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Chasmosaurus belli

Reptilia - Ceratopsidae

Monoclonius belli was named by Lambe (1902). Its type specimen is NMC 491, a skull, and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Chasmosaurus type, Berry Creek, GSC (NMC), which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Dinosaur Park Formation of Canada.

It was recombined as Ceratops belli by Hatcher et al. (1907), Brown (1914) and Huene (1927); it was recombined as Protorosaurus belli by Brown (1914) and Lambe (1914); it was misspelled as Chasmosaurus billi by Drake (1980); it was recombined as Chasmosaurus belli by Lambe (1914), Lambe (1914), Lambe (1915), Lambe (1915), Lambe (1916), Abel (1924), Parks (1925), Hay (1930), Russell (1934), Russell (1935), Parks (1935), Sternberg (1940), Wiman (1942), Gray (1946), Lull and Gray (1949), Tatarinov (1964), Kuhn (1964), Russell (1964), Russell (1966), Swinton (1970), Russell (1984), Lehman (1989), Dodson and Currie (1990), Lehman (1990), Lehman (1993), Forster and Sereno (1993), Godfrey and Holmes (1995), Lehman (1996), Lehman (1998), Eberth et al. (2001), Dodson et al. (2004), Diem and Archibald (2005), Ryan and Evans (2005), Currie (2005), Lucas et al. (2006), Campione and Holmes (2006), Farke (2007), Lehman (2007), Ryan (2007), Longrich (2008), Currie et al. (2008), Hunt and Lehman (2008), Hieronymus et al. (2009), Longrich (2010), Christiansen and Tschopp (2010), Ryan et al. (2010), Maidment and Barrett (2011), Eberth and Evans (2011), Farke (2011), Farke et al. (2011), Currie and Koppelhus (2014), Longrich (2014), Konishi (2015), Campbell et al. (2016), Lund et al. (2016), van der Reest and Currie (2017) and Son et al. (2022).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1902Monoclonius belli Lambe p. 66
1905Monoclonius belli Lambe p. 23
1907Ceratops belli Hatcher et al. pp. 96–97, 173
1914Ceratops belli Brown p. 378
1914Protorosaurus belli Brown p. 562
1914Protorosaurus belli Lambe pp. 131-132
1914Chasmosaurus belli Lambe pp. 149-155
1915Chasmosaurus belli Lambe p. 12
1916Chasmosaurus belli Lambe p. 196
1924Chasmosaurus belli Abel p. 712
1925Chasmosaurus belli Parks p. 5
1927Ceratops belli Huene p. 261
1930Chasmosaurus belli Hay p. 223
1934Chasmosaurus belli Russell p. 368
1935Chasmosaurus belli Parks p. 194
1935Chasmosaurus belli Russell p. 378
1940Chasmosaurus belli Sternberg p. 478
1942Chasmosaurus belli Wiman p. 239 fig. 2
1946Chasmosaurus belli Gray p. 797
1949Chasmosaurus belli Lull and Gray p. 495
1964Chasmosaurus belli Kuhn p. 56
1964Chasmosaurus belli Russell p. 13
1964Chasmosaurus belli Tatarinov p. 585
1966Chasmosaurus belli Russell p. 17
1970Chasmosaurus belli Swinton p. 259
1980Chasmosaurus billi Drake p. 197
1984Chasmosaurus belli Russell p. 33
1989Chasmosaurus belli Lehman p. 139
1990Chasmosaurus belli Dodson and Currie p. 612
1990Chasmosaurus belli Lehman p. 225
1993Chasmosaurus belli Forster and Sereno p. 14
1993Chasmosaurus belli Lehman p. 284
1995Chasmosaurus belli Godfrey and Holmes p. 728
1996Chasmosaurus belli Lehman p. 505 fig. 10
1998Chasmosaurus belli Lehman p. 901
2001Chasmosaurus belli Eberth et al. p. 59
2004Chasmosaurus belli Dodson et al. p. 495
2005Chasmosaurus belli Currie p. 4
2005Chasmosaurus belli Diem and Archibald p. 251
2005Chasmosaurus belli Ryan and Evans p. 325
2006Chasmosaurus belli Campione and Holmes p. 1014
2006Chasmosaurus belli Lucas et al. p. 368
2007Chasmosaurus belli Farke p. 249
2007Chasmosaurus belli Lehman p. 259
2007Chasmosaurus belli Ryan p. 390
2008Chasmosaurus belli Currie et al. p. 84
2008Chasmosaurus belli Hunt and Lehman p. 1132
2008Chasmosaurus belli Longrich p. 994
2009Chasmosaurus belli Hieronymus et al. p. 1377
2010Chasmosaurus belli Christiansen and Tschopp p. 168
2010Chasmosaurus belli Longrich p. 683
2010Chasmosaurus belli Ryan et al. p. 185
2011Chasmosaurus belli Eberth and Evans p. 20
2011Chasmosaurus belli Farke p. 7
2011Chasmosaurus belli Farke et al. p. 693
2011Chasmosaurus belli Maidment and Barrett p. 4
2014Chasmosaurus belli Currie and Koppelhus p. 1036
2014Chasmosaurus belli Longrich p. 299
2015Chasmosaurus belli Konishi p. 609
2016Chasmosaurus belli Campbell et al. p. 34
2016Chasmosaurus belli Lund et al. p. 6
2017Chasmosaurus belli van der Reest and Currie p. 919
2022Chasmosaurus belli Son et al. p. 24

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Archosauromorpha(Huene 1946)
ArchosauriformesGauthier 1986

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Chasmosaurus belli Lambe 1902
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N. R. Longrich 2010Chasmosaurus exhibiting the following combination of characters: (1) lateral ramus of parietal posterior bar straight in dorsal view; (2) lateral rami of parietal posterior bar strongly divergent, separated by an angle of 140°–180°; (3) three or four pairs of parietal epoccipitals; (4) medial parietal epoccipitals coalesced and forming a low, ridge-like structure; (5) lateral pair of parietal epoccipitals large and subtriangular; (6) orbital horns reduced, their length being no more than 100% basal diameter.
S. C. R. Maidment and P. M. Barrett 2011Taxon displaying the combination of characters unique to the genus Chasmosaurus along with the following features: (1) parietal posterior bar bearing no median emargination and is nearly straight so that it forms a ‘T’ shape with the parietal median bar; (2) lateral pair of epiparietals large and triangular; others, when preserved, are smaller (after Godfrey & Holmes 1995). Both characters are autapomorphic for C. belli within Chasmosaurus.
J. A. Campbell et al. 2016Medial margin of posterior parietal bar straight (right and left halves of the bar meeting at a 180° angle at the midline) or shallowly embayed with the right and left halves meeting at an angle of not less than 136°.
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatiteo
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100o
Adult width: 1.0 to < 10o
Adult height: 1.0 to < 10o
Architecture: compact or denseo
Ontogeny: accretion, modification of partso
Grouping: gregariouso
Environment: terrestrialsubo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: ground dwellingsubo
Diet: herbivoresubo
Reproduction: oviparouso
Dispersal: direct/internalo
Dispersal 2: mobileo
Created: 2005-08-25 05:45:37
Modified: 2005-08-25 07:45:37
Source: g = genus, subo = suborder, o = order
References: Norman and Weishampel 1991, Marsh 1875, Peczkis 1995

Age range: Late/Upper Campanian or 83.50000 to 70.60000 Ma

Collections (7 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Canada (Alberta) Chasmosaurus belli (45730 58909 58954 59047 191258) Chasmosaurus sp. (59014) Monoclonius belli (type locality: 60873)