Classification of Miller and DeMay 1942
G. Larus Linnaeus 1758
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Larus brachyrhynchus Richardson 1831
Larus glaucescens Naumann 1840 [glaucous-winged gull]
G. Falco Linnaeus 1758 [falcon]
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Falco columbarius Linnaeus 1758 [merlin]
Falco mexicanus Schlegel 1850 [Prairie falcon]
Falco peregrinus Tunstall 1771 [Peregrine falcon]
Falco sparverius Linnaeus 1758 [American kestrel]
†Falco swarthi Miller 1927
G. Polyborus Vieillot 1816 [caracara]
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G. Buteo de Lacepède 1799 [hawk]
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Buteo jamaicensis Gmelin 1788 [red-tailed hawk]
Buteo lagopus Pontoppidan 1763 [rough-legged hawk]
Buteo lineatus Gmelin 1788 [red-shouldered hawk]
Buteo regalis Gray 1844 [ferruginous hawk]
Buteo swainsoni Bonaparte 1838 [Swainson's hawk]
G. Otus Pennant 1769 [scops owl]
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Otus asio Linnaeus 1758 [eastern screech-owl]
Otus flammeolus Kaup 1853 [flammulated owl]
G. Corvus Linnaeus 1758 [crow]
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Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm 1822 [American crow]
Corvus caurinus Baird 1858
Corvus corax Linnaeus 1758 [common raven]
Corvus cryptoleucus Couch 1854
G. Sitta Linnaeus 1758 [nuthatch]
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Sitta canadensis Linnaeus 1766 [red-breasted nuthatch]
Sitta pygmaea Vigors 1839
G. Grus Brisson 1760 [crane]
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Grus americana Linnaeus 1758 [Whooping crane]
Grus canadensis Linnaeus 1758 [Sandhill crane]
G. Nycticorax Forster 1817 [night heron]
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Nycticorax nycticorax Linnaeus 1758 [black-crowned night heron]
G. Recurvirostra Linnaeus 1758 [avocet]
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Recurvirostra americana Gmelin 1789 [American avocet]
G. †Teratornis Miller 1909 [teratorn]
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†Teratornis merriami Miller 1909 [Merriam's teratorn]
G. Pelecanus Linnaeus 1758 [pelican]
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Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmelin 1789 [American white pelican]
G. Phalacrocorax Brisson 1760 [cormorant]
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Phalacrocorax auritus Lesson 1831 [double-crested cormorant]
†Phalacrocorax femoralis Miller 1929
Phalacrocorax penicillatus Brandt 1837 [Brandt's cormorant]
†Phalacrocorax rogersi Howard 1932
G. Diomedea Linnaeus 1758
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Diomedea albatrus Pallas 1769 [short-tailed albatross]
G. Puffinus Brisson 1760 [shearwater]
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†Puffinus diatomicus Miller 1925
Puffinus griseus Gmelin 1789 [sooty shearwater]
†Puffinus inceptor Wetmore 1930
Puffinus opisthomelas Coues 1864 [black-vented shearwater]
G. Gavia Forster 1788
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†Gavia concinna Wetmore 1940
Gavia immer Brunnich 1764 [Common loon]
G. Querquedula Stephens 1826
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Querquedula cyanoptera Viellot 1816 [cinnamon teal]
G. Bubo Dumeril 1806 [eagle-owl]
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†Bubo sinclairi Miller 1911 [owl]
Bubo virginianus Gmelin 1788 [great horned owl]
G. †Ectopistes Swainson 1827 [passenger pigeon]
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†Ectopistes migratorius Linnaeus 1758 [passenger pigeon]
G. Synthliboramphus Brandt 1837
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Synthliboramphus antiquus Gmelin 1789 [Ancient murrelet]
G. Anser Linnaeus 1758
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Anser albifrons Scopoli 1769 [greater white-fronted goose]
G. Branta Scopoli 1769
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Branta canadensis Linnaeus 1758 [Canada goose]
†Branta dickeyi Miller 1924
†Branta howardae Miller 1930
G. Melanitta Boie 1822 [scoter]
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Melanitta perspicillata Linnaeus 1758 [surf scoter]
G. Numenius Brisson 1760
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Numenius americanus Bechstein 1812 [long-billed curlew]
G. Turdus Linnaeus 1758 [true thrush]
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Turdus migratorius Linnaeus 1758 [American robin]
G. Euphagus Cassin 1866 [blackbird]
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Euphagus cyanocephalus Wagler 1829 [Brewer's blackbird]
†Euphagus magnirostris Miller 1929 [large-billed blackbird]
G. Cyanocitta Strickland 1845 [jay]
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Cyanocitta stelleri Gmelin 1788 [Steller's jay]
G. Toxostoma Wagler 1831 [American thrashers]
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Toxostoma bendirei Coues 1873
Toxostoma redivivum Gambel 1845 [California thrasher]
G. Sturnella Vieillot 1816 [meadowlark]
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Sturnella neglecta Audubon 1844 [western meadowlark]
G. Carpodacus Kaup 1829 [rosefinch]
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Carpodacus mexicanus Müller 1776 [house finch]
G. Pipilo Vieillot 1816 [towhee]
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Pipilo fuscus Swainson 1827 [canyon towhee]
Pipilo maculatus Swainson 1827 [spotted towhee]
G. Cathartes Illiger 1811 [vulture]
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Cathartes aura Linnaeus 1758 [turkey vulture]
G. Gymnogyps Lesson 1842
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†Gymnogyps amplus Miller 1911 [condor]
Gymnogyps californianus Shaw 1797 [California condor]
G. Moris Vieillot 1816 [gannet]
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†Moris lompocana Miller 1925
†Moris reyana Howard 1936
†Moris vagabundus Wetmore 1930
G. Aechmophorus Coues 1862
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Aechmophorus occidentalis Lawrence 1858 [western grebe]
G. Circus Lacépède 1799 [harrier]
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Circus hudsonius Linnaeus 1766 [Northern harrier]
G. Asio Brisson 1760
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Asio flammeus Pontoppidan 1763 [short-eared owl]
Asio wilsonianus Lesson 1830
G. Loxia Linnaeus 1758 [crossbill]
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Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus 1758 [red crossbill]
G. Limosa Brisson 1760 [godwit]
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Limosa fedoa Linnaeus 1758 [marbled godwit]
†Limosa vanrossemi Miller 1925
G. Glaucidium Boie 1826 [pygmy-owl]
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Glaucidium gnoma Wagler 1832 [northern pygmy-owl]
G. Aphelocoma Cabanis 1851 [scrub jay]
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Aphelocoma californica Vigors 1839 [California scrub-jay]
G. Limnodromus Wied-Neuwied 1833 [dowitcher]
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Limnodromus griseus Gmelin 1789 [short-billed dowitcher]
G. Lanius Linnaeus 1758 [shrike]
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Lanius ludovicianus Linnaeus 1766 [loggerhead shrike]
G. Chen Boie 1822
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Chen hyperborea Pallas 1769
Chen rossi Cassin 1861 [Ross's goose]
G. Nyroca Flemming 1822
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Nyroca affinis Eyton 1838 [lesser scaup]
Nyroca americana Eyton 1838 [redhead]
Nyroca valisineria Wilson 1814 [canvasback]
G. Spinus Koch 1816
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Spinus pinus Wilson 1810 [pine siskin]
Spinus tristis Linnaeus 1758 [American goldfinch]
G. Amphispiza Coues 1874
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Amphispiza belli Cassin 1850
Amphispiza bilineata Cassin 1850 [black-throated sparrow]
G. Geococcyx Wagler 1831
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Geococcyx californianus Lesson 1829 [Greater roadrunner]
G. Ajaia Reichenbach 1853 [spoonbill]
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Ajaia ajaja Linnaeus 1758 [roseate spoonbill]
G. Hypomorphnus Cabanis 1844
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†Hypomorphnus fragilis Miller 1911
†Hypomorphnus milleri Howard 1932
G. †Squatarola Cuvier 1817
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Squatarola squatarola Linnaeus 1758 [black-bellied plover]
G. Cryptoglaux Richmond 1901
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Cryptoglaux acadica Gmelin 1788 [northern saw-whet owl]
G. Ceophloeus Cabanis 1862
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Ceophloeus pileatus Linnaeus 1758 [pileated woodpecker]