There are 25 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
24412S. Holland Anticosti Island, Mouth of the Jupiter River, Jupiter Formation Type Section Aeronian/Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24416S. Holland Anticosti Island, Cap Jupiter, Jupiter Formation Member 2 Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24418S. Holland Anticosti Island, Cap Jupiter, Jupiter Formation Member 3 Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24420S. Holland Cap Jupiter Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24423S. Holland Anticosti Island, Cap Ottawa, Jupiter Formation Member 4 Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24424S. Holland Anticosti Island, Cap Ottawa, Jupiter Formation Member 5 Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24435S. Holland The Jumpers (= Anticosti Island, The Jumpers, Upper Jupiter Formation) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
26698S. Holland S Manitoba, Cedar Lake Dolomite, Cross Lake Mem., Portage Bay, Cross Lake Telychian/Wenlock - Silurian 1-2 - Canada Stearn (1956)
113368W. Kiessling A863 (= A1198) Main road, 1.6–1.8 km east of Box road junction (= Reef 1416) Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Nestor et al. (2010)
158592S. Finnegan A0013. Firetower #5 road, 1.7–1.8 km nothwest of warden’s hut (= A49 / coll. Copper) Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Dewing (1999)
158747S. Finnegan A347. Coastal bluffs east of Iron (Martin) River. (coll. Copper) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Dewing (1999)
158748S. Finnegan A348. East Bank of Iron (Martin) River (coll. Copper) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Dewing (1999)
159915P. Wagner A0707b, Sandtop road outcrop above escaprment Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159916P. Wagner A182. West side of Martin River Mouth Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159917P. Wagner A349. East Bank of Martin River Mouth Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159918P. Wagner A0279a. 2.5 kilometers upstream from mouth ofBrick River Canyon Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159919P. Wagner A346. Coastal bluffs east of Iron (Martin) River (coll. Copper) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159920P. Wagner A1152 Main road to Prinsta River, parallel to Schmitt Creek Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159922P. Wagner A0889 Dauphiné road, 2.6 km south of bridge Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159924P. Wagner A596a. Gull Cape, lowermost unit 1 (coll. Copper) Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159925P. Wagner A1306a Dauphiné road cut, 2.5 km S of bridge Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
159927P. Wagner A1239. Firetower road, 1.1 km northeast of hut (coll. Copper) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
160001P. Wagner A458. Cormorant Point (coll. Copper) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)
184842P. Wagner Northrop Locality 007. west of railway cut, La Vieille, west of Anse Cascon Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Northrop (1939)
204332P. Wagner A1362 Wickenden road cut, Anticosti Island Rhuddanian - Silurian 1 - Canada Holland and Copper (2008)

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