Willershausen clay pit (GZG collection) (Pliocene of Germany)

Where: Niedersachsen, Germany (51.8° N, 10.1° E: paleocoordinates 51.9° N, 9.8° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Piacenzian (3.6 - 2.6 Ma)

• MN16/17 land mammal ages

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: pond; lithified marl

• Pond (about 200 m wide and 10 m deep) formed above collapse sinkhole (not volcanic, but subsidence mechanism is similar to volcanic calderas).

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, adpression

Collection methods: Repository: Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institute, Universität Göttingen. Includes material collected by Straus (52-30), Jordan (583), Schmidt (598), and Gersdorf (599).

Primary reference: K. Kernbach. 1967. Über die bisher im Pliozän von Willershausen gefundenen Schmetterlings und Raupenreste. Bericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover 111:103-106 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 109196: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 13.05.2011, edited by Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Testudines - Chelydridae
Chelydra strausi n. sp.20 Schmidt 1966 turtle
GPIG/GZG W05873a (holotype), near-complete juvenile specimen
 Araneae -
Araneae indet.18 Clerck 1757 spider
 Araneae - Thomisidae
Thomisidae indet.18 Sundevall 1833 crab spider
Thomisidites hercynicus n. gen. n. sp.25 Straus 1967 crab spider
GZG 9179 (592-5)
 Araneae - Lycosidae
Lycosidae indet.18 Sundevall 1833 wolf spider
 Araneae - Araneidae
Araneidae indet.18 Simon 1895 orb-weaving spider
 Araneae - Salticidae
Salticidae indet.18 Blackwall 1841 spider
Salticidites hercynicus n. gen. n. sp.25 Straus 1967 spider
GZG 8189 (592-7)
 Araneae - Philodromidae
Philodromidites hercynicus n. gen. n. sp.25
Philodromidites hercynicus n. gen. n. sp.25 Straus 1967 spider
GZG 3444 (592-6)
 Araneae - Dysderidae
Segestriites cromei n. gen. n. sp.25
Segestriites cromei n. gen. n. sp.25 Straus 1967 woodlouse hunter spider
GZG 8206 (592-4)
 Odonata - Aeshnidae
"Aeschnidae indet." = Aeshnidae22
"Aeschnidae indet." = Aeshnidae22 Leach 1815 darner dragonfly
GZG 2061 (600-2)
 Odonata - Gomphidae
Gomphidae indet.22 Rambur 1842 clubtail dragonfly
GZG 10567 (600-3), 13622 (600-4),14273 (600-5), 13621 (600-6), 15242 (600-7), 13200 (600-8), 10565 (600-9)
Priscogomphus subhercynicus n. gen. n. sp.22 Schumann 1967 clubtail dragonfly
GZG 8798 (600-1)
 Dicondylia -
Coleoptera indet.3 Linnaeus 1758 beetle
GZG 11733 (599-36), 8728 (599-39); 21 additional specimens in Gersdorf 1971; 20 in Gersdorf 1976; 12011 (583-270, Pentatomidae in Jordan 1967), 14048 (583-38, Heteroptera in Jordan), 13834 (583-40, Heteroptera in Jordan)
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
"Brachynus sp." = Brachinus5 Weber 1801 ground beetle
GZG 14048 (583-38) ("indet Wanze" in Jordan, 1967)
Harpalinae indet.3 Bonelli 1810 ground beetle
GZG 12683 (599-3)
Lebia sp.3 Latreille 1802 colorful foliage ground beetle
GZG 15130 (599-4)
Calosoma sycophanta3 Linnaeus 1758 forest caterpillar hunter
GZG 15146 (599-1); 22477 (52-30.152) in Gersdorf, 1976
Calosoma inquisitor3 Linnaeus 1758 ground beetle
GZG 2064a (599-2); 23965 (52-30.163) in Gersdorf, 1976
Calosoma maderae5 Fabricius 1775 ground beetle
 Coleoptera - Cupedidae
Cupes praeglacialis n. sp.5 Gersdorf 1976 reticulated beetle
GZG 19924 (52-30.130), 18289 (52.30-131)
 Coleoptera - Buprestidae
Buprestidae indet.3 Leach 1815 jewel beetle
GZG 13577 (599-10), 13464 (599-58); 599-68 in Gersdorf, 1971; 52-30.158 in Gersdorf, 1976
Chalcophora sp.4 Dejean 1833 jewel beetle
GZG 17927 (599-62)
Buprestini indet.5 Leach 1815 jewel beetle
GZG 221182 (52-30.133); 583-9 (Acanthosomatidae indet. in Jordan, 1967)
 Coleoptera - Elateridae
Elateridae indet.3 Leach 1815 click beetle
GZG 12841 coll. Mundlos (599-9); 23487 (52-30.165) in Gersdorf, 1976
Selatosomus sp.16 Stephens 1830 click beetle
GZG 19266 (52-30.143)
 Coleoptera - Cantharidae
Cantharidae indet.4 Imhoff 1856 soldier beetle
GZG 12840 Mundlos (599-37), 9178 (599-; 22203 (52-30.153) in Gersdorf, 197635)
 Coleoptera - Coccinellidae
Coccinellidae indet.3 Latreille 1807 ladybird beetle
GZG 2039 (599-18) 2066 (599-20), 15696 (599-21)
Coccinellinae indet.3 Latreille 1807 ladybird beetle
GZG 11145 (599-13)
Coccinellini indet.3 Latreille 1807 ladybird beetle
GZG 11727 (599-14)
Harmonia sp.3 Mulsant 1846 ladybird beetle
GZG 14826 (599-17)
Halyzia sp.3 Mulsant 1846 ladybird beetle
GZG 599-19
Chilocorini indet.3 Mulsant 1846 ladybird beetle
GZG 2074 (599-15), 12835 coll. Mundlos (599-16)
 Coleoptera - Tenebrionidae
Euboeus mimonti16 Boieldieu 1865 darkling beetle
GZG 16854 (599-60)
Pseudocistela aff. ceramboides16 Linnaeus 1758 comb-clawed beetle
GZG 599-22
 Coleoptera - Anthribidae
Anthribidae indet.4 Billberg 1820 fungus weevil
GZG 2806 (599-27)
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
Curculionidae indet.4 Latreille 1802 snout beetle
GZG 14285 (599-30), 17917 (599-63); 20933 (52-30.138), 52-30.007 in Gersdorf 1976
Curculio sp.4 Linnaeus 1758 snout beetle
GZG 10336 (599-28)
Hylobius abietis4 Linnaeus 1758 large pine weevil
GZG 14132 (599-29)
Pliocleonus gibbosus n. gen. n. sp.5 Gersdorf 1976 snout beetle
GZG 21933 (52-30.162)
 Coleoptera - Cerambycidae
Cerambycidae indet.21, Lamiinae indet.21, "Acanthocinus schmidti n. sp." = Acanthocinus schmidti21, "Pseudonepa bitarsalis n. gen. n. sp." = Acanthocinus schmidti11, Saperdini indet.21, ? Saperda sp.5, "Saperdopsis robusta n. gen. n. sp." = Saperda robusta21, "Dorcadionini indet." = Lamiini21, "Monochamoides willershausensis n. gen. n. sp." = Monochamus willershausensis21, Prioninae indet.21, Lepturinae indet.21, Cerambycinae indet.21, Xylotrechus sp.16
Cerambycidae indet.21 Latreille 1802 longhorned beetle
GZG 598-1; 599-57 in Gersdorf 1969; 11711 (599-64) in Gersdorf 1971; 6 additional in Gersdorf 1976
Lamiinae indet.21 Latreille 1825 longhorned beetle
GZG 15646 (598-12); GZG 21442 (52-30.134) in Gersdorf 1976
"Acanthocinus schmidti n. sp." = Acanthocinus schmidti21 Schmidt 1967 longhorned beetle
GZG 10437 (598-10), 12836 (598-11)
"Pseudonepa bitarsalis n. gen. n. sp." = Acanthocinus schmidti11 Schmidt 1967 longhorned beetle
GZG 13549 (583-37)
Saperdini indet.21 Mulsant 1839 longhorned beetle
GZG 12001 (598-14)
? Saperda sp.5 Fabricius 1775 longhorned beetle
"Saperdopsis robusta n. gen. n. sp." = Saperda robusta21 Schmidt 1967 longhorned beetle
GZG 12524 (598-13)
"Dorcadionini indet." = Lamiini21 Latreille 1825 longhorned beetle
GZG 598-3
"Monochamoides willershausensis n. gen. n. sp." = Monochamus willershausensis21 Schmidt 1967 longhorned beetle
GZG 15149 (598-9)
Prioninae indet.21 Latreille 1802 longhorned beetle
GZG 15142 (598-4)
Lepturinae indet.21 Latreille 1802 longhorned beetle
GZG 9177 (598-7), 598-8, GZG 20700 (52-30.137) in Gersdorf 1976
Cerambycinae indet.21 Latreille 1802 longhorned beetle
GZG 11156 (598-2), 2062 (598-5), 2063 (598-6)
Xylotrechus sp.16 Chevrolat 1860 longhorned beetle
GZG 2901 (599-38)
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
Chrysomelidae indet.3 Latreille 1802 leaf beetle
GZG 13631 (Saperdopsis robusta in Schmidt, 1967), 12839
 Coleoptera - Cucujidae
? Cucujidae indet.3 Latreille 1802 beetle
GZG 11724 (599-11); 2065 (599-31) in Gersdorf 1971
 Coleoptera - Erotylidae
Erotylidae indet.3 Latreille 1802 pleasing fungus beetle
GZG 11382 (599-12)
 Coleoptera - Staphylinidae
Staphylinidae indet.4, Pliosilpha strausi n. gen. n. sp.3, "Xylodrepa sexcarinata" = Dendroxena sexcarinata3, ? Staphylininae indet.3, Micropeplus macrofulvus n. sp.5, ? Aleocharinae indet.10, Tachinus sp.10, Oxytelini indet.10, Necrophorus pliozaenicus n. sp.3, "Pliosyntomium schmidti n. gen. n. sp." = Paederus schmidti14
Staphylinidae indet.4 Latreille 1802 rove beetle
GZG 15111 (599-33)
Pliosilpha strausi n. gen. n. sp.3 Gersdorf 1969 rove beetle
GZG 15027 (599-6)
"Xylodrepa sexcarinata" = Dendroxena sexcarinata3 Motschulsky 1861 rove beetle
ssp. pliocaenica; GZG 14202 (599-7)
? Staphylininae indet.3 Latreille 1802 rove beetle
GZG 10786 (599-8)
Micropeplus macrofulvus n. sp.5 Gersdorf 1976 rove beetle
GZG 23935 (52-30.166)
? Aleocharinae indet.10 Fleming 1821 rove beetle
Tachinus sp.10 Gravenhorst 1802 rove beetle
GZG.W.18932 (52-30.132)
Oxytelini indet.10 Fleming 1821 rove beetle
Necrophorus pliozaenicus n. sp.3 Gersdorf 1969 rove beetle
GZG 10992 (599-5)
"Pliosyntomium schmidti n. gen. n. sp." = Paederus schmidti14 Korge 1967 rove beetle
 Coleoptera - Histeridae
Histeridae indet.4 Gyllenhal 1808 clown beetle
GZG 12561 (599-32)
 Coleoptera -
Scarabaeoidea indet.4 Latreille 1802 scarab beetle
GZG 3117 (599-26) ("Lamellicornia indet")
 Coleoptera - Scarabaeidae
Rutelinae indet.4 MacLeay 1819 scarab beetle
GZG 15660 (599-24)
Mimela sp.4 Kirby 1823 scarab beetle
GZG 599-25
Cetoniinae indet.5 Leach 1815 flower chafer
GZG 23438 (52-30.170), 23051 (52-30.164)
"Coprinae indet." = Coprini5 Leach 1815 scarab beetle
GZG 17170 (52-30.140)
Aphodius rufipes4 Linnaeus 1758 night-flying dung beetle
GZG 12054 (599-23)
 Coleoptera -
Allopliosilpha inclavata n. gen. n. sp.4 Gersdorf 1971 beetle
GZG 17916 (599-61)
Cydnopsis nigromembranacea n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 beetle
GZG 13670 (538-29)
 Megaloptera - Sialidae
Sialis strausi n. sp.9 Illies 1967 alderfly
GZG 11522 (594-1), 10326 (594-2), 16235 (594-3), 8144 (594-4), 16152 (594-5)
 Neuroptera - Chrysopidae
Hypochrysa hercyniensis n. sp.19 Schlüter 1982 green lacewing
G. Merl collection no. 43
 Lepidoptera -
Gallerites keleri n. gen. n. sp., Sphingidites weidneri n. gen. n. sp.
Gallerites keleri n. gen. n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 13547
Sphingidites weidneri n. gen. n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 3435
 Lepidoptera - Eriocraniidae
Eriocranites hercynicus n. gen. n. sp.
Eriocranites hercynicus n. gen. n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 16283
 Lepidoptera - Nepticulidae
Stigmellites pliotityrellus n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 3050 (leaf mine)
Stigmellites heringi n. gen. n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 11137 (leaf mine)
 Lepidoptera - Notodontidae
Cerurites wagneri n. gen. n. sp.
Cerurites wagneri n. gen. n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 12202
 Lepidoptera -
Noctuites gersdorfi n. sp. Kernbach 1967 moth
GZG 596-8, 9
 Lepidoptera - Geometridae
Geometridites repens n. gen. n. sp. Kernbach 1967 geometer moth
GZG 11499
Geometridites jordani n. sp. Kernbach 1967 geometer moth
GZG 10119
 Lepidoptera - Pieridae
Pierites sp.23 Heer 1849 butterfly
ssp. fossilis; GZG 13589
 Hymenoptera - Tenthredinidae
Tenthredinidae indet.24 Latreille 1802 wood wasp
GZG 12525 (595-2)
 Hymenoptera - Cimbicidae
"Zaraea sp." = Abia24
"Zaraea sp." = Abia24 Leach 1817 cimbicid sawfly
GZG 2048 (595-1)
 Hymenoptera - Crabronidae
Ectemnius sp.24 Dahlbom 1845 moustache wasp
GZG 2724 (595-9)
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Formicidae indet.24 Latreille 1802 ant
GZG 2757 (595-17)
Myrmicinae indet.24 Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau 1835 ant
GZG 12846 (595-15)
Formicinae indet.24 Latreille 1802 ant
Camponotini indet.24 Forel 1878 ant
Camponotus sp.24 Mayr 1861 ant
GZG 10568 (595-16)
Camponotites silvestris n. gen. n. sp.24 Steinbach 1967 ant
GZG.W.14552 (595-8)
 Hymenoptera -
Ichneumonoidea indet.24 Latreille 1802 wasp
 Hymenoptera - Braconidae
Braconidae indet.24 Nees ab Esenbeck 1811 wasp
GZG 15268 (595-14)
 Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae
Ichneumoninae indet.24, Ichneumoninites sulfatorius n. gen. n. sp.24, "Lissonotinae indet." = Atrophini24, Pimplites praeparatus n. gen. n. sp.24
Ichneumoninae indet.24 Latreille 1802 ichneumon wasp
GZG 8699 (595-10)
Ichneumoninites sulfatorius n. gen. n. sp.24 Steinbach 1967 ichneumon wasp
GZG 10588 (595-4)
"Lissonotinae indet." = Atrophini24 Seyrig 1932 ichneumon wasp
GZG 2051 (595-5)
Pimplites praeparatus n. gen. n. sp.24 Steinbach 1967 ichneumon wasp
GZG 8202 (595-3)
 Hemiptera - Adelgidae
Adelges sp.8 Vallot 1836 aphid
 Hemiptera - Elektraphididae
Schizoneurites sp.8 Cockerell 1915 aphid
GZG 14645 (630-1)
 Hemiptera - Aphididae
Aphididae indet.7 Latreille 1802 aphid
GZG 14605 (630-3)
Plioaphis subhercynica n. gen. n. sp.7 Heie 1968 aphid
GZG 630-4 (from collection of Otto Klages)
 Hemiptera -
Heteroptera indet.11 Latreille 1810 true bug
GZG 8129 (583-16), 13570 (583-39), 14767 (583-41), 11729 (583-43); in Popov 2007: 18037, 18264
 Hemiptera - Alydidae
"Nabis strausi n. sp." = Willershausenia strausi12
"Nabis strausi n. sp." = Willershausenia strausi12 Jordan 1969 broad-headed bug
GZG 16950 (642-2)
 Hemiptera - Lygaeidae
Lygaeidae indet.17, "Macrocranum pliozani n. gen. n. sp." = Macrocranum pliozaeni11
Lygaeidae indet.17 Schilling 1829 milkweed bug
GZG 52-10318a
"Macrocranum pliozani n. gen. n. sp." = Macrocranum pliozaeni11 Jordan 1967 milkweed bug
GZG 12639 (583-33)
 Hemiptera - Cydnidae
Ovalocoris parva n. gen. n. sp.11
Ovalocoris parva n. gen. n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 burrowing bug
GZG 13811 (583-34)
 Hemiptera - Pentatomidae
"Pentatomoides atratus n. sp." = Pentatomoides atratus11, "Pentatomoides atratus" = Pentatomoides atratus17, "Pentatomoides echinodes n. sp." = Pentatomoides atratus11, "Apodiphus robustus n. sp." = Pentatomoides atratus11, "Pentatomoides incertus n. sp." = Carpocoroides incertus11, "Carpocoroides latus n. sp." = Carpocoroides latus11, "Carpocoroides punctatus n. sp." = Carpocoroides latus11, Rhomboidea macroptera n. gen. n. sp.11, "Pentatomoides dubius n. sp." = Rhomboidea dubia11, Pseudopalomena incerta n. gen. n. sp.11, Suspectocoris grandis n. gen. n. sp.11, Halynoides brunneus n. gen. n. sp.11
"Pentatomoides atratus n. sp." = Pentatomoides atratus11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 12627 (583-22); in Popov 2007: GZG 52-30701
"Pentatomoides atratus" = Pentatomoides atratus17 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 13673 (583-28), 10496 (583-18), 10578 (583-26)
"Pentatomoides echinodes n. sp." = Pentatomoides atratus11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 12630 (583-21)
"Apodiphus robustus n. sp." = Pentatomoides atratus11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 14206 (583-19)
"Pentatomoides incertus n. sp." = Carpocoroides incertus11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 15066 (583-23)
"Carpocoroides latus n. sp." = Carpocoroides latus11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 8531 (583-17), 3989 (583-14), 2991 (583-8); 54/7 (583-5, Pentatomidae in Jordan 1967), 12098, 30701
"Carpocoroides punctatus n. sp." = Carpocoroides latus11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 2991 (583-8)
Rhomboidea macroptera n. gen. n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 13545 (583-36), 3434 (583-4)
"Pentatomoides dubius n. sp." = Rhomboidea dubia11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 9457 (583-2)
Pseudopalomena incerta n. gen. n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 13548 (583-20)
Suspectocoris grandis n. gen. n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 4214 (583-3) (9164 (583-30) is counterpart)
Halynoides brunneus n. gen. n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 stink bug
GZG 10243 (583-1)
 Hemiptera - Tessaratomidae
Tesseratomoides maximus n. gen. n. sp.11
Tesseratomoides maximus n. gen. n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 giant shield bug
GZG 13538 (583-24)
 Hemiptera - Aphelocheiridae
"Cydnopsis affinis n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11, "Cydnopsis ventralis n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11, "Coreoidus latus n. gen. n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11, "Atoposita angulosa n. gen. n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11
"Cydnopsis affinis n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11 Jordan 1967 true bug
GZG 3449 (583-13), 60/23 (583-7); in Popov 2007: 10636, 12669
"Cydnopsis ventralis n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11 Jordan 1967 true bug
GZG 3986 (583-6), 2830 (583-12)
"Coreoidus latus n. gen. n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11 Jordan 1967 true bug
GZG 2594 (583-11), 5982 (583-15), 12626 (583-31)
"Atoposita angulosa n. gen. n. sp." = Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) affinis11 Jordan 1967 true bug
GZG 12037 (583-35
 Hemiptera -
Pachymerus nigropedis n. sp.11 Jordan 1967 true bug
GZG 14828 (583-32)
 Hemiptera - Cicadidae
Cicadidae indet.26 Latreille 1802 cicada
GZG 11005 (593-10); 15113, 15114, 15826, 18044 40308, 40310 in Moulds et al. (2023)
Cicada aff. orni15 Linnaeus 1758 cicada
GZG 13310 (593-8), 593-9
Cicada aff. lodosi15 Boulard 1979 cicada
Tibicina sp.15 Kolenati 1857 cicada
GZG.W.21753, 22815
Tibicina lata n. sp.15 Moulds et al. 2023 cicada
GZG.W.14592; 11666 (Tibicina haematodes in Wagner, 1967), 13308 (Tibicina haematodes in Wagner, 1967), 16688, 23091
Tibicina boulardi n. sp.15 Moulds et al. 2023 cicada
GZG.W.17632; 8816, 9132, 11178 (Tibicina haematodes in Wagner, 1967), 13689 (Tibicina haematodes in Wagner, 1967), 15412, 16175, 16879, 17330, 61908
Tibicina aff. haematodes15 Scopoli 1763 cicada
GZG 11684 (593-1), 12351 (593-2), 11030 (593-3), 13308 (593-4), 11666 (593-5), 11178 (593-6), 13689 (593-7), 593-11, 3987 (593-12), 5144 (593-13)
 Dicondylia -
Orthoptera indet.17 Olivier 1789 grasshopper
GZG 52-12372 (583-25, Pentatomidae indet. in Jordan 1967), 52-14659 (583-42, Heteroptera indet in Jordan 1967)
 Orthoptera - Acrididae
Oedipodini indet.6 Walker 1871 band-winged grasshopper
GZG 10478 (584-4), 584-2, 584-3
Sphingonotus sp.6 Fieber 1852 band-winged grasshopper
GZG 2068 (584-6), 8201 (584-7), 9176 (584-8), 9540 (584-9), 12340 (584-10), 12622 (584-11)
Mecostethus sp.6 Fieber 1852 band-winged grasshopper
GZG 14501 (584-5)
 Orthoptera - Tetrigidae
Tetrix sp.6 Latreille 1802 pygmy grasshopper
GZG 12652 (584-1)
 Orthoptera - Gryllotalpidae
Gryllotalpa africana28 Palisot de Beauvais 1805 mole cricket
GZG 2551 (618-1)
 Orthoptera - Tettigoniidae
Platycleis sp.6 Fieber 1853 katydid
GZG 584-12
Nephoptera harzensis n. sp.6 Harz 1967 katydid
GZG 14956 (584-13), 11680 (584-14)
 Plecoptera - Taeniopterygidae
Brachyptera schmidti n. sp.9 Illies 1967 winter stonefly
GZG 10991 (594-6)
 Mantodea - Mantidae
Mantis religiosa1 Linnaeus 1758 praying mantis
GZG 8811 (591-1)
 Blattodea - Rhinotermitidae
Reticulitermes pliozaenicus n. sp.29 Weidner 1971 termite
GZG 52-19127, 52-17631, 579-5
 Blattodea -
Ulmeriella strausi n. sp.29 Weidner 1971 termite
GZG 52-15062
Ulmeriella willershausensis n. sp.27 Weidner 1967 termite
GZG 14181 (579-1), 16240 (579-2), 15582 (579-3), 16292 (579-4)
 Diptera - Sciaridae
Sciara willershausensis n. sp.13 Kohring and Schlüter 1993 dark-winged fungus gnat
GZG 20439, 17499a, 17511a
Sciara strausi n. sp.13 Kohring and Schlüter 1993 dark-winged fungus gnat
GZG 16965, 16506, 16537, 16815, 17408, 17498, 17498a, 21339a, 21749
 Diptera - Bibionidae
Dilophus magnus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 14836 (612-6)
Bibio sp.2 Geoffroy 1762 march fly
GZG 10310 (612-14)
Bibio tripus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 13627 (612-15)
Bibio similis n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 17157 (612-21)
Bibio deflectus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 16052 (612-20), 12640 (612-31)
Bibio praecidus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 13628 (612-19)
Bibio constringtus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 14263 (612-18), 2814 (612-38)
Bibio anasiformis n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 10582 (612-27)
Bibio soldatus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 8856 (612-13)
Bibio discerptus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 16893 (612-22)
Bibio dormitus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 17211 (612-12)
Bibio albangulus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 17228 (612-26)
Bibio carnificus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 13531 (612-17)
Bibio tenuis n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 14613 (612-28)
Bibio mancus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 13699 (612-11), 13834 (612-29)
Bibio nebulosus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 10581 (612-23)
Bibio acaptus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 17219 (612-16)
Bibio latiantennatus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 13578 (612-8)
Bibio enormus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 13125 (612-7)
Bibio vixdus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 2027 (612-24)
Bibio cruciformis n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 16795 (612-25)
Bibio contererus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 10796 (612-10)
Bibio medioalbus n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 march fly
GZG 10570 (612-9)
Plecia sp.2 Wiedemann 1823 love bug
GZG 13849 (612-5)
 Diptera - Tabanidae
Tabanus sudeticus2 Zeller 1842 dark giant horsefly
GZG 13678 (612-1)
 Diptera - Pallopteridae
"? Oxyna pluvia n. sp." = Toxoneura pluvia2
"? Oxyna pluvia n. sp." = Toxoneura pluvia2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 fly
GZG 14818 (612-4)
 Diptera - Phoridae
? Diploneura maxima n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 scuttle fly
GZG 14819 (612-3)
 Diptera - Asilidae
Pseudophrisson primus n. gen. n. sp.2
Pseudophrisson primus n. gen. n. sp.2 Dürrenfeldt 1968 robber fly
GZG 8814 (612-2)