Pointe de l'Armorique, beds S97-S99, bioherm (Devonian of France)

Also known as Reef 2526

Where: Bretagne, France (48.3° N, 4.5° W: paleocoordinates 46.6° S, 34.8° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Armorique Formation, Pragian (410.8 - 407.6 Ma)

• "Schistes et Calcaires de l'Armorique", beds S97-S99

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified limestone

• biohermal beds, 5 m thick

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: peel or thin section,

Primary reference: A. Pelhate and Y. Plusquellec. 1980. Le milieu recifal [The reef environment]. Memoires de la Societe geologique et mineralogique de Bretagne 23:49-58 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 81603: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 02.07.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Phacopida - Acastidae
Paracryphaeus aff. jonesi7 Oehlert 1877 trilobite
 Spiriferinida - Cyrtinidae
 Rhynchonellida - Hebetoechiidae
 Rhynchonellida - Uncinulidae
Uncinulus cf. subwilsoni2 d'Orbigny 1850
 Rhynchonellida - Camarotoechiidae
 Rhynchonellida - Machaerariidae
Latonotoechia sp.2
listed as Latanotoechia
Sicorhyncha cf. trinacrius2
subsp. tenuirostris
 Rhynchonellida - Trigonirhynchiidae
""Rhynchonella" cf. subpareti" = Oligoptycherhynchus subpareti2
""Rhynchonella" cf. subpareti" = Oligoptycherhynchus subpareti2 Oehlert 1884
 Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
"Howellella aff. mercurii" = Spirifer mercurii3
"Howellella aff. mercurii" = Spirifer mercurii3 Gosselet 1880
 Strophomenida - Strophodontidae
 Strophomenida - Amphistrophiidae
"? Geniculomclearnites sp." = Mclearnites (Geniculomclearnites)4
"? Geniculomclearnites sp." = Mclearnites (Geniculomclearnites)4
 Strophomenida - Rafinesquinidae
"Leptaenidae indet." = Leptaeninae4
"Leptaenidae indet." = Leptaeninae4 Hall and Clarke 1894
 Trepostomida - Dyscritellidae
 Cryptostomata - Fenestellidae
Fenestella sp.1 Lonsdale 1839
 Cryptostomata - Semicosciniidae
Semicoscinium sp.1 Prout 1859
 Rhabdomesida - Rhabdomesidae
Orthopora sp.1 Hall 1886
  - Schyschcatocrinidae
Salairocrinus carinatus n. sp.6 Sea lily
 Myelodactylida - Myelodactylidae
Myelodactylus sp.6 Hall 1852 Sea lily
 Cladida - Botryocrinidae
Botryocrinus punctatus n. sp.6 Sea lily
 Cyathocrinida - Gasterocomidae
Gasterocoma armoricana n. sp.6 Sea lily
  - Asperocrinidae
 Monobathrida - Polypeltidae
 Monobathrida - Hexacrinitidae
 Diplobathrida - Orthocrinidae
Floripila sp.6 Moore and Jeffords 1968 Sea lily
 Favositida - Micheliniidae
Praemichelinia guerangeri5 tabulate coral
subsp. guerangeri
 Favositida - Favositidae
"Favosites" sp.5 Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Cleistoporidae
Ligulodictyum sp.5 Plusquellec 1973 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Pachyporidae
Cladopora sp. Hall 1851 tabulate coral
Thamnopora sp. Steininger 1831 tabulate coral
 Stromatoporoidea -
Stromatoporoidea indet.5 stromatoporoid sponge