Classification of De Wever et al. 2001

Ph. Radiolaria Müller 1858 [radiolarian]
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Superor. Polycystina Ehrenberg 1838
Or. †Albaillellaria Deflandre 1953
Fm. †Albaillellidae Deflandre 1953
G. †Albaillella Deflandre 1952
Invalid names: Imotoella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Praeholdsworthella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Saturnalbaillella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Spinodeflandrella Kozur 1981 [synonym]
G. †Neoalbaillella Takemura and Nakaseko 1981
G. †Protoalbaillella Cheng 1986
Fm. †Ceratoikiscidae Holdsworth 1969
G. †Ceratoikiscum Deflandre 1953
G. †Circulaforma Cheng 1986
G. †Glanta Wakamatsu et al. 1990
G. †Helenifore Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
Invalid names: Nazaromistonella Furutani 1990 [synonym]
G. †Holoeciscus Foreman 1963
Invalid names: Eoalbaillella Feng and Liu 1993 [synonym]
G. †Lapidopiscum Deflandre and Holdsworth 1958
Invalid names: Huasha Cheng 1986 [synonym]
G. †Raphidociclicus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981
Fm. †Corythoecidae Nazarov 1981
G. †Arrectoalatus Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Camptoalatus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981
G. †Cornum Schwartzapfel and Holdsworth 1996
G. †Corythoecia Foreman 1963
Fm. †Follicucullidae Ormiston and Babcock 1979
G. †Follicucullus Ormiston and Babcock 1979
Invalid names: Ishigaconus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Pseudoalbaillella Holdsworth and Jones 1980
Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis Holdsworth and Jones 1980
Invalid names: Curvalbaillella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Foremanconus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Haplodiacanthus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981 [synonym], Kitoconus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Longtanella Sheng and Wang 1985 [synonym], Parafollicucullus Holdsworth and Jones 1980 [synonym], Yaoconus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Palacantholithidae Kozur and Mostler 1981 [empty]
Or. †Archaeospicularia Dumitrica et al. 2000
Fm. †Pseudorotasphaeridae Noble 1994
G. †Diparvapila MacDonald 1998
G. †Intracorpus Won 1997
G. †Palaeoactinosphaera Noble 1994
G. †Parvalanapila MacDonald 1998
G. †Pseudorotasphaera Noble 1994
G. †Stylactinosphaera Noble 1994
Invalid names: Echidninacea Kozur et al. 1996 [empty], Secuicollactacea Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [empty]
Or. Collodaria Haeckel 1881
Fm. Collosphaeridae Müller 1858
G. Acrosphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Buccinosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Collosphaera Müller 1855
G. Polysolenia Ehrenberg 1872
G. Siphonosphaera Müller 1858
G. †Trisolenia Ehrenberg 1860
Invalid names: Solenosphaera Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
Fm. Sphaerozoidae Haeckel 1862
G. Belonozoum Haeckel 1887
G. Collozoum Haeckel 1862
G. Raphidozoum Haeckel 1862
G. Sphaerozoum Meyen 1834
Fm. Thalassosphaeridae Haeckel 1862
G. Thalassoraphis Campbell 1951
G. Thalassosphaera Haeckel 1862
G. Thalassoxantium Haeckel 1881
Or. †Entactinaria Kozur and Mostler 1982
Fm. †Capnuchosphaeridae De Wever 1979
G. †Weverella Kozur and Mostler 1979
Fm. †Entactiniidae Riedel 1967
G. †Callella Won 1983
G. †Entactinia Foreman 1963
Invalid names: Apophysisphaera Won 1997 [synonym], Inaequalientactinia Won 1991 [synonym], Palaeoxyphostylus Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Fenestrula Yeh 1995
G. †Gracilentactinia Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Magnentactinia Won 1997
G. †Magnisphaera Won 1997
G. †Paratriposphaera Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Radiobisphaera Won 1997
G. †Stygmosphaerostylus Rüst 1892
G. †Triaenosphaera Deflandre 1973
G. †Trilonche Hinde 1899
Invalid names: Duosphaera Won 1998 [synonym], Entactinosphaera Foreman 1963 [synonym], Staurodruppa Hinde 1899 [synonym]
Fm. †Eptingiidae Dumitrica 1978
G. †Charlottea Carter et al. 1998
G. †Cryptostephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Divatella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Eptingium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Ferresium Blome 1984
G. †Perisphyridium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Protoperispyridium Yeh 1987
G. †Pylostephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Spongostephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Tozerium Carter et al. 1998
G. †Triassistephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Xenorum Blome 1984
Fm. †Heptacladidae Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Heptacladus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Stauropylissa Dumitrica 1989
G. †Weverisphaera Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Komoella Lahm 1984 [synonym], Livinalongella Lahm 1984 [synonym], Pseudoheptacladus Lahm 1984 [synonym], Pseudosepsagon Kozur and Mostler 1994 [synonym]
Fm. †Hexalonchidae Haeckel 1881
G. Heterosoma Mast 1910
G. Hexacontium Haeckel 1881
G. Hexalonche Haeckel 1881
G. Hollandosphaera Deflandre 1973
G. Nanina Kozur and Mostler 1982
Invalid names: Pentactinosphaera Nagata and Nishimura 1983 [synonym]
G. Tetrapetalon Hollande and Enjumet 1960
Fm. †Hexastylidae Haeckel 1881
G. Centracontium Popofsky 1912
G. Centrolonche Popofsky 1912
G. Hexastylus Haeckel 1881
G. Stigmosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Stigmosphaerusa Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Stigmostylus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
Fm. †Hindeosphaeridae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Hindeosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Muelleritortis Kozur 1988
Invalid names: Pentatortis Kozur 1988 [synonym]
G. †Mulderella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Parasepsagon Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Pseudostylosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Sepsagon Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Tritortis Kozur 1988
Fm. †Inaniguttidae Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Fusalfanus Furutani 1990
G. †Inanibigutta Nazarov 1988
G. †Inanigutta Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Inanihella Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Oriundogutta Nazarov 1988
Fm. †Kungalariidae Dumitrica and Carter 1999
G. †Cachecreekaria Dumitrica and Carter 1999
G. †Kungalaria Dumitrica and Carter 1999
G. †Transylvanaria Dumitrica and Carter 1999
Fm. †Multiarcusellidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
Subfm. †Austrisaturnalinae Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Austrisaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Hungarosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Ornatisaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Praeheliostaurus Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Quadrisaturnalis Yeh 1989
G. †Solisaturnalis Mostler and Kreiner 1994
G. †Tiborella Dumitrica et al. 1980
Subfm. †Multiarcusellinae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Baloghisphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Beturiella Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Multiarcusella Kozur and Mostler 1979
Fm. †Palaeolithocycliidae Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Palaeolithocyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972
Invalid names: Eostylodictya Ormiston and Lane 1976 [synonym], Palaeoastrocyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972 [synonym], Spaerodiscus Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Paramphibrachium Kozur and Mostler 1978
Invalid names: Gedauia Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Stolbergia Kozur and Mostler 1989
Fm. †Palaeoscenidiidae Riedel 1967
G. †Deflantrica Wakamatsu et al. 1990
G. †Fukujius Furutani 1990
G. †Goodbodium Furutani 1990
G. †Holdsworthum Furutani 1990
G. †Pactarentinia Furutani 1983
G. †Palaeodecaradium Goodbody 1986
G. †Palaeoephippium Goodbody 1986
G. †Palaeopyramidium Goodbody 1986
G. †Palaeoscenidium Deflandre 1953
G. †Palaeotripus Goodbody 1986
G. †Parentactinia Dumitrica 1978
G. †Protoentactinia Kozur et al. 1996
Invalid names: Noblella Kozur et al. 1996 [synonym]
G. †Tlecerina Furutani 1983
Fm. †Polyentactiniidae Nazarov 1975
G. †Cuboctostylus Bragnia 1999
G. †Polyentactinia Foreman 1963
G. †Pyloctostylus Dumitrica 1994
Fm. †Proventocitidae Aitchison 1998
G. †Etymalbaillella Li 1995
G. †Proventocitum Nazarov 1988
Fm. †Pylentonemidae Deflandre 1963
G. †Pylentonema Deflandre 1963
G. †Quadrapesus Cheng 1986
Fm. †Quinquecapsulariidae Dumitrica 1995
G. †Empirea Carter et al. 1998
G. †Quinquecapsularia Pessagno 1972
Fm. †Rhizosphaeridae Haeckel 1881
G. †Elatommura Haeckel 1887
G. †Haliommilla Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Actinosphaera Hollande and Enjumet 1960 [synonym]
G. †Rhizosphaera Haeckel 1860
Fm. Saturnalidae Deflandre 1953
Subfm. Axopruninae Dumitrica 1983
G. Amphisphaerella Haeckel 1887
G. Axoprunum Haeckel 1887
G. Stylacontarium Popofsky 1912
G. Xiphosphaerella Haeckel 1887
G. Xiphostyletta Haeckel 1887
Subfm. †Heliosaturnalinae Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Heliosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio and Mostler 1978
G. †Praehexasaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Pseudoheliodiscus Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Stauracanthocircus Kozur and Mostler 1983
Subfm. †Hexasaturnalinae Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Dicerosaturnalis Dumitrica and Dumitrica-Jud 1994
G. †Eospongosaturninus Kozur and Mostler 1990
G. †Hexasaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1983
Invalid names: Yaosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1983 [synonym]
G. †Octosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1990
Subfm. Saturnalinae Deflandre 1953
G. †Acanthocircus Squinabol 1903
Invalid names: Spongosaturnalis Campbell and Clark 1944 [synonym]
G. Aurisaturnalis Dumitrica and Dumitrica-Jud 1994
G. Praeacanthocircus Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Pseudacanthocircus Kozur and Mostler 1990
G. Saturnalis Haeckel 1887
G. †Spinoellipsella Kozur and Mostler 1990
G. †Spongosaturninus Campbell and Clark 1944
G. †Vitorfus Pessagno 1977
Fm. †Spongosaturnaloididae Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Ploechingerella Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Spongosaturnaloides Kozur and Mostler 1972
Fm. †Thalassothamnidae Haecker 1906
G. †Conostylus Popofsky 1907
G. †Cytocladus Schröder 1906
G. †Thalassothamnus Haecker 1906
G. †Triassothamnus Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Archaeothamnulus Dumitrica 1982 [synonym]
Invalid names: Spongentactiniidae Nazarov 1975 [empty]
Or. †Latentifistularia Caridroit et al. 1999
Fm. †Cauletellidae Caridroit et al.
G. †Cauletella Caridroit et al. 1999
G. †Foremanhelena De Wever and Caridroit 1984
Invalid names: Triplanospongus Sashida and Tonishi 1988 [synonym]
G. †Ishigaum De Wever and Caridroit 1984
G. †Praedeflandrella Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Triplanospongos Sashida and Tonishi 1988
Fm. †Latentifistulidae Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
G. †Latentifistula Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
G. †Ouaka Cheng 1986
Invalid names: Wonella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Scharfenbergia Won 1983
G. †Tetratormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
Invalid names: Archaeopyramisa Cheng 1986 [synonym], Brianellium Cheng 1986 [synonym]
G. †Trilacertus Cheng 1986
Fm. †Ormistonellidae De Wever and Caridroit 1984
G. †Nazarovella De Wever and Caridroit 1984
Invalid names: Quadriremis Nazarov and Ormiston 1985 [synonym]
G. †Ormistonella De Wever and Caridroit 1984
Invalid names: Paulianella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Polyfistula Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
Invalid names: Cornellus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Nabespecha Cornell and Simpson 1986 [synonym]
G. †Quadricaulis Caridroit and De Wever 1986
G. †Quinqueremis Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
G. †Wangia Feng 1993
Invalid names: Haploaxon Cordey 1998 [synonym]
Fm. †Pseudolitheliidae Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Hegleria Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Octatormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
Invalid names: Pseudolithelius Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Staurentactinia Schwartzapfel and Holdsworth 1996
G. †Tetragregnon Ormiston and Lane 1976
Invalid names: Tetracircinata Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [synonym]
G. †Tetraspongoactinia Won 1998
Fm. †Ruzhencevispongidae Kozur 1980
G. †Latentibifistula Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
Invalid names: Triacanthofenestrella Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [synonym]
G. †Latentidiota Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Patrickaella Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Pseudotormentus De Wever and Caridroit 1984
G. †Ruzhencevispongus Kozur 1980
Invalid names: Nazarovispongus Kozur 1980 [synonym]
G. †Tormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
Or. Nassellaria Ehrenberg 1875
Superfm. Acanthodesmiacea Hertwig 1879
Fm. Acanthodesmiidae Hertwig 1879
G. Acanthodesmia Müller 1857
G. Archicircus Haeckel 1887
G. Circospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Dictyospris Ehrenberg 1847
G. Dipocoronis Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Tetracubus Haeckel 1887 [synonym], Tripocubus Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Eucoronis Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Acrocubus Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Lithocircus Müller 1857
Invalid names: Amphispyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Toxarium Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
G. Lithotympanum Haeckel 1881
G. Microcubus Haeckel 1881
G. Nephrodictyum Haeckel 1881
G. Paradictyum Haeckel 1881
G. Perispyris Haeckel 1881
G. Semantis Haeckel 1887
G. Tricolospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Tricyclidium Haeckel 1881
G. Trissocyclus Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Trissocircus Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Tympanidium Haeckel 1881
G. Tympaniscus Haeckel 1887
G. Tympanomma Haeckel 1887
G. Zygocircus Bütschli 1882
G. Zygostephanus Haeckel 1862
Fm. Artostrobiidae Riedel 1967
G. Artostobium Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Botryostrobus Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
G. †Dictyoprora Haeckel 1881
G. †Eribotrys Foreman 1968
G. Phormostichoartus Campbell 1951
G. †Pseudotheocampe Empson-Morin 1981
G. Siphocampe Haeckel 1981
G. †Siphostichartus Nigrini 1977
G. Spirocyrtis Haeckel 1881
G. Theocampe Haeckel 1887
Fm. †Bulbocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Bulbocyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1981
Bulbocyrtium tubum Yeh 1989
Invalid names: Pessagnocyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym], Quasipetasus Blome 1984 [synonym]
Fm. Cannobotryidae Haeckel 1881
G. Acanthobotrys Popofsky 1913
G. Acrobotrys Haeckel 1881
G. Amphimelissa Jorgensen 1905
G. Bisphaerocephalina Petrushevskaya 1965
G. Bisphaerocephalus Popofsky 1908
G. Botryocampe Ehrenberg 1860
G. Botryocylinder Petrushevskaya 1975
G. Botryocyrtis Ehrenberg 1860
G. †Botryometra Petrushevskaya 1975
G. Botryopyle Haeckel 1881
G. Cannobotrys Haeckel 1881
G. Centrobotrys Petrushevskaya 1965
G. †Cornutovum Foreman 1968
G. Neobotrys Popofsky 1913
G. Pylobotrys Haeckel 1881
G. Rhopalosyringium Campbell and Clark 1944
G. Saccospyris Haecker 1908
Fm. Carpocaniidae Haeckel 1881
Subfm. Carpocaniinae Haeckel 1881
G. Artobotrys Petrushevskaya 1971
G. Carpocanistrum Haeckel 1887
G. Carpocanium Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Carpocanopsis Riedel and Sanfilippo 1971
Subfm. †Diacanthocapsinae O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Annikaella De Wever 1988
G. †Diacanthocapsa Squinabol 1903
G. †Eastonerius Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Myllocercion Foreman 1968
G. †Novodiacanthocapsa Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Schadelfusslerus Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Theocapsomma Haeckel 1887
Fm. Cuniculiformidae De Wever 1982
G. †Goestlingella Kozur and Mostler 1979
Fm. †Monicastericidae Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Monicasterix Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Tubotriassocyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1994
Fm. †Planispinocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Ladinocampe Kozur 1984
G. †Planispinocyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Spinotriassocampe Kozur 1984
Fm. Pterocorythidae Haeckel 1881
G. Albatrossidium Sanfilippo and Riedel 1992
G. Anthocyrtidium Haeckel 1881
G. Calocycletta Haeckel 1887
G. Cryptocarpium Sanfilippo and Riedel 1992
G. Lamprocyclas Haeckel 1881
G. Lamprocyrtis Kling 1973
G. Podocyrtis Ehrenberg 1874
G. Pterocorys Haeckel 1882
G. Theocorythium Haeckel 1887
G. Theocyrtis Haeckel 1887
Fm. †Rotaformidae Pessagno 1970
G. †Rotaforma Pessagno 1970
G. †Saturniforma Pessagno 1970
Fm. Sethophormididae Haeckel 1881
G. Enneaphormis Haeckel 1881
G. Protoscenium Jorgensen 1905
G. Sethophormis Haeckel 1881
G. †Velicucullus Riedel and Campbell 1952
Fm. Spongolophophenidae Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Conospongocyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Maudia Carter et al. 1988
G. †Spongolophophaena Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. Triassospongocyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1994
Fm. †Spongosilicarmigeridae De Wever et al. 2001
G. †Nofrema Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Spongosilicarmiger Kozur 1984
Fm. Stephaniidae Haeckel 1887
G. Cortina Haeckel 1887
G. Plagiocarpa Haeckel 1881
G. Stephanium Haeckel 1887
Fm. Theopiliidae Haeckel 1881
G. Anthocyrtella Haeckel 1887
G. Cecryphalium Haeckel 1881
G. Clathrocyclas Haeckel 1881
G. Cycladophora Ehrenberg 1847
Invalid names: Diplocyclas Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Eucecryphalus Haeckel 1860
G. Eurystomoskevos Caulet 1991
G. Phrenocodon Haeckel 1887
G. Theocalyptra Haeckel 1881
G. Theopilium Haeckel 1881
Fm. Triospyrididae Haeckel 1881
G. Androspyris Haeckel 1881
G. Anthospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Archiphaena Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Tamnospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Brachiospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Ceratospyris Ehrenberg 1847
G. Clathrobursa Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Platybursa Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Corythospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Dendrospyris Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Acrospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Aegospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Giraffospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Pentaspyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Taurospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Therospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Desmospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Dorcadospyris Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Gamospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Stephanospyris Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Gorgospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Hexaspyris Haeckel 1887
G. Lamprospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Liriospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Lophospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Patagospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Petalospyrella Haeckel 1887
G. Petalospyris Ehrenberg 1847
G. Psychospyris Riedel and Sanfilippo 1971
G. Rhodospyris Haeckel 1881
G. Semantrum Haeckel 1887
G. Tholospyridium Haeckel 1887
G. Triospyrium Haeckel 1887
Fm. Acropyramididae Haeckel 1881
G. Artostrobus Haeckel 1887
G. Bathropyramis Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Acropyramis Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Celluronta Sugiyama 1997
G. Cinclopyramis Haeckel 1879
G. Cladarachnium Haeckel 1881
G. Cornutella Ehrenberg 1838
G. Dictyodedalus O'Dogherty 1994
G. Haliphormartidium Campbell 1951
G. Litharachnium Haeckel 1860
G. Peripyramis Haeckel 1881
G. Polypleuris Haeckel 1887
G. Sethopyramis Haeckel 1881
Superfm. †Amphipyndacea Riedel 1967
Fm. †Amphipyndacidae Riedel 1967
G. †Amphipternis Foreman 1973
G. †Amphipyndax Foreman 1966
Invalid names: Protostichocapsa Empson-Morin 1982 [synonym]
G. Cyrtolagena Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Sticholagena Haeckel 1887 [synonym], Stichophaetna Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Stichophormiscus Haeckel 1887 [synonym], Stichophormium Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
G. †Palinandromeda Pessagno et al. 1993
G. †Parvifasus Takemura 1986
G. †Parvifavus Takemura 1986
G. †Triversus Takemura 1986
Fm. †Canoptidae Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Canoptum Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Cinguloturris Dumitrica and Mello 1982
G. †Globolaxtorum Carter 1993
G. †Laxtorum Blome 1984
G. †Neocanoptum Zhang 1990
G. †Relanus Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
Fm. †Parvicingulidae Pessagno 1977
Subfm. †Parvicingulinae Pessagno 1977
G. †Eoxitus Kozur 1985
G. †Pseudoristola Yeh 1987
Subfm. †Wrangelliinae Yeh 1987
G. †Neowrangellium Yeh 1987
G. †Paracanoptum Yeh 1987
G. †Proparvicingula Carter 1993
G. †Pseudocrolanium Jud 1994
G. †Svinitzium Dumitrica 1997
G. †Wrangellium Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
Fm. †Spongocapsulidae Pessagno 1977
G. †Anachoreta O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Spongocapsula Pessagno 1977
G. †Torculum O'Dogherty 1995
G. †Tubilustrium O'Dogherty 1994
Fm. †Syringocapsidae Foreman 1973
G. †Dibolachras Foreman 1973
G. †Dicolocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. †Parapodocapsa Steiger 1992
G. †Podobursa Wisniowski 1889
G. †Quarticella Takemura 1986
G. †Squinabollum Dumitrica 1970
G. †Yamatoum Takemura 1986
Superfm. †Archaeodictyomitracea Pessagno 1976
Fm. †Archaeodictyomitridae Pessagno 1976
G. †Dictyomitra Zittel 1876
G. †Diplostrobus Squinabol 1903
G. †Thanarla Pessagno 1977
Fm. †Hsuidae Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
G. †Fantus Yeh 1987
G. †Hsuum Pessagno 1977
G. †Parahsuum Yao 1982
G. †Pseudohsuum Zhang 1990
G. †Transhsuum Takemura 1986
Fm. †Unumidae Kozur 1984
G. †Protunuma Ichikawa and Yao 1976
G. †Turbocapsula O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Unuma Ichikawa and Yao 1976
Fm. †Archaeosemantidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Apophysiactinia Won 1997
G. †Archaeosemantis Dumitrica 1982
G. †Tandarnia Dumitrica 1982
Fm. †Archocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Archocyrtium Deflandre 1972
G. †Cerarchocyrtium Deflandre 1973
G. †Cyrtisphaeractenium Deflandre 1972
G. †Cyrtisphaeronemium Deflandre 1972
G. †Deflandrellium Cheng 1986
G. †Mostlerium Cheng 1986
G. †Pararchocyrtium Deflandre 1972
G. †Robotium Cheng 1986
Fm. †Deflandrecyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Deflandrecyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Dreyericyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
Superfm. †Eucyrtidiacea Ehrenberg 1847
Fm. †Bekomidae De Wever et al. 2001
G. †Bekoma Riedel and Sanfilippo 1971
G. †Bekomiforma Sanfilippo and Riedel 1974
G. †Orbula Foreman 1973
Fm. Eucyrtidiidae Ehrenberg 1847
G. Anisicyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. Artocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Artophormis Haeckel 1881
G. Buryella Foreman 1973
G. Calocyclas Ehrenberg 1847
G. Calocycloma Haeckel 1887
G. Clathrocycloma Haeckel 1887
G. Cymaetron Caulet 1991
G. Cyrtocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Cyrtocapsella Haeckel 1887
G. †Cyrtocapsella Haeckel 1887
G. †Eostichomitra Empson-Morin 1981
G. Eucyrtidium Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Guexella Baumgartner 1984
G. Lithopera Ehrenberg 1847
G. Milax Blome 1984
G. Phalangites O'Dogherty 1994
G. Phormocyrtis Haeckel 1887
G. †Pseudoeucyrtis Pessagno 1977
G. †Schaumellus Empson-Morin 1981
G. Solenotryma Foreman 1968
G. Stichocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Stichocorys Haeckel 1881
G. Stichomitra Cayeux 1897
G. †Vistularia Gorka 1989
Fm. †Eucyrtiidae Ehrenberg 1847
Invalid names: Theoperidae Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
Fm. Lophocyrtiidae De Wever et al. 2001
G. †Aphetocyrtis Sanfilippo and Caulet 1998
G. Apoplanius Sanfilippo and Caulet 1998
G. Clinorhabdus Sanfilippo and Caulet 1998
G. Cyclampterium Haeckel 1887
G. Lophocyrtis Haeckel 1887
G. Paralampterium Sanfilippo 1990
G. Sciadiopeplus Sanfilippo 1990
Fm. †Obeliscoitidae O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Birkenmajeria Wids and De Wever 1993
G. †Obeliscoites O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Olanda Hull 1997
Fm. †Pseudodictyomitridae Pessagno 1977
G. †Corum Blome 1984
G. †Latium Blome 1984
G. †Pachus Blome 1984
G. †Pseudodictyomitra Pessagno 1977
Invalid names: Shana Wu and Pessago 1993 [synonym]
Fm. †Theocotylidae Petrushevskaya 1981
G. †Axocorys Haeckel 1881
G. †Lamptonium Haeckel 1887
G. †Theocotyle Riedel and Sanfilippo 1970
G. †Thyrsocyrtis Ehrenberg 1847
Fm. †Xitidae Pessagno 1977
G. †Clavaxitus Dumitrica 1997
G. †Crolanium Pessagno 1977
G. †Foremanina Empson-Morin 1981
Invalid names: Tugurium O'Dogherty 1994 [synonym]
G. †Praexitus Dumitrica 1997
Fm. †Hexapylocapsidae Dumitrica and Zuegel 1998
G. †Hexapylocapsa Dumitrica and Zuegel 1998
Fm. †Livarellidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Citriduma De Wever 1982
Invalid names: Kozuria Zhang 1990 [synonym]
G. †Praecitriduma Kozur 1984
Fm. Lophophaenidae Haeckel 1881
G. Amphiplecta Haeckel 1881
G. Antarctissa Petrushevskaya 1967
G. Arachnocorallium Haeckel 1887
G. Arachnocorys Haeckel 1860
G. Archiperidium Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Cryptogyrus Sugiyama 1993 [synonym]
G. Botryopera Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Trisulcus Popofsky 1913 [synonym]
G. Ceratocyrtis Bütschli 1882
G. Dimelissa Campbell 1951
G. Lampromitra Haeckel 1881
G. Lamprotripus Haeckel 1881
G. Lophophaena Ehrenberg 1847
G. Lophophaenoma Haeckel 1887
G. Marimoum Funakawa 1994
G. †Ovum De Wever 1982
G. Peromelissa Haeckel 1881
G. Phormacantha Jorgensen 1905
G. Plectacantha Jorgensen 1905
G. Pseudocubus Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Obeliscus Popofsky 1913 [synonym]
G. Pseudodictyophimus Petrushevskaya 1971
G. Steganocubus Sugiyama 1993
G. Syscioscenium Sugiyama 1992
G. Tripodocyrtis Funakawa 1994
Fm. †Nabolellidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Fueloepicyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Nabolella Petrushevskaya 1981
Fm. †Popofskyellidae Deflandre 1964
G. †Cyrtentactinia Foreman 1963
G. †Kantollum Cheng 1986
G. †Popofskyellum Deflandre 1964
G. †Totollum Schwarzapfel and Holdsworth 1996
G. †Tuscaritellum Deflandre 1972
Fm. †Pseudosaturniformidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Pseudosaturniforma Kozur and Mostler 1979
Or. Spumellaria Ehrenberg 1875
Fm. †Anakrusidae Nazarov 1977
G. †Anakrusa Nazarov 1977
Invalid names: Auliela Nazarov 1977 [synonym]
Fm. †Angulobracchiidae Baumgartner 1980
G. †Angulobracchia Baumgartner 1980
G. †Bistarkum Yeh 1987
G. Cyclastrum Rüst 1898
G. †Danubea Carter et al. 1998
G. †Deviatus Li 1986
G. †Loupanus Carter 1993
G. †Paronaella Pessagno 1971
G. †Protopsium Pessagno and Poisson 1981
G. †Risella Carter 1993
G. †Sontonaella Yeh 1987
G. †Thurstonia Carter et al. 1998
Fm. †Archaeospongoprunidae Pessagno 1973
G. †Archaeospongoprunum Pessagno 1973
Invalid names: Palaeospongurus Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Copiellintra Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Spongoprunum Haeckel 1887
G. †Wilvemia Pessagno et al. 1993
Fm. †Astrosphaeridae Haeckel 1881
G. Arachnosphaera Haeckel 1862
G. Astrosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Astrospongus Mast 1910
G. Cladococcus Mueller 1856
G. Diplosphaera Haeckel 1860
G. †Drymosphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Elaphococcus Haeckel 1881
G. Haeckeliella Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Haplosphaera Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Heliosphaera Haeckel 1860
G. Heteracantha Mast 1910
G. Hexancistra Haeckel 1881
G. Hexapyramis Squinabol 1903
G. Leptosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Lychnosphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Porococcus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Rhizoplegma Haeckel 1881
G. Rhizospongus Mast 1910
G. Thalassoplegma Hollande and Enjumet 1960
Fm. †Cavaspongiidae Pessagno 1973
G. †Cavaspongia Pessagno 1973
G. †Cavidiscus Pessagno 1976
G. †Dumitricaia Pessagno 1976
Fm. †Coccodiscidae Haeckel 1862
Subfm. Artiscinae Haeckel 1881
G. Cypassis Haeckel 1887
G. Diartus Sanfilippo and Riedel 1980
G. Didymocyrtis Haeckel 1862
Invalid names: Ommatartus Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Spongoliva Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Coccodiscinae Haeckel 1862
G. Coccocyclia Haeckel 1881
G. Coccodiscus Haeckel 1862
G. Heliostylus Haeckel 1881
G. Lithocyclia Ehrenberg 1847
G. Periphaena Ehrenberg 1873
G. Phacodiscus Haeckel 1881
G. Phacostaurus Haeckel 1881
G. Phacostylus Haeckel 1881
G. Sethostylus Haeckel 1881
G. Trigonactura Haeckel 1881
G. †Heliosestrum Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Conocaryommidae Lipman 1969
G. †Conocaryomma Lipman 1969
Fm. †Dactyliosphaeridae Squinabol 1904
G. †Dactyliosphaera Squinabol 1904
Fm. †Emiluviidae Dumitrica 1995
G. †Emiluvia Foreman 1973
Invalid names: Tympaneides Carter et al. 1988 [synonym]
G. †Kreutzstella Empson-Morin 1981
Fm. †Entapiidae De Wever et al. 2001
G. †Entapium Sanfilippo and Riedel 1973
G. †Zealithapium O'Connor 1999
Fm. Heliodiscidae Haeckel 1881
G. Astrophacus Haeckel 1881
G. Excentrococcus Dumitrica 1978
G. Excentrodiscus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Excentrosphaerella Dumitrica 1978
G. Heliodiscus Haeckel 1862
Fm. †Hexaporobrachiidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Hexaporobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Icrioma De Wever 1979
Fm. Larnacillidae Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Circodiscinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Circodiscus Petrushevskaya and Kozlova 1972
Invalid names: Plectodiscus Petrushevskaya and Kozlova 1972 [synonym]
Subfm. Cryptolarnaciinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Coccolarnacium Dumitrica 1989
G. Cryptolarnacium Dumitrica 1989
G. Spongopyle Dreyer 1889
Subfm. †Histriastrinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Amphymenium Haeckel 1882
G. †Histiastrum Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Stauralastrum Haeckel 1887
G. †Stephanastrum Ehrenberg 1847
Subfm. Larnacillinae Haeckel 1887
G. Larnacilla Haeckel 1887
G. Larnacopylomma Dumitrica 1989
G. Phorticium Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Miropylidae Dumitrica 1988
G. †Miropyle Dumitrica 1988
Superfm. Pyloniacea Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Catenopylidae Dumitrica 1989
G. †Catenopyle Dumitrica 1989
G. †Praecatenopyle Dumitrica 1989
Fm. †Patruliidae Dumitrica 1989
G. †Patrulius Dumitrica 1989
G. †Tetratholura Dumitrica 1989
Fm. Pyloniidae Haeckel 1881
Subfm. Dipylissinae Dumitrica 1988
G. Dipylissa Dumitrica 1988
Subfm. †Palaeotetrapylinae Dumitrica 1988
G. †Palaeotetrapyle Dumitrica 1988
Subfm. Pylodiscinae Haeckel 1887
G. Hexapyle Haeckel 1881
G. Larcopyle Dreyer 1889
G. Pylodiscus Haeckel 1887
G. Pylolena Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Pyloniinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Larcospira Haeckel 1887
G. Octopyle Haeckel 1881
G. Tetrapyle Haeckel 1858
Invalid names: Pylonium Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
Fm. †Pyramispongiidae Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Katorella Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Discokatorella Kozur and Mostler 1994 [synonym]
G. †Kulacella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Paurinella Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Intermediella Lahm 1984 [synonym], Neopaurinella Kozur and Mostler 1981 [objective synonym]
G. †Pyramispongia Pessagno 1973
G. †Rikivatella Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Triassospongosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
Superfm. †Spongodiscacea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Myelastridae Riedel 1971
G. Dicranastrum Haeckel 1881
G. Myelastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Pentophiastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Tetracranastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Triastrum Cleve 1901
Fm. †Relindellidae Kozur and Mostler 1980
G. †Copicyntroides Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Pentaspongodiscus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Relindella Dumitrica et al. 1980 [synonym]
G. †Tetraspongodiscus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Superfm. Sponguracea Haeckel 1862
Fm. †Gomberellidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Bernoullius Baumgartner 1984
G. †Gomberellus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Karnospongella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Tamonella Dumitrica et al. 1980
Fm. Litheliidae Haeckel 1862
G. Cromyodruppa Haeckel 1887
G. Lithelius Haeckel 1860
Fm. †Oertlispongidae Kozur and Mostler 1980
G. †Baumgartneria Dumitrica 1982
G. †Bogdanella Kolar-Jurkovsek 1989
G. †Falcispongus Dumitrica 1982
G. †Gibberospongus Kozur and Mostler 1996
G. †Oertlispongus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Paroertlispongus Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Acaeniospongus Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym], Pseudoertlispongus Lahm 1984 [synonym]
G. †Pterospongus Dumitrica 1982
G. †Scutispongus Kozur and Mostler 1996
G. †Spongoserrula Dumitrica 1980
G. †Steigerispongus Kozur and Mostler 1996
G. †Turospongus Kozur and Mostler 1994
Fm. †Phaseliformidae Pessagno 1972
G. †Parvicuspis Pessagno 1972
G. †Phaseliforma Pessagno 1972
Fm. Stylosphaeridae Haeckel 1881
G. Druppatractus Haeckel 1887
G. Lithomespilus Haeckel 1887
G. †Praestylosphaera Empson-Morin 1981
G. Protoxiphotractus Pessagno 1973
G. Spongatractus Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Spongoxiphus Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
G. Stylatractus Haeckel 1887
G. Stylosphaera Ehrenberg 1847
G. Xiphatractus Haeckel 1887
Fm. Tholoniidae Haeckel 1887
G. Tholocubus Haeckel 1887
G. Tholonium Haeckel 1887
Fm. †Tritrabidae Baumgartner 1980
G. †Archaeotritrabs Steiger 1992
G. †Ditrabs Baumgartner 1980
G. †Neoparonaella Yang 1993
G. †Tritrabs Baumgartner 1980
Fm. †Veghicycliidae Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Carinacyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Praeorbiculiformella Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Veghicyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972
Invalid names: Suttoniidae Schaaf 1976 [empty]
G. Napora Pessagno 1977
show all | hide all
Invalid names: Ultranapora Pessagno 1977 [synonym]
G. Tholospyris Haeckel 1882
show all | hide all
Invalid names: Tristylospyris Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
Fm. †Orosphaeridae Haeckel 1887
show all | hide all
G. Orodapis Friend and Riedel 1967
G. Oropelex Friend and Riedel 1967
G. Orosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Orostaurus Friend and Riedel 1967
Fm. †Pantanelliidae Pessagno 1977
show all | hide all
Subfm. †Capnodocinae Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Capnodoce De Wever 1979
G. †Justium Blome 1983
G. †Loffa Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Renzium Blome 1983
Subfm. †Pantanelliinae Pessagno 1977
G. †Betraccium Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Cantalum Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Cecrops Pessagno 1977
G. †Gorgansium Pessagno and Blome 1980
G. †Pachyoncus Pessagno and Blome 1980
G. †Pantanellium Pessagno 1977
G. †Pseudopantanellium Yeh 1987
G. †Trillus Pessagno and Blome 1980
G. †Zartus Pessagno and Blome 1980
Subfm. †Vallupinae Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Bivallupus Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Mesovallupus Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Neovallupus Yang and Pessago 1989
G. †Protovallupus Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Supervallupus Yang and Pessago 1989
G. †Vallupus Pessagno and Blome 1984
G. †Suna Wu 1986
show all | hide all
Invalid names: Neotripocyclia Pessagno et al. 1989 [synonym]
Fm. †Hagiastridae Riedel 1971
show all | hide all
G. †Crucella Pessagno 1971
G. †Hagiastrum Haeckel 1881
G. †Paratriassoastrum Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Pseudohagiastrum Pessagno 1979
G. †Pseudohigumastra Yang 1993
G. †Savaryella Jud 1994
G. †Sophia Carter et al. 1998
G. †Tetraditryma Baumgartner 1980
Invalid names: Saldorfus Pessagno, Jr. et al. 1993 [synonym]
G. †Tetraporobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Pentaporobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Udalia Carter et al. 1998
Fm. †Bagotidae Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
show all | hide all
G. †Broctus Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
G. †Canutus Pessagno and Whalen 1982
G. †Noritus Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
Fm. †Patulibracchiidae Pessagno 1971
show all | hide all
G. †Homoeoparonaella Baumgartner 1980
G. †Pessagnobracchia Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Trimanicula Dumitrica 1991
G. †Mictyoditra Dumitrica 1997
show all | hide all
Invalid names: Beleza Hull 1997 [synonym]
Fm. Actinommidae Haeckel 1862
show all | hide all
G. †Bolena Hull 1997
G. Carposphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Cromyomma Haeckel 1862
G. Cromyosphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Mallanites O'Dogherty 1994
G. Prunopyle Dreyer 1889
G. Pseudacanthosphaera O'Dogherty 1994
G. Sphaeropyle Dreyer 1889
G. Staurosphaeretta Squinabol 1904
G. Stuermeria Deflandre 1964
G. Tetracanthellipsis Squinabol 1903
G. Thecosphaera Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Parvivaccidae Pessagno and Yang 1989
show all | hide all
Subfm. †Acaeniotylinae Yang 1993
G. †Acaeniotyle Foreman 1973
G. †Acaeniotylopsis Kito and De Wever 1994
G. †Acastea Yang 1993
G. †Acusten Yang 1993
G. †Nolita Hull 1997
G. †Novitripus Hull 1997
G. †Praeconosphaera Yang 1993
Subfm. †Heleninae Hull 1997
G. †Helena Hull 1997
G. †Tappanella Hull 1997
Subfm. †Leugeoninae Yang and Wang 1990
G. †Hexasphaera Hull 1997
G. †Leugeo Yang and Wang 1990
G. †Levileugeo Yang and Wang 1990
Subfm. †Parvivaccinae Pessagno and Yang 1989
G. †Dicroa Foreman 1975
G. †Lanubus Pessagno and Yang 1989
G. †Parvivacca Pessagno et al. 1989
Fm. †Williriedellidae Dumitrica 1970
show all | hide all
G. †Excentropylomma Dumitrica 1970
G. †Holocryptocanium Dumitrica 1970
G. †Holocryptocapsa Tan Sin Hok 1927
G. †Immersothorax Dumitrica 1970
G. †Kozurium Pessagno 1977
G. †Williriedellum Dumitrica 1970
Fm. Sponguridae Haeckel 1862
show all | hide all
G. Patellula Kozlova 1972
G. Spongurus Haeckel 1860
Invalid names: Spongocore Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
Fm. †Xiphostylidae Haeckel 1881
show all | hide all
G. †Archaeocenosphaera Pessagno et al. 1989
G. †Triactoma Rüst 1885
G. †Tripocyclia Haeckel 1881
G. †Xiphostylus Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Pseudoaulophacidae Riedel 1967
show all | hide all
G. †Alievium Pessagno 1972
G. †Becus Wu 1986
G. †Godia Wu 1986
Subfm. Pentapyloniinae De Wever et al. 2001
G. Pentapylonium Dumitrica 1991
Subfm. †Pseudoaulophacinae Riedel 1967
G. †Dactyliodiscus Squinabol 1903
G. †Dispongotripus Squinabol 1903
G. †Pseudoaulophacus Pessagno 1963
Invalid names: Pessagnoella Kozur and Mostler 1978 [synonym]
Fm. Spongodiscidae Haeckel 1862
show all | hide all
G. Amphirhopalum Haeckel 1881
G. Chitonastrum Haeckel 1881
G. Dictyocoryne Ehrenberg 1860
G. Euchitonia Ehrenberg 1860
G. Porodiscus Haeckel 1881
G. Rhopalastrum Ehrenberg 1847
G. Spongaster Ehrenberg 1860
G. Spongodiscus Ehrenberg 1854
G. Spongotrochus Haeckel 1860
G. Stylochlamydium Haeckel 1882
G. Stylodictya Ehrenberg 1847
G. Stylospongia Haeckel 1862
G. Tesserastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Tholodiscus Petrushevskaya and Kozlova 1972
G. Trigonastrum Haeckel 1887
Fm. †Eucyrtidiellidae Takemura
show all | hide all
G. †Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner 1984
G. †Natoba Pessagno and Poisson 1981
Fm. †Hilarisiregidae Takemura and Nakaseko 1982
show all | hide all
G. †Diceratigalea Takemura and Nakaseko 1982
Fm. †Sethocapsidae Haeckel 1881
show all | hide all
G. †Archicapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Heliocryptocapsa Dumitrica 1970
G. Homoeoarchicorys Empson-Morin 1981
G. Sethocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Stylocapsa Principi 1909
Fm. †Tripedurnulidae Dumitrica 1991
show all | hide all
G. †Baratuna Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Pseudopoulpus Takemura 1986
G. †Tridentocyrtis Steiger and Steiger 1994
G. †Tripedocassis Dumitrica 1991
G. †Tripedurnula Dumitrica 1991
Fm. †Ultranaporidae Pessagno 1977
show all | hide all
G. †Dumitricaella De Wever 1982
G. †Hinedorcus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. Lychnocanoma Haeckel 1887
G. Muellericyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. Picapora Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. Pterocanium Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Silicarmiger Dumitrica et al. 1980
Invalid names: Tirodella Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
Fm. †Poulpidae De Wever 1981
show all | hide all
G. †Eonapora Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Hozmadia Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Neopylentonema Kozur 1984
G. †Parapoulpus Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Poulpus De Wever 1979
G. †Saitoum Pessagno 1977
G. †Triassobipedis Kozur 1984
Fm. †Centrocubidae Hollande and Enjumet 1960
show all | hide all
G. Arachnostylus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Arcicubulus Dumitrica 1983
G. Centrocubus Haeckel 1887
G. Diplospongus Mast 1910
G. Excentroconcha Mast 1910
G. Gonosphaera Jorgensen 1905
G. Lonchosphaera Popofsky 1908
G. Pessagnulus Dumitrica 1983
G. Solicubulus Dumitrica 1983
G. †Welirella Dumitrica et al. 1980
Fm. †Plagiacanthidae Hertwig 1879
show all | hide all
Subfm. Plagiacanthinae Hertwig 1879
G. Dumetum Popofsky 1908
G. Neosemantis Popofsky 1913
Invalid names: Campylacantha Jörgensen 1905 [synonym]
G. Paracystidium Cachon and Cachon 1969
G. Pentaplagia Cachon and Cachon 1969
G. Plagiacantha Claparede 1858
G. Plagonium Haeckel 1881
G. Plectagonidium Cachon and Cachon 1969
G. Polyplecta Haeckel 1881
G. †Rhabdolithis Ehrenberg 1847
G. Tetraplagia Haeckel 1881
G. Tetraplecta Haeckel 1881
Subfm. †Zamolxinae Dumitrica 1982
G. †Tetrarchiplagia Dumitrica 1982
G. †Zaldacria Dumitrica 1982
G. †Zamolxis Dumitrica 1982
Fm. †Sethoperidae Haeckel 1881
show all | hide all
G. Callimitra Haeckel 1881
G. Clathrocanium Ehrenberg 1860
G. Clathrocorys Haeckel 1882
G. Pteropilium Haeckel 1881
G. Sethopera Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Foremanellinidae Dumitrica 1982
show all | hide all
G. †Foremanellina Dumitrica 1982
G. †Recoaroella Dumitrica 1982
G. †Riedelius De Wever 1982
Fm. †Neosciadiocapsidae Pessagno 1969
show all | hide all
G. †Coniforma Pessagno 1969
G. †Ewingium Pessagno 1976
G. †Lipmanium Pessagno 1969
G. †Microsciadiocapsa Pessagno 1969
G. †Neosciadiocapsa Pessagno 1969
G. †Petasiforma Pessagno 1969
G. †Sciadiocapsa Squinabol 1904
G. †Scyphiforma Pessagno 1969
G. †Squinabolella Pessagno 1969
G. †Pentactinocarpus Dumitrica 1978
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Invalid names: Oertlisphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979 [synonym], Praedruppatractylis Kozur and Mostler 1979 [synonym]
Fm. †Pentactinocarpidae Dumitrica 1978
show all | hide all
G. †Busuanga Yeh 1990
G. †Lobactinocapsa Dumitrica 1978
G. †Pentactinocapsa Dumitrica 1978
G. †Pentactinorbis Dumitrica 1978
Fm. †Ruesticyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
show all | hide all
G. †Annulotriassocampe Kozur 1994
G. †Nevanellus Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Paratriassocampe Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Pseudotriassocampe Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Ruesticyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Striatotriassocampe Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Triassocampe Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Xiphotheca De Wever 1979
G. †Yeharaia Nakaseko and Nishimura 1979