There are 5 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
491J. Sepkoski Bertie (= Bertie Fm., Erie Co.) Pridoli - Silurian 2 - New York Alling and Briggs (1961)
26085M. Foote Oneida Creek, southeast of Kenwood (coll. Flower, Wayland-Smith) Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - New York Kjellesvig-Waering and Caster (1955)
26087M. Foote Eurypterid-Associated Biota of the Fiddlers Green Member, Herkimer Co., New York Pridoli - Silurian 2 - New York Plotnick (1999)
26089M. Foote Eurypterid-Associated Biota of the Williamsville Member, Buffalo, New York Pridoli - Silurian 2 - New York Plotnick (1999)
26868M. Foote Eurypterid-Associated Biota of the Williamsville Member, Syracuse, New York Pridoli - Silurian 2 - New York Plotnick (1999)

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