There are 7 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
59206M. Aberhan Wollaston Forland, section 14, East Greenland Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Surlyk and Zakharov (1982)
59207M. Aberhan Muslingeelv, Southern Jameson Land, East Greenland Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Surlyk and Zakharov (1982)
66546W. Kiessling Sample 196196, Kim Fjelde area, Peary Land, Ladegardsaen Formation Early Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Hakansson et al. (1981)
66550W. Kiessling Sample 196333, Kim Fjelde area, Peary Land, Ladegardsaen Formation Early Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Hakansson et al. (1981)
82615A. Hendy Loc. 306, Mussel River [Hectoroceras Beds] (coll. Aldinger & Save-Soderbergh) Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Spath (1947)
82619A. Hendy Loc. 311, Horse River [Hectoroceras Beds] (coll. Aldinger & Save-Soderbergh) Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Spath (1947)
82622A. Hendy Loc. 313, Mussel River [Hectoroceras Beds] (coll. Aldinger & Save-Soderbergh) Berriasian - Cretaceous 1 - Greenland Spath (1947)

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