Classification of Guex 1995

G. †Choristoceras Hauer 1865
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Choristoceras minutus Guex 1995
G. †Eopsiloceras Spath 1930
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Eopsiloceras planorboides Guembel 1861
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Paradasyceras uermoesense Herbich 1878
G. †Phylloceras Suess 1865
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Phylloceras psilomorphum Neumayr 1879
G. †Alsatites Haug 1894
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Alsatites nigromontanus Guembel 1884
Alsatites proaries Neumayr 1879
G. †Angulaticeras Quenstedt 1882
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G. †Caloceras
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G. †Pleuroacanthites Canavari 1883
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Pleuroacanthites biformis Sowerby 1831
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Psiloceras pacificum Guex 1980
Psiloceras tilmanni Lange 1925
G. †Saxoceras Lange 1924
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Saxoceras extracostatum Waehner 1882
G. †Schlotheimia Bayle 1878
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Schlotheimia angulata Schlotheim 1820
Schlotheimia phobetica Lange 1951
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Waehneroceras tenerum Neumayr 1879
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Discamphiceras reissi Tilmann 1917
G. †Nevadaphyllites Guex 1980
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G. †Transipsiloceras Guex 1980
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G. †Euphyllites Wahner 1898
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G. †Kammerkarites Spath 1924
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Kammerkarites frigga Wahner 1884
Kammerkarites tumescens Guerin-Franiatte 1990
G. †Franziceras Buckman 1923
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Franziceras ruidum Buckman 1923
G. †Sunrisites Guex 1980
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Sunrisites hadroptychus Waehner 1886
Sunrisites sunrisense Guex 1980
G. †Badouxia Guex and Taylor 1976
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Badouxia striata Guex 1995
G. †Togaticeras Rakús 1993
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Togaticeras togatum Neumayr 1879
G. †Fergusonites Guex 1980
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Fergusonites striatus Guex 1980
G. †Eolytoceras Frebold 1967
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G. †Mullerites Guex 1980
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G. †Paracaloceras Spath 1923
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Paracaloceras haueri Guembel 1861