There are 8 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
4900J. Alroy CAS loc. 181, Cowlitz River, 4mi E. of Vader Late Eocene - Cenozoic 3 - Washington - old id Dickerson (1917)
5544A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1553 - Little River [Crescent Fm] (= LACMIP Loc. 41553; LACMIP loc. 16657) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5545A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1553a - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] (= LACMIP Loc. 41553) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5546A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1554 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5547A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1555 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
91606W. Kiessling Woodmans Wharf (= UCMP A-1802) Priabonian - Cenozoic 3 - Washington Durham (1942)
146900W. Kiessling CSUN Loc. 1511 - Pulali Point [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires et al. (1992)
161924A. Hendy CSUN Loc. 1570 - Garrard Creek [Crescent/McIntosh Fm transition] (= LACMIP loc. 16850; LACMIP loc. 41570 / coll. Goedert, Goedert) Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1995)

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