Oxenhope Moor, Gastrioceras cumbriense Marine Band, shale Unit 3: Pendleian - Yeadonian, United Kingdom

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Polypodiopsida - Equisetales - Calamitaceae
cf. Calamites indet. Suckow 1784
Osteichthyes indet. Huxley 1880
Palaeoniscid scales
Elonichthyiformes - Acrolepididae
Acrolepis sp. Agassiz 1833
Chondrichthyes - Listracanthidae
Listracanthus sp. Newberry and Worthen 1870
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795
Gastropoda - Ptychomphalidae
Ptychomphalus sp. Agassiz 1839
Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae
Angyomphalus sp. Cossmann 1915
Nautiloidea indet. Agassiz 1847
Narrow angle orthocone
Cephalopoda - Goniatitida - Gastrioceratidae
Gastrioceras cumbriense
Gastrioceras crenulatum
Gastrioceras aff. coronatum
Gastrioceras spp. Hyatt 1884
Cephalopoda - Goniatitida - Reticuloceratidae
cf. Reticuloceras sp. Bisat 1924
Cephalopoda - Goniatitida - Dimorphoceratidae
Anthracoceratites sp. Ramsbottom 1970
Bivalvia indet. Linnaeus 1758
Bivalvia - Pectinida - Aviculopectinidae
Aviculopecten aff. losseni
Aviculopecten sp. M'Coy 1851
Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pterinopectinidae
Dunbarella elegans
Bivalvia - Pectinida - Streblochondriidae
cf. Streblochondria sp. Newell 1938
Bivalvia - Ostreida - Posidoniidae
Posidonia insignis
Posidonia cf. insignis
Posidonia gibsoni
Posidonia sp. Bronn 1828
Bivalvia - Ostreida - Pterineidae
Caneyella multirugata
Caneyella cf. semisulcata
Bivalvia - Arcida - Parallelodontidae
Grammatodon sp. Meek and Hayden 1860
Bivalvia - Sanguinolitidae
Sanguinolites sp. M'Coy 1844
Brachiopoda indet. Cuvier 1805
see common names

Country:United Kingdom State/province:England County:Lancashire
Coordinates: 53.7° North, 2.1° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:1.1° South, 6.4° East
Basis of coordinate:based on political unit
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Carboniferous Epoch: Mississippian - Pennsylvanian
Stage: Serpukhovian - Bashkirian 10 m.y. bin: Carboniferous 3 - Carboniferous 4
Key time interval: Pendleian - Yeadonian
Age range of interval: 330.9 - 318.8 m.y. ago
Formation:Namurian Series
Local section:Oxenhope Moor Local bed:Gastrioceras cumbriense Marine Band, shale Unit 3
Local order:bottom to top
Regional section:Namurian Series of the central Pennines Regional bed:Gastrioceras cumbriense Marine Band
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: The Gastrioceras cumbriense Marine Band generally does not exceed 60cm in thickness. The band is split into five units, the lower barren shales (Unit 1), the advance shales (Unit 2), the acme shales (Unit 3), the retreat shales (Unit 4), and the upper barren shales (Unit 5).
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:deformed bedding,pyritic,black lithified "shale"
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: Unit 3: The continuing transition and deepening of the sea caused a rapid transition to conditions of black paper shale deposition. The development of the shale appears to be synchronous as it contains a consistant pelagic fauna and has a widespread spatial distripbution throughout the north of England. The shales display planar stratified bedding planes with a spacing of 0.5 to 0.75 mm. There is little evidence for wave or current activity or bioturbation. At all localities the presence of pyrite blebs around which stratification is deflected is believed to indicate primary pore filling as a shallow depth of burial in tyhe sulphate reduction zone. ... The fauna of the balck shale is dominated by the thickshelled goniatite phase at the four easterly localities, whereas a more diverse benthic assemblge occurs as the two westerly localities [does not include Oxenhope Moor], wherethe thin-shelled Anthracoceratites and Posidonia predomminate over Gastrioceras. At Oxenhope and Dearden Moors the black shale is divided into two by a wavy-stratified grey shale with a much sparser fauna. The reduction in fossil abundance suggests that the grey shale represents a brief interruption of deposition from suspension by sediment-laden currents.
Environment:marine indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:field collection
Reason for describing collection:paleoecologic analysis
Also known as:Oxenhope Moor, Gastrioceras cumbriense Marine Band, shale Unit 3, the acme shale
Database number:41259
Authorizer:J. Alroy Enterer:C. Simpson
Modifier:C. Simpson Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2004-07-09 11:41:57 Last modified:2004-07-09 16:08:26
Access level:the public Released:2004-07-09 11:41:57
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

11076. P. B. Wignall. 1987. A biofacies analysis of the Gastrioceras cumbriense marine band (Namurian) of the central Pennines. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46(2):111-121 [J. Alroy/C. Simpson/M. Uhen]