Classification of Thurmond and Jones 1981

Cl. Chondrichthyes Huxley 1880 [cartilaginous fish]
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Or. †Bradyodonti Arambourg and Bertin 1958
Fm. †Petalodontidae Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Petalodus
G. †Psammodus Agassiz 1834
Subcl. Elasmobranchii Bonaparte 1838 [elasmobranch]
Or. Batoidea [ray]
Subor. †Myliobatoidea
Fm. Dasyatidae Jordan 1888 [whiptail stingray]
G. Dasyatis Rafinesque 1810
G. †Hypolophus Muller and Henle 1837
Fm. Myliobatidae Bonaparte 1838 [eagle ray]
G. Aetiobatis Blainville 1816
Fm. Rhinopteridae Jordan and Evermann 1896 [cow-nosed ray]
G. Rhinoptera Cuvier 1829 [cownose ray]
Subor. †Rajoidea Garman 1913
Fm. Rajidae Blainville 1816 [skate]
G. Raja Linnaeus 1758
Or. Selachii [shark]
Superfm. †Hybodontoidea Agassiz 1834
Fm. †Hybodontidae Agassiz 1834
G. †Ptychodus Agassiz 1834
Ptychodus mortoni Mantell 1836
Ptychodus polygyrus Agassiz 1835
Invalid names: Galeoidea Hay 1902 [empty], Heterodontoidea Hay 1902 [empty]
Invalid names: Cladoselachii Dean 1894 [empty], Pristioidea [empty]
Or. Holocephali Bonaparte 1832 [chimaera]
G. Carcharodon Smith 1838 [white shark]
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Subg. †Carcharodon (Procarcharodon) Thurmond and Jones 1981
G. Odontaspis Agassiz 1838 [sand tiger shark]
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Odontaspis hopei Agassiz 1843
Odontaspis macrota Agassiz 1838
Odontaspis malletiana White 1956
Odontaspis rutoti Winkler 1878
Odontaspis verticalis Agassiz 1843
G. †Pseudocorax Priem 1897
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Pseudocorax affinis Agassiz 1843
G. †Protostega Cope 1871
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Protostega dixie Zangerl 1953
G. †Globidens Gilmore 1912
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Globidens alabamaensis Gilmore 1912
Or. Lacertilia Owen 1842 [lizard]
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Fm. †Mosasauridae Gervais 1852 [mosasaur]
Subfm. †Mosasaurinae Gervais 1853
G. †Clidastes Cope 1868
Clidastes propython Cope 1869
G. †Halisaurus Marsh 1869
Halisaurus sternbergi Wiman 1920
G. †Mosasaurus Parkinson 1822
Subfm. †Plioplatecarpinae Dollo 1884
Subfm. †Tylosaurinae Wiliston 1895
G. †Tylosaurus Marsh 1872
Tylosaurus zangerli Russell 1970
Subor. †Sauropterygia Owen 1859
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Subor. †Plesiosauria de Blainville 1835 [plesiosaur]
Superfm. †Plesiosauroidea Welles 1943
Fm. †Elasmosauridae Cope 1869 [elasmosaur]
G. †Discosaurus Leidy 1851
Discosaurus vetustus Leidy 1851
Superfm. †Pliosauroidea Welles 1943
Fm. †Polycotylidae Williston 1908
Fm. †Hybodontes Agassiz 1834
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G. †Dicrenodus Romanowski 1853
Dicrenodus wortheni Newberry and Worthen 1866
Fm. †Pycnodontes Agassiz 1833
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G. †Anomoeodus Forir 1887
Subph. Vertebrata Lamarck 1801 [vertebrate]
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Cl. Amphibia Linnaeus 1758
Subor. †Rhachitomi Cope 1882
G. †Attenosaurus Aldrich and Jones 1930
Attenosaurus subulensis Aldrich 1930
Invalid names: Attenosaurus indistinctus Aldrich and Jones 1930 [synonym]
Subor. †Seymouriamorpha Watson 1917
G. †Quadropedia Aldrich and Jones 1930
Quadrupedia prima Aldrich and Jones 1930
Cl. Aves Linnaeus 1758 [bird]
Or. Ciconiiformes Bonaparte 1854
Cl. Mammalia Linnaeus 1758 [mammal]
Or. Artiodactyla Owen 1848 [even-toed ungulate]
Subor. Ruminantia Scopoli 1777 [ruminant]
Fm. Bovidae Gray 1821 [antelope]
Fm. Camelidae Gray 1821 [camel]
Fm. Cervidae Gray 1821 [deer]
Fm. †Protoceratidae Marsh 1891 [protoceratid]
G. †Synthetoceras Stirton 1932
Synthetoceras tricornatus Stirton 1932
Or. Carnivora Bowdich 1821 [carnivoran]
Fm. †Miacidae Cope 1880
Fm. Ursidae Gray 1825 [bear]
Or. Cetacea Brisson 1762 [whale]
Subor. †Archaeoceti Flower 1883
Fm. †Basilosauridae Cope 1867
G. †Basilosaurus Harlan 1834
Basilosaurus cetoides Owen 1839
Invalid names: Alabamornis gigantea Abel 1906 [synonym], Hydrarchos harlani Koch 1845 [synonym], Hydrargos sillimanii Koch 1845 [synonym], Zeuglodon ceti Wyman 1845 [synonym], Zeuglodon harlani De Kay 1842 [synonym], Zeuglodon macrospondylus Müller 1849 [synonym]
G. †Pontogeneus Leidy 1852
Invalid names: Pontogeneus priscus Leidy 1852 [synonym]
Fm. †Dorudontidae Miller 1923
G. †Zygorhiza True 1908
Zygorhiza kochii Carus 1847
Invalid names: Zygorhiza minor True 1908 [synonym]
Subor. Mysticeti Cope 1891
Fm. †Patriocetidae Abel 1914
G. †Archaeodelphis Allen 1921
Archaeodelphis patrius Allen 1921
Subor. Odontoceti Flower 1867 [toothed whale]
Or. Edentata Cuvier 1798
Infraor. Pilosa Flower 1883
Fm. †Megalonychidae Gervais 1855
G. †Megalonyx Harlan 1825
Megalonyx jeffersonii Desmarest 1822 [Jefferson's ground sloth]
Or. Perissodactyla Owen 1848 [odd-toed ungulate]
Subor. †Hippomorpha
Fm. Equidae Gray 1821 [horse]
G. Equus Linnaeus 1758 [horse]
G. †Hipparion de Christol 1832
Hipparion phosphorum Simpson 1930
G. †Nannippus Matthew 1926
Subor. Tapiromorpha Haeckel 1873
Fm. Rhinocerotidae Gray 1821 [rhinoceros]
G. †Teleoceras Hatcher 1894
Or. Proboscidea Illiger 1811 [proboscidean]
Fm. Elephantidae Gray 1821 [elephant]
G. Elephas Linnaeus 1758 [elephant]
Elephas columbi Falconer 1857 [Columbian mammoth]
Invalid names: Mastodontidae Gray 1821 [empty]
Or. Sirenia Illiger 1811 [sirenian]
Cl. Osteichthyes Huxley 1880 [bony fish]
Cl. Actinopterygii Cope 1887 [ray-finned fish]
Infracl. Chondrostei Müller 1844
Or. Acipenseriformes Berg 1940
Fm. Acipenseridae Bonaparte 1831
G. †Propenser Applegate 1970
Superor. Holostei Müller 1846
Or. Clupeiformes Bleeker 1859
Fm. Clupeidae Cuvier 1817 [herring]
Fm. †Ichthyodectidae Crook 1892
G. †Ichthyodectes Cope 1870
G. †Xiphactinus Leidy 1870
Xiphactinus audax Leidy 1870
Or. Osteoglossiformes Berg 1940
Invalid names: Saurocephalidae [empty]
Or. Perciformes Bleeker 1859 [perch-like fish]
Subor. Percoidei Bleeker 1859
Fm. Sciaenidae Cuvier 1828
Subor. †Scombroidei Bleeker 1859
G. †Cylindracanthus Leidy 1856
Cylindracanthus acus Cope 1870
Cylindracanthus rectus Agassiz 1843
Invalid names: Cylindracanthus ornatus Leidy 1856 [synonym]
G. Trichiurides Winkler 1874
G. Trichiurus Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Mugiloidei [empty]
Or. Salmoniformes Bleeker 1859
Fm. †Dercetidae Cope
G. †Stratodus Cope 1872
Stratodus apicalis Cope 1872
Fm. †Enchodontidae Woodward 1901
G. †Cimolichthys Leidy
G. †Enchodus Agassiz 1835
Enchodus petrosus Cope 1874
Enchodus saevus Hay 1903
Unr. Sarcopterygii Romer 1955 [lobe-finned fish]
Infracl. Teleostei Müller 1846
Or. Anguilliformes Greenwood et al. 1966 [eel]
G. Conger Schaeffer 1760
Conger brevior Koken 1888
Conger sanctus Frizzell and Lamber 1962
Or. Elopiformes Sauvage 1875
Subor. Albuloidei
Fm. Albulidae Bleeker 1859
G. Albula Gronow 1763
Albula dunklei Applegate 1970
Fm. †Bananogmiidae Applegate 1970
G. †Bananogmius Whitley 1940
G. †Moorevillia Applegate 1970
Moorevillia hardi Applegate 1970
Subor. Elopoidei
Fm. Elopidae Bonaparte 1846
G. †Palelops Applegate 1970
Palelops eutawensis Applegate 1970
Fm. †Pachyrhizodontidae Cope 1872
G. †Pachyrhizodus Agassiz 1850
Pachyrhizodus caninus Cope 1872
Pachyrhizodus kingi Cope 1872
Or. Tetraodontiformes Berg 1940
G. Diodon Linnaeus 1758
G. Ostracion Rafinesque 1815
Cl. Reptilia Laurenti 1768 [reptile]
Subcl. Anapsida Williston 1917 [anapsid]
Or. Chelonia Latreille 1800 [turtle]
Subor. Cryptodira Cope 1868
Fm. Dermatemydidae Baur 1888
G. †Agomphus Cope 1871
Agomphus alabamensis Gilmore 1919
Fm. Dermochelidae Lydekker 1889 [leatherback]
Fm. †Protostegidae Cope 1873
G. †Calcarichelys Zangerl 1953
Calcarichelys gemma Zangerl 1953
G. †Chelosphargis Zangerl 1953
Fm. Testudinidae Batsch 1788
G. †Hadrianus Cope 1872
Fm. †Toxochelyidae Baur 1895
Subfm. †Lophochelyinae Zangerl 1953
G. †Ctenochelys Zangerl 1953
Ctenochelys acris Zangerl 1953
G. †Lophochelys Zangerl 1953
Lophochelys venatrix Zangerl 1953
G. †Prionochelys Zangerl 1953
Prionochelys matutina Zangerl 1953
Subfm. †Toxochelyinae Zangerl 1953
G. †Thinochelys Zangerl 1953
G. †Toxochelys Cope 1873
Toxochelys moorevillensis Zangerl 1953
Subor. Pleurodira Cope 1865 [sideneck turtle]
Fm. Pelomedusidae Cope 1868
G. †Bothremys Leidy 1865
Bothremys barberi Schmidt 1940
Invalid names: Podocnemis alabamae Zangerl 1948 [synonym]
Subcl. Archosauria Cope 1869 [archosaur]
Or. Crocodilia Owen 1842 [crocodilian]
Or. †Ornithischia Seeley 1888 [ornithischian]
Subor. †Ankylosauria Osborn 1923 [ankylosaur]
Subor. †Ornithopoda Marsh 1881 [ornithopod]
Fm. †Hadrosauridae Cope 1869 [hadrosaurid]
G. †Lophorhothon Langston 1960
Lophorhothon atopus Langston 1960
Or. Saurischia Seeley 1888 [saurischian]
Subor. Theropoda Marsh 1881 [theropod]
Fm. †Deinodontidae Brown 1914
Superor. Lepidosauria Haeckel 1866 [lepidosaur]
Or. †Sauropterygia Owen 1859
Or. Serpentes Linnaeus 1758 [snake]
Invalid names: Palaeophidae [empty]
Infraor. Cryptodira Cope 1868
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Fm. Cheloniidae Bonaparte 1832
G. †Corsochelys Zangerl 1960
Corsochelys haliniches Zangerl 1960
Fm. Trionychidae Gray 1825 [softshell turtle]
Infracl. Holostei Müller 1846
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Or. Amiiformes Hay 1929 [bowfin]
Fm. †Pachycormidae Woodward 1895
G. †Erisichthe Cope 1873
G. †Protosphyraena Leidy 1857
Protosphyraena nitida Cope 1873
Or. †Pycnodontiformes Berg 1937
Fm. †Pycnodontidae Agassiz 1833
Or. †Semionotiformes Arambourg and Bertin 1958
Fm. Lepisosteidae Cuvier 1825
Subor. †Semionotoidei
Invalid names: Hadrodontidae Thurmond and Jones 1981 [empty]
Subcl. Lepidosauria Haeckel 1866 [lepidosaur]
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Or. Squamata Oppel 1811 [squamates]
Subor. Lacertilia Owen 1842 [lizard]
Subor. Ciconiae
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Invalid names: Plegadornithidae Wetmore 1962 [empty]
Subcl. Holocephali Bonaparte 1832 [chimaera]
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Or. Chimaeriformes Obruchev 1953 [chimaera]
Fm. †Edaphodontidae Owen 1846
G. †Edaphodon Buckland 1838
Edaphodon mirificus Leidy 1856
Negaprion gibbesi Woodward 1889
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G. †Cincosaurus Aldrich and Jones 1930
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Cincosaurus cobbi Aldrich and Jones 1930
Invalid names: Cincosaurus jaggerensis Aldrich and Jones 1930 [synonym], Cincosaurus jonesii Aldrich and Jones 1930 [synonym]
Fm. †Plioplatecarpidae Dollo 1884
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G. †Platecarpus Cope 1869
Platecarpus ictericus Cope 1870
Platecarpus somenensis Thevenin 1896
G. †Prognathodon Dollo 1889
Subor. Labroidei Cuvier 1816
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Fm. Labridae Cuvier 1816
G. †Phyllodus Agassiz 1839