Hyopsodus Hill: Bridgerian, Wyoming
collected by A. Wood

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Mammalia - Chiroptera
Chiroptera indet. Blumenbach 1779
McKenna et al. 1962
Mammalia - Condylarthra - Hyopsodontidae
Hyopsodus lepidus Matthew 1909
Mammalia - Rodentia - Paramyidae
Paramys excavatus Loomis 1907
    = Paramyidae informal indet. A Miller and Gidley 1918
Korth 1984
generically indeterminate; referred to "P. excavatus nr. gardneri" by Wood 1962
Leptotomus sp. Matthew 1910
    = Paramyidae informal indet. B Miller and Gidley 1918
Alroy 2002
Mammalia - Rodentia - Sciuravidae
Taxymys lucaris Marsh 1872
Sciuravus nitidus Marsh 1871
Mammalia - Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Microparamys wyomingensis n. sp. Wood 1959
Paramys delicatior Leidy 1871
Mammalia - Rodentia - Reithroparamyidae
Reithroparamys delicatissimus (Leidy 1871)
Mammalia - Primates - Microsyopidae
Uintasorex parvulus Matthew 1909
(1 measurement)
Microsyops cf. annectens (Marsh 1872)
West and Atkins 1970
Mammalia - Primates - Omomyidae
Washakius insignis Leidy 1873
(4 measurements)
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Hyrachyidae
Hyrachyus cf. eximius Leidy 1871
(1 measurement)
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Brontotheriidae
Manteoceras manteoceras (Osborn in Matthew 1899)
(1 measurement)
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae
Orohippus sp. Marsh 1872
two forms
Mammalia - Phenacodontidae
Phenacodus primaevus (Cope 1873)
    = Phenacodus sp. Cope 1873
West and Atkins 1970
Mammalia - Diacodexeidae
Neodiacodexis emryi West and Atkins 1970
West and Atkins 1970
Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Sinopa major Wortman 1902
Tomiya et al. 2021
Mammalia - Geolabididae
Centetodon pulcher Marsh 1872
McKenna et al. 1962
Centetodon bembicophagus Lillegraven et al. 1981
Lillegraven et al. 1981
Didelphodus altidens (Marsh 1872)
McKenna et al. 1962
Diacodon bacchanalis n. sp. McGrew et al. 1959
Mammalia - Apternodontidae
Soricidae indet. Fischer 1814
    = Apternodontidae indet. Matthew 1910
McKenna et al. 1962
Mammalia - Nyctitheriidae
Nyctitherium velox Marsh 1872
described by Krishtalka 1976b
Scenopagus priscus (Marsh 1872)
Krishtalka 1976
a new specimen (AMNH 56060) not described earlier
Talpavus cf. nitidus Marsh 1872
McKenna et al. 1962
supported by Krishtalka 1976a, contra Russell et al. 1975
Mammalia - Apatemyidae
Apatemys sp. Marsh 1872
West and Atkins 1970
Peratherium sp. Aymard 1850
    = Herpetotheriinae indet. Trouessart 1879
Alroy 2002
about the size of P. comstocki
Peratherium knighti n. sp. McGrew et al. 1959
(5 measurements)
Reptilia - Crocodylia
Crocodylia indet. (Owen 1842)
Hecht 1959
"Crocodilia", scattered fragmentary remains; no specimen no.s given
Reptilia - Teiidae
Teiidae indet. Gray 1827
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3812, badly broken dentaries
Reptilia - Rhineuridae
Rhineura sp. Cope 1861
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3811
Lestophis sp. Marsh 1885
Hecht 1959 2 specimens
AMNH 3824, incomplete vertebra; AMNH 3825, vertebra
Reptilia - Anguidae
Xestops sp. Cope 1873
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3834, two osteoscutes
cf. Xestops sp. Cope 1873
ElShafie 2024
Dimetopisaurus wyomingensis n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3819 (holotype), single frontal
Peltosaurus sp. Cope 1873
Hecht 1959
"several incomplete dentaries"
Saniwa sp. Leidy 1870
Hecht 1959
AMNH 3813, vertebrae from the anterior and posterior thoracic region and the caudal region; AMNH 3814, almost complete dentary; multiple other specimens not described
Thinosaurus stenodon
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
Either AMNH 3822 or 3823 (text unclear), fragment bearing acrodont teeth
Parasaniwa sp. Gilmore 1928
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3820, single fragment of left maxilla
    = Necrosauridae informal gen. indet.
Gao and Fox 1996
'these materials likely belong to another genus'
    = Entomophontes hutchisoni Smith and Gauthier 2013
Smith and Gauthier 2013
Additional specimen: AMNH 4959, left maxilla
Reptilia - Xantusiidae
Palaeoxantusia fera n. gen., n. sp. Hecht 1956
Hecht 1956 2 specimens
referred specimen AMNH 3821, splenio-dentary; type is also said by Hecht (1959) to be from locality 5, but is in "S.W. 1/4 sect. 34, T. 29 N., R. 105 W." according to Hecht (1956), which is the section north of the one including Hyopsodus Hill and including locality 6
Reptilia - Tropidophiidae
Dunnophis microechinis n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959
AMNH 3830 (holotype), complete mid-thoracic vertebra; referred specimens include unspecified vertebrae
Reptilia - Boidae
Calamagras primus n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959
Misspelled "Calamagrus" in text: AMNH 3828 (holotype), nearly complete anterior mid-thoracic vertebra; additional referred vertebrae also found at this locality
Paraepicrates brevispondylus n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3829, complete mid-thoracic vertebra
Boavus sp. Marsh 1871
Hecht 1959
AMNH 3809, "abundant remains"
Reptilia - Aniliidae
Coniophis platycarinatus n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3827 (holotype), incomplete mid-thoracic vertebra
    = Borealilysia sp. Head 2020
Head 2020
Coniophis carinatus n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959
AMNH 3826 (holotype), incomplete mid-thoracic vertebra; several referred specimens including [no cat. no.], a tiny vertebra less that 2.2mm long
Amphibia - Temnospondyli
Diplasiocoela indet. Nichols 1916
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3833, incompletely preserved sacrum
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Megophryidae
Megophryinae indet. Nobel 1931
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3832, incomplete sacrum
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Rhinophrynidae
Eorhinophrynus septentrionalis n. sp. Hecht 1959
Hecht 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 3818 (holotype), single complete atlas
Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Planorbidae
Planorbina pseudoammonius
McKenna et al. 1962 1 individual
Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Bulimulidae
Oreoconus sp. McKenna et al. 1962
McKenna et al. 1962 1 individual
may be O. planispira
Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Urocoptidae
? Holospira sp. Martens 1860
McKenna et al. 1962 1 individual
see common names

Country:United States State/province:Wyoming County:Sublette
Coordinates: 42.4° North, 109.3° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:46.3° North, 95.3° West
Basis of coordinate:stated in text
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Paleogene Epoch: Eocene
10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 2
Key time interval: Bridgerian Mammal zone:  Br3
Age range of interval: 50.5 - 46.2 m.y. ago
Age estimate: 46.92 ± 0.17 Ma (unknown)
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Local section:GRBsn Local bed:6
Local order:bottom to top
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: Late Bridgerian NALMA (Br3), 46.92 ± 0.17 Ma
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: not reported
Environment:terrestrial indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:surface (float),surface (in situ),field collection
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Museum repositories:AMNH
Collectors:A. Wood
Also known as:UCMP V5626; Tabernacle Butte Locality 5
Database number:16244
Authorizer:J. Alroy, P. Barrett, R. Benson, P. Holroyd, R. Whatley, P. Mannion Enterer:J. Alroy, R. Benson, P. Holroyd, P. Mannion, R. Whatley, T. Cleary
Modifier:P. Holroyd Research group:vertebrate
Created:1993-02-18 00:00:00 Last modified:2024-01-07 17:53:42
Access level:the public Released:1993-02-18 00:00:00
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

2523. P. O. McGrew, J. E. Berman, M. K. Hecht, J. M. Hummel, G. G. Simpson and A. E. Wood. 1959. The geology and paleontology of the Elk Mountain and Tabernacle Butte area, Wyoming. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 117(3):117-176 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/R. Whatley]

Secondary references:

6294 J. Alroy. 2002. Synonymies and reidentifications of North American fossil mammals. [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Kouvari]
87093 S. J. ElShafie. 2024. Body size estimation from isolated fossil bones reveals deep time evolutionary trends in North American lizards. PLoS ONE 19(1:e0296318):1-25 [P. Holroyd/P. Holroyd/P. Holroyd]
26905 L. S. Fichter. 1969. Geographical distribution and osteological variation in fossil and Recent specimens of two species of Kinosternon (Testudines). Journal of Herpetology 3(3/4):113-119 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]
37933 K. -Q. Gao and R. C. Fox. 1996. Taxonomy and evolution of Late Cretaceous lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from western Canada. Bulletin of the Carnegie Museum of natural History 33:1-107 [R. Benson/R. Benson]
74641 J. J. Head. 2020. A South American snake lineage from the Eocene Greenhouse of North America and a reappraisal of the fossil record of “anilioid” snakes. Geobios [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos/P. Mannion]
26913 M. K. Hecht. 1956. A new xantusiid lizard from the Eocene of Wyoming. American Museum Novitates 1774:1-8 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]
59968 M. K. Hecht. 1959. Amphibians and Reptiles (in: The Geology and Paleontology of the Elk Mountain and Tabernacle Butte area, Wyoming). In P. O. McGrew (ed.), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 117(3):130-176 [P. Barrett/T. Cleary]
2105 W. W. Korth. 1984. Earliest Tertiary evolution and radiation of rodents in North America. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 24:1-71 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]
2170 L. Krishtalka. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 1 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Ju]
2241 J. A. Lillegraven, M. C. McKenna, and L. Kristalka. 1981. Evolutionary relationships of middle Eocene and younger species of Centetodon (Mammalia, Insectivora, Geolabididae) with a description of the dentition of Ankylodon (Adapisoricidae). University of Wyoming Publication 45:1-115 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]
2542 M. C. McKenna, P. Robinson, and D. W. Taylor. 1962. Notes on Eocene Mammalia and Mollusca from Tabernacle Butte, Wyoming. American Museum Novitates 2102:1-33 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/R. Whatley]
60296 K. T. Smith and J. A. Gauthier. 2013. Early Eocene lizards of the Wasatch Formation near Bitter Creek, Wyoming: diversity and paleoenvironment during an interval of global warming. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 54(2):135-230 [P. Barrett/T. Cleary]
78605 S. Tomiya, S. P. Zack, M. Spaulding and J. J. Flynn. 2021. Carnivorous mammals from the middle Eocene Washakie Formation, Wyoming, USA, and their diversity trajectory in a post-warming world. Journal of Paleontology Memoir 95(82):1-115 [P. Holroyd/P. Holroyd]
3587 R. M. West. 1969.  Paramys wyomingensis, a small rodent from the middle Eocene of Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology 43(1):175-178 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Carrano]
3608 R. M. West and E. G. Atkins. 1970. Additional Middle Eocene (Bridgerian) mammals from Tabernacle Butte, Sublette County, Wyoming. American Museum Novitates 2404:1-26 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]