There are 24 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
37673A. Hendy USGS M1691, Santa Cruz Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Addicott (1966)
37674A. Hendy USGS M2147, Green Oaks Creek Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Addicott (1966)
37933A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-1) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-1) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37937A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-13) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-13) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37940A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-10) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-10) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37943A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-7) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-7) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37947A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-3) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-3) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37948A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-2) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-2) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
59063M. Uhen LACMIP loc. 59, Lincoln Avenue deposit, Playa del Rey (= Del Rey Pleistocene deposit / coll. Willet) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Willett (1937)
96895A. Hendy Signal Hill [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. DeLong 1938) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California DeLong (1941)
138723C. Schweitzer Nob Hill cut, San Pedro (coll. Oldroyd) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Oldroyd (1925)
189765A. Hendy USGS 14648 - Graciosa Ridge [Careaga Sandstone] (= Woodring Loc. 177; W624 / coll. Woodring) Gelasian - Cenozoic 6 - California Woodring and Bramlette (1950)
201624J. Marcot LACMIP loc. 58, Capistrano Beach (Pleistocene) (coll. Willett "and his wife, accompanied Leyden" 09/20/1937) Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Willett (1937)
207762A. Hendy USGS loc. 4476, Graciosa Ridge (coll. Arnold) Gelasian - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1908)
222646A. Hendy San Pedro area Quaternary [Cooper (1888, 1894) checklists] Middle Pleistocene/Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Cooper (1888)
222650A. Hendy Recent Formation, San Pedro [of Conrad, 1855] (coll. Blake) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Conrad (1855)
222659A. Hendy Deadman Island - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222660A. Hendy Lumberyard, San Pedro - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222661A. Hendy Los Cerritos - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222662A. Hendy Crawfish George - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222663A. Hendy Deadman Island area - Lower San Pedro Series (1900s-1950s) [San Pedro Sand] Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222998A. Hendy Deadman Island - Zone 8 [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Crickmay 1920) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Crickmay (1929)
223009A. Hendy Deadman Island, San Pedro [Watts (1901) checklist] Middle Pleistocene/Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Watts (1901)
237604J. Marcot Hoots locality 31, Potrero Canyon, Santa Monica Mountains (coll. Hoots) Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Hoots (1931)

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