Classification of Cope 1875

Cl. Reptilia Laurenti 1768 [reptile]
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Or. †Anomodontia Owen 1859
Fm. †Dicynodontidae Owen 1859
Fm. †Oudenodontidae Cope 1871
Or. Crocodilia Owen 1842 [crocodilian]
Subor. †Amphicoelia Owen 1859
Fm. †Goniopholididae Cope 1875
G. †Goniopholis Owen 1842
Fm. †Teleosauridae Geoffroy 1831
Subor. †Parasuchia Huxley [phytosaur]
Invalid names: Belodontidae Cope 1871 [empty]
Invalid names: Procoelia Owen 1859 [empty]
Or. Dinosauria Owen 1842 [dinosaur]
Subor. †Orthopoda Cope 1866
Fm. †Hadrosauridae Cope 1869 [hadrosaurid]
Fm. †Iguanodontidae Bonaparte 1850 [iguanodontid]
Invalid names: Scelidosauridae Cope 1869 [empty], Therosauria Haeckel 1866 [synonym]
Subor. †Symphypoda Cope 1867
Fm. †Compsognathidae Cope 1871 [compsognathid]
G. †Compsognathus Wagner 1861 [elegant jaw]
Invalid names: Compsognatha Huxley 1869 [synonym], Ornithotarsidae Cope 1871 [empty]
Invalid names: Goniopoda Cope 1866 [empty], Ornithoscelida Huxley 1870 [synonym], Pachypodes Meyer 1845 [synonym]
Or. †Ichthyopterygia Owen 1840
Fm. †Ichthyosauridae Bonaparte 1841
Or. Lacertilia Owen 1842 [lizard]
Subor. Pachyglossa Cope 1864
Fm. Agamidae Gray 1827
Subor. Pleurodonta Cope 1864
Infraor. †Diploglossa Cope 1864
Fm. Anguidae Gray 1825
G. Opheosaurus Daudin 1803 [glass lizard]
Opheosaurus ventralis Linnaeus 1766 [eastern glass lizard]
Fm. Gerrhonotidae Cope 1864
G. Barissia Gray
G. Gerrhonotus Wiegmann 1828 [alligator lizard]
Fm. Xenosauridae Cope 1866
Invalid names: Helodermidae Gray 1837 [empty]
Infraor. Iguania Cuvier 1817
Fm. Iguanidae Oppel 1811
G. Callisaurus Blainville 1835 [Zebratail lizards]
G. Crotaphytus Holbrook 1843 [collared lizard]
G. Cyclura Harlan 1824 [rock iguana]
G. Dipsosaurus Hallowell 1854 [dessert iguana]
G. Holbrookia Girard 1851 [lesser earless lizard]
G. Phrynosoma Wiegmann 1828 [horned lizard]
G. Sauromalus Duméril 1856 [chuckwalla]
G. Sceloporus Wiegmann 1828 [spiny lizard]
Sceloporus undulatus Bosc 1802 [eastern fence lizard]
G. Uma Baird 1858
G. Uta Baird and Girard 1852 [side-blotched lizard]
Invalid names: Anolidae Cope 1864 [empty]
Infraor. †Leptoglossa
Fm. Lacertidae Bonaparte 1831
G. Xantusia Baird 1859 [night lizard]
Invalid names: Xantusiidae Baird 1858 [synonym]
Fm. Scincidae Gray 1825 [skink]
G. Eumeces Wiegmann 1834
Eumeces fasciatus Linnaeus 1758 [five-lined skink]
G. Oligosoma Girard
G. Verticaria Cope
Fm. Teidae Gray 1827
G. Cnemidophorus Wagler 1830 [whiptail lizard]
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Linnaeus 1766 [six-lined racerunner]
Invalid names: Chalcidae Gray 1825 [empty], Sepsidae Gray 1845 [empty], Zonuridae Gray 1838 [empty]
Infraor. Typhlophthalmi Cope 1864
Fm. Aniellidae Fitzinger 1826 [pipe snake]
G. Anniella Gray 1852 [legless lizard]
Invalid names: Anelytropidae Cope 1864 [synonym]
Invalid names: Acontiidae Gray 1845 [empty]
Invalid names: Thecaglossa Wagler [empty]
Invalid names: Nyctisaura Gray [empty], Opheosauri Cope 1864 [empty], Rhiptoglossa Wiegmann 1834 [empty]
Or. Ophidia Latreille 1804 [snake]
Subor. Asinea Müller
Superfm. Colubroidea Oppel 1811
Fm. Achrochordidae Bonaparte 1840
Fm. Colubridae Oppel 1811 [colubrid snake]
G. Abastor Gray 1849
G. Bascanium Baird and Girard 1853
G. Carphophiops Gervais 1840 [worm snake]
G. Cemophora Cope 1860
G. Chilomeniscus Cope 1860
G. Chilopoma Cope 1875
G. Chionactis Cope 1860
G. Coluber Linnaeus 1758 [racer]
G. Coniophanes Cope 1860
G. Contia Baird and Girard 1853
G. Cyclophis Günther
G. Diadophis Baird and Girard 1853 [ringneck snake]
Diadophis punctatus Linnaeus
G. Dromicus Bibron 1843
G. Eutaenia Baird and Girard 1853
G. Farancia Gray 1842
Farancia abacura Holbrook 1836
G. Gyalopium Cope 1860
G. Haldea Baird and Girard 1853
G. Helicops Wagler 1830
G. Heterodon Latreille 1801 [hog-nosed snake]
Heterodon platyrhinus Latreille 1801 [eastern hognosed snake]
Heterodon simus Linnaeus 1766 [southern hognose snake]
G. Hypsiglena Cope 1860
G. Lodia Baird and Girard 1853
G. Ophibolus Baird and Girard 1853
G. Osceola Baird and Girard 1853
G. Phimothyra Cope 1860
G. Pityophis Holbrook 1842 [gopher snake]
Pityophis melanoleucus Daudin 1803 [pine snake]
G. Rhinochilus Baird and Girard 1853
G. Sibon Fitzinger 1826
G. Sonora Baird and Girard 1853
G. Spilotes Wagler
G. Storeria Baird and Girard 1853 [brown snake]
G. Tantilla Baird and Girard 1853
G. Trimorphodon Cope 1869
G. Tropidonotus Kuhl 1826
Tropidonotus leberis Linnaeus 1758
G. Virginia Baird and Girard 1853
Fm. Homalopsidae Cope 1864
Invalid names: Rhabdosomidae Cope 1871 [empty]
Infraor. Peropoda Müller
Fm. Boidae Gray 1825 [boa]
G. Charina Gray 1849
Charina bottae Blainville 1835 [northern rubber boa]
Fm. Pythonidae Fitzinger 1826 [python]
Invalid names: Lichanuridae Cope 1868 [empty], Xenopeltidae Bonaparte 1845 [empty]
Subor. Proteroglypha Duméril
Infraor. Platycerca
Invalid names: Hydrophidae Boié 1827 [empty]
Invalid names: Conocerca [empty]
Subor. Scolecophidia Duméril and Bibron 1844
Fm. Typhlopidae Bonaparte 1831 [blind snake]
Invalid names: Stenostomidae Cope 1871 [empty]
Fm. Crotalidae Oppel 1811 [pit viper]
G. †Ancistrodon Huxley 1865 [cottonmouth]
G. Aploaspis Cope 1867
Aploaspis lepida Kennicott 1861 [rock rattlesnake]
G. Caudisonia Laurenti 1768
G. Crotalus Linnaeus 1758 [rattlesnake]
Crotalus adamanteus Palisot de Beauvois 1799 [eastern diamondback rattlesnake]
Crotalus horridus Linnaeus 1758 [timber rattlesnake]
Fm. Viperidae Oppel 1811 [viper]
Invalid names: Atractaspididae Günther 1858 [empty], Causidae Cope 1859 [empty]
Invalid names: Tortricina Müller [empty]
Or. †Ornithosauria Bonaparte 1838
Fm. †Dimorphodontidae Seeley 1870
Fm. †Pterodactylidae Bonaparte 1838
Or. †Pythonomorpha Cope 1869
Fm. †Mosasauridae Gervais 1852 [mosasaur]
Or. Rhynchocephalia Günther 1867 [rhynchocephalian]
Fm. †Protorosauridae Cope 1871
G. †Protorosaurus Meyer 1830
Fm. †Rhynchosauridae Cope 1871
G. †Rhynchosaurus Owen 1842
Fm. Sphenodontidae Cope 1871
Invalid names: Hatteriidae Cope 1864 [synonym]
Or. †Sauropterygia Owen 1859
Or. Testudinata Oppel 1811 [turtle]
Subor. Cryptodira Cope 1868
Fm. †Adocidae Cope 1869
Fm. Cheloniidae Bonaparte 1832
G. Chelonia Brongniart 1800 [green sea turtle]
Chelonia mydas Linnaeus 1758 [green turtle]
G. Eretmochelys Fitzinger 1843
Eretmochelys imbricata Linnaeus 1766 [hawksbill turtle]
G. †Thalassochelys Fitzinger 1835
Fm. Chelydridae Swainson 1839
G. Chelydra Schweigger 1812 [Snapping turtle]
Chelydra serpentina Linnaeus 1758 [Common snapping turtle]
G. Macrochelys Gray 1856 [alligator snapping turtle]
Fm. Cinosternidae Hay 1892 [mud turtle]
G. Aromochelys Gray
G. Cinosternum von Spix 1824 [mud turtle]
Cinosternum flavescens Agassiz 1857 [Yellow mud turtle]
Fm. Emydidae Rafinesque 1815
G. Chelopus Rafinesque
G. Chrysemys Gray 1844 [painted turtle]
Chrysemys picta Schneider 1783 [painted turtle]
G. †Cistudo Dumeril and Bibron 1835
Cistudo ornata Agassiz 1857 [Western box turtle]
G. Emys Dumeril 1806 [pond turtle]
G. Malacoclemmys Gray 1844
G. Pseudemys Gray 1856 [cooter]
Pseudemys concinna Le Conte 1830 [eastern river cooter]
Fm. †Pleurosternidae Cope 1868
Fm. Testudinidae Batsch 1788
G. Testudo Linnaeus 1758
Fm. Trionychidae Gray 1825 [softshell turtle]
G. Amyda Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809
G. Aspidonectes Wagler 1830
Invalid names: Propleuridae Cope 1870 [empty]
Subor. Pleurodira Cope 1865 [sideneck turtle]
Fm. Chelydidae Gray 1869
Fm. Pelomedusidae Cope 1868
Fm. Podocnemididae Cope 1868
Invalid names: Hydraspididae Cope 1868 [empty], Sternothaeridae Cope 1868 [empty]
Invalid names: Athecae Cope 1871 [empty]
Subor. †Sauropterygia Owen 1859
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Fm. †Elasmosauridae Cope 1869 [elasmosaur]
G. †Cimoliasaurus Leidy 1851
G. †Elasmosaurus Cope 1868
Fm. †Placodontidae Cope 1871
G. †Placodus Agassiz 1833
Fm. †Plesiosauridae Gray 1825
G. †Nothosaurus Münster 1834
G. †Pistosaurus Meyer 1839
G. †Plesiosaurus de la Beche and Conybeare 1821
G. †Pliosaurus Owen 1841
Cl. Batrachia Macartney 1802
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Or. Anura Fischer von Waldheim 1813 [frog]
Subor. Arcifera Cope 1865
Fm. Cystignathidae Cope 1865
G. Epirhexis Cope 1866
G. Lithodytes Cope 1865
Fm. Discoglossidae Günther 1859 [painted frog]
Fm. Hemiphractidae Peters 1862
Fm. Hylidae Rafinesque 1815 [tree frog]
G. Acris Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [cricket frog]
Acris gryllus Le Conte 1825 [southern cricket frog]
G. Chorophilus Baird 1854
G. Hyla Laurenti 1768 [tree frog]
Hyla gratiosa Le Conte 1856 [barking treefrog]
Hyla squirella Bosc 1800 [squirrel treefrog]
Hyla versicolor Le Conte 1825 [gray tree frog]
G. Smilisca Cope 1865
Fm. Pelodytidae Cope 1866 [parsley frog]
G. Scaphiopus Holbrook 1836 [spadefoot toad]
Scaphiopus couchii Baird 1854 [Couch's spadefoot toad]
Scaphiopus holbrookii Harlan 1835 [Eastern spadefoot toad]
G. Spea Cope 1866
Spea bombifrons Cope 1863 [Plains spadefoot]
Spea hammondii Baird 1859 [Western spadefoot toad]
Spea multiplicata Cope 1863 [New Mexico spadefoot toad]
Invalid names: Asterophrydidae Copee 1866 [empty]
Fm. Bufonidae Gray 1825 [toad]
G. Bufo Laurenti 1768
Fm. Rhinophrynidae [burrowing toad]
Invalid names: Batrachophrynidae Cope 1875 [empty]
Subor. Firmisternia Cope 1875
Fm. Engystomidae Cope 1867
G. Engystoma Fitzinger 1826
Invalid names: Breviceptidae Bonaparte 1850 [empty], Dendrobatidae Cope 1865 [empty], Phryniscidae Cope 1867 [empty]
Subor. Gastrechmia Cope 1867
Invalid names: Hemisidae Cope 1867 [empty]
Subor. Odontaglossa Cope 1875
Invalid names: Dactylethridae Günther 1858 [empty]
Subor. Raniformia Cope 1865
Fm. Ranidae Rafinesque 1814
Invalid names: Colostethidae Cope 1866 [empty]
Invalid names: Aglossa Cope 1875 [empty], Salientia Laurenti 1768 [synonym]
Or. †Proteida
Fm. Proteidae Hogg 1838 [mudpuppy]
G. Necturus Rafinesque
Or. Stegocephali Cope 1868
Subor. †Labyrinthodontia Owen 1859
Fm. †Anthracosauridae Cope 1875
Fm. †Baphetidae Cope 1875
Subor. †Microsauria Dawson 1863
Fm. †Molgophidae Cope 1875
G. †Molgophis Cope 1868
Fm. †Peliontidae Cope 1875
G. †Pelion Wyman
Fm. †Phlegethontiidae Cope 1875
Fm. †Ptyoniidae Cope 1875
G. †Lepterpeton Wright and Huxley 1866
G. †Oestocephalus Cope 1868
G. †Urocordylus Wright and Huxley 1866
Fm. †Tuditanidae Cope 1875
Invalid names: Ganocephala Owen 1859 [empty]
Or. Urodela Duméril 1805 [salamander]
Fm. Amblystomidae Hallowell 1856 [mole salamander]
G. Amblystoma Tschudi 1838 [mole salamander]
G. Dicamptodon Strauch 1870 [Pacific giant salamander]
Fm. Amphiumidae Gray 1825
G. Amphiuma Garden 1821 [amphiuma]
Amphiuma means Garden 1821 [two-toed amphiuma]
G. Muraenopsis Fitzinger
Fm. †Cocytinidae Cope 1875
G. †Cocytinus Cope 1871
Fm. †Desmognathidae Gray 1850
G. Desmognathus Baird 1850
Fm. Hynobiidae Cope 1866
Fm. Menopomidae Cope 1875
G. Menopoma Harlan
Fm. Plethodontidae Gray 1850 [lungless salamander]
G. Anaides Baird 1849
G. Batrachoseps Bonaparte 1839
G. Gyrinophilus Cope 1869
G. Hemidactylium Tschudi
G. Manculus Cope 1869
G. Plethodon Tschudi 1838 [woodland salamander]
Plethodon glutinosus Green 1818 [northern slimy salamander]
G. Spelerpes Rafinesque 1832
G. Stereochilus Cope 1869
Fm. Pleurodelidae Gray 1850
G. Diemyctylus Rafinesque 1820
Fm. Salamandridae Gray 1825 [newt]
Invalid names: Thoriidae Cope 1869 [empty]
Invalid names: Gymnophidia Cope 1869 [empty], Trachystomata [empty]