Classification of Heer 1864

G. Theridion Walckenaer 1805
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Theridion annulipes Heer 1864
Theridion globulus Heer 1864
Theridion maculipes Heer 1864
G. Argyroneta Latreille 1804
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Argyroneta longipes Heer 1864
Or. Coleoptera Linnaeus 1758 [beetle]
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G. Acanthoderus Audinet-Serville 1835
Invalid names: Acanthoderus lepidus Heer 1864 [nomen nudum], Acanthoderus sepultus Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
Fm. Cantharidae Imhoff 1856 [soldier beetle]
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G. Zonites Fabricius 1775
Zonites vetusta Heer 1864
Or. Ephemeroptera Hyatt and Arms 1890 [mayfly]
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Invalid names: Ephemera oeningensis Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Bibio Geoffroy 1762
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Bibio elongatus Heer 1849
G. Apis Linnaeus 1758 [honey bee]
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Apis adamitica Heer 1864
G. Plecia Wiedemann 1823 [love bug]
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Plecia hilaris Heer 1849
G. Aeschna Fabricius 1775 [hawker dragonfly]
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Aeschna hageni Heer 1864
Or. Isoptera Brullé 1832 [termite]
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G. †Clathrotermes Heer 1864
G. Hydrous Linnaeus 1775
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Hydrous escheri Heer 1862
G. Calosoma Weber 1801
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Calosoma catenulatum Heer 1860
Calosoma nauckianum Heer 1860
G. Elater Linnaeus 1758
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Subg. Elater (Alaus) Eschscholtz 1829
G. Onthophagus Latreille 1802
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Onthophagus prodromus Heer 1862
G. Mesosa Latreille 1829
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Mesosa jasonis Heer 1847
G. Scolia Fabricius 1775
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Scolia saussureana Heer 1864
G. Formica Linnaeus 1758
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Formica lignitum Germar 1837
Invalid names: Formica heraclea Heer 1849 [synonym]
G. Vespa Linnaeus 1758
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Vespa atavina Heer 1849
G. Sciara Meigen 1803
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Sciara deleta Heer 1864
Or. Hemiptera Linnaeus 1758 [true bug]
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G. †Cyclocoris Heer 1864
Cyclocoris pinguis Heer 1864
G. Limnobates Burmeister 1835
Invalid names: Limnobates prodromus Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Clubiona Latreille 1804
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Clubiona eseri Heer 1864
G. Thomisus Walckenaer 1805
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Thomisus lividus Heer 1864
Thomisus oeningensis Heer 1864
Thomisus sulzeri Heer 1864
G. Epeira Walckenaer 1805
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Epeira molassica Heer 1864
G. Hexatoma Latreille 1809
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Hexatoma oeningensis Heer 1864
G. Limnobia Meigen 1818
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Limnobia jaccardi Heer 1864
G. Chironomus Meigen 1803
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Chironomus gaudini Heer 1864
G. Mycetophila Meigen 1803
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Mycetophila orci Heer 1864
Mycetophila pusillima Heer 1864
G. Cecidomyia Meigen 1803
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Cecidomyia bremii Heer 1864
G. Syrphus Fabricius 1775
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Syrphus bremii Heer 1864
Syrphus schellenbergi Heer 1864
G. †Dipterites Heer 1849
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Dipterites obovatus Heer 1864
G. Ichneumon Linnaeus 1758
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Ichneumon infernalis Heer 1864
G. Myrmica Latreille 1804
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Myrmica tertiaria Heer 1849
G. Ponera Latreille 1804
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Ponera veneraria Heer 1864
G. Polistes Latreille 1802
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Invalid names: Polistes primitiva Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Bombus Latreille 1802 [bumble bee]
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Bombus jurinei Heer 1864
G. Xylocopa Latreille 1802
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Xylocopa senilis Heer 1849
G. †Carabites Heer 1852
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Carabites bellus Heer 1864
Carabites harpalinus Heer 1864
G. †Sinis Heer 1862
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Sinis brevicollis Heer 1862
G. Dytiscus Linnaeus 1758
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Dytiscus lavateri Heer 1847
G. Cybister Curtis 1827
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Cybister agassizi Heer 1862
G. Hydroporus Clairville 1806
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Hydroporus antiquus Heer 1862
G. Gyrinus Geoffroy 1762
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Gyrinus atavus Heer 1864
G. Hydrophilus Geoffroy 1762
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Hydrophilus giganteus Heer 1862
Invalid names: Hydrophilus ruminianus Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. †Escheria Heer 1847
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Escheria bella Heer 1862
G. †Hydrophilopsis Heer 1862
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G. Silpha Linnaeus 1758
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Silpha tricostata Heer 1847
G. †Hydrobiites Heer 1864
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Hydrobiites veteranus Heer 1852
G. †Glaphyroptera Heer 1852
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Glaphyroptera gehreti Heer 1852
G. †Blattidium Westwood 1854
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Blattidium medium Heer 1864
G. Amara Bonelli 1810
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Amara princeps Heer 1862
G. Agrion Fabricius 1775
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Agrion leucosia Heer 1849
Agrion parthenope Heer 1849
G. Libellula Linnaeus 1758
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Libellula calypso Heer 1849
Libellula doris Heer 1849
G. Coccinella Linnaeus 1758
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Coccinella amabilis Heer 1864
Coccinella andromeda Heer 1847
Coccinella colorata Heer 1864
Coccinella hesione Heer 1847
G. Ammophila Kirby 1798
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Ammophila inferna Heer 1864
Invalid names: Ammophila annosa Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. †Cydnopsis Heer 1853
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Cydnopsis tertiaria Heer 1853
G. Gryllus Linnaeus 1758
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Gryllus troglodytes Heer 1864
G. †Elaterites Heer 1847
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Elaterites vetustus Brodie 1845
G. Copris Geoffroy 1762
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Copris druidum Heer 1862
G. Oedipoda Latreille 1829
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Oedipoda fischeri Heer 1864
Oedipoda germari Heer 1864
Oedipoda haidingeri Heer 1864
G. Termes Linnaeus 1758
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Termes buchii Heer 1864
Termes hartungi Heer 1864
Termes insignis Heer 1849
Termes spectabilis Heer 1849
G. Cercopis Fabricius 1775
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Cercopis germari Heer 1864
Invalid names: Cercopis hageni Heer 1864 [nomen nudum], Cercopis herrichi Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Harpalus Latreille 1802
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Harpalus tardigradus Heer 1862
G. Lema Fabricius 1798
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Lema vetusta Heer 1864
G. †Protocoris Heer 1852
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Protocoris insignis Heer 1864
Protocoris ovalis Heer 1864
G. Cicada Linnaeus 1758
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Cicada emathion Heer 1853
G. Blatta Linnaeus 1758
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Blatta colorata Heer 1864
G. †Imhoffia Heer 1849
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Imhoffia pallida Heer 1864
G. †Bombycites Heer 1849
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Bombycites buchii Heer 1864
G. Ancylochira Eschscholtz 1829
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Ancylochira tincta Heer 1862
G. Lina Latreille 1829
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Lina populeti Heer 1847
G. Gymnopleurus Illiger 1803
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G. †Buprestites Heer 1847
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Buprestites lyellii Heer 1864
G. Euchroma Dejean 1833
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Euchroma liasina Heer 1852
G. Lixus Fabricius 1801
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Lixus oeningensis Heer 1864
Lixus rugicollis Heer 1847
G. Apion Herbst 1797
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Apion antiquum Heer 1864
G. Prionus Geoffroy 1762
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Prionus polyphemus Heer 1864
Prionus spectabilis Heer 1864
G. †Gyrinites Heer 1852
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Gyrinites antiquus Heer 1864
Gyrinites minimus Heer 1864
Gyrinites troglodytes Heer 1852
G. †Cercopidium Westwood 1854
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Cercopidium minutum Heer 1864
Cercopidium morio Heer 1864
G. Bruchus Linnaeus 1767
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Bruchus striolatus Heer 1847
G. Bledius Leach 1819
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Bledius speciosus Heer 1862
G. Sitona Germar 1817
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Sitona atavina Heer 1864
G. Cleonus Schonherr 1826
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Cleonus speciosus Heer 1864
G. Cassida Linnaeus 1758
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Cassida blancheti Heer 1856
Cassida hermione Heer 1847
G. †Protomyia Heer 1849
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Protomyia speciosa Heer 1864
G. Pentatoma Latreille 1802
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Pentatoma pictum Heer 1864
G. Lygaeus Fabricius 1794
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Lygaeus tinctus Heer 1853
G. Heterogaster Schilling 1829
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Invalid names: Heterogaster tristis Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Harpactor Laporte 1832
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Harpactor maculipes Heer 1853
G. Monanthia Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau and Audinet-Serville 1828
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Monanthia wollastoni Heer 1864
G. Melolontha Fabricius 1775
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Melolontha greithiana Heer 1847
G. Trichius Fabricius 1775
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Trichius aedilis Heer 1862
Trichius lugubris Heer 1862
G. Capnodis Eschscholtz 1829
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Capnodis antiqua Heer 1847
Capnodis spectabilis Heer 1862
G. Telephorus Schaeffer 1766
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Telephorus macilentus Heer 1864
G. Clerus Geoffroy 1762
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Clerus adonis Heer 1847
G. Lytta Fabricius 1775
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Lytta aesculapi Heer 1847
G. Clytus Laicharting 1784
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Clytus pulcher Heer 1864
G. Saperda Fabricius 1775
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Saperda nephele Heer 1847
Saperda valdensis Heer 1864
G. Rhynchites Schneider 1791
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Rhynchites dionysus Heer 1864
Rhynchites silenus Heer 1847
G. Brachycerus Olivier 1789
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Brachycerus nanus Heer 1864
G. Chrysomela Linnaeus 1758
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Chrysomela calami Heer 1847
G. Gonioctena Chevrolat 1836
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Gonioctena clymene Heer 1847
G. Nabis Latreille 1802
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Nabis gracillima Heer 1864
G. Chalcophora Dejean 1833
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Chalcophora laevigata Heer 1862
G. Decticus Serville 1831
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Decticus speciosus Heer 1864
G. Gryllotalpa Latreille 1802
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Gryllotalpa stricta Heer 1864
G. Forficula Linnaeus 1758
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Forficula minuta Heer 1864
Forficula primigenia Heer 1864
Forficula recta Heer 1864
G. Pachycoris Burmeister 1835
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G. Halys Fabricius 1803
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Halys spectabilis Heer 1864
Superfm. Chalcidoidea Leach 1815 [chalcid wasp]
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Invalid names: Pteromalites Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Hister Linnaeus 1758
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Hister mastodontis Heer 1862
G. Melanophila Eschscholtz 1829
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Melanophila costata Heer 1864
G. †Strongylites Heer 1864
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Strongylites morio Heer 1864
Strongylites stygius Heer 1864
G. †Chrysomelites Heer 1864
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G. †Hydrophilites Heer 1864
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Hydrophilites stygius Heer 1864
G. †Megacentrus Heer 1852
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Megacentrus tristis Heer 1852
G. †Cistelites Heer 1864
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Cistelites insignis Heer 1864
G. †Nitidulites Heer 1864
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G. †Micranthaxia Heer 1852
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Micranthaxia bella Heer 1864
Micranthaxia rediviva Heer 1852
G. †Bellingera Heer 1852
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Bellingera laticollis Heer 1864
G. †Aphodiites Heer 1864
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Aphodiites protogaeus Heer 1864
G. †Petrorophus Heer 1852
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Petrorophus truncatus Heer 1852
G. †Cycloderma Heer 1864
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Cycloderma deplanatum Heer 1864
G. †Sitonites Heer 1864
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Sitonites melanarius Heer 1864
G. †Eumolpites Heer 1865
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Eumolpites liberatus Heer 1864
G. †Byrrhydium Heer 1864
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Byrrhydium arcuatum Heer 1864
Byrrhydium morio Heer 1864
G. †Latridiites Heer 1864
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Latridiites schaumi Heer 1864
G. †Trixagites Heer 1864
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Trixagites floralis Heer 1864
G. †Thurmannia Heer 1852
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Thurmannia punctulata Heer 1852
G. †Bothynophora Heer 1864
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Bothynophora elegans Heer 1864
G. Belostoma Latreille 1807 [giant water bug]
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Belostoma speciosum Heer 1864
G. Attelabus Linnaeus 1758
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Attelabus durus Heer 1864
G. †Palaeomyrmex Heer 1864
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G. †Baseopsis Heer 1864
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Baseopsis forficulina Heer 1864
G. †Tagenopsis Heer 1864
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G. Callidium Fabricius 1775
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Callidium escheri Heer 1864
Callidium procerum Heer 1864
G. Thrips Linnaeus 1758
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Thrips annosa Heer 1864
Thrips oeningensis Heer 1864
G. †Schellenbergia Heer 1864
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G. Macaria Westring 1851
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Macaria tenella Heer 1864
G. Tetrix Latreille 1802
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Tetrix gracilis Heer 1864
G. Oniticellus Dejean 1821
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G. Pentodon Hope 1837
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Pentodon proserpinae Heer 1862
G. Lepitrix Lepeletier and Serville 1828
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Lepitrix germanica Heer 1862
G. Valgus Scriba 1790
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Valgus oeningensis Heer 1862
G. Galeruca Geoffroy 1762
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Galeruca buchi Heer 1864
G. Trogosita Olivier 1790
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Trogosita sculpturata Heer 1862
G. †Wollastonites Heer 1852
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Wollastonites ovalis Heer 1852
G. Dineutus Macleay 1825 [whirligig beetle]
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Dineutus longiventris Heer 1862
G. †Acridiites Heer 1864
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Acridiites deperditus Heer 1864
Acridiites liasinus Heer 1864
G. †Calotermes Heer 1864
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Calotermes maculatus Heer 1864
Calotermes obtectus Heer 1864
Calotermes plagiatus Heer 1864
G. †Antliarhinites Heer 1864
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G. Naupactus Dejean 1821
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G. Hylecoetus Latreille 1806
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Invalid names: Hylecoetus cylindricus Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Lampyris Geoffroy 1762
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Invalid names: Lampyris orciluca Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
Fm. Buprestidae Leach 1815 [jewel beetle]
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Invalid names: Chrysobothrites Heer 1864 [nomen nudum]
G. Armadillo Latreille 1802
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Armadillo molassicus Heer 1864
G. Anoplites Kirby 1837
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Anoplites bremii Heer 1847
G. Syromastes Berthold 1827
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Syromastes coloratus Heer 1853