Classification of Rosenberg 2005

G. Patelloida Quoy 1834
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Patelloida ceciliana d'Orbigny 1841
G. Circulus Jeffreys 1842
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Circulus liratus Verrill 1882
G. Cittarium Philippi 1847
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Cittarium pica Linnaeus 1758
G. Diodora Gray 1821
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Diodora cayenensis Lamarck 1822
G. Fissurella Bruguière 1789
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G. Halistylus Dall 1890
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G. Lucapina Sowerby 1835
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Lucapina suffusa Reeve 1850
Invalid names: Lucapina textaranea Olsson and Harbison 1953 [synonym]
G. Lucapinella Pilsbry 1890
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G. Alaba Adams and A. 1853
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Alaba incerta d'Orbigny 1842
G. Caecum Fleming 1813
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Caecum imbricatum Carpenter 1858
G. Cerithiopsis Hanley 1849
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Cerithiopsis emersonii Adams 1839
Cerithiopsis subulata Montagu 1808
Cerithium greenii Adams 1839
G. Crucibulum Schumacher 1817
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Crucibulum waltonense Gardner 1947
G. Epitonium Bolten 1798
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G. Hespererato Schilder 1932
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G. Lyncina Troschel 1863
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Lyncina leviathan Schilder and Schilder 1937
G. Pustularia Swainson 1840
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Pustularia cicercula Linnaeus 1758
G. Rissoina d'Orbigny 1840
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Subg. Rissoina (Schwartziella) Nevill 1881
G. Schwartziella Nevill 1881
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Schwartziella catesbyana d'Orbigny 1842
Invalid names: Rissoina (Schwartziella) floridana Mörch 1876 [synonym]
Schwartziella fischeri Desjardin 1949
G. Trochita Schumacher 1817
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Trochita pileolus d'Orbigny 1841
Trochita pileus Lamarck 1822
G. Turritella Lamarck 1799 [turret shell]
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Turritella caribaea d'Orbigny 1842
Turritella hookeri Reeve 1849
G. Alia Adams and Adams 1853 [dovesnail]
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Alia unifasciata Sowerby 1832
G. Antillophos Woodring 1928
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Antillophos candeanus d'Orbigny 1842
G. Crassispira Swainson 1840
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G. Ithycythara Woodring 1928
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G. Olivancillaria d'Orbigny 1839
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G. Olivella Swainson 1831
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Olivella tehuelcha d'Orbigny 1841
Invalid names: Olivella (Olivina) puelchana d'Orbigny 1841 [synonym]
G. Pyrgocythara Woodring 1928
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G. †Solenosteira Dall 1890
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G. Spirotropis Sars 1878
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Spirotropis patagonica d'Orbigny 1841
G. Terebra Bruguière 1789
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Terebra spei Brown and Pilsbry 1913
G. Trophon Montfort 1810
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Trophon pallidus Broderip and Sowerby 1833
G. Turbinella Lamarck 1799
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Turbinella angulata Lightfoot 1786
G. Acteocina Gray 1847 [barrel-bubble]
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Acteocina candei d'Orbigny 1841
G. Creseis Rang 1828
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Creseis acicula Renz 1829
G. Nuculana Link 1807
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Nuculana cuneata Sowerby 1833
Nuculana vulgaris Brown and Pilsbry 1913
Invalid names: Leda obliterata Brown and Pilsbry 1913 [synonym]
G. Acar Gray 1857 [miniature ark]
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Acar domingensis Lamarck 1819
G. Arcopsis Koenen 1885
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Arcopsis adamsi Dall 1886
G. Glycymeris Da Costa 1778
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Glycymeris longior Sowerby 1832
G. Aulacomya Mörch 1853
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Aulacomya atra Molina 1782
G. Lithophaga Röding 1798
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Lithophaga nigra d'Orbigny 1845
G. Pinna Linnaeus 1758
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Pinna carnea Gmelin 1791
G. Aequipecten Fischer 1886 [scallop]
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Aequipecten tehuelchus d'Orbigny 1842
G. Nodipecten Dall 1898
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Nodipecten nodosus Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Pecten decemradiatus Gmelin 1791 [synonym]
G. Ostrea Linnaeus 1758
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Ostrea puelchana d'Orbigny 1842
G. Pteria Scopoli 1777
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Pteria colymbus Röding 1798
G. Spondylus Linnaeus 1758
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Spondylus americanus Hermann 1781
G. Zygochlamys Ihering 1907
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Zygochlamys patagonicus King and Broderip 1832
G. Amiantis Carpenter 1863
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Amiantis purpurata Lamarck 1818
G. Anomalocardia Schumacher 1817
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G. Arcinella Schumacher 1817
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Arcinella cornuta Conrad 1866
G. Carditamera Conrad 1838
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Carditamera plata Ihering 1907
G. Chama Linnaeus 1758
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Chama macerophylla Gmelin 1791
Invalid names: Chama imbricata Lamarck 1801 [synonym]
G. Clausinella Gray 1851
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Clausinella gayi Húpe 1854
G. Crassinella Guppy 1874
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G. Ctena Mörch 1860
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Ctena orbiculata Montagu 1808
G. Diplodonta Bronn 1831
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G. Mactra Linnaeus 1767
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Mactra marplatensis Doello-Jurado 1918
Mactra patagonica d'Orbigny 1846
G. Pitar Römer 1857
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Pitar rostratus Koch 1943
Pitar subarestus Dall 1912
G. Pleurolucina Dall 1901
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G. Semele Schumacher 1817
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Semele bellastriata Conrad 1837
G. Serripes Gould 1841
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Serripes notabilis Sowerby 1915
G. Erodona Daudin 1802
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Erodona mactroides Daudin 1802
G. Sphenia Turton 1822
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Sphenia iheringiana Pilsbry 1897
Fm. Turritellidae Lovén 1847 [turret shell]
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G. Colpospirella Powell 1951
Colpospirella algida Melvill and Standen 1912
G. Tachyrhynchus Mörch 1868
Tachyrhynchus reticulatus Mighels and Adams 1842
G. Torcula Gray 1847
Torcula acropora Dall 1889
Torcula bayeri Petuch 2001
Torcula exoletus Linnaeus 1758
Torcula lindae Petuch 1987
G. Turritellopsis Sars 1878
Superor. †Caenogastropoda Cox 1959
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Superfm. †Triphoroidea Gray 1847
Fm. Acanthochitonidae Pilsbry 1893
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G. Acanthochitona Gray 1821 [glass-hair chiton]
Superfm. †Acteonoidea d'Orbigny 1835
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Fm. Acteonidae d'Orbigny 1835
G. Rictaxis Dall 1871
Superfm. †Architectonicoidea Gray 1840
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Fm. Architectonicidae Gray 1850
G. Philippia Gray 1847
Fm. Arcidae Lamarck 1809
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G. Bathyarca Kobelt 1891
G. Bentharca Verrill and Bush 1898
G. Fugleria Reinhart 1937
Fugleria tenera Reeve 1844 [Delicate Ark]
Invalid names: Arca balesi Pilsbry and McLean 1939 [synonym]
Fm. Buccinidae Rafinesque 1815 [true whelk]
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G. Bailya Smith 1944
Bailya intricata Dall 1884
G. Buccinum Linnaeus 1758
Buccinum cyaneum Bruguière 1789
Buccinum finmarkianum Verkrüzen 1875
Buccinum glaciale Linnaeus 1761
Buccinum plectrum Stimpson 1865
Buccinum totteni Stimpson 1861
G. Colus Röding 1798
Colus pygmaeus Gould 1841
G. Gemophos Olsson and Harbison 1953
Gemophos tinctus Conrad 1846
G. Monostiolum Dall 1904
G. Pareuthria Strebel 1905
G. Savatieria Rochebrune and Mabille 1885
Fm. Calyptraeidae Lamarck 1809 [slipper shell]
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G. Bostrycapulus Olsson and Harbison 1953
G. Crepidula Lamarck 1799
Crepidula aeola Dall 1927
Crepidula fornicata Linnaeus 1758
Crepidula navicula Mörch 1877
G. Crepipatella Lesson 1830
Crepipatella dilatata Lamarck 1822
Superfm. Calyptraeoidea Lamarck 1809
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Fm. Capulidae Fleming 1822
G. Trichotropis Broderip and Sowerby 1829
Fm. Cancellariidae Gray 1853
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G. Tritonoharpa Dall 1908
Fm. Cerithiopsidae Adams and Adams 1853
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G. Seila Adams 1861
Subfm. †Clathurellinae Adams and Adams 1858
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G. Glyphostoma Gabb 1872
G. †Cymbovula Cate 1973
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Cymbovula acicularis Lamarck 1811
Subfm. Fraginae Stewart 1930
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G. Americardia Stewart 1930
Subcl. Heterodonta Neumayr 1884
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Superfm. Arcticoidea Newton 1891
Superfm. Chamoidea Blainville 1825
Superfm. Cyamioidea Philippi 1845
Fm. Cyamiidae Philippi 1845
Fm. Neoleptonidae Thiele 1934
Fm. Sportellidae Dall 1899
G. Fabella Conrad 1863
Fabella pilsbryi Dall 1899
Invalid names: Perrierinidae Marwick 1927 [empty]
Superfm. Dreissenoidea Gray 1840
Superfm. Galeommatoidea Gray 1840
Fm. Leptonidae Gray 1847
Superfm. Gastrochaenoidea Gray 1840
Fm. Hydrobiidae Troschel 1857
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G. Heleobia Stimpson 1865
Heleobia australis d'Orbigny 1837
G. Paludestrina d'Orbigny 1839
Fm. Littorinidae Gray 1840 [periwinkle]
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G. Laevilitorina Pfeffer 1886
Subfm. Malletiinae Adams and Adams 1858
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G. Tindariopsis Verrill and Bush 1897
Tindariopsis sulculata Couthouy 1852
Subfm. Mangeliinae Fischer 1884
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G. Cythara Schumacher 1817
G. Kurtziella Dall 1918
Subfm. Margaritinae Stoliczka 1868
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G. Margarites Gray 1847
Fm. Marginellidae Fleming 1828 [margin shell]
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G. Hyalina Schumacher 1817
Fm. Nassariidae Iredale 1916
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G. Ilyanassa Stimpson 1865
Fm. Omalogyridae Sars 1878
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G. Omalogyra Jeffreys 1867
Omalogyra antarctica Egorova 1991
Fm. Orbitestellidae Iredale 1917
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G. Microdiscula Thiele 1912
Fm. Pectinidae Wilkes 1810 [scallop]
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G. Bractechlamys Iredale 1939
Invalid names: Pecten eulyratus Bayer 1943 [synonym]
G. Placopecten Verrill 1897
Fm. Petricolidae Deshayes 1839
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G. Choristodon Jonas 1844
Choristodon robustus Sowerby 1834
Invalid names: Choristodon typicum Jonas 1844 [synonym], Petricola anchoreta Folin 1867 [synonym], Petricola bulbosa Gould` 1851 [synonym], Petricola buwaldi Clark 1915 [synonym], Petricola riocanensis Maury 1917 [synonym], Petricola sinuosa Conrad 1849 [synonym], Petricola venusta Folin 1867 [synonym]
Superfm. Philinoidea Gray 1850
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Fm. †Philinidae Gray 1850
Invalid names: Aglajidae Pilsbry 1895 [empty]
Fm. Pteriidae Gray 1847 [pearl oyster]
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G. Pinctada Ršding 1798
Pinctada imbricata Röding 1798
Invalid names: Pinctada radiata Leach 1814 [synonym]
Fm. Retusidae Thiele 1925
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G. Volvulella Newton 1891
Fm. Scaliolidae Jousseaume 1912
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G. Finella Adams 1860
Finella adamsi Dall 1889
Fm. Semelidae Stoliczka 1870
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G. Ervilia Turton 1822
Invalid names: Ervilia rostratula Rehder 1943 [synonym]
Subfm. Tapetinae Gray 1851
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G. Retrotapes del Rio 1997
Retrotapes exalbida Dillwyn 1817
Subfm. †Tellininae Blainville 1814
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G. Tellidora Morch 1856
Tellidora cristata Récluz 1842
Subfm. Trophoninae Cossmann 1903
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G. Xymenopsis Powell 1951
Xymenopsis muriciformis King and Broderip 1832
Fm. Turridae Swainson 1840 [turrid]
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Subfm. Cochlespirinae Powell 1942
G. Pyrgospira McLearn 1971
Subfm. Venerinae Rafinesque 1815
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G. Circomphalus Mörch 1853
G. Cytherea Lamarck 1808
G. Globivenus Coen 1934
G. Ventricola Römer 1867
Fm. Vitrinellidae Bush 1897
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G. †Adeorbis Wood 1848
G. Episcynia Morch 1875
Episcynia inornata d'Orbigny 1842
Invalid names: Vitrinella multicarinata Dall 1889 [synonym]
Subfm. †Odostomiinae Nordsieck 1972
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G. Eulimastoma Bartsch 1916
Invalid names: Eulimastoma teres Bush 1885 [synonym]
Odostomia weberi Morrison 1965
G. Odostomia Fleming 1817
Subfm. Mytilinae Rafinesque 1815
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G. Brachidontes Swainson 1840
Brachidontes exustus Linnaeus 1758
G. Ischadium Jukes-Browne 1905
Ischadium recurvum Rafinesque 1820
Invalid names: Mytilus hamatus Say 1822 [synonym]
Superfm. Pyramidelloidea Gray 1840
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Fm. Pyramidellidae Gray 1840
Subfm. Pyramidellinae Gray 1840
G. Longchaeus Mörch 1875
G. Pyramidella Lamarck 1799
G. Scurria Gray 1847
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Scurria scurra Lesson 1830
Superfm. Arcoidea Lamarck 1809
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Fm. Noetiidae Stewart 1930
G. Hydrobia Hartmann 1821
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Hydrobia truncata Vanatta 1924
Invalid names: Hydrobia totteni Morrison 1954 [synonym]
G. Katadesmia Dall 1908
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Katadesmia cuneata Jeffreys 1876
Superfm. Glycymeridoidea Newton 1916
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Fm. Glycymerididae Newton 1922
Superfm. Ostreoidea Rafinesque 1815
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Fm. Ostreidae Rafinesque 1815 [oyster]
G. Dendostrea Swainson 1835
Dendostrea frons Linnaeus 1758
Superfm. Lucinoidea Fleming 1828
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Fm. Thyasiridae Dall 1901
Fm. Ungulinidae Adams and Adams 1857
Superfm. Cardioidea Lamarck 1809
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Fm. Cardiidae Lamarck 1809 [cockle]
G. Papyridea Swainson 1840
Invalid names: Papyridea petitianum d'Orbigny 1853 [synonym]
Papyridea soleniformis Bruguière 1787
Superfm. Hiatelloidea Gray 1824
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Fm. Hiatellidae Gray 1824
G. Cyrtodaria Reuss 1801
Cyrtodaria kurriana Dunker 1861
Invalid names: Cyrtodaria camdenensis Dall 1920 [synonym]
Fm. Cystiscidae Stimpson 1865
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G. Gibberulina Monterosato 1884
Subfm. Modiolinae Termier and Termier 1950
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G. Botula Mörch 1853
G. Modiolus Lamarck 1801
Superfm. Anomioidea Rafinesque 1815
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Fm. Anomiidae Rafinesque 1815
Superfm. Tellinoidea Blainville 1814
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Fm. Psammobiidae Fleming 1828
G. Heterodonax Morch 1853
Fm. Tellinidae Blainville 1814 [tellin clam]
Superfm. Mactroidea Lamarck 1809
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Fm. Mactridae Lamarck 1809
G. Anatina Schumacher 1817
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Invalid names: Aporrhais labradorensis Johnson 1930 [synonym], Aporrhais mainensis Johnson 1926 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Axinopsis inaequalis Verrill and Bush 1898 [synonym]
Buccinum scalariforme Möller 1842
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Invalid names: Buccinum tenue Gray 1839 [replaced]
Fm. Chaetopleuridae Plate 1899
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G. Chaetopleura Shuttleworth 1853
Chama congregata Conrad 1833
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Invalid names: Chama congregatoides Maury 1917 [synonym]
Anatina anatina Spengler 1802
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Invalid names: Anatina pellucida Schumacher 1817 [synonym], Mactra recurva Wood 1828 [synonym]
Eurytellina nitens Adams 1845
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Invalid names: Tellina georgiana Dall 1900 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Syntomodrillia scissurata Dall 1890 [synonym]
Ervilia nitens Montagu 1808
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Invalid names: Ervilia venezuelana Weisbord 1964 [synonym]
Subfm. Ocenebrinae Cossmann 1903
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G. Urosalpinx Stimpson 1865
Urosalpinx haneti Petit 1856
Invalid names: Urosalpinx rushii Pilsbry 1897 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Ithycythara kellumi Fargo 1953 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Longchaeus (Longchaeus) marionae Bartsch 1955 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Margarites umbilicalis Broderip and Broderip 1829 [synonym]
Lunarca ovalis Bruguiere 1789
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Invalid names: Arca campechiensis Gmelin 1791 [synonym]
Astarte montagui Dillwyn 1817
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Invalid names: Nicania banksii Leach 1819 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Cantharus perplexus Olsson and Harbison 1953 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Turritella maiquetiana Weisbord 1962 [synonym]
Turritella variegata Linnaeus 1758
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Invalid names: Turbo imbricatus Linnaeus 1758 [synonym]
G. †Ameghinomya Ihering 1907
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Invalid names: Chione pampeana Ihering 1907 [synonym]
Donax hilairea Guerin 1832
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Invalid names: Donax hanleyanus Philippi 1845 [synonym]
G. Volvarina Hinds 1844
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Volvarina albolineata d'Orbigny 1842
G. Nannodiella Dall 1919
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Nannodiella oxia Bush 1885
G. Pilsbryspira Bartsch 1950
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Pilsbryspira flucki Brown and Pilsbry 1913
Patelloida pustulata Helbling 1779
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Invalid names: Acmaea punctulata Gmelin 1791 [replaced]
Niveria suffusa Gray 1827
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Invalid names: Niveria jamaicensis Schilder 1932 [synonym]
Pitar morrhuanus Dall 1902
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Invalid names: Cytherea sayana Conrad 1833 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Mytilopsis cochleata Kickx 1835 [synonym]
Parvilucina costata d'Orbigny 1846
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Invalid names: Lucina antillarum Reeve 1850 [synonym]
Angulus merus Say 1834
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Invalid names: Tellina promera Dall 1900 [synonym]
G. Transennella Dall 1884
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Transennella cubaniana d'Orbigny 1853
Iselica globosa Lea 1843
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Invalid names: Dolium octocostatum Emmons 1858 [synonym], Isapis caloosaensis Dall 1890 [synonym]