There are 6 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
20165J. Alroy Butler Spring (Lower) (= UM-K3-61) Irvingtonian - Cenozoic 6 - Kansas Schultz (1969)
20332J. Alroy Flohr Gravel Pit Irvingtonian - Cenozoic 6 - Kansas Semken (1966)
20391J. Alroy Kentuck Irvingtonian - Cenozoic 6 - Kansas Semken (1966)
20427J. Alroy Nash (UM-K1-72) (= Faunule A) Irvingtonian - Cenozoic 6 - Kansas Eshelman and Hibbard (1981)
20516J. Alroy Sandahl Gravel Pit Irvingtonian - Cenozoic 6 - Kansas Semken (1966)
20605J. Alroy Jinglebob Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - Kansas Hibbard and Taylor (1960)

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