Yangshuling Mine Locality (Permian to of China)

Where: Hebei, China (40.0° N, 118.0° E: paleocoordinates 20.3° N, 89.3° E)

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Taiyuan Formation, Asselian to Asselian (298.9 - 290.1 Ma)

• The Taiyuan formation is considered to be of P1/1 (super and subscript) age in the Chinese stratigraphical system (Tian et al. 1996) correlating with the Asselian-early Sakmarian stages of the Early Permian elsewhere.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: mire or swamp; gray, green, calcareous tuff and gray mudstone

• Plant compressions are found in several lithologies, including dark grey coloured mudstones, grey coloured fine-grained sandstones and pale grey-yellow seat earth horizons, the latter dominated by poorly preserved and unidentifiable rooting organs.

•Permineralized plant fossils occur in fine-grained grey-green tuff in which the 3D structure and tissue compositions of the plant fossils are preserved. The tuff comprises predominantly sub-angular feldspar crystals in an early stage diagenetic carbonate matrix

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression, permineralized, original carbon, replaced with calcite

Collection methods: surface (float), chemical, peel or thin section,

Primary reference: J. Hilton, S.-J. Wang, J. Galtier and C.-S. Li. 2001. An Early Permian plant assemblage from the Taiyuan Formation of northern China with compression/impression and permineralized preservation. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114:175-189 [H. Sims/H. Lindon/J. Cassara]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 21185: authorized by Hallie Sims, entered by Heather Lindon on 20.06.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Zygopteridae - Zygopteridae
Corynepteris sp. Bailey 1860
Corynepteris-type sporangia attributed to zygopterid ferns
 Sphenophyllales -
Sphenophyllum cf. oblongifolium
(Germarn and Kaulfuss) Unger
Sphenophyllum sp. König 1825
 Calamitales -
Astromyelon sp. Williamson 1883
Arthroxylon sp. Reed 1952
 Cordaitales -
Amyelon sp. Williamson 1874
Cordaianthus sp. Grand'Eury 1877
Cordaianthus ramentrarus
Wang and Tian
Lobatannularia sp. Kawasaki 1927
  - Lepidocarpaceae
Achlamydocarpon sp. Schumacker-Lambry 1966
 Cordaitanthales -
 Cordaitanthales - Cordaitanthaceae
cf. Nucellangium cf. darrah
Stidd and Cosentino
 Cardiocarpales -
Cardiocarpus sp. Brongniart 1881
Hilton et al.
Pachytesta sp. Brongniart 1828
 Marattiales - Marattiidae
Psaronius sp. Cotta 1832
 Coenopteridales -