Classification of Wickham 1914

Or. Coleoptera Linnaeus 1758 [beetle]
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Fm. Malachiidae Fleming 1821
G. Collops Erichson 1840
Collops desuetus Wickham 1914
Collops extrusus Wickham 1914
Collops priscus Wickham 1914
Fm. Staphylinidae Latreille 1802 [rove beetle]
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G. Philonthus Curtis 1829
Philonthus marcidulus Scudder 1900
Fm. Dascillidae Guerin-Meneville 1843 [soft bodied plant beetle]
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G. †Miocyphon Wickham 1914
Miocyphon punctulatus Wickham 1914
G. †Protacnaeus Wickham 1914
Protacnaeus tenuicornis Wickham 1914
Fm. Scarabaeidae Latreille 1802 [scarab beetle]
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G. Ligyrus Burmeister 1847
Ligyrus compositus Wickham 1911
Ligyrus effetus Wickham 1914
G. Listrochelus Blanchard 1851
Listrochelus puerilis Wickham 1914
G. Oxyomus Kirby and Spence 1828
Oxyomus nearcticus Wickham 1914
G. Strategus Kirby 1828
Strategus cessatus Wickham 1914
Fm. Lampyridae Rafinesque 1815
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G. †Miocaenia Wickham 1914
Miocaenia pectinicornis Wickham 1914
G. Polemius Le Conte 1851
Polemius crassicornis Wickham 1914
G. Trypherus Le Conte 1851
Trypherus aboriginalis Wickham 1913
Fm. Bostrichidae Latreille 1802 [false powderpost beetle]
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G. Amphicerus Le Conte 1861
Amphicerus sublaevis Wickham 1914
G. Xylobiops Casey 1898
Xylobiops lacustre Wickham 1912
Fm. Ptinidae Latreille 1802 [spider beetle]
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G. Oligomerus Redtenbacher 1849
Oligomerus duratus Wickham 1914
G. Xestobium Motschulsky 1845
Xestobium alutaceum Wickham 1913
Fm. Cleridae Latreille 1802 [checkered beetle]
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G. Enoclerus Gahan 1910
Enoclerus florissantensis Wickham 1914
Enoclerus pristinus Wickham 1914
G. Hydnocera Newman 1838
Hydnocera wolcotti Wickham 1913
G. Necrobia Olivier 1795
Necrobia divinatoria Wickham 1914
Fm. Cerambycidae Latreille 1802 [longhorned beetle]
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G. Elaphidion Audinet-Serville 1834
Elaphidion extinctum Wickham 1914
G. Gaurotes Le Conte 1850
Gaurotes striatopunctatus Wickham 1914
G. Leptostylus Le Conte 1852
Leptostylus scudderi Wickham 1914
G. †Protipochus Wickham 1914
Protipochus vandykei Wickham 1914
G. †Protoncideres Wickham 1913
Protoncideres primus Wickham 1913
G. Stenosphenus Haldeman 1847
Stenosphenus pristinus Wickham 1914
Fm. Bruchidae Latreille 1802
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G. Spermophagus Schoenherr 1833
Spermophagus pluto Wickham 1914
Fm. Chrysomelidae Latreille 1802 [leaf beetle]
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G. Colaspis Fabricius 1801
Colaspis diluvialis Wickham 1914
Colaspis proserpina Wickham 1914
G. Diabrotica Chevrolat 1836
Diabrotica bowditchiana Wickham 1914
Diabrotica exesa Wickham 1911
Diabrotica florissantella Wickham 1914
Diabrotica uteana Wickham 1914
G. Odontota Chevrolat 1837
Odontota americana Wickham 1914
G. †Plectrotetrophanes Wickham 1914
Plectrotetrophanes hageni Wickham 1914
G. †Prochaetocnema Wickham 1914
G. Systena Chevrolat 1836
Systena florissantensis Wickham 1913
G. Trirhabda Le Conte 1865
Trirhabda majuscula Wickham 1914
Trirhabda megacephala Wickham 1914
Trirhabda sepulta Wickham 1914
Fm. Cucujidae Latreille 1802
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G. Pediacus Shuckard 1839
Pediacus periclitans Scudder 1900
Fm. Cryptophagidae Kirby 1837 [silken fungus beetle]
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G. Cryptophagus Herbst 1792
Cryptophagus bassleri Wickham 1913
Cryptophagus scudderi Wickham 1914
Fm. Colydiides Billberg 1820
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G. †Rhagoderidea Wickham 1914
Rhagoderidea striata Wickham 1914
Fm. Mordellidae Latreille 1802 [tumbling flower beetle]
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G. Tomoxia Costa 1854
Tomoxia inundata Wickham 1914
Fm. Oedemeridae Latreille 1810 [false blister beetle]
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G. Copidita Le Conte 1866
Copidita miocenica Wickham 1914
G. †Paloedemera Wickham 1914
Paloedemera crassipes Wickham 1914
Fm. Anthicidae Latreille 1819 [ant like flower beetle]
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G. Corphyra Say 1835
Corphyra calypso Wickham 1914
Fm. Meloidae Gyllenhal 1810 [blister beetle]
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G. Tetraonyx Latreille 1805
Tetraonyx minuscula Wickham 1914
Fm. Tenebrionidae Latreille 1802 [darkling beetle]
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G. Ephalus Le Conte 1862
Ephalus adumbratus Scudder 1900
G. Hymenorus Mulsant 1852
Hymenorus haydeni Wickham 1914
G. Isomira Mulsant 1856
Isomira florissantensis Wickham 1914
G. †Protoplatycera Wickham 1914
Protoplatycera laticornis Wickham 1914
Fm. Melolonthidae Leach 1819
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G. †Miolachnosterna Wickham 1914
G. Cantharis Linnaeus 1758
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Cantharis lithophilus Wickham 1914
G. Agrilus Curtis 1825
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Agrilus praepolitus Wickham 1914
G. Epicauta Dejean 1834
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Epicauta subneglecta Wickham 1914
G. Anomala Samouelle 1819
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Anomala exterranea Wickham 1914
Anomala scudderi Wickham 1914
G. Hydroporus Clairville 1806
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Hydroporus sedimentorum Wickham 1914
G. Silpha Linnaeus 1758
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Silpha beutenmuelleri Wickham 1914
G. †Laasbium Scudder 1900
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Laasbium agassizii Scudder 1900
G. Amara Bonelli 1810
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Amara cockerelli Wickham 1912
Amara powellii Scudder 1900
Amara revocata Scudder 1900
G. Coccinella Linnaeus 1758
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G. Podabrus Leconte 1850
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Podabrus florissantensis Wickham 1914
Podabrus fragmentatus Wickham 1914
Podabrus wheeleri Wickham 1909
G. Dermestes Linnaeus 1758
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Dermestes tertiarius Wickham 1912
G. Phymatodes Mulsant 1839
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Phymatodes miocenicus Wickham 1914
G. Lema Fabricius 1798
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Lema evanescens Wickham 1910
Lema fortior Wickham 1914
G. Chrysobothris Eschscholtz 1829
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Chrysobothris suppressa Wickham 1914
G. Bembidium Latreille 1802
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Bembidium obductum Scudder 1900
G. Aphodius Hellwig 1798
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Aphodius aboriginalis Wickham 1912
Aphodius laminicola Wickham 1910
Aphodius mediaevus Wickham 1914
Aphodius praeemptor Wickham 1913
Aphodius senex Wickham 1914
Aphodius shoshonis Wickham 1912
G. Anthaxia Eschscholtz 1829
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Anthaxia exhumata Wickham 1913
G. Haltica Geoffroy 1762
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Haltica renovata Wickham 1914
G. Bruchus Linnaeus 1767
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Bruchus aboriginalis Wickham 1914
Bruchus bowditchi Wickham 1912
Bruchus carpophiloides Wickham 1914
Bruchus exhumatus Wickham 1912
Bruchus florissantensis Wickham 1912
Bruchus haywardi Wickham 1912
Bruchus henshawi Wickham 1912
Bruchus primoticus Wickham 1914
Bruchus scudderi Wickham 1912
Bruchus submersus Wickham 1914
Bruchus wilsoni Wickham 1913
G. Tropisternus Solier 1834 [water scavenger beetle]
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Tropisternus limitatus Scudder 1900
Tropisternus vanus Scudder 1900
G. Philhydrus Solier 1834
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Philhydrus scudderi Wickham 1909
G. Hydrobius Linnaeus 1758
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Hydrobius titan Wickham 1913
G. Brachytarsus Schoenherr 1823
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Brachytarsus dubius Wickham 1913
G. Anobium Fabricius 1775 [furniture beetle]
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Anobium durescens Scudder 1900
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G. Cyphus Germar 1824
Cyphus florissantensis Wickham 1914
G. Donacia Fabricius 1775
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Donacia primaeva Wickham 1912
G. †Nosotetocus Scudder 1892
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Nosotetocus debilis Scudder 1900
Nosotetocus vespertinus Scudder 1900
G. Buprestis Linnaeus 1758
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Buprestis florissantensis Wickham 1914
Buprestis scudderi Wickham 1914
G. Byrrhus Linnaeus 1767
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Byrrhus romingeri Scudder 1900
G. Dicerca Eschscholtz 1829
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Dicerca eurydice Wickham 1914
G. Telephorus Schaeffer 1766
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Telephorus hesperus Wickham 1914
G. Cistela Fabricius 1775
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Cistela vulcanica Wickham 1914
G. Clytus Laicharting 1784
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Clytus florissantensis Wickham 1914
G. Chrysomela Linnaeus 1758
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Chrysomela vesperalis Scudder 1900
G. Mordella Linnaeus 1758
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Mordella stygia Wickham 1914
G. Ernobius Thomson 1859
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Ernobius effetus Wickham 1914
G. Leptura Linnaeus 1758
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Leptura antecurrens Wickham 1913
Leptura ingenua Wickham 1914
Leptura nanella Wickham 1914
Leptura petrorum Wickham 1912
G. Coelambus Thomson 1860
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Coelambus miocenus Wickham 1912
G. Tritoma Fabricius 1775
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Tritoma diluviana Wickham 1914
G. Dryops Olivier 1791
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Dryops eruptus Wickham 1911
Dryops tenuior Wickham 1912
G. Melanophila Eschscholtz 1829
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Melanophila cockerellae Wickham 1912
Melanophila handlirschi Wickham 1912
G. Ataenius Harold 1867
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Ataenius patescens Scudder 1900
Ataenius restructus Wickham 1912
G. Serica MacLeay 1819
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Serica antediluviana Wickham 1912
G. †Crioceridea Wickham 1912
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Crioceridea dubia Wickham 1912
G. Mordellistena Costa 1854
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Mordellistena scudderiana Wickham 1914
G. Corticaria Marsham 1802
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Corticaria egregia Wickham 1914
Corticaria occlusa Wickham 1914
Corticaria petrefacta Wickham 1913
G. †Lithomacratria Wickham 1914
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Lithomacratria mirabilis Wickham 1914
G. Chelonarium Fabricius 1801
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Chelonarium montanum Wickham 1914
G. Psephenus Haldeman 1853
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Psephenus lutulentus Scudder 1900
G. Eucnemis Ahrens 1812
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Eucnemis antiquatus Wickham 1914
G. Hoplia Illiger 1803
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Hoplia striatipennis Wickham 1914
Fm. Buprestidae Leach 1815 [jewel beetle]
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G. Ptosima Dejean 1833
Ptosima abyssa Wickham 1912
Ptosima schaefferi Wickham 1912
Ptosima silvatica Wickham 1914
Fm. Dytiscidae Leach 1815 [predaceous diving beetle]
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G. Bidessus Sharp 1882
Bidessus laminarum Wickham 1914