There are 123 matches - here are the first 30 rows

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
34093H. Pfefferkorn Kankakeea from Mazon Creek (= Mazon Creek flora, (USNM 19426, 19425, 19424) ) Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Illinois Pfefferkorn (1973)
34097H. Pfefferkorn Kankakeea from the Chieftan Mine, Terre Haute, Indiana (= IGS 4453 (coll. Scheffel), IGS 4456 (coll. Bietz)) Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Indiana Pfefferkorn (1973)
34909D. Smith Glasbrook shaft, Cadoxton Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - United Kingdom Pocock (1911)
39188M. Aberhan Loc. 10 - JS-91-151, Sierra Santa Teresa Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Mexico Stewart et al. (1997)
39189M. Aberhan Loc. 11 - JS-92-55, Sierra Santa Teresa Vereian/Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Mexico Stewart et al. (1997)
39190M. Aberhan Loc. 12 - JS-92-55, Sierra Santa Teresa, Section 4 Vereian/Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Mexico Stewart et al. (1997)
39192M. Aberhan Loc. 14 - JS-92-53, Sierra Santa Teresa, Section 5 Vereian/Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Mexico Stewart et al. (1997)
57698L. Villier Liévin, Assise de Bruay Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - France Racheboeuf (1992)
76951W. Kiessling GSC C-193105, Greely Fiord, Ellesmere Island Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Canada Bamber and Fedorowski (1998)
76952W. Kiessling GSC C-193107, Greely Fiord, Ellesmere Island Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Canada Bamber and Fedorowski (1998)
76954W. Kiessling GSC C-11403, E Blind Fiord A, Ellesmere Island Kashirian - Carboniferous 4 - Canada Bamber and Fedorowski (1998)
114463M. Clapham Cranston Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Rhode Island Handlirsch (1906)
122498M. Clapham Peach Tree Gap, Anderson County (coll. Robert Rapp) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Tennessee Carpenter (1967)
122563M. Clapham Coalbrook Dale (Pennystone Measures, Anstice collection) (= Coalbrookdale / coll. Anstice) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - United Kingdom Buckland (1837)
122564M. Clapham Claxheugh (Kirkby coll) (= South Hylton / coll. Kirkby) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - United Kingdom Kirkby (1867)
122593M. Clapham Hirschbach mine (= Grube Hirschbach bei Dudweiler-Saar) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Scudder (1879)
122594M. Clapham East River of Pictou (coll. James Barnes) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Canada Dawson (1868)
122595M. Clapham Mouth of the Kaiserschacht, near Klein-Opitz Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Geinitz and Deichmüller (1879)
122597M. Clapham Dudweiler coal-pit (Bonn collection) (coll. Winter) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Goldenberg (1870)
122601M. Clapham Altenwald mine Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Goldenberg (1854)
122623M. Clapham Railroad cutting at Jägersfreude (coll. Jordan 1851) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Jordan and von Meyer (1854)
123820M. Clapham Belle-et-Bonne coliery, Avaleresse pit, Frameries (coll. Persenaire) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Belgium Handlirsch (1906)
123823M. Clapham Levant colliery, well 19, Flénu (coll. Persenaire) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Belgium Handlirsch (1904)
123824M. Clapham Belle et Bonne colliery, Jemappes (coll. Persenaire, Crepin 1875) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Belgium de Borre (1875)
123952M. Clapham Monceau-Fontaine colliery, Monceau-sur-Sambre near Charleroi (coll. Stainier) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Belgium Handlirsch (1904)
123956M. Clapham Sulzbach railway cut Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Goldenberg (1854)
124244M. Clapham Dudweiler (Bergschule Saarbrucken coll) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Kliver (1883)
125793M. Clapham Grube Friedrichsthal-saar (Schachtanlage Erkershöhe) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - Germany Guthörl (1931)
127523M. Clapham Clydach Vale, No 2 Rhondda seam (coll. Davies) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - United Kingdom Bolton (1910)
127525M. Clapham South Staffordshire (Dr. Blake collection) Westphalian C - Carboniferous 4 - United Kingdom Bolton (1917)

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