Sanhe Cave: Early Pleistocene, China

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Mammalia - Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae
Miniopterus schreibersi Natterer 1819
Jin et al. 2008
Tylonycteris fulvidus
Jin et al. 2008
Kerivoula hardwickei
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae
Myotis longipes
Jin et al. 2008
Ia sp. Thomas 1902
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Chiroptera - Hipposideridae
Aselliscus wheeleri
Jin et al. 2008
Hipposideros amiger
Jin et al. 2008
Hipposideros pratti
Jin et al. 2008
Hipposideros larvatus
Jin et al. 2008
Hipposideros bicolor
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Chiroptera - Rhinolophidae
Rhinolophus pani n. sp.
Jin et al. 2008
Rhinolophus cf. affinis
Jin et al. 2008
Rhinolophus cf. rouxi
Jin et al. 2008
Rhinolophus cf. pearsoni
Jin et al. 2008
Rhinolophus macrotis
Jin et al. 2008
Rhinolophus sp. Lacépède 1799
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Rodentia - Hystricidae
Hystrix subcristata
Jin et al. 2008
Hystrix magna
Jin et al. 2008
Atherurus sp. Cuvier 1829
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Rodentia - Spalacidae
Rhizomys brachyrhizomyoides
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Rodentia - Muridae
Hapalomys gracilis
Jin et al. 2008
Hapalomys cf. delacouri
Jin et al. 2008
Leopoldamys edwardsioides
Jin et al. 2008
Rattus sp. Fischer 1803
Jin et al. 2008
Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout 1769)
Jin et al. 2008
Mus cf. pahari
Jin et al. 2008
Niviventer preconfucianus
Jin et al. 2008
Niviventer fulvescens
Jin et al. 2008
Apodemus draco
Jin et al. 2008
Apodemus cf. peninsulae
Jin et al. 2008
Chiropodomys cf. gliorides
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Rodentia
Typhlomys intermedius
Jin et al. 2008
Typhlomys cinereus Milne-Edwards 1877
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Rodentia - Sciuridae
Dremomys sp. Heude 1898
Jin et al. 2008
Petaurista brachyodus
Jin et al. 2008
Petaurista sp. Link 1795
Jin et al. 2008
Belomys parapearsoni
Jin et al. 2008
Pteromys sp. Cuvier 1800
Jin et al. 2008
Sciurotamias davidianus
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae
Eothenomys sp. Miller 1896
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Lagomorpha - Leporidae
Nesolagus sp. Forsyth Major 1899
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Primates - Hylobatidae
Hylobates sp. Illiger 1811
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Primates - Hominidae
cf. Hominidae indet. Gray 1825
Jin et al. 2008
cf. Ponginae indet. Elliot 1913
Jin et al. 2008
Gigantopithecus blacki von Koenigswald 1935
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Primates - Cercopithecidae
Presbytis sp. Eschscholtz 1821
Jin et al. 2008
Rhinopithecus sp. Milne-Edwards 1872
Jin et al. 2008
Macaca sp. Lacépède 1799
Jin et al. 2008
Procynocephalus sp. Schlosser 1924
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Scandentia - Tupaiidae
Tupaia belangeri Wagner 1841
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Rhinoceros sinensis Owen 1870
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Tapiridae
Tapirus sinensis Owen 1870
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Bovidae
Megalovis guangxiensis
Jin et al. 2008
Caprinae indet. Gray 1821
Jin et al. 2008
Bibos sp. Hodgson 1837
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Cervidae
Cervus (Rusa) yunnanensis
Jin et al. 2008
Muntiacus lacustris Teilhard de Chardin and Trassaert 1937
Jin et al. 2008
Cervavitus fenqii Han 1987
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Suidae
Sus xiaozhu
Jin et al. 2008
Sus peii
Jin et al. 2008
Dicoryphochoerus ultimus
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Carnivora - Ursidae
Ursus cf. thibetamus
Jin et al. 2008
Ailuropoda wulingshanensis (Wang et al. 1982)
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Carnivora - Mustelidae
Arctonyx collaris Cuvier 1825
Jin et al. 2008
Martes sp. Frisch 1775
Jin et al. 2008
Melogale sp. Geoffroy 1831
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Carnivora - Felidae
Panthera pardus (Linnaeus 1758)
Jin et al. 2008
Felis teilhardi
Jin et al. 2008
Felis sp. Linnaeus 1758
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Carnivora - Viverridae
Viverra zibetha Linnaeus 1758
Jin et al. 2008
Erictis sp.
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Carnivora - Canidae
Cuon antiquus
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Talpidae
Uropsilus sp. Milne-Edwards 1871
Jin et al. 2008
Mogera cf. insularis (Swinhoe 1863)
Jin et al. 2008
Parapanulus sp.
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Soricidae
Blarinella sp. Thomas 1911
Jin et al. 2008
Soriculus sp. Blyth 1845
Jin et al. 2008
Anourosorex quadratidens
Jin et al. 2008
Suncus sp. Ehrenberg 1832
Jin et al. 2008
Crocidura cf. hosfildi
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Proboscidea - Elephantidae
Stegodon preorientalias
Jin et al. 2008
Pongo sp.
Jin et al. 2008
Mammalia - Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae
Sinomastodon yangziensis (Wang et al. 2014)
6 specimens
see common names

Country:China State/province: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region County:Chongzuo
Coordinates: 22.3° North, 107.5° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:22.2° North, 107.3° East
Period: Quaternary Epoch: Pleistocene
10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 6
Key time interval: Early Pleistocene
Age range of interval: 2.58 - 0.774 m.y. ago
Age estimate: 1.6 to 1.2 Ma (paleomagnetic)
Stratigraphy comments: 4th layer
Based on the faunal and paleomagnetic correlation, the geological age of Sanhe Cave is estimated to be middle Early Pleistocene, corresponding to approximately 1.2e1.6 Ma (Jin et al., 2008a, 2009a).
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: sandstone
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: brown-yellow sand with tiny calcareous breccia
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Also known as:Chongzuo, ZAR
Database number:214689
Authorizer:M. Uhen Enterer:A. Glass, M. Uhen
Modifier:M. Uhen Research group:vertebrate
Created:2020-10-12 23:00:49 Last modified:2022-11-14 14:17:03
Access level:the public Released:2020-10-12 23:00:49
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

74090. Y. Wang, C. Jin, and J.I. Mead. 2014. New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China. Quaternary International 339-340:90-96 [M. Uhen/A. Glass/M. Uhen]

Secondary references:

83098 C. Z. Jin, D. G. Qin, W. S. Pan, Z. L. Tang, J. Y. Liu, Y. Wang, C. L. Deng, Y. Q. Zhang, W. Dong and H. W. Tong. 2008. A newly discovered Gigantopithecus fauna from Sanhe Cave, Chongzuo, Guangxi, South China. Chinese Sciene Bulletin 54:1-10 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]