A0357. Lousy Cove, west side. 2004 collection: (Ordovician of Canada)

Also known as A466 and A595

Where: Quebec, Canada (49.3° N, 61.9° W: paleocoordinates 22.7° S, 36.1° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Belonechitina gamachiana other zone, Prinsta Member (Ellis Bay Formation), Hirnantian (445.2 - 443.4 Ma)

• Collection A357 of Dewing 1999. Same collection names are used by Jin 1989, Jin and Zhan 2008, and Li and Copper 2006.

•The collection is noted by Dewing to be from the Prinsta to Velleda mbrs. We marked here the lowest Mbr. because we do not know which one the fossils came from.

•Other authors give it as Prinsta.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified, nodular, calcareous mudstone and lithified, calcareous lime mudstone

• Member description taken from 2007 Long. Tempestite frequency curves: a key to Late Ordovician and Early Silurian subsidence, sea-level change, and orbital forcing in the Anticosti foreland basin, Quebec, Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci. Vol. 44, 413-431. "The Prinsta Member in its type section on the northeast coast consists of 9 m of fossiliferous laminated and nodular calcareous mudstones, with minor thin sandstone and limestone beds. At the west end of Anticosti Island, the member is 17 to 19 m thick and is dominated by highly fossiliferous subnodular to nodular thin-bedded micrites. Minor grainstones and plane to wavy laminated siltstone beds are apparent near the top of the member."

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: original calcite

Collected by P. Copper; reposited in the GSC

Collection methods: bulk, peel or thin section,

Primary reference: K. Dewing. 1999. Late Ordovician and Early Silurian strophomenid brachiopods of Anticosti Island, Quebec, Canada. In A. D. McCracken (ed.), Palaeontographica Canadiana 17:1-143 [S. Finnegan/S. Finnegan]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 158771: authorized by Seth Finnegan, entered by Seth Finnegan on 22.07.2014, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Rhynchonellida - Trigonirhynchiidae
 Rhynchonellida - Orthorhynchulidae
 Orthida - Rhipidomellidae
Mendacella uberis3 Billings 1866
 Orthida - Draboviidae
 Orthida - Plectorthidae
Hebertella maria3 Billings 1862
 Orthida - Platystrophiidae
Gnamptorhynchos globatum3 Twenhofel 1928
 Orthida - Plaesiomyidae
Plaesiomys carletona3 Twenhofel 1928
 Orthida - Hesperorthidae
Hesperorthis pyramidalis3 Twenhofel 1928
 Atrypida - Atrypinidae
Eospirigerina sp.3 Schuchert and Cooper 1930
 Strophomenida - Furcitellidae
Furcitella nodosa3 Dewing 1999
 Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae
 Orthotetida - Chilidiopsidae
Coolinia gamachiana Twenhofel 1928
 Orthocerida - Kionoceratidae
 Labechiida - Aulaceratidae
Quasiaulacera stellata1 stromatoporoid sponge