptambonites subcarinata Nikitin and Popov 1996
G. †Aulie
Chaganella speciosa Percival 1991
Invalid names: Tylambonites Percival 1991 [synonym]
G. †Hesperomena Cooper 1956
Hesperomena canadensis Norford and Ross 1978
G. †Kassinella Borissiak 1956
Subg. †Kassinella (Kassinella) Zhan and Cocks 1998
Subg. †Kassinella (Trimurellina) Mitchell 1977
Kassinella anisa Percival 1979
Kassinella globosa Borissiak 1956
Kassinella kasbalensis Popov and Cocks 2014
Kassinella tarimensis Zhan et al. 2014
Kassinella tchingisensis Klenina 1984
G. †Rongambonites Zhan and Cocks 1998
Fm. †Leptellinidae Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Anchoramena Benedetto 1995
Anchoramena cristata Benedetto 1995
Subfm. †Leptellininae Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Acculina Misius and Ushatinskaya 1977
G. †Bekkerella Rosenstein 1943
G. †Benignites Havlíček 1952
G. †Dulankarella Rukavishnikova 1956
G. †Kajnaria
Invalid names: Pseudoleptellina [synonym]
G. †Kilbuchomena Candela and Harper 2009
G. †Leptastichidia Zhan and Jin 2005
G. †Leptellina Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Invalid names: Qianjiangella [synonym]
G. †Leptelloidea Jones 1928
G. †Mabella Klenina 1984
Invalid names: Wiradjuriella Percival 1991 [synonym]
G. †Reversella Liu et al. 1983
G. †Shlyginia Nikitin and Popov 1983
Subfm. †Palaeostrophomeninae Cocks and Rong 1989
G. †Apatomorpha Cooper 1956
G. †Glyptambonites Cooper 1956
G. †Goniotrema Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Ishimia Nikitin 1974
G. †Lepidomena Laurie 1991
G. †Nikitinamena Popov and Cocks 2006
G. †Onegia Andreev 1993
G. †Palaeostrophomena Holtedahl 1916
G. †Titanambonites Cooper 1956
G. †Toquimia
G. †Ujukites
G. †Tesikella Popov et al. 2002
Tesikella necopina Popov et al. 2002
Invalid names: Leptelloidinae Cooper 1956 [empty], Leptestiininae Havlíček 1961 [empty]
Fm. †Leptestiidae Opik 1933
G. †Bekella Nikitina et al. 2006
Bekella paula Nikitina et al. 2006
G. †Bilobia Cooper 1956
Bilobia alichovae Madison 2017
Bilobia etheridgei Davidson 1883
Bilobia musca Öpik 1930
Bilobia pisum Ruedemann 1901
Bilobia rosendahli Spjeldnaes 1957
Bilobia virginiensis Cooper 1956
Bilobia yichangensis Zeng 1987
G. †Leangella Opik 1933
Subg. †Leangella (Leangella) Opik 1933
Leangella cylindrica Reed 1917
Leangella scissa Davidson 1871
Leangella triangularis Holtedahl 1916
Invalid names: Diambonia Cooper and Kindle 1936 [synonym], Leangella Opik 1933 [synonym], Opikella [synonym]
G. †Leptestia Bekker 1922
Leptestia musculosa Bekker 1922
G. †Leptestiina Opik 1933
Leptestiina indentata Spjeldnaes 1957
Leptestiina oepiki Whittington 1938
Leptestiina prantli Havlicek 1952
G. †Sampo Opik 1933
Subg. †Sampo (Sampo) Opik 1933
Sampo hiiuensis Opik 1933
Sampo ruralis Reed 1917
Sampo suduvensis Paškevičius and Hints 2016
Sampo transversa Cocks 2014
G. †Sortanella Nikitin and Popov 1996
Sortanella quinquecostata Nikitin and Popov 1996
Invalid names: Isophragmatinae Cooper 1956 [empty], Isopiiragmatinae Cooper 1956 [empty]
Fm. †Plectambonitidae Kozlowski 1929
Subfm. †Plectambonitinae Jones 1928
G. †Akelina Severgina 1967
Invalid names: Humaella Zhu 1982 [synonym]
G. †Ingria Öpik 1930
Invalid names: Palinorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1936 [synonym]
G. †Plectambonites Pander 1830
G. †Plectella Lamansky 1901
Subfm. †Taphrodontinae Cooper 1956
G. †Bandaleta Nikitin and Popov 1996
G. †Isophragma Cooper 1956
G. †Nanambonites Liu 1976
G. †Uzunbulakia Nikitina et al. 2006
Invalid names: Leptestiinae Opik 1933 [empty], Plectellinae Öpik 1930 [empty]
Fm. †Sowerbyellidae Opik 1930
Subfm. †Anechophragminae Madison 2013
G. †Anechophragma Neuman 1976
Invalid names: Ujukella Andreev 1993 [synonym]
G. †Biseptata Madison 2013
G. †Hadroskolos Zhan and Jin 2005
Hadroskolos pentastichos Zhan and Jin 2005
G. †Jingshanella Zhan and Jin 2005
Jingshanella surculosa Zhan and Jin 2005
G. †Kozlowskites Havlicek 1952
Kozlowskites gracilis Jones 1928
Kozlowskites nuntius Barrande 1879
Invalid names: Kozlowskites ragnari Sheehan 1973 [synonym]
G. †Olgambonites Popov et al. 2002
Olgambonites insolita Popov et al. 2002
Subfm. †Ptychoglyptinae Cooper 1956
G. †Ptychoglyptus Willard 1928
Subfm. †Sowerbyellinae Opik 1930
G. †Anisopleurella Cooper 1956
Invalid names: Pseudoanisopleurella [synonym]
G. †Eochonetes Reed 1917
Invalid names: Thaerodonta Wang 1949 [synonym]
G. †Eoplectodonta Kozlowski 1929
G. †Gunningblandella Percival 1979
G. †Plectodonta Kozlowski 1929
G. †Sowerbyella Jones 1928
Subfm. †Xenambonitinae Cooper 1956
G. †Metambonites Zhan and Rong 1995
G. †Synambonites Zhan and Rong 1995
G. †Xenambonites Cooper 1956
G. †Zhilgyzambonites Popov et al. 2002
Zhilgyzambonites extenuata Popov et al. 2002
Fm. †Strophodontidae Caster 1939
Subg. †Lissostrophia (Lissostrophia) Dunbar 1920
Lissostrophia cooperi Amsden 1949
G. †Megastrophia Caster 1939
Subg. †Megastrophia (Eomegastrophia) Cocks 1967
Subg. †Megastrophia (Megastrophia) Caster 1939
Megastrophia iddingsi Merriam 1940
Megastrophia transitans Johnson 1970
G. †Parapholidostrophia Johnson 1971
G. †Pholidostrophia Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Strophomena (Strophodonta) Hall 1852
Stropheodonta asella de Verneuil 1845
Stropheodonta concava Hall 1857
Stropheodonta corrugatella Davidson 1871
Invalid names: Orthis corrugata Portlock 1843 [replaced]
Stropheodonta filicosta Johnson 1970
Stropheodonta magnacosta Johnson 1970
Subg. †Strophodonta (Strophodonta) Hall 1852
Strophodonta corrugata Conrad 1842
Strophodonta titan Imbrie 1959
Strophodonta umbonata Cooper and Dutro 1982
Strophodonta variabilis Calvin 1878
Invalid names: Cymbistropheodonta Harper and Boucot 1978 [synonym]
Strophonelloides deeringi Stainbrook 1945
Strophonelloides dorsoconvexus Cooper and Dutro 1982
Strophonelloides parvulus Cooper and Dutro 1982
Fm. †Syndielasmatidae Cooper 1956
G. †Sowerbyites Teichert 1937
Sowerbyites delicatus Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites hami Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites hibernicus Mitchell 1977
Sowerbyites isotes Percival 1991
Sowerbyites lamellosus Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites medioseptatus Teichert 1937
Sowerbyites subnasutus Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites triseptatus Willard 1928
Sowerbyites vesciseptus Percival 1979
Sowerbyites wahringaensis Percival et al. 2001
G. †Syndielasma Cooper 1956
Syndielasma biseptatum Cooper 1956
Fm. †Taffiidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Subfm. †Ahtiellinae Opik 1933
G. †Ahtiella Öpik 1932
G. †Borua
G. †Guttasella Neuman 1976
G. †Inversella Opik 1933
G. †Schedophyla Neuman 1971
G. †Bockelia Neuman and Bruton 1989
Bockelia angusticostata Neuman and Bruton 1989
Bockelia canalis Benedetto 2015
G. †Halirhachis Zhan and Jin 2005
Halirhachis leonina Brunton and Lazarev 1997
Subfm. †Leptellinae Williams 1965
G. †Huacoella Benedetto and Herrera 1993
G. †Leptella Hall and Clarke 1892
Invalid names: Eosericoidea [synonym]
G. †Niquivilia Benedetto and Herrera 1993
Subfm. †Pelonomiinae Cocks and Rong 1989
G. †Pelonomia Cooper 1965
Subfm. †Taffiinae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Amadeuphyla Jakobsen et al. 2014
G. †Aporthophyla Ulrich and Cooper 1938
G. †Aporthophylina Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Invalid names: Archambona Cooper 1988 [synonym]
G. †Taffia Butts 1926
G. †Tinopena Laurie 1997
Tinopena shergoldi Laurie 1997
Subfm. †Ukoainae Pedersen and Rasmussen 2019
G. †Ukoa Öpik 1932
Invalid names: Alwynellidae Hints and Harper 2008 [empty], Paucicostella [nomen dubium], Plectambonitacea Jones 1928 [replaced], Tafflidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931 [empty], Xenambonitidae Cooper 1956 [empty]
G. †Prototeguliferina Licharew 1960
G. †Reticulatochonetes Bublichenko 1956
Superfm. †Stropheodontoidea Caster 1939
Fm. †Stropheodontidae Caster 1939
Subfm. †Stropheodontinae Caster 1939
G. †Origostrophia Mitchell 1977
Invalid names: Brachyprioninae Harper and Boucot 1978 [empty], Leptostrophiinae Caster 1939 [empty]
Superfm. †Strophomenoidea King 1846
Fm. †Amphistrophiidae Harper 1973
Subfm. †Amphistrophiinae Harper 1973
G. †Amphistrophia Hall and Clarke 1892
Invalid names: Strophonellites [synonym]
G. †Eoamphistrophia Harper and Boucot 1978
G. †Eocymostrophia Baarli 1995
Eocymostrophia balderi Baarli 1995
G. †Mesodouvillina Williams 1950
Invalid names: Planodouvillina [synonym]
Subfm. †Mesodouvillinae Harper and Boucot 1978
G. †Harperoides Baranov and Blodgett 2016
Subfm. †Mesodouvillininae Harper and Boucot 1978
G. †Maoristrophia Allan 1947
Invalid names: Mclearnitesella [synonym]
Fm. †Dicoelostrophiidae Wang and Rong 1986
Fm. †Douvillinidae Caster 1939
Subfm. †Douvillininae Caster 1939
Subfm. †Protodouvillininae Harper and Boucot 1978
G. †Cymostrophia Caster 1939
Invalid names: Fibulistrophia [synonym]
Invalid names: Sinoshaleria [synonym]
G. †Nadiastrophia Talent 1963
Invalid names: Xenostrophia [synonym]
G. †Radiomena
Invalid names: Ancylostrophia [synonym]
Invalid names: Kinelina [synonym]
Fm. †Eopholidostrophiidae Rong and Cocks 1994
G. †Mesopholidostrophia Williams 1950
Mesopholidostrophia laevigata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Invalid names: Pholidostrophia (Mesopholidostrophia) pellucida Williams 1950 [synonym]
Mesopholidostrophia nitens Williams 1950
Invalid names: Mesolissostrophia [synonym]
Fm. †Foliomenidae Williams 1965
G. †Foliomena Havlicek 1952
Foliomena folium Barrande 1879
Foliomena prisca Popov et al. 2002
Foliomena xinjiangensis Zhan et al. 2014
Invalid names: Jielingia [synonym]
Fm. †Furcitellidae Williams 1965
G. †Bekkerina Roomusoks 1993
Bekkerina assatkini Alichova 1951
Bekkerina dorsata Bekker 1921
Bekkerina raricostellata Roomusoks 1993
G. †Biparetis Amsden 1974
Biparetis caledonia Cocks 2008
Biparetis paucirugosus Amsden 1974
G. †Crassoseptaria Roomusoks 2004
Crassoseptaria virve Roomusoks 1985
G. †Cyphomenoidea Cocks 1968
Cyphomenoidea bella Williams 1951
Cyphomenoidea wisgoriensis Lamont and Gilbert 1945
G. †Dactylogonia Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Dactylogonia alternata Cooper 1956
Dactylogonia blyskavensis Havlicek 1967
Dactylogonia costellata Liljeroth et al. 2017
Dactylogonia extensa Cooper 1956
Dactylogonia geniculata Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Dactylogonia obsoleta Butts 1926
Dactylogonia palustris Willard 1928
Dactylogonia sculpturata Cooper 1956
Dactylogonia semiglobosina Davidson 1870
Invalid names: Blyskavomena Havlicek 1976 [synonym], Cyphomena Cooper 1956 [synonym]
Dzhebaglina plicata Popov et al. 2000
G. †Furcitella Cooper 1956
Furcitella nodosa Dewing 1999
Furcitella plicata Cooper 1956
Furcitella scofieldi Winchell and Schuchert 1892
G. †Geniculina Roomusoks 1993
Geniculina ralfi Roomusoks 2004
Geniculina vironiensis Roomusoks 2004
Geniculina voorensis Roomusoks 2004
G. †Geniculomena Percival 2009
Geniculomena barnesi Percival 2009
G. †Haljalanites Roomusoks 2004
Haljalanites anijana Opik 1930
Haljalanites assatkini Alichova 1951
Haljalanites grandis Alikhova 1953
G. †Karomena Popov et al. 2000
Karomena squalida Popov et al. 2000
G. †Katastrophomena Cocks 1968
Katastrophomena agrestis Bancroft 1949
Katastrophomena antiquata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Katastrophomena catalorni Sheehan 1987
Katastrophomena mackenzii Jin and Harper 2024
Katastrophomena maxima Rong et al. 1974
Katastrophomena modesta Rong and Yang 1981
Katastrophomena parvicardinis Jin and Chatterton 1997
Katastrophomena scabrosa Davidson 1847
Katastrophomena scotica Bancroft 1949
Katastrophomena zheganensis Rong et al. 2013
G. †Kirkina
Kirkina millardensis Salmon 1942
G. †Luhaia Roomusoks 1956
Luhaia bakanasensis Klenina 1984
Luhaia candelabra Cocks 2005
Luhaia vardi Roomusoks 1956
G. †Maakina
Maakina parvuliformis Rozman 1972
G. †Mansina
G. †Megamyonia Wang 1949
Megamyonia arethusa Billings 1862
Megamyonia breviuscula Foerste 1917
Megamyonia gracilis Twenhofel 1928
Megamyonia knighti Wang 1949
Megamyonia mankini Alberstadt 1973
Megamyonia nitens Billings 1860
Megamyonia unicostata Meek and Worthen 1868
Megamyonia vaurealensis Twenhofel 1928
G. †Molongcola Percival 1991
Molongcola variabilis Percival 1991
G. †Murinella Cooper 1956
Murinella biconvexa Cooper 1956
Murinella jakutensis Andreeva 1961
Murinella muralis Cooper 1956
Murinella partita Cooper 1956
Murinella walliensis Percival 1991
G. †Oepikina Salmon 1942
Oepikina anijana Opik 1930
Oepikina banksi Laurie 1991
Oepikina bellula Cooper 1956
Oepikina gregaria Cooper 1956
Oepikina inquassa Sardeson 1892
Oepikina lata Whiteaves 1896
Oepikina limbrata Wang 1949
Oepikina minnesotensis Winchell 1881
Oepikina pergibbosa Foerste 1917
Invalid names: Oepikina altidorsata Bradley 1921 [synonym]
Oepikina septata Salmon 1942
Oepikina speciosa Cooper 1956
Oepikina tumida Wilson 1944
Invalid names: Oepikinella [synonym]
G. †Oslomena Spjeldnaes 1957
Oslomena celtica Harper 1952
Oslomena osloensis Spjeldnaes 1957
Oslomena papillo Spjeldnaes 1957
G. †Panderites Roomusoks 1993
Panderites imbrex Pander 1830
Invalid names: Plectambonites triangularis Pander 1830 [synonym]
G. †Pentlandina Bancroft 1949
Pentlandina harperi Zhang 1989
Pentlandina lamelliformis Jin and Chatterton 1997
Pentlandina lewisii Davidson 1847
Pentlandina loveni Verneuil 1848
Pentlandina parvula Kindle 1915
Pentlandina tartana Bancroft 1949
G. †Quondongia Percival 1991
Quondongia alitis Percival 1991
G. †Sakunites Roomusoks 2004
Sakunites luhi Sokolskaya 1954
G. †Tallinnites Roomusoks 1993
Tallinnites imbrexoidea Sokolskaya 1954
Tallinnites peetriensis Roomusoks 2004
Invalid names: Kukrusena Roomusoks 2004 [synonym]
Teratelasmella chugaevae Popov et al. 2002
G. †Titanomena Bergström 1968
Titanomena grandis Bergström 1968
G. †Transridgeia Rasmussen et al. 2012
Transridgeia costata Rasmussen et al. 2012
G. †Trigrammaria Wilson 1945
Trigrammaria altilis Wilson 1945
Trigrammaria ampla Percival 1991
Trigrammaria cassata Williams 1962
Trigrammaria estonica Roomusoks 1985
Trigrammaria minima Roomusoks 1985
Trigrammaria trigonalis Wilson 1945
Trigrammaria winchelli Hall and Clarke 1892
Invalid names: Microtrypa Wilson 1945 [synonym]
G. †Trotlandella Neuman and Bruton 1974
Trotlandella loki Neuman and Bruton 1974
Fm. †Glyptomenidae Williams 1965
G. †Cheramomena Zhan et al. 2008
Cheramomena subsolana Zhan et al. 2008
Subfm. †Glyptomeninae Williams 1965
G. †Avdeevella Baranov 2017
G. †Buminomena Popov and Cocks 2014
G. †Bystromena Williams 1974
G. †Glyptomena Cooper 1956
G. †Hesperinia Cooper 1956
G. †Mjoesina Spjeldnaes 1957
G. †Paromalomena Rong 1984
Invalid names: Shanomena Cocks and Fortey 2002 [objective synonym]
G. †Pionomena
G. †Platymena Cooper 1956
G. †Pomeromena Mitchell 1977
G. †Primotimena Zhan et al. 2013
G. †Proboscisambon Havlicek and Mergl 1982
G. †Qianomena Rong and Yang 1981
G. †Resupinsculpta Percival 2009
G. †Glyptomenoides Popov and Cocks 2006
G. †Lateriseptomena Zhan et al. 2008
Lateriseptomena modesta Zhan et al. 2008
Lateriseptomena rugosa Zhan et al. 2008
G. †Minutomena Zeng et al. 2016
Minutomena yichangensis Zeng et al. 2016
Subfm. †Teratelasminae Pope 1976
G. †Trondomena Cocks 2005
G. †Ungulomena Cocks 2005
G. †Idioglyptus Northrop 1939
Idioglyptus stigmatus Northrop 1939
Fm. †Leptaenoideidae Williams 1953
G. †Leptaenisca Beecher 1890
Leptaenisca concava Hall 1857
Leptaenisca irregularis Amsden 1951
G. †Leptaenoidea Hedström 1917
Leptaenoidea rugata Lindström 1861
Leptaenoidea silurica Hedström 1917
G. †Liljevallia Hedstrom 1917
Liljevallia amorpha Zhang 1989
Liljevallia gotlandica Hedstrom 1917
Liljevallia vieillensis Northrop 1939
Fm. †Leptodontellidae Williams 1965
Invalid names: Altaestrophia [synonym]
Sulcatostrophia calvini Miller 1883
Sulcatostrophia euglyphea Stainbrook 1945
Invalid names: Pseudodouvillina Stainbrook 1945 [synonym]
Fm. †Leptostrophiidae Caster 1939
G. †Brachyprion Shaler 1865
Subg. †Brachyprion (Brachyprion) Shaler 1865
Subg. †Brachyprion (Eomegastrophia) Cocks 1967
Subg. †Brachyprion (Erinostrophia) Cocks and Worsley 1993
Brachyprion arenacea Davidson 1871
Brachyprion arenaceus Lamont and Gilbert 1945
Brachyprion attenuata Amsden 1951
Brachyprion kurzemensis Rybnikova 1966
Brachyprion leda Billings 1860
Brachyprion mirabilis Johnson 1970
Brachyprion portlocki Reed 1952
Brachyprion robustus Twenhofel 1928
Castellaroina fascifer Kayser 1897
Castellaroina fuertensis Benedetto and Montoya 2015
Castellaroina telimelensis Racheboeuf and Villeneuve 1992
G. †Eomegastrophia Cocks 1967
Eomegastrophia ethica Cocks 1967
Eomegastrophia philomena Billings 1860
G. †Eostropheodonta Bancroft 1949
Eostropheodonta chilcaensis Benedetto 1995
Eostropheodonta conradii Harrington 1950
Eostropheodonta delicata Baarli 1995
Eostropheodonta discumbata Cocks et al. 1970
Invalid names: Eostropheodonta siluriana Davidson 1871 [synonym], Eostropheodonta whittingtoni Bancroft 1949 [synonym]
Eostropheodonta luna Angelin and Lindström 1880
Eostropheodonta schmalenseei Bergström 1968
Eostropheodonta squamosa Havlicek 1971
Invalid names: Eostropheodonta jebiletensis Havlicek 1971 [synonym]
Eostropheodonta ultrix Marek and Havlíček 1967
Invalid names: Aphanomena Bergstrom 1968 [synonym], Neokjaerina [synonym]
Gibberostrophia gibbera Amsden 1958
G. †Leptostrophia Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Leptostrophia (Leptostrophia) Hall and Clarke 1892
Leptostrophia beckii Hall 1857
Leptostrophia reedi Bancroft 1949
Invalid names: Magniventra Harper and Boucot 1978 [synonym]
G. †Mesoleptostrophia Harper and Boucot 1978
Subg. †Mesoleptostrophia (Mesoleptostrophia) Harper and Boucot 1978
Mesoleptostrophia cocksi Havlicek and Storch 1990
Mesoleptostrophia filosa Sowerby 1839
Invalid names: Leptostrophiella [synonym], Mitchellella [synonym]
Nervostrophia extensa Cooper and Dutro 1982
Nervostrophia geniculata Cooper and Dutro 1982
Nervostrophia latissima Quenstedt 1871
Nervostrophia mucrospina Cooper and Dutro 1982
Nervostrophia multinervosa Stainbrook 1945
Nervostrophia plana Cooper and Dutro 1982
Nervostrophia solida Cooper and Dutro 1982
G. †Palaeoleptostrophia Rong and Cocks 1994
Palaeoleptostrophia compressa de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Palaeoleptostrophia tenuis Williams 1951
G. †Protoleptostrophia Caster 1939
Invalid names: Siberistrophia [synonym], Tastaria [synonym]
G. †Protomegastrophia Caster 1939
G. †Retrorstrophia Mottequin 2008
Retrorstrophia retrorsa Kayser 1881
G. †Viodostrophia Villas and Cocks 1996
G. †Playfairia Conrad 1839
Fm. †Rafinesquinidae Schuchert 1893
G. †Crassitestella Baarli 1995
Crassitestella reedi Cocks 1968
G. †Kiaeromena Spjeldnaes 1957
Subg. †Kiaeromena (Bekkeromena) Roomusoks 1963
Subg. †Kiaeromena (Kiaeromena) Spjeldnaes 1957
Invalid names: Kiaeromena (Estomena) Rõõmusoks 1989 [synonym]
Kiaeromena estonensis Bekker 1921
Invalid names: Leptaena trigonalis Schmidt 1908 [replaced]
Kiaeromena ungula McCoy 1851
G. †Kjaerina Bancroft 1929
Subg. †Kjaerina (Villasina) Colmenar 2016
Kjaerina bipartita Salter 1854
Kjaerina complanata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Kjaerina hartae Jin et al. 1995
Kjaerina hedstroemi Bancroft 1929
Kjaerina jonesi Bancroft 1929
Invalid names: Kjaerina horderleyensis Bancroft 1929 [synonym], Kjaerina intermedia Bancroft 1929 [synonym], Kjaerina latericostata Cocks 2010 [synonym], Kjaerina richteri Bancroft 1929 [synonym]
Kjaerina lepta Spjeldnaes 1957
Kjaerina orvikui Oraspold 1956
Kjaerina poljensis Alichova 1951
Kjaerina poljiensis Alichova 1951
Kjaerina typa Bancroft 1929
Invalid names: Kjaerina geniculata Bancroft 1929 [synonym]
G. †Kjerulfina Bancroft 1929
Kjerulfina broeggeri Holtedahl 1916
Kjerulfina foliovalve Spjeldnaes 1957
Kjerulfina limbata Spjeldnaes 1957
Kjerulfina polycyma Bancroft 1929
Kjerulfina trigonalis Bancroft 1929
Subfm. †Leptaeninae Hall and Clarke 1894
G. †Astamena Roomusoks 1989
G. †Estonomena Roomusoks 1989
G. †Glossoleptaena Havlicek 1967
Invalid names: Ludfordina Kelly 1967 [synonym]
G. †Harjumena Roomusoks 1993
G. †Hollardina Racheboeuf et al. 1982
G. †Lepidoleptaena Havlicek 1963
G. †Leptaena Dalman 1828
Invalid names: Kurnamena Roomusoks 1989 [synonym], Leptaenopoma Marek and Havlíček 1967 [synonym], Orhoria Havlicek and Storch 1990 [synonym], Similoleptaena Roomusoks 1989 [synonym], Turgenostrophia [synonym]
G. †Leptaenopyxis Havlícek 1963
Invalid names: Adiaphragma [synonym], Semileptagonia [synonym]
G. †Mackerrovia Cocks 1968
G. †Notoleptaena Gill 1951
G. †Oandumena Roomusoks 1989
Invalid names: Elliptostrophia [synonym], Yunnanoleptaena [synonym]
G. †Schmidtomena Roomusoks 1989
G. †Tchadania
Invalid names: Leptaenidae Hall and Clarke 1894 [replaced]
Subfm. †Rafinesquininae Schuchert 1893
G. †Colaptomena Cooper 1956
Invalid names: Macrocoelia [synonym]
G. †Dirafinesquina Cocks and Zhan 1998
G. †Hedstroemina Bancroft 1929
G. †Heteromena Zhan and Jin 2005
G. †Odoratus
G. †Pentagomena Zhan and Jin 2005
G. †Pirgumena Roomusoks 1993
G. †Rafinesquina Hall and Clarke 1892
G. †Rakverina Roomusoks 1993
G. †Shuangheella Zhan et al. 2013
G. †Testaprica Percival 2009
G. †Virunites Roomusoks 2004
G. †Scamnomena Bassett 1977
Scamnomena rugata Lindström 1861
G. †Rhenostrophia Boucot 1960
Fm. †Shaleriidae Williams 1965
G. †Shaleria Caster 1939
Subg. †Shaleria (Janiomya) Havlíček 1967
Subg. †Shaleria (Protoshaleria) Cocks and Rong 2000
Subg. †Shaleria (Shaleria) Harper and Boucot 1978
Subg. †Shaleria (Shaleriella) Harper and Boucot 1978
Shaleria dzwinogrodensis Kozlowski 1929
Shaleria gilpeni Dawson 1881
Invalid names: Protoshaleria [synonym]
Fm. †Strophomenidae King 1846
G. †Bellimurina Cooper 1956
Subg. †Bellimurina (Bellimurina) Cooper 1956
Bellimurina compressa Cooper 1956
Bellimurina concentrica Cooper 1956
Bellimurina incommoda Williams 1963
Bellimurina sarytumensis Popov et al. 2002
Bellimurina subquadrata Cooper 1956
Bellimurina sulcata Cooper 1956
G. †Chunanomena Zhan et al. 2008
Chunanomena sembellina Zhan et al. 2008
Chunanomena triporcata Zhan et al. 2008
G. †Gosaukammerella Senowbari-Daryan and Flügel 1996
G. †Iberomena Villas 1995
Iberomena sardoa Vinassa 1927
G. †Nasutimena Jin and Zhan 2001
Nasutimena fluctuosa Billings 1860
Nasutimena undulosa Roy 1941
G. †Opikina Salmon 1942
Opikina clara Okulitch 1935
Opikina expatiata Cooper 1956
Opikina extensa Cooper 1956
Opikina glabella Cooper 1956
Opikina matutina Cooper 1956
Opikina nasuta Cooper 1956
Opikina parvula Cooper 1956
Opikina platys Wilson 1944
Opikina rugosa Wilson 1921
Opikina septata Salmon 1942
Opikina varia Cooper 1956
G. †Oxostrophomena Nikitina et al. 2006
Oxostrophomena dubia Rukavishnikova 1956
G. †Septomena Roomusoks 1989
Leptaena (Septomena) alaskensis Rasmussen et al. 2012
Septomena alliku Oraspold 1956
Septomena crypta Öpik 1930
Septomena cryptoides Oraspold 1956
Septomena senecta Roomusoks 2004
Subfm. †Strophomeninae King 1846
G. †Actinomena Opik 1930
G. †Drummuckina Bancroft 1949
G. †Esilia
G. †Gunnarella Spjeldnaes 1957
G. †Holtedahlina Foerste 1924
G. †Infurca Percival 1979
G. †Leigerina Roomusoks 2004
G. †Longvillia Bancroft 1933
G. †Ochyromena Zhan et al. 2013
G. †Pseudostrophomena Roomusoks 1963
G. †Rhipidomena Cooper 1956
G. †Rugomena Rõõmusoks 1993
G. †Saxbyonia Roomusoks 2004
G. †Semnanostrophia Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
G. †Strophomena Rafinesque and De Blainville 1824
G. †Tetraphalerella Wang 1949
Invalid names: Leptaenoideinae Williams 1953 [empty], Oepikinae Sokolskaya 1960 [empty], Orthotetinae Waagen 1884 [empty], Rafinesquinae Pander [empty]
Fm. †Strophonellidae Caster 1939
G. †Chronostrophonella Cocks 2008
G. †Eostrophonella Williams 1950
Eostrophonella antiqua Rozman 1977
Eostrophonella davidsoni Holtedahl 1916
Eostrophonella eothen Williams 1951
Eostrophonella polita Bancroft 1949
G. †Strophonella Hall 1879
Subg. †Strophonella (Quasistrophonella) Harper and Boucot 1978
Subg. †Strophonella (Strophonella) Hall 1879
Strophonella bohemica Barrande 1848
Strophonella eothen Williams 1951
Strophonella extensa Northrop 1939
Strophonella laxiplicata Foerste 1903
Strophonella loeblichi Amsden 1951
Strophonella patenta Hall 1852
Invalid names: Costistrophonella [synonym], Strophoprion Twenhofel 1914 [synonym]
G. †Syntrophodonta Struve 1982
Invalid names: Strophomenacea King 1846 [replaced], Strophomenidea King 1846 [empty]
G. †Subtransmena Strave 1981
Invalid names: Davidsoniacea King 1850 [empty], Lamcispinifera Sepkoski 2002 [nomen nudum], Martiniacea Waagen 1883 [empty], Pholidostrophidae Stainbrook 1943 [empty], Strophomenidina Opik 1934 [empty]
No diagnoses are available