Wadi Hesban (Triassic to of Jordan)

Also known as Wadi al Hisban

Where: Janoobiah, Jordan (31.8° N, 35.6° E: paleocoordinates 13.7° S, 35.9° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Olenekian to Olenekian (251.2 - 242.0 Ma)

• Originally described as Carnian based on comparison of faunal composition with Raibl and Lettenkohle (Cox 1924), but some uncertainty expressed in this age subsequently, particularly due to the presence of Beneckeia (Cox 1932). Subsequent biochronological work has indicated an Olenekian-Anisian age for this section (Druckman 1974).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; limestone and marl

• "In the neighbourhood of Wadi Hesban the calcareous beds are from 100' to 150' in thickness, but thin rapidly to the east and die out completely within two miles. Thus these fossiliferous beds have the form of a wedge inserted in the Nubian Sandstone. Nearly all the fossils were obtained from the upper half of this calcareous series, which consists of thin-bedded yellow and brownish limestones, 1' to 2' in thickness, separated by beds of calcareous marl of about the same thickness. These marl beds yielded abundant specimens of Coenothyris vulgaris, with lamellibranchs and ammonite fragments. Tile lower half of the calcareous series did not yield any fossils. It consists of grey compact limestone beds 2' to 3' in thickness, separated by rubbly beds composed almost entirely of curiously shaped cylindrical bodies. The exact nature of these cannot be ascertained. They may be of concretionary origin, or possibly casts of annelid tubes. They average 1/2" in diameter, are round or slightly flattened in cross-section, arc straight or curved, sometimes branching, and smooth or with small bosses." (Cox 1924)

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: "All the fossils referred to in the description have been presented to the Geological Department of the British Museum" (Cox 1924)

Primary reference: L. R. Cox. 1924. A Triassic fauna from the Jordan Valley. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 14(79):52-96 [A. Dunhill/B. Allen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 201986: authorized by Alex Dunhill, entered by Bethany Allen on 14.06.2019

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Sorbeoconcha - Naticidae
Natica sp. Scopoli 1777 moon snail
British Museum G. 32500-1
 Caenogastropoda - Coelostylinidae
? Omphaloptycha sp. Ammon 1878 snail
British Museum G. 32502
 Murchisoniina - Spirostylidae
cf. Spirostylus sp. Kittl 1894 snail
British Museum G. 32503
 Ceratitida - Hedenstroemiidae
Beneckeia sp. von Mojsisovics 1882 ceratite
 Trigoniida - Myophoriidae
Myophoria intermedia Schauroth 1857 clam
British Museum L. 33354-9
Myophoria blakei n. sp. Cox 1932 clam
British Museum L. 57451 (holotype)
"Myophoria laevigata" = Neoschizodus laevigatus Ziethen 1830 clam
British Museum L. 33344-8
 Lucinida - Lucinidae
Schafhaeutlia astartiformis Münster 1841 clam
British Museum L. 33366
"Schafhaeutlia subquadrata" = Fimbria (Sphaeriola) subquadrata Parona 1889 clam
British Museum L. 33367-72
 Cardiida - Anthracosiidae
"Anodontophora muensteri" = Unionites muensteri
"Anodontophora muensteri" = Unionites muensteri Wissmann 1841 clam
British Museum L. 33335-40
 Cardiida - Kalenteridae
"Myoconcha gastrochaena" = Myoconcha giebeli
"Myoconcha gastrochaena" = Myoconcha giebeli Cox 1932 clam
British Museum L. 57444
 Mytilida - Mytilidae
"Myoconcha aff. goldfussi" = Modiola goldfussi, "Volsella cf. paronai" = Modiolus paronai
"Myoconcha aff. goldfussi" = Modiola goldfussi Dunker 1849 mussel
British Museum L. 33341
"Volsella cf. paronai" = Modiolus paronai Bittner 1895 mussel
British Museum L. 33334
 Ostreida - Bakevelliidae
Gervillia sp., Gervillia bouei, "Gervillia cf. exporrecta" = Bakevellia exporrecta, "Reubenia hesbanensis n. gen. n. sp." = Hoernesia hesbanensis, "Reubenia attenuata n. sp." = Hoernesia attenuata
Gervillia sp. Defrance 1820 oyster
British Museum L. 57437
Gervillia bouei Hauer 1857 oyster
British Museum L. 57431, 57433
"Gervillia cf. exporrecta" = Bakevellia exporrecta Lepsius 1878 oyster
British Museum L. 33378
"Reubenia hesbanensis n. gen. n. sp." = Hoernesia hesbanensis Cox 1924 oyster
British Museum L. 33301-3 (L. 33301 is holotype)
"Reubenia attenuata n. sp." = Hoernesia attenuata Cox 1924 oyster
British Museum L. 33304 (holotype)
 Ostreida - Ostreidae
"Ostrea (Lopha) montiscaprilis" = Umbrostrea montiscaprilis
"Ostrea (Lopha) montiscaprilis" = Umbrostrea montiscaprilis Klipstein 1843 oyster
British Museum L. 33311-2
 Pectinida - Pectinoidae
Chlamys cf. reticulata Schlotheim 1813 scallop
British Museum L. 57429
 Pectinida - Limidae
Lima lineata Schlotheim 1820 file clam
British Museum L. 33330
Lima costata Münster 1836 file clam
British Museum L. 33327-9
Mysidioptera cf. vixcostata Stoppani 1860 file clam
British Museum L. 33331
 Pectinida - Hunanopectinidae
"Pseudomonotis inaequistriatus" = Leptochondria albertii
"Pseudomonotis inaequistriatus" = Leptochondria albertii Goldfuss 1838 scallop
British Museum L. 33321
 Pectinida - Anomiidae
"Plicatula (Pseudoplacunopsis) fissistriata" = Placunopsis fissistriata, "Plicatula moabensis n. sp." = Placunopsis fissistriata
"Plicatula (Pseudoplacunopsis) fissistriata" = Placunopsis fissistriata Winckler 1861 scallop
British Museum L. 33314-6
"Plicatula moabensis n. sp." = Placunopsis fissistriata Winckler 1861 scallop
British Museum L. 33313 (holotype)
 Pectinida - Entoliidae
"Pecten (Syncyclonema) aff. discites" = Entolium discites
"Pecten (Syncyclonema) aff. discites" = Entolium discites Schlotheim 1820 scallop
British Museum L. 33322-5
 Myalinida - Myalinidae
Myalina tommasii Salomon 1895 clam
British Museum L. 33332
 Nuculida - Nuculidae
Nucula cf. expansa Wissmann 1841 nut clam
British Museum L. 33300
 Terebratulida - Dielasmatidae
Coenothyris vulgaris Schlotheim 1820
British Museum B. 44770-95