There are 20 matches
Collection | Authorizer | Collection name | Reference |
60678 | A. Hendy | 1 km E. of Usiacuri, Atlantico Middle Miocene - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Weisbord (1929) |
60679 | A. Hendy | 10 km W. of Usiacuri, Atlantico Middle Miocene - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Weisbord (1929) |
88296 | A. Hendy | CAS Loc. 267 (horizon M-N), Tubará Mtn [Tubará Fm] (coll. Andeson) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Anderson (1929) |
88297 | A. Hendy | CAS Loc. 267 (horizon P), Tubará Mtn [Tubará Fm] (coll. Andeson) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Anderson (1929) |
88305 | A. Hendy | CAS Loc. 302, Ranch of Sr Banda [Tubará Fm] (coll. Andeson) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Anderson (1929) |
88308 | A. Hendy | CAS Loc. 305, Turbaco, near [Tubará Fm] (coll. Andeson) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Anderson (1929) |
88316 | A. Hendy | CAS Loc. 351, Near Punta Pua [Tubará Fm] (coll. Andeson) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Anderson (1929) |
97682 | A. Hendy | HB-664 [Tubará Fm] (coll. Bürgl) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Barrios (1960) |
97692 | A. Hendy | HB-727 [Tubará Fm] (coll. Bürgl) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Barrios (1960) |
131219 | A. Hendy | NMB Loc. 18219 [Tubará Fm] (coll. Companía Shell Venezuela 1940-1950) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Gibson-Smith and Gibson-Smith (2012) |
131220 | A. Hendy | NMB Loc. 18220 [Tubará Fm] (coll. Companía Shell Venezuela 1940-1950) Late Miocene - Cenozoic 6 - Colombia | Gibson-Smith and Gibson-Smith (2012) |
156327 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290802 - Kabarauremana [lower Castilletes Fm] (= AH140102 / coll. Hendy 2014) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
156691 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290654A - Patajau [upper Jimol Fm] (coll. Hendy 2013) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
156751 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290412 - Aulechit-Castilletes Rd [upper Jimol Fm] (= STRI Sample 16842, 16844, 17041 / coll. Hendy 2011) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
156752 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290413 - Aulechit-Castilletes Rd [upper Jimol Fm] (= STRI Sample 16975, 16983 / coll. Hendy 2011) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
156753 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290414 - Aulechit-Castilletes Rd [middle Jimol Fm] (= STRI Sample 16868, 16982 / coll. Hendy 2011) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
156754 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290415 - Aulechit-Castilletes Rd [middle Jimol Fm] (= STRI Sample 16870, 38480 / coll. Hendy 2011) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
157830 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290841 - Yotoyoro [middle Castilletes Fm] (= STRI Sample 38142, 38143, 38147; AH140150, AH140151, AH140152 / coll. Hendy 2014) Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
160776 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290456 [hand-picked] - Puerto Lopez [lower Castilletes Fm] (= STRI Sample 16891 / coll. Hendy 2011) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |
161892 | A. Hendy | STRI Loc. 290614 [field] - Patajau norte [lower Castilletes Fm] (coll. Hendy 2013) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Colombia | Hendy et al. (2015) |