There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
12937M. Patzkowsky Washington Land, North Greenland - Patzkowsky Rhuddanian/Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Greenland Lane (1979)
23051M. Foote Xenocybe ebyconex-Sphaerexochus centeo Assemblage, Kap Schuchert, Greenland Llandovery/Wenlock - Silurian 1-2 - Greenland Thomas and Lane (1999)
23053M. Foote Encrinuroides-Pseudoproetus Assemblage, Kap Schuchert, Greenland Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Greenland Thomas and Lane (1999)
188528M. Hopkins unit 13E (= GGU 82211-311 (Locality 5 of Lane 1984) / coll. Allaart, Dawes 1965-66) Llandovery - Silurian 1 - Greenland Dawes and Peel (1984)

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