Haikou [Yuanshan Fm (formerly Qiongzhusi)] (Cambrian of China)

Also known as Chengjiang biota; Jingmacun, Kunming

Where: Yunnan, China (24.8° N, 102.6° E: paleocoordinates 35.1° N, 161.1° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Eoredlichia trilobite zone, Yuanshan Formation, Atdabanian (521.0 - 516.0 Ma)

• LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY: Formerly from the Yuanshan Mbr, Qiongzhusi Fm. Yuanshan is raised to formation rank in recent publications (Steiner 2005, 2007). Wade-Giles romanization of Qiongzhusi is Chiungchussu. AGE: Eoredlichia Zone. Refined to Atdabanian by A. Hendy (2/2009)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, gray, green, yellow, carbonaceous mudstone

• "benthic sediment flows... are believed to have been the the principal method of burial" (Shu et al. 1999b)

•"presence of agglutinated quartz grains, substantially coarser than the surrounding matrix... suggests... that the animal inhabited a higher-energy, sandy sea floor and was transported" (Shu et al. 2001)

• LITHOLOGY: Dark grey-green (yellow, when weathered), finely laminated mudstones, containing organic hash in great quantity. LITHIFICATION: Lithified, on the basis of figures.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression, soft parts

Collection methods: surface (in situ), hydrochloric,

• COLLECTOR: Multiple collectors. REPOSITORY: Not stated in text.

Primary reference: M. Steiner, M. Zhu, Y. Zhao and B.-D. Erdtmann. 2005. Lower Cambrian Burgess Shale-type fossil associations of South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 220:129-152 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 68083: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 02.01.2007, edited by Pete Wagner, Austin Hendy, Marcus Domansky and Phil Novack-Gottshall

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COVERAGE: Exhaustive for all groups. NOMENCLATURE: From a combination of authoritative and review publications, with modern nomenclature and species-resolution identifications.
Sinocylindra yunnanensis
Sinocylindra yunnanensis Chen and Erdtmann 1991
 Bilateria -
"Haikouella lanceolata" = Yunnanozoon lividum, "Haikouella jianshanensis" = Yunnanozoon lividum
"Haikouella lanceolata" = Yunnanozoon lividum Hou et al. 1991
"Haikouella jianshanensis" = Yunnanozoon lividum Hou et al. 1991
  - Amiskwidae
 Hyolithida -
 Hyolithida - Sulcavitidae
 Lophophorata -
Conicula striata Luo et al. 1999
 Lingulida - Obolidae
"Lingulella chengjiangensis" = Eoglossa chengjiangensis
"Lingulella chengjiangensis" = Eoglossa chengjiangensis Jin et al. 1993
 Lingulida - Lingulellotretidae
 Lingulida - Botsfordiidae
Diandongia pista Rong 1974
  - Mickwitziidae
Heliomedusa orienta11 Sun and Hou 1987
Heliomedusa orienta Sun and Hou 1987
 Tommotiida -
Wufengella bengtsoni n. gen. n. sp.2
Wufengella bengtsoni n. gen. n. sp.2 Guo et al. 2022
 Lophophorata -
Cotyledion tylodes
Cotyledion tylodes Luo and Hu 1999
Lenisambulatrix humboldti
Lenisambulatrix humboldti n. gen. n. sp.6
Lenisambulatrix humboldti n. gen. n. sp.6 Ou and Mayer 2018
 Xenusiida - Xenusiidae
Jianshanopodia decora n. gen. n. sp.4
Jianshanopodia decora n. gen. n. sp.4 Liu et al. 2006
 Luolishaniida -
Luolishania longicruris Hou and Chen 1989
"Xishania longiusula" = Facivermis longiusula Hu 2002
Facivermis yunnanicus Hou and Chen 1989
 Odaraiida - Pectocariidae
"? Odaraia eurypetala" = Pectocaris
"? Odaraia eurypetala" = Pectocaris
 Bradoriida -
 Parvancorinomorpha - Parvancorinidae
Primicaris larvaformis Zhang et al. 2003
 Isoxyida - Isoxyidae
Isoxys curvirostratus Vannier and Chen 2000
Isoxys paradoxus Hou 1987
Isoxys auritus Jiang 1982
 Mollisoniida -
Urokodia aequalis Hou et al. 1989
 Waptiida - Waptiidae
Waptia sp.9 Walcott 1912
 Hymenostraca -
 Fuxianhuiida - Fuxianhuiidae
 Leanchoiliida - Leanchoiliidae
"Leanchoilia illecebrosa" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa, "Apiocephalus elegans" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa, "Dianchia mirabilis" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa, "Leanchoilia asiatica" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa
"Leanchoilia illecebrosa" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa Hou 1987
"Apiocephalus elegans" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa Hou 1987
"Dianchia mirabilis" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa Hou 1987
"Leanchoilia asiatica" = Leanchoilia illecebrosa Hou 1987
 Fortiforcipida - Fortiforcipidae
Fortiforceps foliosa Hou and Bergström 1997
 Radiodonta - Anomalocarididae
Parapeytoia yunnanensis Hou et al. 1995
 Radiodonta - Amplectobeluidae
 Radiodonta - Tamisiocarididae
"Anomalocaris saron" = Houcaris saron
"Anomalocaris saron" = Houcaris saron Hou et al. 1995
 Nektaspidida -
Xandarella sp. Hou et al. 1991
Cindarella eucalla Chen et al. 1996
Sinoburius lunaris Hou et al. 1991
 Nektaspidida - Naraoiidae
"Naraoia longicaudata" = Misszhouia longicaudata Zhang and Hou 1985
Naraoia sp.9 Walcott 1912
Naraoia spinosa Zhang and Hou 1985
 Redlichiida - Yunnanocephalidae
Yunnanocephalus sp.9 Kobayashi 1936 trilobite
Yunnanocephalus yunnanensis Mansuy 1912 trilobite
 Redlichiida - Redlichiidae
Kuanyangia pustulosa Lu 1941 trilobite
Eoredlichia sp.9 Chang 1950 trilobite
"Eoredlichia intermedia" = Eoredlichia intermediata Lu 1940 trilobite
Retifacies abnormalis Hou et al. 1989
 Conciliterga -
Kuamaia lata Hou 1987
Saperion glumaceum Hou et al. 1991
Squamacula clypeata Hou and Bergström 1997
 Bilateria -
Onychodictyon gracilis n. sp.3 Liu et al. 2008
 Hallucishaniids - Hallucigeniidae
Cardiodictyon catenulum Hou et al. 1991
Hallucigenia fortis1 Hou and Bergström 1995
Diania cactiformis
Diania cactiformis n. gen. n. sp.5
Diania cactiformis n. gen. n. sp.5 Liu et al. 2011
Corynetis brevis
Corynetis brevis Luo and Hu 1999
Sicyophorus rara Luo and Hu 1999
 Palaeoscolecidomorpha -
? Maotianshania cylindrica Sun and Huo 1987
 Cricocosmida - Palaeoscolecidae
"Palaeoscolex sinensis" = Mafangscolex sinensis
"Palaeoscolex sinensis" = Mafangscolex sinensis Hou and Sun 1988
 Palaeoscolecidomorpha - Cricocosmiidae
Acosmia maotiania
Acosmia maotiania Chen and Zhou 1997
 Selkirkiimorpha - Selkirkiidae
"Paraselkirkia sinica" = Selkirkia sinica
"Paraselkirkia sinica" = Selkirkia sinica Luo and Hu 1999
  - Banffiidae
  - Vetulicolidae
 Vetulicolata - Didazoonidae
 Bilateria -
Cheungkongella ancestralis n. gen. n. sp.7 Shu et al. 2001
Cheungkongella ancestralis Shu et al. 2001
 Bilateria - Eldoniidae
Stellostomites eumorphus Sun and Hou 1987
Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa n. gen. n. sp.9 Wagner 2023 jawless fish
Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa Wagner 2023 jawless fish
Haikouichthys ercaicunensis n. gen. n. sp.9 Luo et al. 1999 jawless fish
Haikouichthys ercaicunensis Luo et al. 1999 jawless fish
Xidazoon stephanus
Xidazoon stephanus n. gen. n. sp.8 Shu et al. 1999
Xidazoon stephanus Shu et al. 1999
Trigoides aclis Luo et al. 1999
  - Dinomischidae
Xianguangia sinica Chen and Erdtmann 1991
Calathites spinalis Luo et al. 1999
  - Nectocarididae
Petalilium latus Luo and Hu 1999
 Reticulosa - Protospongiidae
Saetaspongia densa Mehl and Reitner 1993 glass sponge
  - Vauxiidae
Vauxia progracilenta n. sp.10 demosponge
Vauxia paraleioia10 demosponge
 Protomonaxonida - Leptomitidae
Paraleptomitella dictyodroma Chen et al. 1989 demosponge
Leptomitus teretiusculus Chen et al. 1989 demosponge
 Protomonaxonida - Hazeliidae
Hazelia palmata Walcott 1920 demosponge
 Protomonaxonida - Choiidae
Allantospongia mica Rigby and Hou 1995 demosponge
Choiaella radiata Rigby and Hou 1995 demosponge
Choia sp. Walcott 1920 demosponge
 Protomonaxonida - Hamptoniidae
Hamptonia bowerbanki Walcott 1920 demosponge
 Protomonaxonida - Halichondritidae
Halichondrites sp. Walcott 1920 demosponge
Sandaokania latinodosa
Sandaokania latinodosa Luo and Hu 1999
Lagenula striolata
Lagenula striolata Luo and Hu 1999
Discoides abnormis
Discoides abnormis Luo et al. 1999