There are 5 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
96856M. Clapham Friedrich-Heinrich Colliery, Hoerstgen ventilation shaft 4, 280-285 m Wuchiapingian - Permian 4 - Germany Glaessner and Malzahn (1962)
130037M. Clapham Steinbruch Bauch Wuchiapingian - Permian 4 - Germany Holzapfel and Malzahn (1984)
130038M. Clapham Railway cut at Galgenberg Wuchiapingian - Permian 4 - Germany Holzapfel and Malzahn (1984)
130039M. Clapham Teichmann Quarry, Dorfitter Wuchiapingian - Permian 4 - Germany Holzapfel and Malzahn (1984)
149494M. Clapham Richelsdorf Mountains (= Richelsdorfer Gebirges) Wuchiapingian - Permian 4 - Germany Bendix-Almgreen and Malzahn (1969)

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